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bbelle 03 Aug 00 - 04:47 PM
MMario 03 Aug 00 - 04:50 PM
bbelle 03 Aug 00 - 05:03 PM
MMario 04 Aug 00 - 08:21 AM
bbelle 04 Aug 00 - 12:38 PM
GUEST,Barry Finn 04 Aug 00 - 05:28 PM
Bill D 04 Aug 00 - 05:52 PM
Charlie Baum 04 Aug 00 - 05:56 PM
bbelle 04 Aug 00 - 06:06 PM
GUEST,Lorraine 05 Aug 00 - 09:01 AM
GUEST,me 05 Aug 00 - 09:28 AM
GUEST,Roger in Baltimore 05 Aug 00 - 12:01 PM
Bill D 05 Aug 00 - 06:39 PM
Big Mick 05 Aug 00 - 07:26 PM
Bill D 05 Aug 00 - 07:54 PM
Big Mick 05 Aug 00 - 09:40 PM
Charlie Baum 06 Aug 00 - 03:22 PM
GUEST,Barry Finn 06 Aug 00 - 11:09 PM
GutBucketeer 07 Aug 00 - 09:36 AM
GutBucketeer 07 Aug 00 - 09:48 AM
Charlie Baum 07 Aug 00 - 12:26 PM
Ferrara 07 Aug 00 - 11:57 PM
Joe Offer 17 Aug 00 - 05:00 AM
JedMarum 17 Aug 00 - 09:16 AM
catspaw49 23 Aug 00 - 04:15 PM
folk1234 25 Aug 00 - 11:12 AM
catspaw49 25 Aug 00 - 11:16 AM
folk1234 25 Aug 00 - 03:33 PM
GUEST,Bill D..on kid's new computer 25 Aug 00 - 05:16 PM
catspaw49 25 Aug 00 - 05:43 PM
GUEST,Bill D...again on kids PC..(testing 750mghz) 26 Aug 00 - 12:22 PM
folk1234 26 Aug 00 - 02:16 PM
Liam's Brother 28 Aug 00 - 09:28 AM
GUEST 28 Aug 00 - 04:20 PM
catspaw49 28 Aug 00 - 04:26 PM
Charlie Baum 28 Aug 00 - 05:26 PM
Big Mick 28 Aug 00 - 09:12 PM
Liam's Brother 28 Aug 00 - 09:19 PM
Big Mick 29 Aug 00 - 08:52 AM
Liam's Brother 29 Aug 00 - 10:02 AM
Jeri 29 Aug 00 - 10:14 AM
Liam's Brother 29 Aug 00 - 12:52 PM
Bill D 29 Aug 00 - 02:13 PM
Jeri 29 Aug 00 - 02:19 PM
Big Mick 30 Aug 00 - 12:54 AM
Dani 02 Sep 00 - 07:23 PM
Susan of DT 02 Sep 00 - 08:33 PM
GutBucketeer 02 Sep 00 - 09:10 PM
catspaw49 02 Sep 00 - 11:04 PM
Ferrara 03 Sep 00 - 02:31 AM
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Subject: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: bbelle
Date: 03 Aug 00 - 04:47 PM

The other thread was getting kind of long, and since we're getting closer, thought it was time to start a new thread. If someone would put in a blue clicky thing to the previous thread, that would be nice.

On my trip to mudcatville, I passed very close to Camp Ramblewood, and it is a beautiful area. It's been many years, since I was north of D.C., and I was glad to see that the natural beauty of the Susquehana hasn't seen too much wear and tear.

So, Charlie, et. al., any word on what it's going to cost us? Some of us have to start planning our finances. I've heard a couple of people say it was going to be too expenseive for a weekend, but knowing what other events like the getaway cost, it really isn't too expensive. (that's just my opinion)

When can we expect to be able to register?

Will mudcatters have to wait until all the FSGW registrations are received before we can register?

