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Mudcatter CD's PermaThread

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Joe Offer 03 Dec 00 - 02:35 AM
Joe Offer 03 Dec 00 - 03:09 AM
Musicman 03 Dec 00 - 03:34 AM
bigchuck 03 Dec 00 - 01:43 PM
John P 03 Dec 00 - 02:36 PM
DebC 03 Dec 00 - 03:00 PM
harpgirl 03 Dec 00 - 03:07 PM
Bernard 03 Dec 00 - 04:41 PM
Susan A-R 03 Dec 00 - 08:32 PM
tar_heel 04 Dec 00 - 07:26 PM
Troll 04 Dec 00 - 09:58 PM
katlaughing 04 Dec 00 - 10:17 PM
JedMarum 04 Dec 00 - 10:23 PM
JedMarum 04 Dec 00 - 10:31 PM
P Mitchell@work 05 Dec 00 - 04:54 AM
Wolfgang 05 Dec 00 - 07:02 AM
Kim C 05 Dec 00 - 11:46 AM
radriano 05 Dec 00 - 11:52 AM
Jim Krause 05 Dec 00 - 02:11 PM
tar_heel 05 Dec 00 - 07:46 PM
GUEST,Kristi 05 Dec 00 - 08:18 PM
Luke 06 Dec 00 - 02:40 PM
RoyH (Burl) 06 Dec 00 - 03:03 PM
Matt Woodbury/Mimosa 06 Dec 00 - 04:33 PM
CarolC 07 Dec 00 - 08:37 PM
Joe Offer 11 Dec 00 - 07:52 PM
Guy Wolff 11 Dec 00 - 10:20 PM
Judy Cook 12 Dec 00 - 10:13 PM
Nathan in Texas 12 Dec 00 - 10:15 PM
Joe Offer 02 Mar 01 - 02:11 AM
Michael in Swansea 02 Mar 01 - 04:29 AM
Llanfair 02 Mar 01 - 05:35 AM
Jim the Bart 02 Mar 01 - 01:06 PM
Alice 02 Mar 01 - 02:09 PM
Metchosin 02 Mar 01 - 02:46 PM
Liam's Brother 02 Mar 01 - 02:59 PM
GUEST,Norton1 02 Mar 01 - 11:43 PM
bill\sables 03 Mar 01 - 06:18 AM
Peg 03 Mar 01 - 09:36 AM
Susan from California 03 Mar 01 - 09:06 PM
Banjer 04 Mar 01 - 04:58 PM
Joe Offer 06 Mar 01 - 03:28 PM
Art Thieme 06 Mar 01 - 05:22 PM
Whiskey 15 Mar 01 - 07:55 AM
Frogmore 15 Mar 01 - 08:31 AM
Joe Offer 17 Apr 01 - 02:51 PM
Seamus Kennedy 17 Apr 01 - 03:13 PM
rube1 18 Apr 01 - 06:18 AM
bill\sables 18 Apr 01 - 08:18 PM
GUEST,maryrrf 18 Apr 01 - 10:50 PM
jlp 10 May 01 - 06:48 PM
Uncle Jaque 11 May 01 - 12:17 PM
hesperis 11 May 01 - 08:36 PM
Joe Offer 11 May 01 - 10:18 PM
Ian HP 12 May 01 - 09:43 AM
kendall 13 May 01 - 08:30 AM
GUEST,Lisa 10 Jul 01 - 05:05 AM
Robin2 10 Jul 01 - 08:17 PM
Willie-O 07 Aug 01 - 12:25 PM
Jim Krause 07 Aug 01 - 12:32 PM
Jim Krause 07 Aug 01 - 12:44 PM
hesperis 07 Aug 01 - 05:52 PM
RangerSteve 08 Aug 01 - 12:34 AM
Amos 08 Aug 01 - 01:08 AM
GUEST,White Dove...Hull 08 Aug 01 - 01:12 AM
BK Lick 13 Aug 01 - 05:41 PM
Callie 02 Sep 01 - 02:08 AM
Alice 19 Sep 01 - 04:07 PM
Barbara Shaw 06 Nov 01 - 09:25 AM
jmdornan 29 Nov 01 - 11:46 AM
wysiwyg 05 Jan 02 - 02:27 PM
Robin2 05 Jan 02 - 07:53 PM
CRANKY YANKEE 06 Jan 02 - 11:56 AM
musicmick 19 Jan 02 - 01:51 AM
harpmaker 19 Jan 02 - 11:13 AM
Wightknight 19 Jan 02 - 11:44 AM
Kathryn 19 Jan 02 - 05:13 PM
musicmick 19 Jan 02 - 07:03 PM
SarahC 20 Jan 02 - 05:03 AM
alanabit 20 Jan 02 - 07:19 AM
Willa 20 Jan 02 - 08:23 AM
mzkitty 20 Jan 02 - 06:10 PM
clansfolk 21 Jan 02 - 07:27 AM
Kathryn 07 Feb 02 - 11:58 AM
wysiwyg 07 Feb 02 - 12:14 PM
Joe Offer 07 Feb 02 - 06:28 PM
musicmick 08 Feb 02 - 03:14 AM
Gloredhel 29 Mar 02 - 08:20 PM
Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull 31 Jul 02 - 02:17 AM
musicmick 31 Jul 02 - 11:55 PM
treewind 02 Oct 02 - 02:16 PM
Justa Picker 02 Oct 02 - 02:53 PM
Stephen L. Rich 10 Oct 02 - 02:51 AM
reggie miles 19 Oct 02 - 03:26 PM
Joe Offer 04 Dec 02 - 03:08 PM
Amos 04 Dec 02 - 04:50 PM
George Papavgeris 18 Mar 03 - 07:58 AM
Deni-C 18 Mar 03 - 01:17 PM
Joe Offer 25 Mar 03 - 11:54 AM
Brakn 25 Mar 03 - 11:55 AM
Maryrrf 25 Mar 03 - 04:48 PM
mutineer 01 Apr 03 - 10:26 PM
black walnut 03 Apr 03 - 10:10 AM
Joe Offer 23 May 03 - 12:33 AM
hesperis 25 May 03 - 09:34 PM
