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Chords Req: Little Brown Dog


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GUEST, 22 Jul 00 - 06:34 PM
Joe Offer 22 Jul 00 - 08:12 PM
Faded Denim 23 Jul 00 - 09:01 AM
GUEST,Rob Edmonds 23 Jul 00 - 05:20 PM
GUEST 31 Mar 10 - 02:27 AM
MGM·Lion 30 Dec 15 - 10:01 AM
MGM·Lion 30 Dec 15 - 12:04 PM
GUEST,Shake Sugaree:Taj Mahal Sings & Plays For Ch 10 Feb 19 - 02:37 AM
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Subject: Little Brown Dog Chords
From: GUEST,
Date: 22 Jul 00 - 06:34 PM

Hi there. This may sound crazy but I need the chords to the traditional song "Little Brown Dog". I heard Taj Mahal do it, it sounded terrific, and I want to use it in my show. If anyone could send them to me it would be a great help.


Rob Edmonds

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Subject: RE: Little Brown Dog Chords
From: Joe Offer
Date: 22 Jul 00 - 08:12 PM

How's This?
-Joe Offer- (e-mail sent)

Em Bm Em D
I buyed me a little dog, its color it was brown
Em Bm Em D
I learned him to whistle, sing, dance and run.
D7 G D7 G
His legs they were fourteen yards long, His ears they were wide
D7 G Em Bm
Around the world in half a day and on him I could ride.
Em C D Bm
Sing taddle o day.

From Animal Songs for Children, Ruth Crawford Seeger

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Subject: RE: Little Brown Dog Chords
From: Faded Denim
Date: 23 Jul 00 - 09:01 AM

Also see Peter Paul & Mary's version - "Autumn To May"

  In D

G Bm G A
Oh once I had a little dog, his colour it was brown.
G Bm G A
I taught him to whistle, to sing, and dance and run.
D Bm F#m
His legs they were fourteen yards long,
D Bm
His ears so very wide
D Bm F#m G A
Around the world in half a day, upon him I could ride.

D G A Bm G A
Sing teri-o-day, Sing, Autumn to May.

Line Breaks <br> added. Preformat commands <pre> (beginning) and </pre> (end) added to space chords.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Little Brown Dog Chords
From: GUEST,Rob Edmonds
Date: 23 Jul 00 - 05:20 PM

Joe, Thanks a million for the chords, you've saved me a lot of time! Would've e-mailed you personally, but couldn't find your address.


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Subject: RE: Chords Req: Little Brown Dog
Date: 31 Mar 10 - 02:27 AM

C#m7 Abm (E C#m7)

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Subject: RE: Chords Req: Little Brown Dog
From: MGM·Lion
Date: 30 Dec 15 - 10:01 AM

Just a couple of personal recollections concerning this song:

I learned it at the Folk Cellar in Greek Street, Soho [aka at various times & in various avatars the Skiffle Cellar, Establishment Club &c] from Gina Glazer when she was over here in about 1957-8. Sang it from the floor a few years later while attending a gig of Peter Bellamy's in Peterborough, I think it was. He was intrigued by it, and got me to put it on tape for him when we got back to my place -- he usually stayed over with Valerie & me when he had a gig round Cambridgeshire. He sang it on a few subsequent gigs, I was told, though don't think he ever recorded it.

So I sang it at his memorial concert a year after his death, relating above as reason for my doing so; & I recall Martin & Norma Carthy expressing some interest in these reminiscences.

It's on my youtube channel


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Subject: RE: Chords Req: Little Brown Dog
From: MGM·Lion
Date: 30 Dec 15 - 12:04 PM

... Gina's [& hence my] version pretty well identical with the one Dave Van Ronk had recorded. I imagine that would have been where she learnt it, tho I have only just tracked that recording down as it is now on YouTube.


So thanks yet again to Mudcat, whence one learns something new all the time, innit!

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Subject: Lyr Add: LITTLE BROWN DOG (Taj Mahal)
From: GUEST,Shake Sugaree:Taj Mahal Sings & Plays For Ch
Date: 10 Feb 19 - 02:37 AM

(from Taj Mahal)

Oh, I buyed myself a little dog, and his color it was brown
Throw him in a music box, just to sail the world around
His legs they were fourteen yards long, and his ears they were so broad
Around the world in a half a day, upon him I would ride

Sing Terry all day
Sing Autumn to May

Had myself a spotted horse, and he took me everywhere
Fields, fountains, mountains, streams, where he did not care
Took me to those places where Kings and Queens do go
One night he even snuck into my room, took me down to Mexico

Sing Terry all day
Sing Autumn to May

Well, I buyed myself a little dog, and his color it was brown
I put him in a music box, just to sail the world around
His legs they were fourteen yards long, and his ears they were so broad
Around the world in a half a day, upon him I would ride

Sing Terry all day
Sing Autumn to May

(Whistling solo)

I buyed myself a little dog, and his color it was brown
Oh I threw him in a music box, just to sail the world around
His legs they were fourteen yards long, and his ears they were so broad
Around the world in a half a day, upon him I would ride

Oh, sing Terry all day
Oh, Sing Autumn to May

Got myself a spotted horse, and he took me everywhere
Fields, fountains, mountains, streams, where he did not care
Took me to those places where Kings and Queens do go
One night he even snuck into my room, took me down to Mexico

sing Terry all day
Won't ya sing Autumn to May
Sing, sing, sing Terry all day
Sing, sing, sing Terry all day
Sing, sing, sing Autumn to May
Sing, sing, sing Terry all day
Sing, sing, sing Autumn to May
Sing, sing, sing Terry all day
Sing, Autumn to May

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