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Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'

In Mudcat MIDIs:
I Was Born

GUEST 22 Nov 24 - 09:22 PM
GUEST,Deedee 20 Oct 23 - 05:07 PM
GUEST,Reggie 27 Sep 23 - 08:59 AM
GUEST,Taylor 27 Sep 23 - 08:44 AM
GUEST,sandy- again 27 Sep 23 - 08:43 AM
GUEST,Sandy- again 27 Sep 23 - 08:40 AM
GUEST,Sandy 27 Sep 23 - 08:30 AM
GUEST,Deedee 20 Oct 23 - 05:07 PM
GUEST,Reggie 27 Sep 23 - 08:59 AM
GUEST,Taylor 27 Sep 23 - 08:44 AM
GUEST,sandy- again 27 Sep 23 - 08:43 AM
GUEST,Sandy- again 27 Sep 23 - 08:40 AM
GUEST,Sandy 27 Sep 23 - 08:30 AM
GUEST 03 Jun 23 - 10:09 PM
GUEST 01 Jul 21 - 02:44 PM
GUEST,# 28 Mar 21 - 12:41 PM
GUEST 08 Oct 18 - 07:14 PM
GUEST,Mundis 07 Nov 17 - 03:51 PM
GUEST,Bob Weaver 22 May 17 - 06:17 PM
GUEST,Melissa Null-Masquelier 26 Jun 16 - 04:05 PM
GUEST,Gary Katz 15 May 16 - 02:30 AM
GUEST 20 Dec 15 - 01:40 PM
GUEST,Gail 11 Oct 15 - 10:48 PM
GUEST,Guest Rici_A 28 Feb 15 - 09:16 PM
GUEST,Allison O 13 Oct 14 - 05:21 PM
GUEST 27 Apr 14 - 03:25 PM
GUEST 13 Jul 13 - 09:39 AM
GUEST,guest 06 Apr 13 - 04:59 PM
GUEST,William (Bill) McCutcheon 12 Feb 13 - 11:42 AM
Haruo 20 Aug 12 - 10:48 AM
GUEST,Me 19 Aug 12 - 10:55 PM
GUEST 19 Jan 12 - 07:12 PM
GUEST 23 Oct 11 - 04:00 AM
GUEST,don6060 22 Oct 11 - 01:23 PM
GUEST,JohnW 03 Oct 11 - 01:49 PM
GUEST,KB 26 Nov 10 - 10:10 PM
GUEST,Marvin Gardens 07 Oct 10 - 04:22 PM
GUEST,Darren 28 Sep 10 - 10:47 PM
GUEST 19 Aug 10 - 12:04 PM
GUEST,Sophia 17 Aug 10 - 08:51 AM
GUEST,sarah 19 Jun 10 - 03:59 PM
GUEST,Stu Girlock Wilkes Barre PA 01 Jan 10 - 01:11 PM
GUEST,lsutter 31 Dec 09 - 02:17 PM
Jim Dixon 04 Dec 09 - 02:38 PM
GUEST 02 Dec 09 - 09:39 PM
GUEST,chachie 25 Nov 09 - 08:52 PM
GUEST,Holly 02 Nov 09 - 03:20 AM
GUEST,GUEST, Bruce 01 Nov 09 - 07:17 PM
GUEST,Lisa 21 Oct 09 - 12:40 PM
GUEST,Dane 27 Jul 09 - 12:04 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 22 Nov 24 - 09:22 PM

I'm 70 and when I was about 10 years old, my father used to sing this. He was born in 1918. I remember it as if it was yesterday. The words I believe are exactly how he sang it however I haven't been able to find a rendition that's exactly the same, but similar.

I’m up here in a bughouse, my brain is in a rut,
My keeper says I’m cuckoo, but he is off his nut.
I’m just as sane as you are and I can prove it too,
For when you hear my lullaby you’ll know I’m not cuckoo.

