Subject: Words to SEACHT SUAILCI NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE From: Date: 23 Jul 97 - 04:09 AM I have a Disk called Celtic Spirit and there is a song on the Disk called "SEACHT SUAILCI NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE" by Aoife Ni Fhearraigh Does anyone have the Words to this SOng it is in Gaelic and I am having a hard time picking them out so that I can Sing the SOng ..this song is Haunting is so beautiful Please Help |
Subject: RE: Words to SEACHT SUAILCI NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE From: Cliff McGann Date: 23 Jul 97 - 04:56 PM Well, Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire (The Seven joys of Mary the Virgin-or something close in translation) is obviously an Irish Gaelic religious song. Two places I can think of off hand to look for it would be in Noirin Ni Riain's book Stór Amhrán which is available from Ossian. Publications of religous songs was not that common untill recently (at least in the Gaelic nations I am familiar with-partially because of the literacy aspect.) There is also a book by harpist Dennis Doyle called 'Songs of Celtic Spirituality' which might have it. Religous songs are tough to find. Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
Subject: RE: Words to SEACHT SUAILCI NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE From: Kiwi Date: 23 Jul 97 - 05:33 PM Finafyr - I also spotted your note about this on the mailing list. I _might_ have _Celtic Spirit_ in the albums that I play at work.. I'll poke around and see if I can find the lyrics for you. |
Subject: RE: Words to SEACHT SUAILCE NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE From: Felipa Date: 18 Apr 03 - 02:45 PM I can get the words and tune for this: it will be interesting to see how they compare with English language 7 Joys of Mary, which is on Mudcat already. There was a thread recently about "Seacht nDólás na Maighdine Muire", 7 sorrows of Mary, and now I need help locating that thread! "Seacht nDólas ..." is in Nóirín Ní Riain's book Stór Amhrán which Cliff McGann (where is he now??) recommended above. |
Subject: RE: SEACHT SUAILCE NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE From: Felipa Date: 18 Apr 03 - 03:00 PM I found the other thread Seacht nDólás na Maighdine Muire under the too general title, need translation for a Gaelic song! |
Subject: RE: SEACHT SUAILCI NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE From: Felipa Date: 18 Apr 03 - 05:28 PM Áine has it here on her own website. |
Subject: Lyr Add: Seacht Suailce na Maighdine Muire From: Felipa Date: 05 May 03 - 04:22 PM A slightly different version from the one (from the singing of Aoife Ní Fhearraigh) given at Áine's website, the lyrics and translation below are from Derek Bell & Liam Ó Conchubhair, Traditional Songs of the North of Ireland. Dublin: Wolfhound Press, 1999. Liam Ó Conchubhair collected this version in Rann na Feirste, County Donegal if you are doing searches for recordings of this song, look up both "seacht suáilce" and "seacht suáilcí" SEACHT SUÁLCÍ NA A MAIGHDINE MUIRE ó An chéad suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin féin an tsuáilce ' bhí mór? Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon Mhac uasal Go dtug sí 'un saoil é i mbothán cró. [Luinneog] Sé is beannaithe a hAon Mac óg Sé is beannaithe Naomh Muire Óigh Na seacht suáailcí dá ndearfá is amharc ar a h-éideadh; Go bhfuighthé go síorruí an Ghlóir. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! An dara suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin féin an tsuáilce ' bhí mór? Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon Mhac uasal Nuair a úl Sé léi a' ród. Sé is beannaithe a hAon Mac óg ... An tríú suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin féin an tsuáilce ' bhí mór? Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon Mhac uasal Go ndeachaidh Sé a' léamh A leabhair. An ceathrú suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin féin an tsuáilce ' bhí mór? Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon Mhac uasal Nuair a rinn' Sé den uisce beoir. An cúigiú suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin féin an tsuáilce ' bhí mór? Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon Mhac uasal Go dtearn Sé an marbh beo. An séú suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin féin an tSuáilce ' bhí mór? Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon Mhac uasal Nuair a shaor Sé le n-A fhuil a' domhan. An seachtú suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin féin an tSuáilce ' bhí mór? Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon Mhac uasal Nuair a thóg Sé ar neamh í beo. [Luinneog] Beannacht Dé liom féin Beannacht Dé liom féin Beannacht Dé le gach duine ar a' tsaol seo; A deirfeas na Seacht Suáilcí Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! translation THE SEVEN BEATITUDES OF THE VIRGIN MARY The first joy of the Blessed Virgin Was it not indeed a mighty joy! The joy she found from her only great Son; That she bore Him in a lowly byre. [Refrain, after verses 1-6] Blessed be her only Son, so young, Blessed be Mary ever Virgin, Say the Seven Joys and behold her vesture That you might secure glory ever more. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The second joy of the Blessed Virgin; Was it not indeed a mighty joy! The joy she found from her only great Son That she travelled with Him along the road. The third joy ... ... That He'd gone by reading His book. The fourth joy ... ... When he turned the water into wine [literally, "beer"] The fifth joy ... ... When He made the dead to live. The sixth joy .. ... When He redeemed the world with His blood. The seventh hoy ... ... When He raised her to heaven alive. [Refrain] God's blessing on me. God's blessing on me. God's blessing on everyone on earth Who will say these Seven Joys. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suáilcí na Maighdine Muire From: Felipa Date: 05 May 03 - 04:33 PM for a full list of the lyrics at Á's site see I spelled Str Amhrán wrong above, as I repeated the vowels; it looks more Dutch than Irish |
Subject: RE: Seacht Suáilcí na Maighdine Muire From: Felipa Date: 05 May 03 - 06:24 PM click for a realaudio sample from Cran's album Black, Black, Black this song is often sung with the chorus: Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. (with the alleluias extended as al-ley-ey-lu-u-ya) |
Subject: Lyr Add: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 06 May 03 - 06:07 AM The version sung by Aoife Ní Fhearraigh is slightly different from the lyrics collected/published by Liam Ó Conchubhair (posted above). I don't have her recording, but I have garnered the following from the webpages of Áine Cooke and Séamus Norton There is no mention of a refrain. translation below by S Norton and B Dalton The dictionary translation of 'suáilce' is virtue, joy or blessing. I have seen the song title translated as The Seven Consolations of Mary, which seems appropriate in the context. SEACHT SUÁILCÍ NA MAIGHDINE MUIRE An chéad suáilce ' fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Ba í sin an tsuáilce mhór Suáilce a fuair sí óna haonmhac uasal Go bhfuair sí a haon mhac beo The first joy the Blessed Virgin received, that was the great joy, a joy she received from her precious (noble) only son, that she got her only son alive [i.e, the gift of his birth & life] 2. An dara suáilce … 2nd joy…, go deachaidh sé a léamh na leabhar. that he went to the reading of the books 3. an triú suáilce …3rd joy…, gur thug uirthi bláth na n-ord that s/he brought upon her the propriety (bláth=flower) of the order 4. an ceathrú suáilce … gurbh é fhéin an Slánaitheoir. that he himself was the Saviour 5. an cúigiú suáilce … go ndearna sé na mairbh beo. That he made the dead alive 6. An séú suáilce … gur thug sé fíon le hól. that he gave wine to drink 7. an seachtú suáilce ... go dtabharfadh s+ í suas ar neamh. that he would bring her up into heaven |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: ciarili Date: 06 May 03 - 07:56 PM Aoife isn't specific about where she got any particular songs, except for Níl sé na Lá & Ansacht na nAnsacht, from Róise na nAmhrán. However, her main influences are Caitlín Ní Dhomhnaill, Conall O Dónaill, & Lillis O Laoire. |