Since word has gotten around, via the mudcat form, of what a wonderful experience last year's getaway was, there will probably be more mudcatters, who will want to go, than last year. Is this going to be a problem?

I'm already getting excited and checking airfares into Baltimore-Washington International. BTW ... would anyone be interested in picking up a hitchhiking mudcatter from BWI, on their way to Camp Ramblewood?


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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: MMario
Date: 03 Aug 00 - 04:50 PM

previous thread

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: bbelle
Date: 03 Aug 00 - 05:03 PM

Oh, thank you, MMario! You are a scholar and a gentleman.


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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: MMario
Date: 04 Aug 00 - 08:21 AM

she don' know me vewwy well, do she?

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: bbelle
Date: 04 Aug 00 - 12:38 PM

Ignorance is bliss.

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: GUEST,Barry Finn
Date: 04 Aug 00 - 05:28 PM

Hi Moonchild, I'm there & if by BWI you mean the West Indies I'd glady turn my truck into a bluewater vessel & pick you up on the way, if the truck can't make it though could you just foreward a ticket & I'll fly by. See you there. Barry

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: Bill D
Date: 04 Aug 00 - 05:52 PM

well, this is a nice beginning!..Ferrara..(Rita) will be popping on soon to discuss the program...we are all hoping this new camp will work out.

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: Charlie Baum
Date: 04 Aug 00 - 05:56 PM

Sorry for the delay--

I need to get the final registration file back from the newsletter editor, so I can turn it into a .pdf file and mount it on the FSGW website.

Final word: The cost will be between $125 and $150 for an adult, depending on whether you stay over on Sunday night or not, and whether you're an FSGW member. Children under 18 are less, but how much depends on their age and FSGW member status. The two-day fee includes housing for Friday and Saturday. Friday dinner is a pot-luck, but the fee includes three meals Saturday and two on Sunday. The three-day fee includes Sunday dinner and overnight accommodations on Sunday night and Monday breakfast. All accommodations are on real box-spring mattress beds (never a bunk bed!) in cabins. Flush plumbing and hot showers are within the cabins.

Being an FSGW member gives you a discount, and you can join when you register. It you've got two or more people in your family, you'll amortize your family membership immediately. Membership is $24/year for an individual; $33/year for a family, and includes all sorts of other benefits beyond reduced price at the Getaway, such as a monthly newsletter (an interesting read even if you live at a distance), and free admission to 9 concerts and 2 dances a year, plus discounts at another 150 or so concerts and dances in the greater DC area (okay, it's useless if you live at a distance, unless you visit Our Nation's Capital at some point in the year, but the Getaway discount itself might be reason to join.)

There is plenty of space for all, so joining the FSGW won't increase your chance of getting a place there. Ont he other hand, if you were a member, you would already have received your registration information and form in your August newsletter.

I'll send the detailed info and the registration form to the webmaster to be mounted as soon as I can get my hands on it. (On the other hand, the newsletter editor may be off in Vermont this weekend for the Champlain Valley Folk Festival.)

IN the meantime, go to Southwest Airlines to see what cheap flights you can get for the weekend to Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI)--$222 round trip or less from the West Coast; less than $110 round trip from many places east of the Mississippi--assuming you purchase in advance. The nearest airports to Camp Ramblewood are Baltimore (BWI) and Philadelphia.

--Charlie Baum

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: bbelle
Date: 04 Aug 00 - 06:06 PM

Ok, Barry ... you're on! I'll be the one standing out on I-95 carrying a guitar, backpack, straw hat, and sunscreen. So ... can you merengue? Limbo, Limbo, Limbo, like me?


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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: GUEST,Lorraine
Date: 05 Aug 00 - 09:01 AM

Charlie I'm afraid you'll have to wait longer than the ending of Champlain Valley Fest. Thye are renting a cabin for a week on an island on lake Champlain. The Getaway sound wonderful. See every one there I hope Lorraine

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: GUEST,me
Date: 05 Aug 00 - 09:28 AM

i are igorent of whut fsgw means. cud you tel me.

an no i ain't cletus. he are my edikated cousin.