I was born one night on a Sunday morn when the whistle rang boom boom,
I saw a frog swim up a log and fell and hurt his leg.
If 6 + 6 is 9 and ice comes from a mine and old black Joe’s an Eskimo, so is a Porcupine.
I shoot the shoots with paper boots when mud pies are in bloom,
I sue them all for slander and this is what I meant.
For how can I be Bonaparte when I the president.
Crazy words crazy tunes a man got hit with a bag of prunes cuckoo cuckoo

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Deedee
Date: 20 Oct 23 - 05:07 PM

My mom sang this my whole life. And I guess she learned it from my great grandpa back in the 60's. A slightly different variation though...
I was born one night,in an awful fright, when the missiles rained BOOM BOOM(when the whistles rang BOOM BOOM)
I can bake a snake and fry a cake, when mudpies are in bloom.

Never knew it was a real song. Would love the history on it. Nice to finally have a title though lol.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Reggie
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:59 AM

hey yall! came up with a new version- is that allowed? hehe.
My cat was born one night, one morn, when the easter eggs were out!
i can scoop their food, fly to the moon, when the easter bunny's out!
if two and two is five! then i will fly tonight!
Is Fat Black Cat an Eskimo in the good old summer time?
and Loopdy-Loop in CatBit food, just give your cats a shine!
im guilty judge, i ate the bug, three cheers for Old Tired Cat! (cheer cheer) i can not tell a lie! i hocked a piece of fly! its on a tree beneath the sea above the bright blue sky! Oh, if teenagers dont shave their legs, its a extra hairy sight! (eek gross!) i'd rather have an EarthWorm pie for Forty-Seven bucks! (too much) way down in barcilonia, i fell into a phobia! but this is all balognia, My Obese Cat Eat your food! MEOW MEOW!
                              thanks yall! twas inspired by my cat :P

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Taylor
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:44 AM

wow everyone! never thought i'd see a song this weird! i dont share your memories but i love it!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,sandy- again
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:43 AM

- not foamia is NOT part of the song, just a correction for everyone who thought it was foamia not phobia. thanks again!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Sandy- again
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:40 AM

I was born one night one morn when the whistle went toot-toot!
i can bake a steak and fry a cake when the mudpies are in bloom!
if six and six is nine, then ice comes from a mine!
and is Old Black Joe an eskimo in the good old summer time?
And loopdy-loop in noodle soup, just to give your socks a shine!
I'm guilty judge, i ate the fudge, three cheers for Old Lang Syne! (cheer cheer) i can not tell a lie! i hocked a piece of pie! its on a tree beneath the sea, above the bright blue sky! Oh, if easter eggs dont shave their legs, their children will have ducks! (quack quack)
i'd rather have a lemon pie for Forty-Seven bucks! (too much)
Way down in barcilon-ia i fell into a phobia, -not foamia- but this is all bolognia, pateruski, blow your horn, TOOT, TOOT!!
                                                   thanks guys!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Sandy
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:30 AM

i heard this at a camp in TN once! i could never figure out the words thanks so much! now i can do it for yall!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Deedee
Date: 20 Oct 23 - 05:07 PM

My mom sang this my whole life. And I guess she learned it from my great grandpa back in the 60's. A slightly different variation though...
I was born one night,in an awful fright, when the missiles rained BOOM BOOM(when the whistles rang BOOM BOOM)
I can bake a snake and fry a cake, when mudpies are in bloom.

Never knew it was a real song. Would love the history on it. Nice to finally have a title though lol.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Reggie
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:59 AM

hey yall! came up with a new version- is that allowed? hehe.
My cat was born one night, one morn, when the easter eggs were out!
i can scoop their food, fly to the moon, when the easter bunny's out!
if two and two is five! then i will fly tonight!
Is Fat Black Cat an Eskimo in the good old summer time?
and Loopdy-Loop in CatBit food, just give your cats a shine!
im guilty judge, i ate the bug, three cheers for Old Tired Cat! (cheer cheer) i can not tell a lie! i hocked a piece of fly! its on a tree beneath the sea above the bright blue sky! Oh, if teenagers dont shave their legs, its a extra hairy sight! (eek gross!) i'd rather have an EarthWorm pie for Forty-Seven bucks! (too much) way down in barcilonia, i fell into a phobia! but this is all balognia, My Obese Cat Eat your food! MEOW MEOW!
                              thanks yall! twas inspired by my cat :P

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Taylor
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:44 AM

wow everyone! never thought i'd see a song this weird! i dont share your memories but i love it!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,sandy- again
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:43 AM