Art Thieme 26 May 03 - 07:17 PM
Joe Offer 29 Oct 03 - 02:14 PM
michaelr 27 Nov 03 - 12:51 AM
Harry Basnett 27 Nov 03 - 05:34 PM
Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull 14 Mar 04 - 05:47 AM
Linda Kelly 14 Mar 04 - 08:20 AM
Fortunato 14 Mar 04 - 09:36 AM
Uncle_DaveO 14 Mar 04 - 10:41 AM
Midchuck 14 Mar 04 - 11:56 AM
clansfolk 14 Mar 04 - 12:25 PM
Joe Offer 14 Apr 04 - 09:50 PM
Mark Dowding 12 May 04 - 12:53 PM
SeanM 13 May 04 - 12:11 PM
hesperis 13 Jun 04 - 08:14 PM
Chris Amos 14 Jun 04 - 01:49 AM
Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull 27 Nov 04 - 11:50 AM
Cool Beans 27 Nov 04 - 11:56 AM
wysiwyg 28 Nov 04 - 06:49 PM
Crane Driver 29 Nov 04 - 03:43 PM
GUEST,MCP 14 Jan 05 - 02:59 AM
dwditty 14 Jan 05 - 11:29 AM
Justa Picker 14 Jan 05 - 01:05 PM
Big Mick 14 Jan 05 - 01:39 PM
Justa Picker 14 Jan 05 - 02:05 PM
GUEST 16 Jan 05 - 04:39 PM
Susanne (skw) 16 Jan 05 - 07:08 PM
Ranks 10 Mar 05 - 04:01 AM
treewind 10 Mar 05 - 05:44 AM
radriano 10 Mar 05 - 02:24 PM
Stephen L. Rich 16 Mar 05 - 10:22 PM
chris nightbird childs 29 Mar 05 - 01:05 PM
Joe Offer 26 Sep 05 - 11:39 AM
Sarah the flute 27 Sep 05 - 04:01 AM
Joe Offer 12 Oct 05 - 02:35 AM
rich-joy 28 Oct 05 - 02:58 AM
Stephen L. Rich 11 Nov 05 - 02:25 AM
sharyn 11 Nov 05 - 02:11 PM
Briagha 11 Nov 05 - 02:29 PM
katlaughing 11 Nov 05 - 03:09 PM
alanabit 12 Nov 05 - 07:50 AM
Guy Wolff 12 Nov 05 - 11:15 PM
Stephen L. Rich 13 Nov 05 - 12:17 AM
DebC 20 Dec 05 - 01:57 PM
Stilly River Sage 26 Dec 05 - 11:20 AM
Barbara Shaw 26 Dec 05 - 12:05 PM
closet-folkie 26 Dec 05 - 02:49 PM
Fidjit 05 Apr 06 - 05:08 AM
mandotim 05 Apr 06 - 06:10 AM
GUEST,Brian 10 Apr 06 - 10:07 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 10 Apr 06 - 11:27 PM
Peace 10 Apr 06 - 11:36 PM
Peace 10 Apr 06 - 11:37 PM
Barbara Shaw 11 Apr 06 - 07:33 AM
Barbara Shaw 10 Jun 06 - 07:28 PM
RTim 14 Sep 06 - 03:39 PM
treewind 10 Jan 07 - 08:12 PM
Pistachio 16 Jan 07 - 12:13 PM
Deskjet 16 Jan 07 - 12:26 PM
Bernard 16 Jan 07 - 12:29 PM
hesperis 17 May 07 - 04:22 PM
early 17 May 07 - 07:34 PM
Joe Offer 29 May 09 - 01:20 AM
Jon Bartlett 29 May 09 - 03:09 AM
olddude 29 May 09 - 01:35 PM
Deskjet 29 May 09 - 02:07 PM
The Sandman 29 May 09 - 05:59 PM
Acorn4 29 May 09 - 07:06 PM
RTim 29 May 09 - 07:11 PM
kendall 29 May 09 - 07:19 PM
Guy Wolff 29 May 09 - 08:14 PM
katlaughing 29 May 09 - 09:41 PM
sharyn 29 May 09 - 11:15 PM
Barry Finn 30 May 09 - 12:32 AM
DebC 30 May 09 - 10:29 AM
Waddon Pete 02 Jun 09 - 08:54 AM
Barbara Shaw 02 Jun 09 - 11:47 AM
BobKnight 25 Nov 09 - 06:45 AM
skarpi 25 Nov 09 - 07:20 AM
agingcynic 25 Nov 09 - 08:08 AM
Maryrrf 25 Nov 09 - 09:29 AM
GUEST,John from "Elsie`s Band" 25 Nov 09 - 10:16 AM
michaelr 25 Nov 09 - 11:03 AM
Tim Leaning 25 Nov 09 - 11:58 AM
JHW 26 Nov 09 - 06:26 PM
Mark Ross 26 Nov 09 - 10:07 PM
jiva 27 Nov 09 - 05:41 AM
folktheatre 06 Jan 10 - 10:19 AM
Darowyn 06 Jan 10 - 11:51 AM
Dan Schatz 06 Jan 10 - 11:55 AM
Cool Beans 06 Jan 10 - 03:37 PM
henryclem 18 Jan 10 - 12:07 PM
Joe Offer 09 Feb 10 - 05:01 PM
Janie 10 Feb 10 - 10:39 AM
bradfordian 30 Dec 10 - 07:29 PM
bradfordian 02 Jan 11 - 07:39 PM
bradfordian 21 Jan 11 - 03:52 PM
RamblinStu 21 Jan 11 - 04:16 PM
Joe Offer 02 Oct 17 - 10:30 PM
GUEST,kenny 06 Oct 17 - 04:43 PM
Steve Gardham 06 Oct 17 - 05:46 PM
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Subject: Mudcatter CD's
From: Joe Offer
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 02:35 AM