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: GUEST,Roger in Baltimore
Date: 05 Aug 00 - 12:01 PM


FSGW is the Folklore Society of Greater Washington. They have an annual Getaway that is a weekend of music, most of it produced by the people who attend, not necessarily professional performers. Although there are a few "open mike" type concerts, the guts of the Getaway are the workshops where people gather to share songs based on some specific theme. F'rinstance, last year Joe Offer led one on "camp songs" (songs from scout camp, church camp, etc.). There is also time for getting together and talking and late night informal song circles.

Last year, about 30 Mudcatters decided to use this event as a rendezvous and FSGW was very accomodating. We even had a workshop that was purely Mudcatters sharing their music. If you search the archives for Getaway, you should get some threads that include people's reaction to getting together with folks that only knew through the Mudcat. "A natural high" is an apt description in my book. I have had a wonderful time the two years I have attended.

Marge and I have already sent in our bucks and registered for the weekend.

Roger in Baltimore

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: Bill D
Date: 05 Aug 00 - 06:39 PM

and RiB & Barry Finn co-led a session on work songs...and Max led an hour on blues...etc. etc...those who know they are coming can send ideas/suggestions for format, topics...etc..Ferrara and her team will be posting about the workshop schedule soon...

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: Big Mick
Date: 05 Aug 00 - 07:26 PM

You will love this gathering if you attend. I drove from Michigan last year and had a great time. I will be there again this year, and I can't wait.

Big Mick

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: Bill D
Date: 05 Aug 00 - 07:54 PM

hey, Mick..shall I send you your coffee mug for your trip? *grin*...(I guess the potato is a bit too far gone)

(Mick had a good time in spite of being pretty tired and under the weather last salvage commissar, I got custody of the lost & found...still have a few items)

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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: Big Mick
Date: 05 Aug 00 - 09:40 PM

LOL.............shit, Bill, I forgot about that. I will PM you my addy, you do the same and I will send you a check for shipping. If I take the same route in, I will need that damn cup..........hahahahahaha.


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Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
From: Charlie Baum
Date: 06 Aug 00 - 03:22 PM

Print out the registration form . It's in the .pdf format, which means it's readable using Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program obtainable here if you don't have it already. You can print it out on your printer--just set your page setup to "fit to page". Fill out the form, write out a check for the appropriate amount, and send it to: FSGW Getaway c/o J. Woods, 8401 Cedar St., Silver Spring, MD 20910


Folklore Society

of Greater Washington


36th Annual

Friday, October 20, 2000 through Monday, October 23, 2000

Camp Ramblewood, Darlington, MD (near Havre de Grace)

What is the Getaway?

For nearly 36 years, FSGW has held its Getaway weekend as a way for members and friends to share music, stories, crafts and dance in a relaxing camp setting.

The Getaway is:

  • music-making under the trees, on the lawn, by the pond
  • group singing and jamming at its best
  • informal workshops on singing, dancing, crafts and storytelling led by FSGW members and friends
  • trying your hand at a craft—quilting, basket-making, puppets, and mask-making have been highlights of past years
  • great food
  • a terrific weekend for the whole family, with lots of special activities planned for the kids.
  • a chance to renew old friendships and make new ones
  • a beautiful camp with modern facilities in scenic rolling hills adjacent to the Susquehanna River
  • a wonderful chance for parents to introduce their kids to the magic of group singing and dancing—or to discover that magic for the first time themselves.
  • Dates and Times

    This year's Getaway is a little later that last year's (Columbus Day is also Yom Kippur). Our new site, Camp Ramblewood spreads out over rolling hillsides bordering the Susquehanna River just below the Conowingo Dam, north of Havre de Grace Maryland. Camp Ramblewood is about 8 miles north of Exits 88 (Havre de Grace) or 93 (Port Deposit) of I-95. It's only 11/4 hours North of the I-495 Beltway, in a direction far less subject to traffic jams than Virginia. You may choose to stay over either two or three nights, or you may come for the day if you are unable to get away for the whole weekend. Daytrippers are offered two meals, lunch & dinner each day. (But you must register in advance if you wish to dine!)