- not foamia is NOT part of the song, just a correction for everyone who thought it was foamia not phobia. thanks again!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Sandy- again
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:40 AM

I was born one night one morn when the whistle went toot-toot!
i can bake a steak and fry a cake when the mudpies are in bloom!
if six and six is nine, then ice comes from a mine!
and is Old Black Joe an eskimo in the good old summer time?
And loopdy-loop in noodle soup, just to give your socks a shine!
I'm guilty judge, i ate the fudge, three cheers for Old Lang Syne! (cheer cheer) i can not tell a lie! i hocked a piece of pie! its on a tree beneath the sea, above the bright blue sky! Oh, if easter eggs dont shave their legs, their children will have ducks! (quack quack)
i'd rather have a lemon pie for Forty-Seven bucks! (too much)
Way down in barcilon-ia i fell into a phobia, -not foamia- but this is all bolognia, pateruski, blow your horn, TOOT, TOOT!!
                                                   thanks guys!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Sandy
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 08:30 AM

i heard this at a camp in TN once! i could never figure out the words thanks so much! now i can do it for yall!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 03 Jun 23 - 10:09 PM

My grandfather sang this to me as a little girl!

The one variation I couldn’t seem to find…

The first verse was

I’m up here in the nut house
My mind is in a wreck
My keeper thinks I’m crazy
But he is off his neck
I’m just the same as you are
And I can prove it too
Just listen to this lullaby
To prove I’m not coo-coo

Thanks for the memories!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 01 Jul 21 - 02:44 PM

My mom taught me a version of this song, been singing it my whole life.

I'm up here in this nut house, my mind is in a rut.
My friends all think I'm crazy, but they're just off their rocks.
I'm just as sane as you are, and I can prove it too.
Just listen to my lullaby to prove I'm not coo coo.
Ohhh I was born one night one morn when a whistle said boom boom.
I baked a snake and fried a cake when the mud pies were in bloom.
If six and six is nine, the mud is full of wine.
Old blue Joe the Eskimo in the good ole summer tiiime.
Well, if easter eggs don't wash their legs their children will have ducks (quack)
I'd rather have a lemon drop then fifty seven bucks.
I'm up here in the aflinio drinking from the asinio and this is all bolognio, palaruski is NY name (TOOT TOOT)

Most of my family knows this version of the song, I sing it randomly and plan on teaching it to my kiddos

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,#
Date: 28 Mar 21 - 12:41 PM

Many of the various renditions mentioned are now on YouTube.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 08 Oct 18 - 07:14 PM

Maggie Scarioni <>
Oct 6, 2017, 4:20 PM
to me

I'm up here in a nuthouse my mind is in a rut,
my counselor thinks I'm crazy but she is offered nut.
I'm just the same as you are, and I can prove it too,
just listen to my lullaby, to prove I'm not kukoo.

I was born one night one morn when the whistle went boom boom
I'll fry a cake and bake a snake when the mudpies are in bloom.
Now, six and six makes nine, does ice come from a mine?
The old black Joe is and Eskimo in the good ol' summer ti-iiime.

Loopty loop and noodle soup just give your socks a shine,
I'm a guilty judge I stole some fudge three cheers for old lang syne.
I can not tell a lie, I hooked a piece of pie
it was on branch beneath the sea above the great blue sky.

Easter eggs don't wash their legs their children will have ducks (quack quack)
I'd rather have a lemon pie than forty-seven bucks.
Now down in Patagonia they spit into the phonia
and that is all baloneya Pataruski blow your horn toot toot!!!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Mundis
Date: 07 Nov 17 - 03:51 PM

Ok, Time to put in my part

Oh I was born one night one morn when the whistle went boom boom
I can bake a steak and fry a cake when the magpies are in bloom
Does Six and six are nine does ice come from a mine
Was old black Joe and Eskimo in the good old summer time

I can loop a loop in noodle soup just to give my sock a shine
I guilty judge who stole the fudge, three cheer for Auld Lang Syne
I can not tell a lie, I took the case of rye
Was on a tree, beneath the sea above the bright blue sky

They call me King Napoleon, but I'm not him at all
I come from North Dakota, way up south from old St Paul
I'll sue them all for slander, I'll make them all repent
Cause how can I be blown apart when I'm the President