This is a PermaThread (edited thread), used for information about CD's recorded by Mudcat participants. Feel free to post messages to this thread, but be aware that information in this thread may be deleted or edited to make it serve as a permanent guide.
I noticed in another thread that a Mudcatter was uneasy about promoting his own CD in the Mudcat Forum, and I don't think there's any reason to be hesitant about a little modest self-promotion. The really notorious Mudcatters like Art Thieme and Rick Fielding and Kendall have no problem generating interest in their recording here, and may sell as many as ten or maybe even fifteen CD's as a result of their association with Mudcat. I've heard great recordings by a number of Mudcatters - Dan and Bonnie Milner, Dave Swan, Radriano, The Chucks (Woodchucks' Revenge), Seamus Kennedy, Jed Marum, Judy Cook, and Sandy and Caroline Paton. There are others I forgot, I'm sure.
So, I thought I'd start a PermaThread that would centralize information about Mudcatter CD's to make it easy for people to find out about them and learn how to order them. I envision allowing one message per CD - if you've posted a message and want to add information, just post another message and I'll eventually patch the two messages together. I think I'd also like to restrict this thread to just Mudcatter CD's - CD's recorded by reasonably regular participants.
-Joe Offer-
Also see: Attention 'Catters with CD's

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Joe Offer
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 03:09 AM

I see previous threads or Websites for

Also see Mudcatters on CD.

-Any more?
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Musicman
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 03:34 AM

Hey Joe, great idea.....

I didn't see mine on your list?

You can find informationa about it here (if I did this right1!) and they are available through Folk Leagacy....

Musicman (Paul Evenden)

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Woodchucks' Revenge
From: bigchuck
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 01:43 PM

Fine idea, Joe. Woodchucks' Revenge have 2 CDs available, "Loose in the Hills", released in 1996, and "Fill One Room", released in 1999. For ordering information, write to :

Woodchucks' Revenge
c/o Cady
PO Box 22
Pittsford, VT. 05763

or email
From Midchuck:

Bigchuck already mentioned ours, but, to expand a little:

We have two recordings, each of which is available in either cassette or CD.

"Loose in the Hills" came out in fall of '96. Playlist is:

1) The Hills That I Call Home: Robert Amos (of Front Range)
2) Own Heart's Delight: Ian Tyson
3) Across The Great Divide: Kate Wolf
4) The Year Of '88: Christopher Shaw
5) Mama Fried: Lyrics: Kristina and Peter Cady; Melody: Merle Haggard
6) What Song Could I Sing to You: Dick McCormack
7) Paddy Welcome Back: Bruce ("Utah") Phillips
8) A La Claire Fontaine: Traditional/P.D.
9) Daddy Come Home: Peter Cady
10) Come Back, Baby: Trad./Champion Jack DuPree
11) The Pride Of Petrovar (Eileen Oge): Percy French
12) Gunfighter's Eyes: Peter Cady
13) Hot Buttered Rum: Tommy Thompson
14) Voices In The Hills: Dick McCormack

"Fill One Room" came out in the fall of '99. Playlist is:

1) DUSTY BOXCAR WALL: Erik Andersen
2) THE FROZEN LOGGER: James Stevens
3) SOMEDAY SOON: Ian Tyson
5) WRANGLING DUDES: Andrea K. Cady
6) BOXERS AND SOCKS: Lyrics: Kristina/Peter Cady
7) BILLY GRAY: Norman Blake
8) THE SONG OF THE VERMONTERS, 1779: Lyrics: John Greenleaf Whittier;Music: Peter and Kristina Cady
9) YUCKY BUGS: Dan MacArthur
10) THE SACK OF THE GODS: Lyrics: Rudyard Kipling; Music: Peter and Kristina Cady
13) LOCK-KEEPER: Stan Rogers
14) SUR LA ROUTE: Trad.
15) RODEO WIND: Chris Wall
16) FILL ONE ROOM: Dick McCormack

Either CD is $15.00; Either tape is 10.00. For orders from mudcatters we'll absorb the postage and handling.


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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Telynor (John P)
From: John P
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 02:36 PM

I play with a band called Telynor. We do mostly Euro-trad music with hurdy-grudy, cittern, nyckelharpa, etc. We have three CDs available. Visit the Telynor web site for sound samples, reviews, performance schedule, and ordering info.


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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Debra Cowan (DebC)
From: DebC
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 03:00 PM

Glad to see this here as I was uneasy about promoting my stuff on here as well.

I have one cd out now called "Banks of Green Willow". It is a six-song EP that I released last July.