    The weekend starts on Friday evening with a potluck dinner. If you register for two nights, your registration fee covers three wonderful meals and a midnight snack each day on Saturday and Sunday. Three-night registration gives you an additional night's lodging and breakfast on Monday morning.


    The dining hall, several common rooms, the pub, the drama barn, the dance barn (with a hardwood sprung floor), and the outdoor pavilion offer all-weather spaces for music making and dancing. NO SMOKING is allowed in any of the buildings in the camp.

    If you choose to go to bed, there are more than 50 rooms, mostly in modern cabins. They feature indoor flush plumbing and hot showers; real comfortable beds with box-spring matresses (bring your own linens and bedding). There are handicapped-accessible cabins with wheelchair-accessible bathrooms for those who need them; please indicate any special needs when you register. Cabins are not heated (bring warm clothes!). If you prefer to bring a tent or your own RV, you may do so, and camp on the grounds (no discounts, but you get guaranteed privacy!). If you don't want to sing, there's a pond with boats (and stocked with fish), tennis courts, ball fields, and a short walk through the woods to the banks of the rolling Susquehanna. The immediate area offers antiques, history and horse farms. (See more of Camp Ramblewood at their website).

    Kitchen Help

    New this year—you won't need to help in the kitchen at all! You can spend those two hours making more music.


    Getaway fees depend on whether you're an FSGW member or not, and whether you're an adult or a child. Fees are determined by our actual costs to run this event—food, camp rental, etc.


        The Whole Weekend: Friday night through Monday morning, 7 meals, 3 nights lodging.
            Adults, 19 and over:  $135 Members*, $150 Non-members
            Children and Teenagers, 8-18:  $120 Members*, $135 Non-members
            Children 3 - 8:  $65 Members*, $75 Non-members
            Children 2 and younger: Free
        Most of the Weekend: Friday night through Sunday night's jamming, 6 meals (no Monday brunch), 2 nights lodging.
            Adults, 19 and over:  $125 Members*, $140 Non-members
            Children and Teenagers, 8-18:  $110 Members*, $125 Non-members
            Children 3 - :  $55 Members*, $65 Non-members
            Children 2 and younger: Free
        Daytripper with Food: includes lunch and dinner only. Rates are per day.
            Adults, 19 and over:  $40 Members*, $45 Non-members
            Children and Teenagers, 8-18:  $35 Members*, $40 Non-members
            Children 3 - 8:  $20 Members*, $25 Non-members
            Children 2 and younger: Free

    Daytrippers who wish to bring their own food need not register in advance. Day rate (per day) without meals: Members: $7 adults 18 and older; $5, ages 8-18; $3 ages 3?7; 2 and under free. Nonmembers: $10 adults 18 and older; $7 ages 8-18; $5 ages 3-7; 2 and under free.

    * Current full members of FSGW. If you are not yet a member, you may join the Society now and get member rates. If you wish to join now, click here for a registration form.

    Special Guests

    Each year, FSGW invites some fine musicians to be our guests at the Getaway, people you might otherwise never get to hear and share songs and stories with in an informal situation. They'll ignite the music-making!

