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Lyr Add: Freedom Come All Ye - parody


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Max Tone 25 Oct 00 - 06:59 PM
Malcolm Douglas 25 Oct 00 - 07:40 PM
Max Tone 25 Oct 00 - 07:54 PM
pict 25 Oct 00 - 08:11 PM
Max Tone 27 Oct 00 - 06:39 PM
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Subject: Parody - FREEDOM COME ALL YE
From: Max Tone
Date: 25 Oct 00 - 06:59 PM

My first posting of a song formatted before importing to a new thread; I got flamed for posting this wrongly, and in untranslated dialect, first time, so this had better work! I've tried to find my original posting, with a search, but no luck, so here's a new thread.
A translation o' the Scots is gied, fer a' yon Sassenachs wha' cannae unnerstaun' ma screivin'


Copyright 13/6/00, Rob Maxtone Graham.

Frae Norfolk tae ol' Kentucky,
They tempt wir bairns wi' a' yon junk food.
But there's nae hope, e'en fer the plucky,
Bullets aye beat pullets in a bubbly-jock shoot.
Ye'll find breedcrumbs an' spicy drumsticks,
Hae a taste! --- "It's finger-lickin' good"
But it's time they haud hames o' freedom
Sae wing the haill batt'ry o' the colonel's brood.

An' MacDonald's hae sponsored music,
Ten grand they gied wir weans tae go the Dome.
But their rogue name they wir abusin'
"Tell yer mammies whan ye gae hame"
Its a stench that wid mak ye vomit,
Fact'ry fairmin' the kyne is nae cartoon;
Sae show them a' that ye think they're counterfeit
An' fling the vile relish o' their burgers doon!

"Gherkins" or whatever, can be substituted for "relish" in the last line, for those with particular aversions, preceded by a theatrical "spitting out" of the offending taste!

Sassenach= one of those English speaking Lowlander chappies, don't you know, what!
Screive= write, Frae= from, Tae= to, Wir= our, Bairns,= kids, nae= no, yon= that,those, Pullets= small, or young hen, Bubbly-jock= turkey, Haud= had, Hames= homes, Wing= get rid of, fling, chuck (or- alternatively, - give flight to!), Haill= whole, Gied= gave, Weans= kids, (see bairns), Wid= would, Mak= make, Kyne= cattle, Doon= down!

Whilst in battle with the local Education Authority (Midlothian, Scotland) over Traditional Music provision, I was informed by the slimy Curriculum Officer that their entire budget for ALL music was only £10,000 p.a. - apart from teaching staff's wages. Six high schools and 30+ primaries have to share this finance for all instrument purchases and repairs, competition entry fees, coach and hall hires, etc.
Soon after, my 11 year old daughter, Alex, was invited to play Clarsach at a Schools' Orchestra Concert; it turns out it was a dress rehearsal for a sponsored gig for the ensemble in that big white elephant tent in London.
A MacDonalds' glossy brochure on every chair occupied by us fawning parents soon got my hackles up, especially when I discovered that their sponsorship amounted to that same 10 grand -----PLUS accommodation and transport --- for 90-odd folk for two nights in London ---- at least another ten grand!
The last line of the song came first --- and I worked back from there ---- it just goes to show that there ain't no rules for songwritin'. My sincere apologies to Hamish Hendreson.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Parody - FREEDOM COME ALL YE
From: Malcolm Douglas
Date: 25 Oct 00 - 07:40 PM

Your original thread is here:  MacDonalds

You certainly didn't get flamed, though "Calico" presumably has only come across "standard" English; what you should bear in mind is that not everybody here has English (which, like it or not, is the "common language" of the internet) as their first language, let alone Scots!  When posting in a language that may be difficult, people should always give a translation -or at least notes- unless they wish deliberately to exclude others.  It's generally better to revive a thread rather than make a new one to re-post the same information, by the way.  If you can't remember the title you gave your original thread, re-set the filter on the main Forum page to (say) 14 days, which will bring up everything from that period.  That's how I found it.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Parody - FREEDOM COME ALL YE
From: Max Tone
Date: 25 Oct 00 - 07:54 PM

Mea culpa. I set the filter to 30 days and entered Lyr add - Macdonalds - but I couldn't remember all the case details. Nothing came up, so I started a new one - will remember to add it to my trace file this time!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Parody - FREEDOM COME ALL YE
From: pict
Date: 25 Oct 00 - 08:11 PM

A lowlander is a gall or a machaireach.A sassunach is an Englishman(literally,a Saxon).

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Parody - FREEDOM COME ALL YE
From: Max Tone
Date: 27 Oct 00 - 06:39 PM

Hey, Pict,
Chambers gives Sassenach as a Saxon, Englishman or Lowlander. To a highlander, everybody south of the highland fault line, or the central belt of Scotland is a sassenach, or a teuchter, but we all have our favourites!
Having been brought up right on the southern edge of the grampians, I suppose I could be one, too.

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