If Easter eggs don't wash their legs, their children will be ducks
I'd rather have a lemon pie, than forty seven bucks.
Way down in Astrolabio they spit right down your phobio
And that's a bunch of baloneyo, Babaloski blow your horn, toot toot

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Bob Weaver
Date: 22 May 17 - 06:17 PM

Here's what I remember my dad singing to me:

Oh I was born on a night one morn when the whistle rang boom boom
I boiled a cake and baked a steak when the mud pies were in bloom
If six and six are nine and ice comes from a mine
And old black Joe the Eskimo gets pork from porky pines

A pig or a cow can bark meow, but a goldfish likes to sing
I once saw a frog swim up a log, but he fell and broke his wing
I know that camels sail the sea and we get honey from a flea
And elephants like to roost in a tree, my country ''tis of thou!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Melissa Null-Masquelier
Date: 26 Jun 16 - 04:05 PM

I was taught at about age 5 by my paternal grandfather in the early 70's and know my dad knew it too. His version included the intro and a few minor changes such as replacing "the good old summertime" with "and pork's from porcupine", which I love.
This song is one of a twin-set in my childhood memories with another favorite; There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Gary Katz
Date: 15 May 16 - 02:30 AM

I learned this song at Indian Boundary Park day camp (Chicago Park District), in the '60s. I taught it to my younger daughter when she was around 8; she loved it!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 20 Dec 15 - 01:40 PM

I'm up here in the bug-house, My brain is in a rut,
My keeper thinks I'm crazy but he is off his nuts.
I'm just the same as you are and I can prove it too,
when I sign my lullaby you'll know I'm not Coo-coo.

I was born one night in the frosty morn when the whistles went boom boom,
I drank a steak and boiled a cake when the monkeys were in bloom.
six and six is nine and ice comes from a mine
Old black Joe is an Eskimo and pork comes from a porcupine.

The organ pealed potatoes and the choir hit up a song,
the saxophone blew his dishrag and set the church on fire.
Holy smokes the preacher shouted and as he ran he lost his hair
now his head resembles heaven because there is no parting there.

and then something like (a man on the road to Mandalay selling peanuts???

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Gail
Date: 11 Oct 15 - 10:48 PM

I was trying to remember this crazy song as I was singing it to my 5 yr old granddaughter so thank you! This is the version I too learned at camp in Canada in 1965 or so near Edmonton. Fond memories of campfire songs :)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Guest Rici_A
Date: 28 Feb 15 - 09:16 PM

I learned this song from Girl Scouts camp back in '78. It was called 'The Nonsense song', which I still sing to my dogs (gets them howling):

Well, I was born one night, one morn, when the whistle went 'boom, boom'.
You can bake a steak, or fry a cake when the mudpies are in bloom!
Does six and six make nine? Does ice grow on a vine?
Is old black Joe, an Eskimo, in the good ol' summertime?

You can loop-ti-loop, in your noodle soup, just to give your socks a shine...
I'm guilty judge, I stole the fudge, three cheers for Auld Lang Syne!
I cannot tell a lie; I hocked an apple pie.
It's on a tree, beneath the sea, above the clear blue sky!

They call me King Napoleon, but I'm not him at all;
I come from South Dakota, way down by ol' Saint Paul!
I'll sue them all for slander; I'll make them all regret.
For how can I, be Bonaparte if I'm the President?!

If Easter Eggs don't shave their legs, their children will have ducks.
I'd rather buy a lemon pie for forty-seven bucks!
Way down in Parcelonia, I fell into the foamia;
and this is all bolognia, Paterewsky blow your horn!
(toot, toot!)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Allison O
Date: 13 Oct 14 - 05:21 PM

My mother sang it at camp in the 70's she taught it to me and my sisters as:

"Oh I am in a nuthouse, my brain is in a rut.
My keeper says I'm crazy, but he is off his nut.
For I'm as sane as you are and I can prove it too,
for when you hear my lullaby you'll know I'm not coo-coo...