    Getaway Activities at a Glance


  • register anytime after 3 pm
  • a potluck dinner, that progresses to new foods as each person arrives
  • song swap and music-making into the wee hours
  • Saturday

  • informal music, dance, crafts and storytelling workshops all day
  • Saturday night concert (sign-up to tell a story, present a short skit, tune or song)
  • singing and jamming together all night, as late as you care to stay (or stay up, if you're sleeping at camp)
  • Sunday

  • informal music, dance, crafts and storytelling workshops all day
  • Sunday night concert (sign-up if you didn't participate on Saturday)
  • more singing and jamming after the concert, into the wee hours
  • Monday

  • parting songs
  • farewell brunch in the dining hall


    Driving Directions


    From Washington D.C. and Points South:

  • Take Beltway (I-495) into Maryland to I-95 North.
  • Take I-95 North to Baltimore, Use either tunnel (Ft. McHenry Tunnel on I-95 or Harbor Tunnel on I-895 based on traffic volume or whim).  Follow through Baltimore and follow I-95 toward New York.
  • Proceed on I-95 North to the Exit 88, "Havre de Grace".
  • At top of ramp, turn left over highway towards Churchville and Bel Air, Proceed on Route 155 for three miles.  Turn right onto Route 161 and proceed five miles into Darlington.
  • Turn right onto Shuresville Road.  Proceed about one and a half miles on Shuresville Road and watch for Silver Road on your right.  Enter Silver Road and proceed a half-mile into Ramblewood.


    From New York, New Jersey, and the North:

  • Take New Jersey Turnpike South to Delaware Memorial Bridge
  • Cross Delaware Memorial Bridge
  • Follow I-295 into I-95 South ("Newark/Baltimore")
  • Take I-95 into Maryland to Exit 93 ("Perryville/Port Deposit") (only about 30 miles from the Delaware Memorial Bridge)
  • At top of Ramp, turn right onto MD 222/275, toward Port Deposit
  • Go a quarter-mile, then left onto MD 222, and follow MD 222 through Port Deposit all the way to US 1 at the Conowingo Dam (about 8 miles from I-95).
  • Turn left onto US 1, cross the dam, and take the first left turn after the Dam onto Shuresville Road.
  • Proceed for 0.7 miles and watch for Silver Road on the left. Turn left onto Silver Road and proceed for a half-mile into Ramblewood.


    From West of Philadelphia:

  • Go to U.S. 1 South. Take U.S. 1 South and cross the Susquehanna River at Conowingo Dam
  • Take the first left turn after the Dam onto Shuresville Road.
  • Proceed for 0.7 miles and watch for Silver Road on the left. Turn left onto Silver Road and proceed for a half-mile into Ramblewood.



    You can also look at the Ramblewood Directions webpage.

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: GUEST,Barry Finn
    Date: 06 Aug 00 - 11:09 PM

    Hi moonchild, I'll be heading north to get there only if I can go by way of the West Indies but no matter, if I see you & your thumb I'll stop for you anyway. And yes, at one time, when my feet had a bit more flex in them I could merengue & when I was 25 yrs younger I could limbo with the best, won a contest in the land of limbo, my back could bend my feet could creep from dusk till dawn be dancing in the street, ah, but now the back's gone stiff & the feet's are weak, & from sun down to up I only sleep. If I don't see you on the highway I'll see you at the camp. Barry

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: GutBucketeer
    Date: 07 Aug 00 - 09:36 AM

    Hi Everyone:

    I'm a FSGW member but have neve been to a getaway. I'm definitely coming this year but I am also trying to get my family to come. Even though it is very reasonable, the cost for all four of us is a bit outside our budget (It seems we are always running at the margin at about the time school starts). Does the area have tent camping close by, and/or is there the ability to set up a tent on the grounds? Would this allow us to pay the day tripper rates?


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: GutBucketeer
    Date: 07 Aug 00 - 09:48 AM

    OOPs. I just saw that my question on Tent Camping was already answered. Yes, There is tent camping. No, you don't get a discount if you camp in a tent.


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Charlie Baum
    Date: 07 Aug 00 - 12:26 PM

    Pre-emptive answer about nearby camping: While Maryland's Susquehanna State Park is nearby, the campground there closes sometime in September, and won't be available by the October time of the Getaway.

