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Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?

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BK 21 May 00 - 10:59 PM
GUEST,Mrbisok@aol 21 May 00 - 11:11 PM
Joe Offer 22 May 00 - 12:25 AM
BK 22 May 00 - 07:00 AM
SINSULL 22 May 00 - 09:15 AM
Whistle Stop 22 May 00 - 09:20 AM
Steve Parkes 22 May 00 - 12:14 PM
thosp 22 May 00 - 12:39 PM
GUEST 22 May 00 - 12:54 PM
wysiwyg 22 May 00 - 02:12 PM
SINSULL 22 May 00 - 02:44 PM
Irish sergeant 22 May 00 - 06:04 PM
keltcgrasshoppper 22 May 00 - 06:20 PM
BK 23 May 00 - 12:02 AM
gillymor 23 May 00 - 12:25 AM
GUEST,James 23 May 00 - 12:14 PM
Aoife 23 May 00 - 03:01 PM
bbelle 23 May 00 - 03:24 PM
GUEST,Bill H 23 May 00 - 07:56 PM
ddw 23 May 00 - 09:47 PM
GUEST,Baez affinity 26 May 00 - 12:59 AM
GUEST,Jim Stewart, Arizona 26 May 00 - 01:03 AM
GUEST,GUEST: Joyce in K.C. 26 May 00 - 01:54 AM
GUEST,Pam from Santa Cruz 26 May 00 - 02:02 AM
Joyce in K.C. 26 May 00 - 02:09 AM
GUEST,GUEST: Joyce in K.C. 26 May 00 - 02:13 AM
GUEST,Godardian 26 May 00 - 05:13 AM
Jim the Bart 26 May 00 - 10:30 AM
Wavestar 26 May 00 - 02:58 PM
GUEST,Magenta 26 May 00 - 06:13 PM
GUEST, (de France) 06 Jun 00 - 05:39 AM
kendall 06 Jun 00 - 08:47 AM
GUEST,Gerry 07 Jun 00 - 12:54 AM
Pixie 07 Jun 00 - 08:40 PM
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Subject: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: BK
Date: 21 May 00 - 10:59 PM

I hope some of you experienced discriminating 'catters might be willing to voice an opinion or give any special insights you might have. Ms Baez was, for me, one of the very best of the best folk singers. Then we saw her in Houston abt 10 or 12 yrs past & were rocked by what appeared to be an astonishingly apathetic performance, canned music & all. She appeared, as best we could tell, to put out very little effort on stage. She didn't seem to be ill or particularly tired (as best we could tell) - one got the impression that that's how she was doing it then. We have the opportunity to see her again in a few months & were debating if we should spend the money for seeing her or for something or someone else & not bother.

It's amazing to me that I would EVER even consider such a debate, but given all the superb performances we've gone to - by both the famous & the relative unknowns - that were outstanding, we don't feel we should pay good money for a repeat of the Houston experience. So.. how 'bout it, has anybody seen her in recent years, & if so, would you eithjer venture an opinion here or thru the personal message system?

Cheers, BK

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Mrbisok@aol
Date: 21 May 00 - 11:11 PM

Wow, Joan Baez-- I've never seen her in concert, but certainly was influenced by her in my hippie years. Lovely voice, in tune with British folk traditions, plus and 20th century radical. Recently Joan has taken under her wing two young superstars in the singer/songwriter genre: Dar Williams and Richard Shindell. They perfomed together across the country. In fact, unless I'm wrong, this trio became the touring group called "Cry Cry Cry" which made major waves last year. I'm a fan of the trio and the 3 ind. members.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 22 May 00 - 12:25 AM

I saw Joan Baez in concert about three years ago, BK, and she was wonderful - relaxed, intelligent, and funny and even a bit self-deprecating. She was in good voice, and she sang with all her heart. A nice touch was that she was taking care of her son's dog, and the dog joined her on the stage for the last part of the concert.
I had expected her to be overboard on political correctness and a bit full of herself, and I was pleasantly surprised to find her to be a thoroughly delightful performer and person.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: BK
Date: 22 May 00 - 07:00 AM

Joe & Mrbisok: That's plenty good enough for us. we'll buy the tickets.. I was desperately hoping she'd just been having a bad time - heaven knows we all have them!