...Oh, I was born one night in the morn when the whistle rang boom boom.
I fried a cake and baked a snake when the mudpies were in bloom.
6 & 6 is 9, ice cream from a mine
Old black Joe, an Eskimo, and pork from a porcupine

Well a pig and a cow will bark meow and a goldfish loves to sing.
I saw a frog sail off a log and fall and break his wing.
We know that camels sail the sea and we get honey from a flea.
We know there's room for the both of us on the road to
Mand-Oh-la Oh-Me-Oh-My
that's the lunatic's lullaby."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 27 Apr 14 - 03:25 PM

I learned it:

Oh I was born one night in the morn when the whistles bang boom boom.
I baked a steak and fried a cake when the magpies were in bloom.
6 and 6 is nine, ice comes from a mine,
Old Black Joe, an Eskimo, comes from Porcupine.

I saw a frog climb up a log and fall and break is wing.
A horse and cow bark and meow and little fish can sing.
I know that honey comes from fleas, I know that monkeys sail the seas,
I saw a horse climb up a tree, On my way to Honalee,
Oh isn't this a wonderful world?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 13 Jul 13 - 09:39 AM

Hilarious, learned this one from my my, who learned it from her older sisters. We grew up in Nj ...this must be the Ny/Nj version b/c this is exactly what I remember!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,guest
Date: 06 Apr 13 - 04:59 PM

I learned this in Girl Scouts

Oh I was born one night one morn when the whistle went boom boom
You can bake a steak or fry a cake when the mudpies are in bloom
Does six plus six make nine? Does ice grow on a vine?
Is Uncle Joe an Eskimo in the good old summertime?

A loopty loop in the noodle soup just to give your socks a shine
I'm a guilty judge; I ate the fudge; Three cheers for Auld Lang Syne
I cannot tell a lie; I hocked the apple pie
It's on a tree beneath the sea above the clear blue sky

If Easter eggs don't wash their legs their children will have ducks (Quack Quack)
I'd rather buy a lemon pie for 47 bucks - Too much!!
Way down in Barcelonia I fell into the foam-ia
But that was just Bolognia Pateruski blow your horn
Toot Toot!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,William (Bill) McCutcheon
Date: 12 Feb 13 - 11:42 AM

Got this song sung by Hank Snow from Canadian Radio Transcription Radio Broadcast around 1936 Montreal Hank didn't record it commercially for RCA
instead of singing In The Good Ole Summer Time at the end
Hank sang On The Road To Mandaly.He also done a Halo Shampoo Ad
from William (Bill) in Ireland. Hank was 22 years old then.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one
From: Haruo
Date: 20 Aug 12 - 10:48 AM

off his nut

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one
From: GUEST,Me
Date: 19 Aug 12 - 10:55 PM

Oh, Here I am in the doghouse, my brain is in a rut.
My keeper thinks I'm crazy, but he is off his nut.
I'm just as sane as you are, and I can prove it too.
For when you here my lullaby, you'll know I'm not coo-coo.

Oooohhh, I was born one night in the morn when the whistles rang boom boom.
I fried a cake and baked a steak when the mudpies were in bloom.
Six and Six are Nine, and Ice comes from a mine.
Old Black Joe, was an Eskimo and pork from porcupine-O

A horse and cow can bark, meow and a goldfish loves to sing, LA-La
I saw a frog fly up a log and fall and break his wing
I know that camels sail the sea, and we get Honey from a flea
I saw a Horse fall up a tree on the road to Mandolee

O-me, O-my It's a lunatic's lul-la-by!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 07:12 PM

I remember my parents singing this song when I was a kid. I have never forgot it.

Oh, I was born one night one morn when the whistle went "Ding Dong."
You can bake a steak or fry a cake when the mud pies are in bloom.
Does six and six make nine? Does ice grow on a vine?
Is Old Black Joe an Eskimo In the Good Old Summertime?

You can loop-de-loop in your noodle soup just give your socks a shine.
I'm guilty, judge. I stole the fudge. Three cheers for Auld Lang Syne!
I cannot tell a lie. I hawked an apple pie.
It's on a tree beneath the sea above the bright blue sky.

Oh, they call me King Napoleon but I'm not him at all.
I come from South Dakota, way down by old Saint Paul.
I'll sue them all for slander. I'll make them all repent.
For how can I be Bonaparte When I'm the President?