    --Charlie Baum

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Ferrara
    Date: 07 Aug 00 - 11:57 PM


    For my sins, I've been asked to be Getaway program chair again this year; mudcatter Lorraine is helping with the job as well, bless her kind heart. This means we'll provide the line-up of workshops, mini-concerts and other planned activities.

    We are somewhat familiar with the talents and interests of the people who came last year, and will contact many of them again as soon as we can get our act together. A number of those folks did wonderful concerts and workshops.

    There are also a couple of 'Catters who were NOT on the program no matter how politely they were asked, including a guy whose initials are Big Mick, who had better be on the program this year or risk being pelted with rotten potatoes.... (You see, Mick, Bill and I DID keep that potato around for a year ....)

    We'd very much like to include other Mudcatters in the program this year if possible.

    If you have an idea for a workshop you'd like to lead or attend, or if you'd be willing to do a half hour's mini-concert, let me or Lorraine know.

    If you're volunteering for a concert, give us a little idea of where you usually perform (song circles, local open mikes, paid gigs etc.) and what kind of music you do. Among other things it helps us know where and when to schedule you to avoid conflicts.

    Please note: mini-concerts are NOT restricted to people who play professionally!!! The amazing quality and quantify of fine non-professional talent at the Getaway is part of its charm.

    Also note, if you aren't up to a half hour set, there's an open mike concert each night (one song per performer or group) with sign-up sheets posted in the dining hall.

    We found last year that there were plenty of volunteers for the mini concerts, but we needed more workshop ideas and leaders. It's fun. At the Getaway a workshop is participatory: the leader states the topic, does a song or whatever, then invites folks from the audience to contribute. That's what gives the Getaway its wonderful atmosphere of sharing and excitement.

    By the way, Dick Greenhaus e-mailed me with a half dozen ideas for workshops last year. It was most helpful! -- So don't hesitate to make suggestions. We'll pick and choose from the suggestions based on our estimate of what will get the best reception from the attendees.

    You can PM or e-mail me:

    By the way, we'll almost certainly have another Mudcat workshop, maybe one each on Saturday and Sunday if there are enough 'catters attending. We couldn't get around to everybody last year. So even if you're shy, polish up one or two songs for that...

    Looking forward to hearing from you. Rita Ferrara

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Joe Offer
    Date: 17 Aug 00 - 05:00 AM

    Refresh - I updated Charlie's message so you can now access the registration form from his message - up there where the big red print is.
    -Joe Offer-

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: JedMarum
    Date: 17 Aug 00 - 09:16 AM

    I hope y'all have a great weekend. I wish I could attend but I'll be in OK that weekend. I'll look forward to the news of the event on the forum, though.

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: catspaw49
    Date: 23 Aug 00 - 04:15 PM

    Refresh because Kendall can't do a search..........


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: folk1234
    Date: 25 Aug 00 - 11:12 AM

    Hey, Kin-of-the-moon. When are you arriving at BWI? I'm looking at a SWA flight from OKC arriving at 2:40pm. I haven't made flight reservations yet, but I have registered for the Getaway. I, too, will need a ride from BWI on Fri and back on Mon am.
    Ironically, you can fly from the west coast to BWI for $220, but it costs $348 from OKC! It will be worth it, I'm sure.

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: catspaw49
    Date: 25 Aug 00 - 11:16 AM

    Ya know folk, if you fly from the west coast, it makes for a long drive home from the airport.


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: folk1234
    Date: 25 Aug 00 - 03:33 PM

    Hmmmm? I'll have to think on that, S'paw. I truly r'speck your opinion. Maybe, ya' think should I fly from one of dem eas' coast places instead?

    lostinthe airportwithmyguitarandnoplacetogo'ceptintoramblewoods

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: GUEST,Bill D..on kid's new computer
    Date: 25 Aug 00 - 05:16 PM

    I will keep an eye on the BWI situation...we live in MD about 45 min from BWI, so it is just 'possible' we could be emergency backup if easy rides don't materialize easily...(we usually go early in the day)...I do suspect there are plenty of local folk who could help with the out-of-town visitors

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: catspaw49
    Date: 25 Aug 00 - 05:43 PM

    See there's an idea. Why not drive to Dulles and take a shuttle flight to BWI? Bill could possibly pick you up, but if not, you could take the Metro back to Dulles and get your car.