Thanx, BK

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
Date: 22 May 00 - 09:15 AM

I saw her in concert in the early sixties when she was incredible and shared the stage with a then unknown Bob Dylan. The evening was magic. Dylan sang "Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" and sold a few thousand copies of his first album that night. Years later I saw her and Pete Seeger in concert to raise money for Chile (Carnegie Hall, I think). She was good. He was barely coherent.I chalked it up to the evening's focus - Chile not music. Or maybe I was older and a bit more cynical. By then Dylan had gone electric.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Whistle Stop
Date: 22 May 00 - 09:20 AM

Actuallu, Cry Cry Cry was/is comprised of Dar Williams, Richard Shindell and Lucy Kaplansky. Joan Baez was never a member, although she has done much to help Williams and Shindell get more national exposure.

I've seen Joan twice (once solo with her band, once with Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue), both back in the 1970's. I have always thought she was overrated -- there's not a lot of subtlety to her voice, she really doesn't interpret a lot of the songs very well, and that over-the-top vibrato that she employs indiscriminately can get pretty grating, in my opinion. If I never hear her bulldoze her way through "Amazing Grace" again, that's okay with me.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Steve Parkes
Date: 22 May 00 - 12:14 PM

I saw her at Edmonton last year. After a recent BBC radio interview, I was expecting a very middle-of-the-road, apolitical performance, but no, it was the old Baez; maybe not the very old Baez, but I wasn't disappointed, even from a hundred yards away.


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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: thosp
Date: 22 May 00 - 12:39 PM

i fell in love with her when i first heard her in the early 60's - and i love her still!

peace (Y) thosp

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
Date: 22 May 00 - 12:54 PM

Does anyone remember reading an interview where she said she can't sing the old folk songs anymore because she considers them museum pieces? I don't remember the writer following up the question.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 22 May 00 - 02:12 PM

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
Date: 22 May 00 - 02:44 PM

Have you lost your voice? I keep finding you on threads with no comment. Or just refreshing? SS

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Irish sergeant
Date: 22 May 00 - 06:04 PM

I always liked her but I've never seen her in concert maybe she was haveing an off day. I didn't necessarily buy into her politics but she has a voice to make the angels weep. Go. have a good time and let the rest of us know how she is. Neil

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 22 May 00 - 06:20 PM

I always felt that Joan Baez was over rated and really could never understand WHY... I feel that she has a great knack for being in the right place with the right people... She is now touring with Eliza Carthy...good move again Joan .. I saw her back in the 60's at the NewPort Folk Fest... Found her voice very anoying then and still do.. If angels sound like .. God help us.. KGH

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: BK
Date: 23 May 00 - 12:02 AM

Again, thanx for the info & opinions (I also think her voice is w/the angels - WHEN she puts her heart into it - but then again, I'm schmaltzy). We will get the tickets - had to decide to buy them right away, due they are part of a concert series with, among many other folks, (mostly classical musicians & performing groups like Trinity Irish Dance), Gordon Lightfoot & Judy Collins, if I remember correctly.

So, many months from now when we see her, I'll let folks know how we liked it.

Cheers, BK

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: gillymor
Date: 23 May 00 - 12:25 AM

I haven't seen her live in a long time and felt like her voice had really lost something since her early Vanguard LP's. It was like she was singing in too high a register and everything sounded kind of strained. Then I saw her on Austin City Limits a few years back with an excellent acoustic band (featuring a fingerstlyist playing some very tasteful, jazzy leads) and she seemed to be singing in a lower range, than she had been, that seemed much better suited to her and sounded quite good.


