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MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post

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Marcus Campus Bellorum 30 Aug 00 - 12:37 AM
Joe Offer 30 Aug 00 - 12:54 AM
John in Brisbane 30 Aug 00 - 01:15 AM
Marcus Campus Bellorum 30 Aug 00 - 02:44 AM
Joe Offer 30 Aug 00 - 02:51 AM
Marcus Campus Bellorum 30 Aug 00 - 06:30 AM
MMario 30 Aug 00 - 09:13 AM
GUEST,Joerg 30 Aug 00 - 10:15 PM
MMario 31 Aug 00 - 09:08 AM
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Subject: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: Marcus Campus Bellorum
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 12:37 AM

Hi all,

Are there any step by step instructions for posting a new tune to Mudcat discussion forum. I note there is a lot of info about this but nothing that really applies to a simple foolproof method of converting a tune from sound, or from notation, to Midi or ABC.

1) If I had a tune on sheet music and wanted to post it to Mudcat how would I do it (in simple, no knowledge assumed systematic universally understood instructions). Please keep options limited (the objective is not get the tune quickly to mudcat not learn about the history of digital technology).

2) If I had a tune on CD or tape (no copyright probs)and wanted to post it to Mudcat what is the simplist most effective method of doing that (again with the objective of getting the tune on Mudcat with a minimum of fuss). Lots of steps, no assumed knowledge, and know mumbo jumbo about all the different options).

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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 12:54 AM

Hi, Mark - it's best if it's in some sort of digital/playable format, like MIDI, ABC, or NoteWorthy - you can e-mail them to me and I'll make sure they're taken care of. If it's a scanned image, you can e-mail it to me and I'll transcribe it. If it's MP3 or RealPlayer or other audio file, send me an e-mail (not the file), and I'll find a transcriber you can e-mail it to.
There are more complicated ways that bypass me and take some of the burden off me, but this is a simple answer that should keep things straight.
My e-mail address is always available at Mudcat Resources.

-Joe Offer (click to e-mail)-

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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: John in Brisbane
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 01:15 AM

Marcus, Challenge accepted! I will write a no-nonsense beginner's guide to NoteWorthy Composer, assuming no prior musical or systems knowledge. I'll base it on the newest version of NoteWorthy Composer which should be unchanged for a reasonable amount of time. No promises about delivery timeframe though, so if anyone else wishes to volunteer please do so. Regards, John

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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: Marcus Campus Bellorum
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 02:44 AM

Boody Teriffic John!!!

I look forward to it.

And thanks.

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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 02:51 AM

Mark, you can expect that John will do an excellent job of it. Take a look at his Mudcat ABC Tune Guide (click).
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: Marcus Campus Bellorum
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 06:30 AM

Yep. Excellent stuff. I will go through that tomorrow. Knowing ABC may help me extract a few more hard to find tunes from the ether (or is it eather) Either way you know what I mean.

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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: MMario
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 09:13 AM

Marcus - I am also available for scanned images to be sent for transcription.

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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: GUEST,Joerg
Date: 30 Aug 00 - 10:15 PM

Joe -

Do you see any problem to think of some upload area where anybody can post arbitrary files (e.g. scanned images) and then just obtain their URL to create a clicky in his message?


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Subject: RE: MP3, Midi, ABC and new songs to post
From: MMario
Date: 31 Aug 00 - 09:08 AM

size of files is one problem - for those who are on dial-up/slow connections -

and for those of us behind content filters and firewalls, a lot of the "free upload" areas are blocked.

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