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: GUEST,Bill D...again on kids PC..(testing 750mghz)
    Date: 26 Aug 00 - 12:22 PM

    ah, catspaw...I have a better idea...YOU could come and spend all day doing a shuttle between Dulles & BWI and the Getaway!..*grin* could buy one of them wireless satellite Palm PCs and keep up a constant stream of communications between everyone, and post here too... THEN you could.....('re not the only one who has ideas...;>)...

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: folk1234
    Date: 26 Aug 00 - 02:16 PM

    S'paw,what more can I say. Maybe I'll ride my trike.
    Bill D, thanks. I'm working on a ride now. If that doesn't happen I'll contact you.

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Liam's Brother
    Date: 28 Aug 00 - 09:28 AM

    Let's get serious! How's the fising at this place?

    All the best,

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: GUEST
    Date: 28 Aug 00 - 04:20 PM

    What's "fising"?

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: catspaw49
    Date: 28 Aug 00 - 04:26 PM

    Whatever it is, it beats the holy "h" out of fishing.


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Charlie Baum
    Date: 28 Aug 00 - 05:26 PM

    Knowing Liam's Brother, he's talking about fishing. He brought his rod to the last Getaway, and trolled the ponds in Prince William Forest Park.

    At Ramblewood, there's a tiny pond on the campus downhill from the Dining Hall that I believe is stocked, and a short tromp through the woods to the Susquehanna River just below the Conowingo Dam (between it and the Chesapeake Bay). A longer hike will take you to the lake on the upstream side of the Conowingo Dam.

    --Charlie Baum

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Big Mick
    Date: 28 Aug 00 - 09:12 PM

    Liam's Brother, if I make it this year I am bringing a spinning rod and some spinners. It's you and me on the hike to the river/lake. Waddya say?


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Liam's Brother
    Date: 28 Aug 00 - 09:19 PM

    Now Charlie, I not only trolled the pond at Prince William but extracted the fish individually for inspection and returned them to their native habitat.

    Are those figting (whoops... where's the "h") words Mick?

    All the best,

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Big Mick
    Date: 29 Aug 00 - 08:52 AM

    Heck no, buddy. Those are "Let's go catch some fish and enjoy the craic" words. And I think I have an insulated sleeve for the daypack that holds to can of the Guinness just nicely............


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Liam's Brother
    Date: 29 Aug 00 - 10:02 AM

    No, Mick, let's both bring our bass boats to that tiny pond by the dining hall.

    All the best,

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Jeri
    Date: 29 Aug 00 - 10:14 AM

    OK - enough with the "personal" conversation - the rest of us want to play! ;-) Why not find a schooner that's not being used, load it up and plop it in the pond? We can all see how shanties are supposed to be sung in between bouts of fishing. Are there fishing shanties? "Way, troll away, we'll troll away, Joe?" We non-fishers will be glad to help...

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Liam's Brother
    Date: 29 Aug 00 - 12:52 PM

    Actually, Mick and Jeri, the most efficient method of catching fish in a pond is dynamite. One stick tied to a brick usually does the trick. It does have an effect on the fish which renders them unable to swim afterwords however. Best to wait with that until the weekend's almost over.

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Bill D
    Date: 29 Aug 00 - 02:13 PM Pogo comic strip, years ago...Grundoon, the woodchuck chile, was observed calling fish by kneeling by the pond and hummming..."grsssssss"......worked like a charm...;>)

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Jeri
    Date: 29 Aug 00 - 02:19 PM

    Hand me down my dyn-o-mite
    'Cause I'm gonna blow up some fish tonight
    With the fuse lit
    Tie it to a brick with the fuse lit
    Row ashore
    With the fuse lit
    Oh she wants a demo man...