In January 2001, I will release my first solo album entitled "The Long Grey Line". Musicians who helped out on this album are:Geoff Bartley, Hanneke Cassel, Lorraine Hammond, Gaston Bernard, Steve Sadler and Jim Williams.

You can go to my website for more information and my performance schedule.

Thanks, Joe, for doing this.

Debra has two new CD's in 2001, "Long Grey Line" and Songs and Ballads of HATTIE MAE TYLER CARGILL.
-Joe Offer-

Cheers, Debra Cowan

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: harpgirl
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 03:07 PM

...I like the idea of promoting Mudcatter's CDs but how do we keep the amount of promotion down so that it doesn't overwhelm everything else? I don't want to start a flame war but how do we distinguish between regulars and the occasional person who just wants to use the forum as a marketing tool? (People know I hate excesses of anything on the 'cat)
That's why this is a PermaThread, Harpy - I retain control.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Bernard Cromarty (Bernard)
From: Bernard
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 04:41 PM

My one and only album (Revived? Forty-Five!) is also available - sample tracks are to be found on my website, and I can be emailed via the link.

It's cheap at £5.00 plus p&p...

I usually sell them on gigs - unfortunately I'm not set up for credit cards, etc.

Visit my Website

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Susan A-R
From: Susan A-R
Date: 03 Dec 00 - 08:32 PM

I'm on this odd little MP3 recording of Civil War songs. The group has, um, outlived its usefulness, but there is some interesting and unusual stuff on it. More a curiosity than a great listen.

click here for Hardtack and Homespun recording

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Hemrick Family Singers (Tar Heel)
From: tar_heel
Date: 04 Dec 00 - 07:26 PM

Don't forget the Hemrick Family Singers CD that Rick Fielding featured on his radio show ......
You can get a cd from us(18 traditional tunes from 3 cassette recording sessions)Hemrick Family Singers...390 college street... rural hall,n.c....27045....$10.00 plus $1.50 postage!!

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - 24th Street Klezmer! Band (Troll)
From: Troll
Date: 04 Dec 00 - 09:58 PM

The 24th Street KLEZMER! Band has one CD out(Bagels and Grits) and another (Klezarchy) due in Jan.
We are one of the very few klezmer bands on the Lower South East Side of the US. You can PM me (troll) or run a search with the bands name to get our web site.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: katlaughing
Date: 04 Dec 00 - 10:17 PM

Joe, I have a terrific new one by Willie-O, There's always time for anachronism; there's also Animaterras' CDs, of which I have one, Spring Concert 1999: Carry It Home; also, don't forget PaulG, who has a couple of really nice ones out; and, Guy Wolff, too. Also, one other one I would highly recommend is Lothlorien; they are not on here on a regular basis, but one of them is a member and their music is really good. I'll go hunt up the relevant threads and patch in for you.

Here ya go: PaulG
willie-o/Bill Cameron
Guy Wolff

Great Idea, BTW!


Linnks copied up to here.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Jed Marum
From: JedMarum
Date: 04 Dec 00 - 10:23 PM

Thanks Joe, for this thread.

The link above takes you to Amazon.con, but my CD is also available at for a little less, and at Mudcat (Email or personal message Max).

Also see

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: JedMarum
Date: 04 Dec 00 - 10:31 PM

another thread talks about a great compilation record just put out by Borealis which features our own Rick Fielding on one of the tracks. This is a guitar lover's record, and I believe it qualifies for the Mudcat CD list.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: P Mitchell@work
Date: 05 Dec 00 - 04:54 AM

I've just got a print run of C.D.'s done. Pagan based stuff, taking the Mickey out of the pagan scene... So not to everyone's taste, but hey, there you go... If people want a copy they can PM me here or try the C.D. is only £5 (plus some p&p). So, there you go.

It feels a bit wierd to be selling songs, I'm not sure I've really got the hang of this marketing stuff at all.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Wolfgang
Date: 05 Dec 00 - 07:02 AM

South Roscommon Singers' CD (including Mudcatter Martin Ryan)


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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Kim C
From: Kim C
Date: 05 Dec 00 - 11:46 AM

Mister and I have a cassette (hope that's okay!) called Stonewall of the West, with five traditional pre-1865 songs and five original songs about Civil War stuff. $12 including postage. If you're interested PM me and I'll give you my snail mail. Thanks!


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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Out of the Rain (radriano)
From: radriano
Date: 05 Dec 00 - 11:52 AM

Well, just as long as this thread is here:

I'm currently working on an album of sea shanties and sea songs that will probably be ready in about four months.

My former band, "Out of the Rain", which was in existance from about 1980 to 1996, has three recordings out. We were known for three-part a cappella singing although we did play instruments as well. The CD is a compilation of songs from live concerts we've done over the years. Here's a list of the albums:

A COMMON TREASURY(cassette tape)
Side A:
The World Turned Upside Down (The Diggers)
The Hills of Isle Au Haut/Bantry Bay/Old Torn Petticoat
The Cherry Tree Carol
The Star of the County Down / Scatter the Mud
Side B:
Jackie Tar/Cottage in the Grove/Green Hills of Glentown
Paddy's Lamentation
Broken Pledge/Sean Frank/Tam Lin
Here's A Health

SONG OF THE WAGE SLAVE (cassette tape)
Side A:
Both Sides the Tweed
Dobbin's Flowery Vale
The Gin and Raspberry
There Came a Day
The Broom O' The Cowdenknowes
Side B:
As I Walked on the Road
The Old Miner/I Can Hew
Joe Whitaker
The Two Brethren
Song of the Wageslave

The Creggan White Hare
Siul a Ruin
If I was a Blackbird
The Merry Sisters/Craig's Pipes/The Curlew (reels)
The Grey Funnel Line
Will Ye Go to Flanders
The Wild Rover
Goodnight and Joy
The Bright Shining Morning
Blind Mary/Belles of Tipperary/Shearing the Sheep
The Meeting of the Waters
Sliobh Gallen Braes
Austin Barry's/Clare Jig/Bank of Turf
Down by the Glenside
The Walls of Troy

All three recordings are sold locally by me. See Mudcat's e-mail list to find me. Cassettes are $15 and CDs are $17 (this includes postage & handling). And remember, those cassette tapes and CD's make dandy additions to your Christmas stockings.