Oh, If Easter eggs would shave their legs, their children would have ducks. (Quack, quack!)
I'd rather buy a lemon pie for forty-seven bucks. (Too Much!)
Way down in Barcelonia they fell into the foamia
Now that is all balonia. Paderewski blow your horn. (Toot, toot!)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 23 Oct 11 - 04:00 AM

What a brilliant thread. I have just loved reading all this. Great fun. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,don6060
Date: 22 Oct 11 - 01:23 PM

I heard it at Boy Scout Camp outside Butte Montana in 1946. Can't remember it all but the 1st verse ended with
"Paul Revere was fond of beer and so's your old man"

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,JohnW
Date: 03 Oct 11 - 01:49 PM

I"ll be singing it in concert with a Barbershop quartet...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 26 Nov 10 - 10:10 PM

My family used to sing this song all the grandfather especially knew the words. Sadly, he is dying with cancer and I can't remember all the words to it. Thought I'd put the ones I do remember in... if anyone actually knows all of it, it'd be great if they could put it in!

Oh! I was born one night one morn When the whistles rang Toot toot!
I can fry a cake and bake a steak(or snake) When the mud pies are in bloom
I'm up here in the bug house; I'm in an awful rut
My keeper says I'm crazy, But he is off his nut.

I'm just as sane as you are, And I can prove it too
Just listen to my lullaby You'll know I'm not cuckoo
If six and six are nine Does ice come from a mine?
Old Black Joe was an Eskimo And pork's from porcupine

Oh a pig or cow can bark meow But a goldfish likes to sing
I saw a frog swim up a log But he fell and broke his wing
If France is in Japan. Does milk come from a fan?
Paul Revere was fond of beer and so is your old man!

Oh they call me old Napoleon But I'm not him at all
I'm just a North Dakotian Come up from old Saint Paul
I know that camels sail the sea That we get honey from a flea
That every horse can climb a tree On the Road to Mandalay

Song repeats forever until you get tired of singing it...


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Marvin Gardens
Date: 07 Oct 10 - 04:22 PM

The version my sister always brought home from Girl Scouts in the 60's:

Oh, I was born At night one morn When the whistle rang, "Boom Boom"!
You could fry a cake Or bake a steak When the mudpies are in bloom
Do six and six make nine? Does ice grow on a vine?
Is Old Black Joe an Eskimo In the Good Old Summertime?

Oh, you loop-de-doop In your noodle soup Just to give your socks a shine!
I'm sorry, judge; I stole the fudge; Three cheers for Auld Lang Syne!
I cannot tell a lie I hocked an apple pie
It's on a tree Beneath the sea Above the clear blue sky!

If Easter Eggs Don't wash their legs Their children will have ducks
I'd rather buy A lemon pie For 47 bucks (too much)!
Way down in Barcelonia I jumped into the foam-ia
But that was a bunch of baloney-a; Padrewski, blow your horn (toot! toot!)

(Never heard of the Napoleon part - sounds neat, though!)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Darren
Date: 28 Sep 10 - 10:47 PM

You have it all wrong!

The Aberdeen South Dakota Version....

I'm up here is a nut house; My brain is in a rut
My keeper thinks I'm crazy but he's just off his nut
I'm just as sane as you are and I can prove it too
cause when you hear this lullaby you'll know that I'm coo-coo

Oh I was born, one night, one morn when the whistles went "boom, boom"
I caught a cake and baked a snake when the mud pies where in bloom
If 6 and 6 were 9 and ice cream cone were mine
and old Black Joe was an Eskimo in the good ol' summertime

Oh loop'dee loop in the noodle soup, I'll give your socks a shine
the guilty, he stole the fudge; three cheers for Ol` Langsyne
I can't not tell a lie; I stole a case of rye
It was in a tree, beneath the sea, above the deep blue sky

Oh my friends they call me Napolean but I'm not that at all...
I come from South Dakota... WAY DOWN BY ST. PAUL
I'll sue them all for slander; I'll make them all repent
For how can I be Bonaparte When I'm the president!
Toot Toot!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 19 Aug 10 - 12:04 PM

oh I was born one night one morn When the whistles went toot toot
I can fry a cake and bake a steak when the mud pies are in bloom
does six and six make nine? does ice come from a mine?
does ole black joe the Eskimo in good ole summertime?

