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Lyr Req: Buy This American Car (Charlie King)

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Susan A-R 03 Jul 00 - 03:15 PM
Barbara 03 Jul 00 - 03:19 PM
Barbara 03 Jul 00 - 05:19 PM
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Subject: Buy This American Car
From: Susan A-R
Date: 03 Jul 00 - 03:15 PM

Anyone have the lyrics to this wonderful Charlie King song?? All I know is the chorus

Buy buy this American car Buy this American car It has waited so long, it has traveled so far Buy this American car.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Buy This American Car
From: Barbara
Date: 03 Jul 00 - 03:19 PM

I have it on a CD, and I thought it was by a woman whose name escapes me, not Charlie King. The tune of course is "American Pie" -- just on the chorus, right? I'll go look in the house.. . she was the same person who wrote "Keep on Walking Proudly, Never Turning Back". Let me check.

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Subject: Lyr Add: BUY THIS AMERICAN CAR (Charlie King)
From: Barbara
Date: 03 Jul 00 - 05:19 PM

Pat Humphries, but you're right, it's by Charlie King.

(Charlie King, c 1988, Pied Asp Music, BMI)

This car was assembled in part,
Right here on American soil.
suspending your kin on some chep foreign import
Makes General Motor's oil boil.
Components were carefully gathered
From factories foreign and far,
Then assembled right here by American robots.
Hey! That's an American car.
(Chorus as above)

The steel was all made in Japan
, Then pressed into shape in Botswana.
For the engine they paid twenty pesos a day,
To a worker in South Tijuana.
The ignition Korean, the tires are French,
The bumpers from Botany Bay
Then united these nations they use automation,
Ain't that the American way? Hey:


These robots deserve your support,
Their work ethic's really inspiring.
They don't mind the lack of a benefits package,
They don't even think of retiring,
And they don't go on strike for a raise,
And they don't ask for colas or perks.
They show up every day, and they work without pay,
For the man who gets paid without work,
Who is singing,


And in there among all the robots,
You'll still find a worker or two.
They're feisty, they're human, they're true to their union,
They're true to the red, white and blue.
But the marketing moguls of Motown
Are true to the green dollar sign.
They flaunt it, they fake it, they don't care who makes it,
As long as it rolls down the line.
And when they lobby for quotas on Saabs and Toyotas,
They scream "foreign labor unfair"
Well, I've got more in common with the blue collar foreigners,
Than any American millionaire.

There will always be men who sell snake oil
With blather and bluster and brag.
Still, the worst of these chiselers dont bolster their business
by wrapping themselves in the flag.
If they want to sell us the stars and the stripes
Let them put all their cards on the table
. And let's see some jobs in the U S of A.
Let's see some truth on the label,
No more singing:


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