New Radriano CD, July 2002:
Time Ashore Is Over (Richard Adrianowicz)

And another:

Boldly from Westward:
Songs of the Sea

Richard Adrianowicz and Peter Kasin
February, 2005

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Jim Krause
Date: 05 Dec 00 - 02:11 PM

Glad to see this thread. I have a couple of recordings out.
  • Down County Road 1045 is an anthology of original compositions. Available on cassette only.
  • Going Up the Missouri: Songs & Dance Tunes from Old Fort Osage is a recording of folk and popular music from the 18th and early 19th centuries. Ordering information may be found at my website, along with an order form which you can print out. Jim Krause

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: tar_heel
Date: 05 Dec 00 - 07:46 PM

hey joe,you can get a cd from us(18 traditional tunes from 3 cassette recording sessions)Hemrick Family Singers...390 college street... rural hall,n.c....27045....$10.00 plus $1.50 postage!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: GUEST,Kristi
Date: 05 Dec 00 - 08:18 PM

Upsala has our Cd out for about a year now. It is available on Amazon and CDnow. Our web page has sampes or you can get downloads at We also have a MP3 Cd featuring Sarah Thomas, our fiddle player's daughter with her sweet voice available on

I know I show up as a guest, but I can't figure out how to get rid if it since I upgraded my windows program. Kristi

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Luke
Date: 06 Dec 00 - 02:40 PM

Thanks for the chance to hawk some goods. I have a CD named Rushsylvania. It's a collection of my own songs recorded at Grey Larsons studio in Bloomington In. He also appears on the recordings and did some fine arranging as well. If you have an interest just pm me and we'll take it from there.

15.00 plus p&h

Luke Bob Lucas

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: RoyH (Burl)
Date: 06 Dec 00 - 03:03 PM

Thanks for doing this Joe. Ihave an album (LIVE AT THE LION,on Wildgoose Records) available in America via Elderly Instruments. Also 'The Rambling Soldier' on Fellside Records. These under my real name of course. Roy Harris.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Matt Woodbury/Mimosa
Date: 06 Dec 00 - 04:33 PM

Thanks, Joe. I finished a CD this past spring, as mentioned in this thread: M'Cat Mimosa's HARP & voice CD is ready!

Mimosa's Web page with pictures of the (in)famous Harp is a link to my web site, and Mimosa's HARP & voice CD is a link to the CD site with a GIF of the cover, list of songs, and a couple of MP3s. I had lots of help from the Mudcat for putting together the folk songs on the CD.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: CarolC
Date: 07 Dec 00 - 08:37 PM

New Mudcat member Mary Daily. Her CD is called "Beginning". Her CD is a combination of traditional folk songs, and original songs that she wrote and composed herself.

The CD features Mary doing vocals, as well as guitar, lap dulcimer, banjo, and bodhran accompaniment. She is also accompanied by Don Moore on autoharp, Sharon Hall on violin, Alexander Mitchell on fiddle, Larry Shroyer on harmonica, Christopher Youngblood on congas, and Seth Austin on guitar.

Mary doesn't have a computer at home, so she does her Mudcatting at the library. She has no web page, and she can't access her personal messages. If you want information on how to obtain her CD, send me a personal message, and I'll get the necessary information to you.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11 Dec 00 - 07:52 PM

If you posted information on the Mudcatters on CD thread, please copy it over to here, so we can gather all information into a single thread. What I'm trying to do is have a master set of links at top of this PermaThread (note revisions I just made), and then one message per performer, preferably posted by the performer him/herself. I will copy and paste any additional information into the performer's message, and then delete the subsequent messages. If would be nice if the message could include a brief description of the CD, and maybe names of the songs on the recording.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Guy Wolff
Date: 11 Dec 00 - 10:20 PM

This is very kind Joe, Thank you!If anyone is interested in my cd's contact me here at my personal page or at Guy Wolff Pottery 305 litchfield tnpk. New Preston CT.06777 860/868/2858. Please mention the Mudcat and I will send 1/3 to Max. All the best, Guy

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Judy Cook
Date: 12 Dec 00 - 10:13 PM

Thanks Joe!

Yes, I have two CD's. Anyone interested in them (or tour schedules, etc) is invited to visit my website You could also send me a message at my personal page here at mudcat, or order them from FOLK LEGACY!

There are some unusual versions of traditional songs & ballads. I sing them all unaccompanied. George Stephens, Mary LaMarca, Lisa Null, and Dennis Cook sing with me on a couple or three cuts on each CD.

Each CD comes with a booklet with all the lyrics, etc.

Here are the titles and songs on each.

