Subject: A lovely, simple round... From: Eluned Date: 21 Mar 00 - 11:24 PM that goes "Ah, sad bird, mourns the tree, where sweetly thou didst warble in thy wand'ring days; Ah poor bird, take thy flight, high above the sorrows of this sad night" was taught to me one lovely summer evening. I've always wanted to know if there was more to it. Is it familiar to anyone? Hopefully, Eluned |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Mark Cohen Date: 21 Mar 00 - 11:33 PM That's twice as much of it as I ever learned! I only knew your second part. Mark |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: The Beanster Date: 21 Mar 00 - 11:53 PM Eluned, Do you happen to remember what kind of bird it was about?? A nightingale, perhaps? I'd have to look into it but there's a poem by a woman named Mary Darby Robinson which I think is called "Ode To A Nightingale" that sounds similar to what you've quoted. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Eluned Date: 22 Mar 00 - 12:14 AM Mark, glad to contribute! It really is a lovely round, isn't it? Beanster, no, I don't know because those words I wrote are _all_ of the words my friend taught me. If you can write a few more lines from that poem I could see if they too fit the tune....(otherwise, it will be about 2 weeks before I can get to the library; just in case, I have written your poetess' name). Thanks for the suggestion. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Mark Cohen Date: 22 Mar 00 - 12:21 AM Eluned, I have a collection of rounds books at home and I will check them (tonight if I have time) and let you know. I suspect that there won't be much more; most rounds I've sung are based on only a few lines. But I've been wrong before...! I will also ask the roundsters at Singtime Frolics in Oregon this weekend. It is a beautiful one. Aloha, Mark |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Mark Cohen Date: 22 Mar 00 - 12:31 AM PS, welcome to Mudcat! You'll find this an amazing place. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Eluned Date: 22 Mar 00 - 12:36 AM Thank you Mark, and indeed it is!! I look forward to anything you come up with. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: MMario Date: 22 Mar 00 - 11:19 AM have also hear "Ah poor bird, spread thy wings, soar in joy above the world and sing, sing, sing." the second half as you post above works very well against "Rose, Rose". Max has that on tape from I group I sing with... |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Barbara Date: 22 Mar 00 - 02:55 PM People have been known to sing "Ah, Poor Bird" with "Rose, Rose, Rose Red", "Hey Ho, Nobody Home" and -- shoot! there's one more, but I can't remember it at the moment. Perhaps someone else will know. Blessings, Barbara |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: MMario Date: 22 Mar 00 - 03:04 PM soul cake |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Pinetop Slim Date: 22 Mar 00 - 03:45 PM In "The Magic Dulcimer," Lorraine Lee says she was unable to trace the exact source of "Ah, Poor Bird," but one book credits Praetorius. She includes additional lyrics composed by Russ Mariani, one of her students: Ah, poor bird, take thy flight Far above the sorrows of this sad night. Come and rest in my hand; We will fly together to foreign lands Down below, look and see: Mother Earth is dying. Shall we fly east or west Or do you see the folly in my request What shall we do, where shall we go? Cetainly the answer is not below Ah, poor bird, you are right We must search the darkness for a new light Ah, poor bird, cry no more, Journeys of the spirit always find their shore. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: black walnut Date: 22 Mar 00 - 04:31 PM you beat me to it...i was just going to type in those words from lorraine hammond's book. i play it on harp, and sing those words.... ~black walnut |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Helen Date: 22 Mar 00 - 04:40 PM I was taught only the second verse which Eluned posted in high school, 30 years ago - with "far above the sorrows" and not "high". Always loved it. Thanks everyone for the extra verses and the information. Helen |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: The Beanster Date: 22 Mar 00 - 09:08 PM What beautiful words those are. Eluned, glad you found your answer. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Eluned Date: 22 Mar 00 - 09:13 PM Thank you, all!! I am thrilled to have all of this, and will indeed "sing, sing, sing"! The lyrics as taught to me may well have been originally "far above" rather than "high above", but in the tradition of folk music everywhere, it probably got mis-remembered. I'm grabbing my notebook to joyfully take some notes! happily, Eluned |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: Eluned Date: 22 Mar 00 - 09:25 PM Oh, and thanks, beanster! (They are indeed lovely lyrics, and just right to teach to a friend of mine.) Eluned |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,current 7th Date: 09 Sep 08 - 09:23 PM ah, poor bird take thy flight, high above the sorrows, of this dark night i learned it as a round w/ hey ho and rose rose rose rose |
Subject: Lyr Add: 'Thou poor bird, mourn'st the tree...' From: Jim Dixon Date: 11 Sep 08 - 12:28 AM These lyrics, and the melody, are given in Seward, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Lowell Mason, and William B. Bradbury. The Temple Choir: A Collection of Sacred and Secular Music, Comprising a Great Variety of Tunes, Anthems, Glees, Elementary Exercises and Social Songs, Suitable for Use in the Choir, the Singing School, and the Social Circle. New York: Mason Brothers, 1867, page 54, song no. 111: Thou poor bird, mourn'st the tree, Where sweetly thou didst warble in thy wanderings free. [There are lots more rounds in that book.]