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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,James
Date: 23 May 00 - 12:14 PM

I have not always liked Her music, especially the things she writes but I have always admired her as aperson and political activist. Her eary records were gorgeous, he later ones pompus and I have not listened much to her recent stuff. But I asmire her consistent committment to her causes. Activisim was never a fad to her.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Aoife
Date: 23 May 00 - 03:01 PM

I, being only 17, was first introduced to folk music through Joan Baez. She is my inspiration as a singer, and I love most of what she does. I just recently saw her at the SOmerville Theatre in Boston with Eliza Carthy, and let me tell you, what an incredible concert. We, the audience, were very involved throughout the entire concert and there was one point where she read us two of her poems. This "poetry reading" was the best part of the concert. Her band was hip and fresh, especially the female drummer, Carol Steele. I admit, sometimes her vibrato is a little much, but there are times when I hear her sing and I am moved to tears. Her songwriting maybe isn't the greatest, but her interpretations are always fantastic. "Diamonds and Rust" and "sweet sir galahad," both original Baez songs were two of the first songs I ever learned to accompany myself on guitar. I can't say enough good things about Joan Baez. As a political activist, a human being, and musician she has done wonderful things! Everyone should listen to "Ring them Bells" which is a live CD from 1995. (This is my favorite CD of all time!) Just thought I'd add my opinion!

Cheers, Aoife

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: bbelle
Date: 23 May 00 - 03:24 PM

I have seen Baez several times in concert but not in recent years. The last time she was pushing Amnesty International and I felt the concert was blah (nothing to do with A.I.). I also have most of her earlier tapes, In Concert Parts I & II and Joan being my favorites. Then I was perusing the local music store and came across Ring Them Bells and was delighted! Her choice of "Guest" artists is amazing and she sounds fabulous. And, if the earlier Baez did not suit you because of the "vibrato," Ring Them Bells is a perfect showcase for her matured voice ... moonchild

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Bill H
Date: 23 May 00 - 07:56 PM

Talent will always be there, but I have to say that approx. 15 yrs ago I saw her in concert at Westbury in Long Island, NY. It was truly dull. Bad night perhaps.

Her voice still amazingly beautiful. Her commitment, I can only assume is the same, though we all change over the years.

An interview some 15 yrs ago in the NY Times was a dissappointment to me. In it she said something to the effect that she really is a Saks 5th Ave. type of person.

Oh that our idols would always stay our idols.

By the by--Mr Biosk--Cry Cry Cry is Richard Shindell/Dar Williams/ Lucy Kaplansky----Not Joan B.

Bill H

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: ddw
Date: 23 May 00 - 09:47 PM

I first heard JB in a coffeehouse setting in the early/mid-60s and was seriously in love with her voice. Talked with her for quite a while afterward and liked her as a person.

Several years later she was doing an open-air concert in the Cleveland Orchestra's summer home (I can't for the life of me remember the name of the place right now, tho' I went fairly often when I was living in Cleveland) and found her performance T-E-E-D-I-O-U-S. She was in her I'll-back-David-Till-My-Dying-Day mode (her activist husband, David, was in jail for one of his activities) and went on and on about it and him. About two or three months after he got out, they split. I always wondered if it was about the album she dedicated to him while he was in — one of her worst, IMHO. Haven't followed her much in the last 15 years or so, but I still love her first five albums. But then, maybe I just hit a time wall.

I'll look forward to hearing how she does in the concert.



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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Baez affinity
Date: 26 May 00 - 12:59 AM

I, too, like her commmintment to activism and making the world better. Like the late Lillian Roth said'voice or no voice, Joan Baez was destined o be a hero'.If she , neve,sang another note in her life, she would, still, be GREAT. Her Best albums are Come From the Shadows, Blowin Away, & 89's beautiful Speaking of Dreams. In case you're wondering, she's still holding audiences spellbound. Every recent professional reviewer admits that. She, almost, always does three/four encores that the audiences demand. She is radiant,witty, and can, always keep audiences enraptured. Get my drift? Baez affinity

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Jim Stewart, Arizona
Date: 26 May 00 - 01:03 AM

I caught some of Joan's Spring 2000 shows and they are the best shows I've ever seen by any performer...and I've seen a lot!! Joan's wonderful band consists of a fine road family of talented personnel: Mark Peterson, bass, Carol Steele, percussion, Joshua Segal, violin, mandolin & horns and Adam Kirk, guitars. All the band sing splendid back up vocals and Carol and Mark get a couple solos here and there. The range of mateial is impressive from songs off Joan's first Vanguard album to new songs by folks like Richard Shindell, Dar Williams, Sinead Lohan and Betty Elders. Her guests on this tour were the impressive Eliza Carthy and her keyboard player Martin Green. Doing some two hours with no intermission, Joan was in perfect form....the audiences were sold out, the reviews impressive and the halls rang with talent. Catch Joan whatever you do!! A summer UK tour and a fall US tour is in the planning stages...check the Joan Baez Web Pages at for details. take care,jim