"If You Sing Songs..." released 1998
1) Barbara Ellen (trad. KY)
2) Drowsy Sleeper (trad. NC)
3) Once I Had an Old Grey Mare (trad.)
4) Indeed Pretty Polly (trad. NC)
5) The Captain with his Whiskers (T.H. Bailey)
6) Bed is too Small
7) Jessel Town (trad. VA)
8) The Crying Family (trad. VT)
9) When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (J.M. Black)
10) Sheffield Apprentice (trad. NC)
11) The Lovers' Task (trad. KY)
12) A Mother's Last Words to her Daughter
("By and by, I'm going to see the King")
13) Allison Gross (trad.)
14) The Dun Brown Bride (trad. Scotland)
15) Three Men of Gotham (TL Peacock/tune trad.)
16) Tree in the Woods (trad.)
17) What Are They Doing in Heaven Today? (C.Tindley)

"Far From The Lowlands" released 2000
1) The Weeping Willow Tree (trad. VT)
2) Bowena (trad. WI)
3) Dear Companion (trad. NC)
4) Sweet William (trad. VA)
5) Lazy Robin (trad. Wales)
6) Greencastle Jenny (Cone/Zentz)
7) Peter and I (trad. MI)
8) A Sailor's Life (trad. AR)
9) Daughters of the Revolution (Armstrong)
10) Titanic (trad. GA)
(God moved on the water)
11) Banks of the Little Eau Pleine (Allen)
12) Lord Randal (trad. KY)
13) The Wild, Wild Berry (trad. England)
14) Green & Yellow (trad.)
15) The Ploughboy of the Lowlands (trad. NH)
16) The Prickle Holly Bush (trad. England)
17) The False Young Man (trad. TN)
18) Child Waters (trad. Scotland)
19) Dry Bones (trad. NC)
(I saw the light from Heaven)

Thanks again!
Judy Cook

o yes,

Both of mine are available as tapes ($10) or CDs ($15). I'll pay postage. I can't take credit cards.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Nathan in Texas
Date: 12 Dec 00 - 10:15 PM

Homemade Jam is an instrumental duo with Arlene Anderson on Hammered Dulcimer and myself on Mandolin and Autoharp. We have one CD, "Yesterday's Road." 55 minutes long, Tunes include:
Wayfaring Stranger
Rosin the Beau
Wildwood Flower/White Cockade
Simple Gifts
Arkansas Traveler
St. Anne's Reel
Midnight on the Water
Girl I Left Behind
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Liberty/Soldier's Joy
Hard Times Come Again No More
Redhaired Boy
Near the Cross
Darling Nellie Gray

Special price for Mudcatters, $12, postpaid, or ask about barter (your CD for mine?) e-mail me for details

Nathan in Texas

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Joe Offer
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 02:11 AM

I found this message in another thread.

Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Clancy of the Overflow
From: Art Thieme - PM
Date: 01-Mar-01 - 10:14 PM

BILL SABLES does a grand version of "Clancy Of The Overflow" on his CD with SAM PIRT called Halfway To Wrexham. Has a perfect tune also.
Art Thieme

How, pray tell, can one get this CD in the US?
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Michael in Swansea
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 04:29 AM

The shanty group I sing with, "Baggyrinkle", have a cassette and CD available. Titles and tracks:

A POUND & A PINT (cassette, live recording) 1996
(Black Mountain Records CBM3092)
Side A
Randy Dandy O
Johnny Come Down To Hilo
Roll The Cotton
Pirate's Serenade
Newcastle (instrumental)
Hob Y Derri Dando
Haul On Yer Halyards
Sam's Gone Away
I'm Gonna Roll Here

Side B
John Brown's Daughter
Ibo Girls/Essequibo River
A Pound & a Pint
Jolly Jack Tar (instrumental)
The Lady Maria
Blackball Line
A Hundred Years Ago
New York Girls
Mingalay Boat Song

OLD SWANSEA TOWN (CD, studio recording) 2000
(Old Rope Recordings ORRCD 01)
A Long Time Ago
Old Moke
Turkish Men O' War
Codi Angor
Sail Away
Roll Down
Shallow Brown
150 Days Out Of Vancouver
Roll Bullies Roll
Her Bright Smile
Old Fid
Rolling Home
Roll Alabama Roll
Time Ashore
Old Swansea Town
Billy Riley
Pleasant & Delightful
Cheer'ly Man
The Arabella
The Last Shanty

Cassette £6, CD £12 or THE BOTH FOR £15 !!!! p&p extra.
PM me


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Llanfair
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 05:35 AM

There's mine, too!!! We're just waiting for the copies from Mantra.
It's called "Songs from Ashdale", and has "Crazy Man Michael" "Come by the Hill" "Call of the Pit" "Wife of the Soldier" and lots of others.
£5 plus p&p.
We're starting work on the second one soon.
Cheers, Bron.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Jim the Bart
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 01:06 PM

Thanks, Joe for the kind offer (sorry, couldn't resist).

I have one CD called "First Takes" currently available at my performances, by contacting me via email (, or by Personal Message here at the Mudcat. It was recorded in 2000 and consists of original songs performed on acoustic guitar, with harmonica and vocals. The cost is $10.00; purchase of this CD entitles you to a $5.00 discount on my next release, which is in the planning.

For more info about me and the CD, as well as for a list of my performance dates, go to my funky little web page at\Bartho44.

Thanks again to Joe, Max and everyone here at the Mudcat.

Jim Bartholomew

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Alice
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 02:09 PM

More Mudcatters with CDs can be found here The Wild Bird's Nest and here Mudcat Music II.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Metchosin
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 02:46 PM

Hey Joe don't know if it counts, but I can't see why not, since Max and bert referred to him as a Mudcatter by proxy, but my brother's group "Mandolirium's" CD "Unstrung Heroes" is currently on auction at Mudcat. This is definitely one for those that love the mandolin.