they loop the loop with noodle soup; just give myself a shine
I'm guilty, judge; I stole the fudge. three cheers for auld lang syne
I cannot tell a lie; I stole a case of rye
beneath the tree beneath the sea beneath the deep blue sky

the easter eggs don't wash their legs; their children will be ducks
I'd rather buy a lemon pie for forty-seven bucks
way down in barsilomi, they spit right down salomi
but that's a lot of baloney; pawtawski blow your horn

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Sophia
Date: 17 Aug 10 - 08:51 AM

Weeeeeeell, I was born one night one morn When the whistle went toot-toot {toot toot}
You could fry a cake or bake a steak When the Mudpies are in bloom
Does six and six make nine? Does ice grow on a vine?
Is Good Ol` Joe and Eskimo In the Good Ol' Summertime

Loop - De - Loop, in my noodle soup Just to give my socks a shine
I'm Guilty Fudge, I ate the Judge; Three cheers for Ol` Langsyne
I can not tell a lie; I hawked an apple pie
It's in a tree, beneath the sea, above the clear blue sky

Oh, Easter eggs don't wash there legs; Their children will have ducks {quack quack}
I'd rather have a lemon pie Then forty - seven bucks {your nuts!}
Went down to Barcelonia and Jumped into the Phonia
Course this is all Balognia; Patarooski, blow your horn {Toot Toot!}

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,sarah
Date: 19 Jun 10 - 03:59 PM

one night one morn when i was born and the whistle went toot! toot! (TOOT TOOT!)
you can buy a cake or fry a snake when the mud pies are in bloom!
does six and six make nine? does ice grow on a vine?
is old black joe the Eskimo in the great ol' summertime?

oh! loopty loop in a noodle soup, just give those socks a shine!
I'm guilty, judge; I ate the fudge! three cheers for olden time!
I cannot tell a lie! I hogged an apple pie!
it's on a tree, beneath the sea, above the bright blue sky!

oh! if easter eggs don't wash their legs, their children will have ducks (QUACK QUACK!)
id rather buy a lemon pie for forty-seven-bucks! (PLUS TAX!)
but down in bar-cel-lone-e-a, we jumped into the foam-mi-a!
but that is all bal-lone-ne-a! Pat-a-roo-ski blow your horn (TOOT TOOT!)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Stu Girlock Wilkes Barre PA
Date: 01 Jan 10 - 01:11 PM

Here's a few more verses I can remember from my uncle and my parents singing it to me... and I'm 60
It was just cool to see other people remember it...

I also remember it starting with the "whistles rang boom boom"

I won't shoot pool with Kelley's mule if his foot is on the spot.
and a flapper's knees are bound to freeze if her fur coat isn't hot.
Oh how the spongecake grows beneath the summer snows.
Don't wipe your feet on shredded wheat; inhale it through your nose.

An airplane (air-o-plane) would be a train if its mother was a ship.
Since Jack and Jill went up the hill, they got theirs on the hip.
Oh Rich man poor man injun chief; My powder puff is filled with grief.
Did Eve flush when she dropped that leaf in the valley by request.

Oh alcohol you made me fall; my vetraball is lame
My bulldog grins she just had twins, but I am not to blame.
I lost a lotta time today; My Ingersol was pitching hay (*Ingersol= Old brand name pocketwatch)
it broke it's glass and passed away; Oh Bermuda save your breath.

I greased my watch with butterscotch; oh plumber spare that tree.
Though Mike and Ike both look alike, their child resembles me.
If France is in Japan, does milk come from a fan.
Yes Paul Revere was fond of beer and so is my old man.

An so on and so on....

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,lsutter
Date: 31 Dec 09 - 02:17 PM

Well, I haven't seen my Dad's version yet!

    The way I learned it from him, there was a chorus:

    Lift up the latch
    Into the booby hatch
    La la la la la la la la!
    Where can you match
    Life in the booby hatch?
    La la la la la la la la!

And then the verse:

      They call me King Napoleon but I'm not him at all.
      I come from Minnesota, a way down in St. Paul.
      I'll sue them all for slander, right down to their last cent,
      For how can I be Napoleon when I'm the President?


...Lots of close approximations to the verse, but none to the chorus.

Don't remember any other verses.

And the Tom Lehrer song about the periodic table/elements is indeed taken from Gilbert & Sullivan, but it's "I am the very model of a modern major general," not the nightmare song.