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,GUEST: Joyce in K.C.
Date: 26 May 00 - 01:54 AM

From the first time I heard Joan sing, I have been a HUGE fan of hers. I have all of her early albums and most of her later tapes and CD's. When I listen to "Old Blue" I feel shivers run up my spine. How can anyone hit such a high note? I also like "Banks of the Ohio" and "Pal of Mine," on which the Greenbrier Boys sang with her. There is something so unpretentious about those early LP's. Even though I have spent more than 40 years listening to her records, I never had the opportunity to go to one of her concerts. Then, my children (I would rock them to sleep when they were babies with Joan singing in the background)gave me two tickets to her concert in Lawrence, KS, where they all attend KU. She spent three days in Lawrence before the concert, and she played to a full house and sang her heart out. The audience loved her and Eliza and the band. To hear them, you would think they had been playing and singing together for years. Anyone who has the opportunity to hear her should go to her concert. I also admire her because of her unwavering support of the underprivileged people in this world. Not only does she say what she believes, she also puts her money "where her mouth is". Even though her political opinions could have caused problems for her career, she never strayed from her beliefs. You have to admire someone who stands up for her principles. Thanks for listening. Joyce

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Pam from Santa Cruz
Date: 26 May 00 - 02:02 AM

I've seen Joan in concert a number of times in recent years. She got into serious recovery in the late '80s/early '90s, and it shows. She's rededicated herself to her music (a vocal coach, guitar lessons, and a commitment to seeking out young songwriters whose work is worthy of her attention). It's evident that she enjoys being on stage, and the chemistry between her and her incredibly talented band is something to see. Her voice has mellowed and deepened to something like dark chocolate on raspberries - absolutely yummy. She's kept her commitment to social change activism (in fact, most of the times I've seen her in the Bay Area have been at benefits or rallies of one type or another), but her connection to her politics seems more grounded. Basically, she seems like a happy person at this point in her life, and it's contagious. Plus, she just got a new diamond stud in her nose - 59 years old going on 14! :)

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Joyce in K.C.
Date: 26 May 00 - 02:09 AM

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,GUEST: Joyce in K.C.
Date: 26 May 00 - 02:13 AM

From the first time I heard Joan sing, I have been a HUGE fan of hers. I have all of her early albums and most of her later tapes and CD's. When I listen to "Old Blue" I feel shivers run up my spine. How can anyone hit such a high note? I also like "Banks of the Ohio" and "Pal of Mine," on which the Greenbrier Boys sang with her. There is something so unpretentious about those early LP's. Even though I have spent more than 40 years listening to her records, I never had the opportunity to go to one of her concerts. Then, my children (I would rock them to sleep when they were babies with Joan singing in the background)gave me two tickets to her concert in Lawrence, KS, where they all attend KU. She spent three days in Lawrence before the concert, and she played to a full house and sang her heart out. The audience loved her and Eliza and the band. To hear them, you would think they had been playing and singing together for years. Anyone who has the opportunity to hear her should go to her concert. I also admire her because of her unwavering support of the underprivileged people in this world. Not only does she say what she believes, she also puts her money "where her mouth is". Even though her political opinions could have caused problems for her career, she never strayed from her beliefs. You have to admire someone who stands up for her principles. Thanks for listening. Joyce

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Godardian
Date: 26 May 00 - 05:13 AM

I have seen Joan Baez from her Newport days to appearances all over the East coast and in England--thus far, I have seen her at least 30 times, if not many more, most recently in New York at the Bowery Ballroom. a month ago. She remains a voice and a persona which still sends shivers along my spine and someone whom I hope to hear and think about for years to come. Overrated? I think not.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Jim the Bart
Date: 26 May 00 - 10:30 AM

