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Lyr Req: Alphabet Polka (Lou & Peter Berryman)


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Jack 16 Jun 97 - 01:15 PM
LaMarca 16 Jun 97 - 05:48 PM
rich r 16 Jun 97 - 09:21 PM
Jack 17 Jun 97 - 05:53 PM
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Subject: Lyric please: Alphabet/neuroses polka
From: Jack
Date: 16 Jun 97 - 01:15 PM

I am looking for an alphabet song that I only know a few snippets of, but not the author or title. It runs through an alphabet of neuroses and psychiatric complications, real and imagined, that this couple experienced before chucking it all in favor of going out to polka.

It starts out

A is for Anxiety that ...

The chorus is (in a kind or rat-tat-tat rythym to each line.

You came in

Stole my heart

Had some lunch

Fell apart

For 9 long years we trembled on the sofa

Now there's no

Time for that

Lifes to short

Were too fat

So lets go out and polka polka polka!

I love this song, and would really like a source or some lyrics.

Thanks in advance.


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Subject: RE: Lyric please: Alphabet/neuroses polka
From: LaMarca
Date: 16 Jun 97 - 05:48 PM

I think the song is called "The Alphabet Polka" by Lou and Peter Berryman, those fine folks who brought us "A Chat with Your Mother (The F-Word Song)", "When Did We Have Sauerkraut?" and "Why Johnny Can't Bowl". I don't have the lyrics to the polka, but the Berryman's web site is:

and they have 2 books of their VERY funny songs for sale. Check them out; they're great!

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Subject: Lyr Add: ALPHABET POLKA (Lou & Peter Berryman)
From: rich r
Date: 16 Jun 97 - 09:21 PM

LaMarca is correct about the Berrymans and their wacky songs. Here are the lyrics.


1988 by Lou & Peter Berryman, recorded on “Your State’s Name Here,” lyrics as printed in: “The New Berryman Berryman Songbook”(c. 1989, Lou & Peter Berryman, Madison, WI)

Darlin’ if we ever don’t remember what to do,
I wrote down the A B C’s of bein’ me ‘n’ you
A is for Anxiety, the worst that it can get.
B if for Bulimia. we haven’t had it yet.
C’s for Catatonic, which is easy on our shoes.
D is for Depression, which begins right after news.
E if for Euphoria, a hollow kind of glee.
F is for a Phobia (or does that start with P?).

CHORUS: You came in, fell apart, had some lunch, stole my heart.
For five long years we trembled on the sofa.
Now there’s no time for that. Life’s too short we’re too fat.
So let’s go out and polka, polka, polka.

G is for the Guilt that comes in fifty-gallon drums.
H is for Hallucinations. Look out, here it comes!
I is for Insanity that no one can explain.
J is for the Jealousy we’re feeling for the sane.
K is Kleptomania. We may as well try that.
L is for Lobotomy, so hang on to your hat.
M is for the Madhouse where they’re saving us a chair.
N is for Neurosis which will prob’ly get us there. CHORUS

O is for Obsessions that have brought us to our knees.
P is for Psychosis that has turned us into cheese.
Q is for the Quivering that we do every day.
R is for the Relapse that is surely on the way.
S is Schizophrenia that comes in awful close.
T is for the Tranquilizers we took by the gross.
U is for the Undertow in every coffee cup.
V is for the Vertigo we got from growing up. CHORUS

W’s the Worry that we lost the human race.
X is for the Xerox that I’m saving of your face.
Y is for the Yesterday that you have seen me through.
Z is for the Zombie who is still in love with you. CHORUS

rich r

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 17-Apr-02.

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Subject: RE: Lyric please: Alphabet/neuroses polka
From: Jack
Date: 17 Jun 97 - 05:53 PM

Many many thanks.


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