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Subject: Lyr Add: LUNATIC'S LULLABY (from Harry Reser)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 04 Dec 09 - 02:38 PM

At last I know what the song sounds like! Thanks to the previous GUEST who found THE LUNATIC'S LULLABY recorded in 1926 by Harry Reser and His Orchestra (under the pseudonym Seven Wild Men), at The Internet Archive. Actually, the "song" is rhythmically recited rather than sung, in time with the music. (Is there a name for this kind of performance?)

Here's my transcription:

Listen, we're not crazy!
[music starts]
Now, I was born at night one morn and the whistles rang boom-boom.
I boil a cake and drink a steak when the mud-pies are in bloom.
If six and six are nine, does ice come from a mine?
Then Old Black Joe's an Eskimo and pork's from porcupine.

A pig or cow can bark meow but a goldfish likes to sing.
I saw a frog swim up a log but he fell and he broke his wing.
I know that camels sail the sea, that we get honey from a flea,
That every horse can climb a tree on the road to Mandalay.

Now I shoot the chutes in paper boots when the clouds are shining bright.
I'll fly a boat and row a goat, but I won't canoe a kite.
If France is in Japan, what does milk come from, a fan?
Then Paul Revere was fond of beer and so is your old man.

Now I don't shoot pool with Kelly Buhl(?) when his foot is in his sock.
A flapper's knees are bound to freeze if her fur coat is in hock.
I know an ostrich has no chest, that Grandma never wore a vest,
That elephants fly to their nests. Oh, my country, 'tis of thou.
[music stops]
Good morning, Napoleon!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Date: 02 Dec 09 - 09:39 PM

I found this website that has a musical version of this song. There aer parts in the song that I had no idea about. Here is a link in case anyone wants to check it out. Hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have enjoyed reading all of these versions.

In the upper right corner of the page is the box to play the song.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,chachie
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 08:52 PM

My dad sang a version of this to us, also. He didn't have the "I'm up here in the nut house" verse...but we will add it for the grandkids......

I was born one night in the early morn when the whistles rang boom boom
I boiled a steak and I drank a cake When the mudpies were in bloom.
If six and six is nine and ice comes from a mine
Then old Black Joe is an Eskimo and pork is pork-i-pine.

If a dog and a cow can bark meow and a goldfish likes to sing
I saw a frog climb up a log and he fell and broke his wing.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Holly
Date: 02 Nov 09 - 03:20 AM

How interesting to see all the different versions and verses.

I was pretty young during the gas shortage in SoCal during the 1970s and while waiting in line to buy gas my mother taught me this song. My version is slightly different than the others listed here.

I'm up here in my nuthouse. My mind is in a rut.
My keeper thinks I'm crazy. But he's just off his nut.
I'm just as sane as you are. And I can prove it too.
So listen to my lullaby I'm here to sing for you.

One night one morn when chicks are born and whistles went boom boom.
You can bake a snake or fry a cake when mudpies are in bloom.
Do six and six make nine? Does ice come from a mine?
Is Old Black Joe an Eskimo in the good old summertime?

If Easter eggs could wash their legs and children could have ducks.
I'd rather buy a lemon pie for 47 bucks.
Way down in Barcelonia They spit into the phonia.
But that is just bolognia. Padelooski blow your horn - toot toot ding-a-ling!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,GUEST, Bruce
Date: 01 Nov 09 - 07:17 PM

I heard it and sang it at Camp Dearborn (Michigan) in the mid 60's

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Lisa
Date: 21 Oct 09 - 12:40 PM

My mom just got back from Puerto Rico and said that my little nephew was singing some strange song his dad (my brother) taught him. I heard it and remembered it from YMCA day camp in Troy, Michigan, over 30 years ago! After reading several of these posts, it's interesting that most people heard it while living in Michigan somewhere.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
From: GUEST,Dane
Date: 27 Jul 09 - 12:04 AM

So, my *grandmother* used to sing me this when I was a kid. She learned at Camp Che-Na-Wa in the Adirondacks sometime in the late 1940s. I've promises to sit down with her and transcribe her version of the song (which includes the intro, chorus, and noodle soup verse, but not much else) when I visit her next week.

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