    Sorry - silly mood. Dan, I really hope you and Bonnie can make it. I enjoyed the heck out of listening to both of you last year!

    Mick, I hope you know how much I'll miss you if you don't make it. There just ain't no hug like a Big Mick hug, and I'd really like to see what you're like when you're not sick!

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Big Mick
    Date: 30 Aug 00 - 12:54 AM

    Well, my friends, it is looking better by the minute. Due to a legal snag, I may not be working for the campaign after all. If that holds, and I think it will, then I will be able to come. I think that two of my bandmates may come as well.........YYYYYEEEEEEEHHHHHAAAAHHHHHH.


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Dani
    Date: 02 Sep 00 - 07:23 PM

    I haven't had my coffee yet, but did I miss where there might be a listing of workshops yet? Or is it still open for suggestions.

    Is it time to start talking about caravanning yet?!

    Dani (who'd better get registered)

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Susan of DT
    Date: 02 Sep 00 - 08:33 PM

    from dick:
    There's a classic story about the game warden who was informed that old Zeb was dynamiting fish (unsportsmanlike and illegal. He grabbed his canoe and headed out to where the old feller was collecting his floating dinner.

    "Now I caught you, Zeb!" he cried out. Zeb calmly grabbed another stick of dynamite from his pocket, lit the fuse and handed it to the surprised warden. "Say you want to argue or to fish?"

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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: GutBucketeer
    Date: 02 Sep 00 - 09:10 PM

    Well, again the fates are conspiring to make my coming to the Getaway difficult. Last Saturday I fell and broke my foot! Since then I've had to keep it up, and only was able to get a cast for it on Thursday. It seems that it is a bad break, and It may take several months to heal. The Orhtepedic Surgeon used the word "shattered".

    In three weeks I go back and then he may put a walking cast on it. At that time I'll be able to determine if I can come to the Getaway at all. If I am able to make it I won't be able to drive, and may be looking for a ride from someone in the Silver Spring Area.

    Thanks in advance.


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: catspaw49
    Date: 02 Sep 00 - 11:04 PM

    Well geez Jim, I'm sorry to hear your news. On the other hand, your banjo could be getting a great workout!!! Just do all they tell you and try for patience......Yeah, I know that's not too easy, but try anyway! Shift that banjo to the other knee and take care of yourself.


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    Subject: RE: FSGW 2000 PART DEUX
    From: Ferrara
    Date: 03 Sep 00 - 02:31 AM

    Dani et al, no listing of workshops yet. Technically I'm only supposed to include people who have already registered. But so many people register at the last minute that we would never have a full program if I did that.

    I've been up to my ears in selling my mom's house and getting our son off to college, so tomorrow is the target date to get organized and really get to work ha ha.

    Please, people, if you're planning to come, PM me or e-mail me. Give me an idea of how likely you are to make it. If you have workshop ideas, let me know. Also what kind of music you do, and whether you're experienced in performing in front of people or teaching something. And whether or not you'd like to be on the program. Brag about yourself a little if you think it's justified.

    One thing that was VERY helpful last year: a couple of people e-mailed me with info about other mudcatters who were coming. If you know someone who should be on the program, please let me know, and say why you think so! It's easier to brag on someone else than on one's self.

    We have a very complicated agenda in setting up this program. There are types of music that have to be included or folks will be disappointed, etc; we have to balance different kinds of performers and topics; we have to match sessions with the space available; we know that certain types of event aren't usually well attended; etc. So please be understanding if we don't schedule a workshop or concert that you would like to see. Just remember those magic words, "Good, Though!" and consider that next year *you* could get stuck being program chairman.

    I plan to set up a web page listing the sessions that are already set up. I'll keep updating it. Once it's set up (maybe by the end of the week ?... I've never done one but I'll try...)I'll put a notice here.

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