Subject: RE: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: Felipa Date: 07 May 03 - 10:23 AM Well, Áine quotes the following from Aoife's album notes: "The enumeration of the seven joys of Mary has the magical effect of a litany. This type of religious song was once widespread in Donegal. Antaine Ó Dochartaigh [of Cruit, near Dungloe] had a version from his mother and another version existed in Ranafast. Women were the chief bearers of this particular song tradition which was mostly associated with Lent." Aoife Ní Fhearraigh comes from and lives in the Gaoth Dobhair /Gweedore Gaeltacht area of Donegal, so she may have learned some songs from childhood and/or from several sources. It is true, however, that most younger singers in the area actively seek songs rather than acquiring them by 'osmosis'. I recently attended a workshop with Brían Ó Domhnaill, who is originally from Anagaire (very near Rann na Feirste), and when he introduced 'Róisín Dubh', Brían said he'd learned the standard version at school and that no one had ever hinted that there were any Donegal versions of this song. But distinct versions have been collected from Róise na nAmhrán of Aranmore Island and from Néilí Ní Dhomhnaill of Rann na Feirste / Ranafast. Aoife has a gig in Derry Friday week (16 May). I'm not sure I will attend it, but if you have any specific questions about any of her material p-m (or e-m) me and I'll see if I can pass them on to her. Breandan Ó Beaglaoích and Kate Purcell are also listed for this concert. |
Subject: Tune Add: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: MMario Date: 07 May 03 - 11:53 AM X:1 T:Seacht Suailci Na Maighdine Muire T:The Seven Beatitudes of the Virgin Mary N:Liam Ó Conchubhair collected this version in Rann na Feirste, County Donegal N: from Derek Bell & Liam Ó Conchubhair, Traditional Songs of the North of Ireland N:graphic of music sent by Philippa Q:1/4=108 I:abc2nwc M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D z6zF|(B/2 B) (B/2 B) B B d c A|B (B3B) (c d) e| w:An chéad_ suái_-lce 'fuair an Mhaigh-dean Bhean-nai_Nárbhí_ sin f3f (e d) c d|B6d e|f3/2 f/2 f f (e d) (c d)| w:féin an tsuái_-lce bhí mór?Suái-lce 'fuair sí ó na hAoo_ Mhac_ B F3-F3F|B B c d e c3|B6-B F/2 F/2| w:ua-sal_Gur rug sí é i mbo-thán cró._ Sé is B B2d c3A|B6d e|f f3e3f/2 e/2| w:bean-nai a hAon Mac ógSé is bean-nai Naomh Mui-re d6d e|f f2f e2e2|d (d c) B c3F/2 F/2| w:Óigh Na seacht suái-lcí dá ndear-fá's amharc ar_ a h~éi-deadh; Go (B3/2 B/2) c d e c3|B4-B2z2|B3c B3G| w:bhfuigh_-thé go síor-ruí'n Ghlóir._Al-le-lu-i B8|f3f e3(f/2 e/2)|d8|f3f e3(f/2 e/2)| w:-a! Al-le-lu-i_-a! Al-le-lu-i!_ (d2c) B c2F2|B3(c/2 d/2) e3(d/2 c/2)|B8 w:Al_-le-lu-i! Al-le_-lu-i_-a! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: MMario Date: 12 May 03 - 09:38 PM midi posted |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: Joe Offer Date: 05 Dec 04 - 08:32 PM So, which language did this song start out in - or is that a dangerous question??? -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 06 Dec 04 - 02:22 PM |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: AmyLove Date: 11 Dec 15 - 04:44 PM I found On the Versions and the Possible Sources of 'Seacht Solas na Maighdine' (in pdf form here ) A transcription of Cran's lyrics to the song is presented. I copied the lyrics (from the first link; I wasn't able to copy them from the pdf version), but when I pasted them the words all crammed together and the fadas didn't transfer. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: AmyLove Date: 11 Dec 15 - 05:34 PM A video of Cran performing Seacht Suailci Na Maighdine Muire: CRAN - Seacht Suailci Na Maighdine Muire I'm not sure if the transcription I linked to above completely matches the actual lyrics Cran sings, though. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire From: AmyLove Date: 24 Dec 15 - 01:05 PM I emailed Cran and got a response from Ronan Browne. He told me the lyrics presented at On the Versions and the Possible Sources of 'Seacht Solas na Maighdine' are 100% correct. Here are the lyrics: An chéad shuáilce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin an tsuáilce mhór: Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon-Mhac Íosa, Gur rugadh é i mbothán cró. Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. An dara suáilce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin an tsuáilce mhór: Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon-Mhac Íosa, Gur shiúl Sé léi an ród. Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. An tríú suáilce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin an tsuáilce mhór: Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon-Mhac Íosa, Go ndeachaigh Sé ag léamh A leabhair. Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. An ceathrú suáilce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin an tsuáilce mhór: Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon-Mhac Íosa, Go ndearna Sé den uisce fíon. Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. An cúigiú suáilce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin an tsuáilce mhór: Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon-Mhac Íosa, Go ndearna Sé an marbh beo. Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. An séú suáilce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin an tsuáilce mhór: Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon-Mhac Íosa, Gur shaor Sé le n-A fhuil an domhan. Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. An seachtú suáilce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe Nárbh í sin an tsuáilce mhór: Suáilce a fuair sí óna hAon-Mhac Íosa, Gur chuir Sé uirthi coróin. Seinn alleluia, seinn alleluia, Seinn alliliú, seinn alliliú, Seinn alleluia. |
Subject: Lyr Add: Aoibhneas Moire Mhìn (Scottish Gaelic) From: Felipa Date: 18 Jan 25 - 02:17 PM Aoibhneas Moire Mhìn (Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire in Scottish Gaelic) A chiad aoibhneas fhuair a Mhaighdinn Moire Mhìn B’e sin an t-aoibhneas mòr Aoibhneas fhuair i bho a h-aon mhac uasal Bhi faicinn a leanabh slàn beò. An darn' aoibhneas fhuair a Mhaighdinn Moire mhìn B’e sin an t-aoibhneas mòr Aoibhneas a fhuair i bho a h-aon mhac uasal Bhi measg a càirdean còir. An treas aoibhneas fhuair a Mhaighdinn Moire Mhìn B’e sin an t-aoibhneas mòr Aoibhneas a fhuair i bho a h-aon mhac uasal Bhi cruinneachadh tàin bhò chròn. An ceathramh aoibhneas fhuair a Mhaighdinn Moire Mhìn B’e sin an t-aoibhneas mòr Aoibhneas a fhuair i bho a h-aon mhac uasal Bhi buachailleachd do chlann nan daoin’. An còigeamh aoibhneas fhuair a Mhaighdinn Moire Mhìn B’e sin an t-aoibhneas mòr Aoibhneas a fhuair i bho a h-aon mhac uasal Bhi na màthair do chlann nan daoin’. An siathamh aoibhneas fhuair a Mhaighdinn Moire Mhìn B’e sin an t-aoibhneas mòr Aoibhneas a fhuair i bho a h-aon mhac uasal Bhi toirt sìth do neach tha naomh. An seachdamh aoibhneas fhuair a Mhaighdinn Moire Mhin B’e sin an t-aoibhneas mòr Aoibhneas a fhuair i bho a h-aon mhac uasal Bhi làn sonas Dhè nan Glòir. --- source, singer Fiona MacKenzie album Duan Nollaig I added some diacritical marks which are omitted in the transcription at and changed "dan" to "darn'" ("darna" = "second", 2nd). Translation: Mary’s Joy The first joy - of the Gentle Virgin Mary - Was a great joy- A joy received from her noble son To see her child alive and well The second joy …. To be among her kind family/ friends The third joy …. To keep the flock/herd from harm The fourth joy .. To shepherd a flock faultlessly The fifth joy .. To be the mother to mankind The sixth joy .. To give peace to the holy one The seventh joy .. To be full of the bliss of the God of Glory |
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