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Anonymous Date: 15 May 09 - 08:45 PM Isn't it like: Ah, poor bird you must fly to a warmer climate and a bluer sky In the spring here I'll be and you will come back again to sing for me Any how, that's how I learned it... |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Guest Date: 02 Jun 09 - 11:41 PM I came looking for a second verse that our grade sixes could sing as a farewell to their elementary school -- they chose Ah Poor Bird -- and I believe I've found it here. Thanks for 'Ah poor bird/Spread thy wings/Soar in joy above the world and sing sing sing. Thank you! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,chepstow singing club Date: 14 Jun 10 - 04:45 AM we sing: Oh poor bird Why art thou Flying in the shadow Of this dark hour |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,anna Date: 27 Jul 10 - 11:16 PM i learned it " oh poor bird why so sad last time that i saw you , your heart was glad." and also as the second half of your version. my family sings it with 'nobody home' and 'rose' as well. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST Date: 26 Aug 10 - 06:06 PM i only learned "ah poor bird take thy flight high above the sarrow on this sad night |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,GUEST Date: 23 Jan 11 - 04:13 AM Does anybody know the meaning of these lyrics? Just curious... |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Bea-Jay Date: 23 Jan 11 - 02:50 PM okay got the lyrics, how about tune? LOL first time I've heard of it, like it, what tune do I sing it to? thanks. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Doug Saum Date: 23 Jan 11 - 05:39 PM When in Ireland a couple years ago this round was taught to me by John Purser. He worded it this way: "Ah, poor bird / Take thy flight / High above the sorrows / Of this sad world." Doug Saum |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Chris Date: 12 Feb 11 - 08:49 AM I had a discussion last night with my singing friends about the meaning of the first line. One of them was saying that the tree mourns the bird. But surely, the bird mourns the tree, right? It says "mourn'st" and the sentence wouldn't make sense anyway, and the rest of the song seems to be about the bird having lost an anchor, not about the tree longing for the freedom of the bird. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: Jim Dixon Date: 17 Feb 11 - 11:22 AM The tree represents freedom for the bird. Presumably the bird, which was once free to wander through the trees, in now in a cage. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST Date: 14 May 11 - 01:37 AM I learnt A poor bird You must fly To a warmer climate And a bluer sky |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST Date: 01 Sep 12 - 05:06 PM The version i learned was; 'thou poor bird, Mourn'st the tree, Where sweetly thou did'st warble In thy wanderings free. Ahh poor bird, Take thy flight, High above the sorrow of this sad night.' Then it went into, 'nobodys home' and 'rose' and 'shalom'. I believe it was called,'thou poor bird teratology'. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: Don Firth Date: 01 Sep 12 - 05:51 PM I've always heard it sung as Ah poor bird,First heard it as a round sung by a group of Girl Scouts. These young ladies sang a whole bunch of really nice rounds. Don Firth |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Elizabeth Date: 06 Jan 13 - 02:28 AM Does anyone know the french lyrics for this round or the related one, Heigh Ho Nobody Home/Rose Rose Rose Red? I heard these sung together in French once but have never been able to track down the words. Thanks! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST Date: 01 Aug 14 - 01:02 PM In choir, we would always start with this, then "Hey, Ho, Nobody's Home", "Rose Red", and last "Shalom Chaverim" (sp) |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: Don Firth Date: 01 Aug 14 - 02:02 PM One nice round I heard a bunch of Girl Scouts singing as they passed in a small flotilla of canoes was Our paddles clean and bright Flashing like silver, Swift as the wild bird flies, Dip, dip, and swing and back; Dip, dip, and swing. Then, of course, there were Boy Scout camp songs, such as Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do you ears hang low? Not Mozart, but fun stuff, especially if you're a kid. Don Firth |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: BobL Date: 02 Aug 14 - 03:33 AM The Navy version included the couplet Do you get a funny feeling When they bounce upon the ceiling, not referring to ears, needless to say. Incidentally my family used to sing this round, to a major version of the "poor bird" tune: May God bless All friends here We wish you a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Rachel Date: 15 Feb 16 - 02:18 PM Barbara, you asked (wow, 16 years ago!) what other rounds get paired with "Ah poor bird," "Hey ho nobody home," and "Rose." In my family, we often added (to a similar tune that diverges the farthest in the final phrase): We have gathered from the hills and factories Trying to understand this great wide world. Interestingly, I see no mention of this one anywhere on Mudcat or in a quick Google search, and I know nothing of its origins! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,leeneia Date: 16 Feb 16 - 12:12 PM Here are the words from the 1867 book which Jim Dixon (bless him) linked above. Thou, poor bird, mourn'st the tree where lately thou didst warble in thy wand'rings free. I made a MIDI and modernized the words to Ah, poor bird, mourn the tree where lately you did warble in your wand'ring free. ======================== Ever since my sis-in-law, a teacher of English as a second language, pointed out to me that English speakers cheerfully pile up consonants which other people may find impossible, I have looked for such clusters. Consider "mournst the" rnstth "didst warble" dstw |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... From: GUEST,Fay Date: 02 Mar 17 - 03:00 PM Just come across this thread from looking for alternative lyrics to go with the tune - I was always told the lyrics below related to the English civil war (not sure they are authentic) but that the tune is originally 16thC. with different lyrics which I am trying to track down! Here is how I learnt it - Ah Poor bird Take thy flight Far above the sorrows of this dark night When all men Keep their own Strive they not to put themselves upon the throne This King now He hath placed In the hall of Jesus Christ his own slim face Brother 'gainst brother Fathers, sons fight How are we to stem the wounds by reason's might? Ah Poor bird Take thy flight Far above the sorrows of this dark night |
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