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Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies


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Ged Fox 21 Feb 18 - 05:15 AM
Nigel Parsons 21 Feb 18 - 06:19 AM
Greum 19 Apr 21 - 11:38 AM
Matthew Edwards 19 Apr 21 - 07:02 PM
Greum 20 Apr 21 - 05:59 AM
Joe Offer 30 Jan 23 - 05:28 PM
Mrrzy 04 Feb 23 - 09:30 AM
GUEST,Malcolm 19 Aug 23 - 10:38 AM
PHJim 24 Aug 23 - 12:39 AM
GUEST,Brian 23 Jan 24 - 05:58 PM
Neil D 29 Jan 24 - 10:20 PM
GUEST,Jerry 30 Jan 24 - 05:01 AM
Steve Gardham 30 Jan 24 - 10:28 AM
GUEST,Ray Davis 12 Jul 24 - 05:23 AM
BobL 13 Jul 24 - 02:31 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Ged Fox
Date: 21 Feb 18 - 05:15 AM

Greensleeves is a boring song, Greensleeves goes on and on, on and on and on and on and on and on and on and ...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 21 Feb 18 - 06:19 AM

Adjusting previous post:

Greensleeves is a boring song,
Gree-eenslee-eeves goes on and on,
and on and on
and on and on
And that's why no one here will sing Greensleeves.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Greum
Date: 19 Apr 21 - 11:38 AM

The Green Stamps song runs

I found my love in a grocery shop,
Selling pickles and egg-plants and bottles of pop;
She asked me to try her asparagus tips,
And I fell for the smile on her ruby red lips.

Green stamps were all she gave,
Green stamps were all I took,
Green stamps were all I saved,
So I pasted them all in my green stamp book.

I'd go every day just to gaze at her face,
And in no time at all I had bought out the place.
Though ne'er did I e'er taste her ruby red lips,
I own four thousand cans of asparagus tips.

Whenever I'm lonely or tired or blue,
I go to my bookshelf and here's what I do:
I reach for that book and then with loving care,
I count every green stamp that's pasted in there.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Matthew Edwards
Date: 19 Apr 21 - 07:02 PM

Cameron’s Lament (Greensleeves parody)

Alas! The press has done me wrong,
And treated me discourteously,
Greensill should have made me rich,
I had shares in the company.

Greensill was all my joy,
Greensill was my delight,
Greensill was my purse of gold,
And who’d make me rich but Greensill?

In my shepherd’s hut I dreamed of wealth,
I lobbied for contracts extensively,
The Chancellor and Minister of Health,
Sunak and Hancock listened to me.

Alas! My dreams were all in vain,
Now Greensill lies in bankruptcy,
I’ve reflected on my conduct again,
And I’m sure I acted honestly.

I’ve kept my silence for so long,
I hope you won’t think ill of me,
I’m sure I never have done wrong
I acted for chumocracy.

Matthew Edwards 13 April 2021

The Greensill references are to a British political affair involving the former UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, who lobbied ministers on behalf of Greensill Bank which has gone bankrupt. Greensill Lobbying Scandal

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Greum
Date: 20 Apr 21 - 05:59 AM

Nice one Matthew!

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Subject: ADD: Sir Greenbaum's Madrigal (Allan Sherman)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Jan 23 - 05:28 PM

Thread #110378   Message #4148393
Posted By: Joe Offer
25-Jul-22 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Songs (parodies) by Allan Sherman
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Songs (parodies) by Allan Sherman

(Allan Sherman)

In Sherwood Forest
There dwelt a knight
Who was known
As the righteous Sir Greenbaum
And many dragons
Had felt the might
Of the smite
Of the righteous Sir Greenbaum
I chanced upon him one morn
When he'd recently rescued a maiden fair
Why, why art thou so forlorn
Sir Greenbaum, is thy heart heavy laden?
Said he, "Forsooth
'Tis a sorry plight
That engendered my attitude bluish"
Said he, "I don't wanna be a knight
That's no job for a boy who is Jewish"
All day with the mighty sword
And the mighty steed and the mighty lance
All day with that heavy shield
And a pair of aluminum pants
All day with the slaying and slewing
And smiting and smoting like Robin Hood
Oh, wouldst I could kick the habit
And give up smoting for good
And so he said to the other knights,
"You may have my possessions and my goods
For I am moving to Shaker Heights
Where I've got some connections in dry goods
Farewell to the dragon's paw
And the other swashbuckling games and sports
I'll work for my father in law
When I marry Miss Guinevere Schwartz"

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Allan Sherman / Busch Lou / Lou Busch

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Mrrzy
Date: 04 Feb 23 - 09:30 AM

Then there was that Weavers concert where they mocked Greensleeves ("all 40 verses!" said Pete Seeger) throughout, so sometimes, when you hear a Weavers tune, there seems to be some random reference to Greensleeves...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: GUEST,Malcolm
Date: 19 Aug 23 - 10:38 AM

I remember lines from two verses, probably from different versions but appear in some of the above versions.

Woke up this morning
Got out of bed
With an urge to paint the garden shed
Fell off the ladder and onto my head
And now my jacket has green sleeves


My true love works in a village shop
Selling lettuce and bottles of pop
I bought half a pound of asparagus tips
And fell for the smile on her ruby fed lips
Greenstamps was all she offered and green stamps was all I took
So I took my green stamps home with me
To fill all the pages in my Greenstamps book

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: PHJim
Date: 24 Aug 23 - 12:39 AM

Alas my love, you have done me dirt
You have sewed green sleeves on my yellow shirt.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: GUEST,Brian
Date: 23 Jan 24 - 05:58 PM

I turned 20 in 1953 and missed out on the first birthday lottery for Vietnam.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Neil D
Date: 29 Jan 24 - 10:20 PM

I met a girl who said to me
You can't be in love and still be free
I said to well I would not know
And come morning I must go

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: GUEST,Jerry
Date: 30 Jan 24 - 05:01 AM

The thing with parodies is you really need to follow the same scansion and rhyming pattern of the original. Most of those in this thread try to squeeze alternative words in standard four four rhythm into the distinctive Greensleeves three four timing. Similarly, the rhymes in the verses should not be straight single syllable rhymes (usually referred to as male), but rather extended three syllable rhymes, and at the very least alternating rather than closely paired, like this:

Alas, my love, but you…… do me wrong,
To cast me off so dis…….courteously;
No English rogue, but I’m…….truly Scots,
That’s why I wear this old…….skirt, you see.

OK, the third line doesn’t cleanly rhyme (with line one), but it’s the first of the three syllables that most need to rhyme. I don’t why people say I’m pedantic…

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 30 Jan 24 - 10:28 AM

What a marvellous thread! A wonderful collection of folklore, ready made. I sing a song to the Greensleeves tune from the 16th century but it wouldn't count as a parody, it just utilises the tune. The original by Wm Elderton actually designates the tune, but you would know it was Greensleeves by the format anyway.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: GUEST,Ray Davis
Date: 12 Jul 24 - 05:23 AM

The version I knew in my schooldays (England in 1960s) ran:
Essayed I once the shed to paint
the which my garden doth adorn,
Alas my love the ladder slipped
and now my coat hath green sleeves

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Greensleeves - parodies
From: BobL
Date: 13 Jul 24 - 02:31 AM

Distantly remembered snippet from a radio show, probably "Take It From Here" (1948-1960):

"Greensleeves is my delight
When I take her out on a Friday night.
Greensleeves is a dreadful sight
When she wakes on a Saturday morning."

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