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ADD/Chords: Krystallnacht Is Coming (Bob Franke)


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bflat 09 Nov 00 - 07:55 PM
Quincy 10 Nov 00 - 05:42 PM
Jim Dixon 21 Jan 10 - 09:57 AM
Joe_F 21 Jan 10 - 05:30 PM
Joe Offer 21 Jan 10 - 06:57 PM
Joe Offer 21 Jan 10 - 09:11 PM
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Subject: Heart Of The Flower
From: bflat
Date: 09 Nov 00 - 07:55 PM

Bob Franke wrote a song by this title. Does anyone know the chords and lyrics?

It was written to commemorate Kristalnacht. Kristalnacht was the night of broken glass in I believe 1938 when Jewish shopkeepers had their window smashed from 11/9 through 11/10 in Germany and Austria. Tonight when I closed my shop, I remembered those who were persecuted, by leaving lights on inside my shop. Tomorrow I will do the same.


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Subject: RE: Heart Of The Flower
From: Quincy
Date: 10 Nov 00 - 05:42 PM


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Krystallnacht Is Coming (Bob Franke)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 21 Jan 10 - 09:57 AM

Bob Franke's album "The Heart of the Flower" (1995) contains a song called KRYSTALLNACHT IS COMING (sic, according to his web site; the correct spelling is Kristallnacht).

I found a sample at

... I loved a soldier in the SS.
They only picked the strongest ones, the healthiest, the best.
They weren't monsters; they were like your Green Berets.
We never wanted to kill Jews; we just wanted them away.
And you know we gave them lots of time until Kristallnacht sealed their....

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Krystallnacht Is Coming (Bob Franke)
From: Joe_F
Date: 21 Jan 10 - 05:30 PM

A curious fact about the Kristallnacht, revealed in _Hitler, Germans, and the "Jewish Question"_ by Sarah Gordon (1984), is that, as shown by polls, journalism, etc., it was unpopular in Germany, even among rank-and-file Nazis. This seems to have been because it was irregular and disorderly -- one might say, unGerman. (It was also a diplomatic embarrassment to the regime.) The experiment was not repeated. Thereafter, Jews were harassed, humiliated, robbed, exiled, and killed under strict forms of law.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Krystallnacht Is Coming (Bob Franke)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 21 Jan 10 - 06:57 PM

Bob Franke has a lot of lyrics on his Website, - but not the lyrics to this one. I have the CD in deep storage, but I don't think the booklet has lyrics. I'll transcribe the song by ear later, unless somebody beats me to it. It's a good song.
The original request was posted in 2000 when I was on a 6-week vacation. I've had the CD since 1996, and would have been able to post the lyrics when they were requested - if I had been here.

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Subject: ADD: Krystallnacht Is Coming (Bob Franke)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 21 Jan 10 - 09:11 PM

(Bob Franke)

I walked with Katya at the factory,
She always did her job OK, as far as I could see;
Lunchtime one day, she got nostalgic for her youth,
Growing up in wartime under a different truth.

She told me,
"When I was a girl, I loved a soldier in the SS,
They only picked the strongest ones, the healthiest, the best;
They weren't monsters, they were like your Green Berets;
We never wanted to kill Jews, we just wanted them away.
And you know we gave them lots of time until Kristallnacht sealed their fate;
We only wanted them to emigrate.

[instrumental break]

We'll give each Californian a plastic picture card,
If you don't have your papers, kid, well, life is hard;
The Pass Laws have arrived here in America at last,
You used to get a meal in school, but that's the past.

Just take your chances in the street, but do it out of sight,
We know you'll get along until your Crystal Night.
Your teacher has to turn you in, she doesn't really hate;
We only wanted you to emigrate.

Kristallnacht is coming, little Mexican child,
The night of breaking glass, the night of running wild;
Run sick and in the streets (?) until Kristallnacht seals your fate,
We only wanted you to emigrate.

Until we send the troopers in, we'll give you lots of time,
To get your life in order and forsake your little crimes;
You're better off in Mexico, although you grew up here,
And if your folks won't take you back, there's this to fear. (?)

Alone and in an alley, your Breaking Glass will come;
It won't get in the papers if we do it one by one.
It's all about the Bottom Line, it isn't really hate,
We only wanted you to emigrate.

Kristallnacht is coming, Salvadorian child,
The night of breaking glass, the night of running wild;
Run sick and in the streets (?) until Kristallnacht seals your fate,
We only wanted you to emigrate.

Kristallnacht is coming, Guatemalan child,
The night of breaking glass, the night of running wild;
Run sick and in the streets (?) until Kristallnacht seals your fate,
We only wanted you to emigrate.

We only wanted you to emigrate.

**"Run, sic him in the streets"???? I really don't know what this phrase is.

Transcribed by ear from the 1995 Bob Franke CD, The Heart of the Flower

Alternate spelling of title: Kristallnacht Is Coming

You'll notice there are some phrases with question marks. These are places where I'm not satisfied with my transcription. Anybody hear something different?

This is certainly a powerful song. I've had the CD for almost 15 years, but never paid attention to this cut.

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