I have to start with a disclaimer: I have never met Joan Baez or seen her perform live. I can't judge her as a human being, only as a recorded voice. IMHO what we have here is a great voice but not a great singer. And I've tried to like her (Dylan, and the movement and all that...) Maybe I can't forgive her for "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down". It lacked subtlety. And the words were wrong. I think her voice is beautifully suited to traditional balladry, but I hear very little soul. And so often when I have heard her on the radio or record, she seemed to be doing a "reading" of a song, if you know what I mean.
I would probably go to see her if I had the chance because she has all that history (who wouldn't kill to have that resume?)and she certainly knows talent when she sees it. I'm certain her band would be great. I would also go in the hope that she would prove me wrong. Tastes change, after all. But for me she would have to be an acquired one.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Wavestar
Date: 26 May 00 - 02:58 PM

I saw Joan When she was on tour for her most recent album, Gone from Danger, and she was excellent. Her voice has gone from very clear soprano to a lovely alto, but as earlier posters mentioned, it's just maturing. I'm also very pleased that she chooses to cover the work of people like Dar Williams, who is one of my favourite young folk artists, and Richard Shindell, as well as Sinead Lohan and others. Much of her own stuff I don't find as moving, but certainly Diamonds and Rust, and Sweet Sir Galahad are meaningful, moving, and lovely.

I would recommend going to see her to anyone... I think everyone has off days, but she was great when I saw her, with an energetic and talented band, and she was very kind, gracious, and not at all pompous when I met her afterwards.


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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Magenta
Date: 26 May 00 - 06:13 PM

If you haven't seen Joan live in the past 6 years, or heard her two newest cd's, you're in for a treat. her voice has undergone major improvements, and her band is stellar! I think you'll be very happy when you hear her!


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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST, (de France)
Date: 06 Jun 00 - 05:39 AM

I'm 34 years old and i meet Joan in 1996 in Dijon (France) ! I will never forget how i was enjoy when she appeared on stage ! LIKE in my Child's dreams ! ! she was barefoot with absolutely splendid jewels on her feet and a very beautiful red dress and she came alone with her guitar at the beginning of her show !

I saw her severals times and i felt in love with all musiciens and some people close to her ! When i read some reports about her tours with all the band i feel bad because i dream to rejoin them and follow them during one year on the roads ! Since for a long time i dream to make a connection with them personally, to spent time, to live with them, see how the music is a great part of their artists lives. I love Artists and don't ask me why i have choiced Joan and her band ! I suppose and i believe about a love at first sight ! ! ! I decided to learn guitar and since 6 years i learn Joan Baez's songs ! When i hear Carol Steele to play, each time i said : « OK ! now i want to learn drums too :-D ! ! ! ! ». I love to learn by heart some beautiful songs and spent good time with all Joan's cds ! I don't know really which album is the best ! Each day i listen to a different one and i love them all. Recently i listen to for the first time a beautiful song with Joan and Mimi « Bread and Roses » and i was moved to hear them sing together a cappella !

I would like to say to Joan, Carole, Adam, Mark, Joshua, Crook, Jerry ! Merci beaucoup, thank you very much, gracias... ! (and i've keep a little place in my heart for Mimi). I love you all, je vous aime tous beaucoup !

Bye and love Nadine

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: kendall
Date: 06 Jun 00 - 08:47 AM

Anyone who knocks Joan is walkin' on the protestin' side of this ol' boy.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: GUEST,Gerry
Date: 07 Jun 00 - 12:54 AM

I saw Joan in 1962 or 63 when she performed in the Spellman College gymnasium. I sat way in the back on the side bleachers. On the stage she was alond and barefoot, wearing a pale red dress. One song was sung a cappella and the acoustics were surreal. Loved her then and still think her versions of many traditional folk songs are superior. But, sorry to say, I have no educated recent observation upon which to comment. Also sorry to hear about the diamond in the nose. Is that for real?

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez- educated recent opinion?
From: Pixie
Date: 07 Jun 00 - 08:40 PM

We've seen her a couple of times; once in Vancouver, and then a couple of years later in Halifax.....I have to say, she does a good concert! I'n not a purist, so I don't really object to changes in lyrics and tunes (generally...except Madonna's pathetic rendition of "American Pie"), so that's not a beef I have about JB. It's on account of listening to her records that I became familiar with a lot of "traditional" ballads", which encouraged further exploration. Both my husband and I enjoy her concerts, and her humor/wit....some of it is self-deprecating (I didn't say "defecating"). Hey its like art....I'm no coin-aisewer, but I know what I like!


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