Kat and Áine are currently in a bidding war and its currently going for above retail price but if you check the auction thread you can find out where to buy it also or you can PM me and get one that way.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Liam's Brother
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 02:59 PM

Folk-Legacy's newest CD, "Irish in America" came out this week.

"Irish in America" is subtitled "A Musical Record of the Irish People in the United States 1780 - 1980" and that's what it is - 14 songs about the Irish-American experience from the Revolutionary War onwards. It features many of the finest musicians on the New York City Irish scene including 5 All-Ireland Champions. I sing 9 of the songs; my singing partner, Bob Conroy sings another 5. There are 4 Irish dance tunes (jigs and reels) well played on fiddle, flute and uillean pipes. Two of the musicans are child prodigys and were 15 and 16 when the recording took place.

Sandy Paton started a thread about "Irish in America" here and Big Mick, who has heard it, gives it 2 thumbs up. Mick liked it so much that he must've e-mail the Pope because Sandy took an order from the Vatican a couple of days later.

You can listen to a sound sample at the Folk-Legacy website. If you like Irish music, I really think you should give it a listen because it is quite unique.

Thanks for listening.

All the best,
Dan Milner

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: GUEST,Norton1
Date: 02 Mar 01 - 11:43 PM

I show up as a guest here, I signed up while at work, but I have a CD by myself, Chuck Cairns, and Terry Crisp. It's called "Frios Caballeros." Our first album was a rancid tape called "Men's Underwear 10% Off." No copies of that one for sale, Hell we never have sold a tape. But I have 5 copies of Frios on CD. I also have no clue how to sell them, what they are worth (we give them to friends by request), so here is your chance to own a piece of back porch pickin . If I can figure out how to get it to you. And for Nathan in Texas - Let's swap!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: bill\sables
Date: 03 Mar 01 - 06:18 AM

I recorded an LP in 1968 with Folk Heritage on their Westwood label "WRS 027" just titled "Bill Sables". I know Rick Fielding and Burl both recorded LPs. both in the days before the CD revolution. How many others?

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Peg
Date: 03 Mar 01 - 09:36 AM

I recorded a CD with the group Urban Myth several years ago. Mostly traditional, some world music, some originals (including a beautiful song based on W. B. yeats' Song of Wandering Aengus).

The arangement of John Barleycorn is mostly mine (the John Renbourne-y bits were stolen by the artistic director).

You can buy it (or maybe hear MP3s, not sure) at

I am no longer with the group; had not been for years before the CD even came out...still there is some good stuff on it and I have several vocal solos. Some unusual instruments too (shawm, recorders, African drums etc,)


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Susan from California
Date: 03 Mar 01 - 09:06 PM

My husband & I have a cd out, it's mostly him , but I co-wrote a song and sing the melody on that one. His cd is called "Would You' and the genre is original Christian songs. Some 'catters like it, and some don't. It is available @ the usual online outlets, I'd bet Folk Legqacy can order it for you. Here's a song list:

1. Saved by Grace 2. Dave's Song 3. Lord, Liar, or Lunatic 4. Jubilee 5. Carry You Away 6. Baptism 7. Wash it All Away 8. St. Somebody's Song 9. Would You? 10. God's Light, Take 2

The music is accoustic guitar, with some harmony. It is very sparse and pared-down. I think the songs are powerful. We auctioned one about 6 months ago, I reckon it's about time to put another one up!

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Jean Ritchie
From: Banjer
Date: 04 Mar 01 - 04:58 PM

I was in a book/music store today and had I had the money would have brought home Jean Ritchie's CD of Apalachian Dulcimer music....Don't recall the title of it, but perhaps someone could root it out and Jean could get a couple of plugs here as well. The store is Borders Books and Music
Jean Ritchie's Website is She has several CD's available.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Oak, Ash, & Thorn
From: Joe Offer
Date: 06 Mar 01 - 03:28 PM

For CD's from Dave Swan's group, Oak, Ash, & Thorn - try looking at

Mudcatter Dave Swan is part of this group, which does some terrific a cappella harmonies.

-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Art Thieme
Date: 06 Mar 01 - 05:22 PM

BOB BOLTON has done many recordings of songs of his Australia-----many with bush bands and bush ballads. He has collected a ton of wonderful fiddle and concertina songs that are ALL native to Australia---not imports from elsewhere. (There are lots of imported variations of songs from elsewhere in his rep to but Mr. Bolton is a collector of the highest order.) Now---I only wish I could hear the CDs he painstakingly burned for me from cassettes. Sadly, neither of my 3 CD players will track those. Am I doing something wrong? Say la V.

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Whiskey
Date: 15 Mar 01 - 07:55 AM

The new Keepers Lock CD is now available. Details from the website:

There are some sound clips on the site, from this and previous recordings. Unfortunately we can't put full songs due to the lack of space, but if anyone is interested have a look and a listen.

Damn! I still can't get the hang of these blue clicky things!!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Frogmore
Date: 15 Mar 01 - 08:31 AM

In the spirit of shameless self-promotion, I'll mention the 2 CDs I've made: TAIL FEATHERS UP (1994) and TWO TOWN MAN (1997). Each contains songs I've written but includes ONE song by another: "Jasper Jail" ("Bill Malone") on the first. It was written by the late Hamper McBee of Monteagle, Tennessee. He was a moonshiner I knew when I was in college in the 60s. One of the damdest characters I've ever known. TWO TOWN MAN winds up with the fairly obscure Hank Williams song "Just Waitin'". Several musician friends from Florida, the Carolinas, Guatemala, and New York help me out. My address is: PO Box 3205, St. Augustine, Fl. 32085. tel: (904) 829-3303 email: I'm told that one or both of these is reviewed this week in Savannah's CREATIVE LOAFING magazine. -?- I have one regular gig: Tuesdays at 9 pm at STOGIES in St. Augustine. (Also check out my pals THE HOUSECATS there on Thursdays!) Contact me for other dates if you've got nothing better to do. I'd list the song titles if I had the time - maybe another day....Thanks for indulging me. David Dowling

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Subject: Mickey MacConnell
From: Joe Offer
Date: 17 Apr 01 - 02:51 PM

Mickey MacConnell (chordstrangler) (website here) ^^

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Seamus Kennedy
Date: 17 Apr 01 - 03:13 PM

You can order any of my nine CDs from (just like Jed Marum's). They were recorded over a period of 25 years! And, I've got a new one coming out about September. Gonna be doing Jed Marum's Sweet Ellen Joyce on it. What a fine song, Jed.
Thanks Joe.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: rube1
Date: 18 Apr 01 - 06:18 AM

The Rubes-Undisputed country folk blues humor

our humble effort at cdbaby.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: bill\sables
Date: 18 Apr 01 - 08:18 PM

Due out soon is "Bridging the Gap" by Sam Pirt, Ian Stephenson and Bill Sables.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: GUEST,maryrrf
Date: 18 Apr 01 - 10:50 PM

I have a self produced CD that I sell at my gigs. It's traditional folk, very simply accompanied by guitar. Here's the track list:

Mary and the Soldier (that's the title of the CD, too) House Carpenter Andrew Lammie Sweet Carnloch Bay P Stands for Paddy Mick Maguire The Bold Grenadier Farewell to Whisky Come All Ye Fair and Tender Maidens The Lark in the Morning The Bonny Boy The Jolly Tinker The Little Beggarman Wraggle Taggle Gypsies Whiskey You're the Devil The Foggy Dew (rebel version)

Price is $12.00 in the US, $15.00 elsewhere including postage. I have some songs in the Cantaria that would give you an idea of my repertoire (I think you can do a search under "Mary Smith") but the recording quality is not very good - I did it on a Tascam tape recorder. (Cantaria is an educational tool so people can actually hear the songs sung and learn them.) If anyone wants a CD they can pm me or e-mail me at

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: jlp
Date: 10 May 01 - 06:48 PM

just a question: my mother just put me on to mudcatters. It is an interesting site. I have published a few CD's aon a cery small scale. Some of these have been recorded on location in West Africa and little Tibet. My goal is that the musicians, often living in poverty, can benefit from the sales of me CD's. Sometimes I play along on my flute.

would it be interesting to have these CD's listed here? You can find more about them by going to my website:

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Uncle Jaque
Date: 11 May 01 - 12:17 PM

Just last Saturday I experienced my first ever "professional" recording session, of which I intend to write in more detail as a seperate thread. For a 19th Century kinda guy it certainly was a mind-expanding, intense experience for which I was hardly prepared, and I think that many of you "Pros" to whom this is routine will find it amusing - kinda like "Festus goes to Nashville".
What we apparantly ended up with was 16 (album length, they tell me) tracks of guitar, primitive flute (made it m'self) and Military Fife. Since the Technician (an MD who works with my Spouse weekdays and runs this studio in his spare time) had never seen a fife before (so as he knew what it was), he had me run a guitar track over a fife solo of "Battle Hymn". Was that ever weird!?
The CD (I would classify it as a "demo" at this point, as it's a long way from perfection) is being "mastered" and whatever else they do with these things at this time and should be out in about a month. Unless it is a total embarrassment, I want to send a copy to those who have graciously sent me copies of their CDs (Susan in CA, I still owe ye an eval, don't I?) and hand out a few to friends & family who have been bugging me to record. This oughtta cure them of that fancy!
The idea of a CD swap between Mudcatters rather appeals. If I do sell any I guess ten bucks is about the going (break-even?) rate for first-attempt "demo" CDs, isn't it?

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: hesperis
Date: 11 May 01 - 08:36 PM

jlp - sounds interesting. Here's your blue clicky:

My mp3 CD is currently not available, and I am looking into how to reproduce the REAL CD (the one those mp3s came off of), and actually get them out to people. So, Springrise! will be available, hopefully soon.

I will also be offering a compilation CD, some of my stuff, and some of Jande's. As soon as I figure out the one, they'll both be available.


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Subject: Debra Cowan
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11 May 01 - 10:18 PM

I just got a copy of The Songs and Ballads of Hattie Mae Tyler Cargill a collection of traditional songs sung by Acie Cargill, Susan Brown, and Mudcatter Debra Cowan - Debra's the primary singer on the CD, and she does a great job. The CD is available at and from Debra at I think the CD came out just this week, and the websites don't have information on it yet.

here are the songs on the cd:
1. Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies
2. The Carol of the Cherry Tree
3. The Lover's Proof
4. Dark-Skinned Davey
5. I Wish I Was Single Again
6. The Farmer Feeds Us All
7. Keep Your Garden Clean
8. My Brother Edward
9. Lord Lovel
10. Omie Wise
11. The Bachelor's Lament
12. The Dear Companion
13. Lord Thomas and Fair Ellender
14. The Death of Young Robert
15. The Unbroken Token
16. Barbara Allen
17. The Rosebud Blooms But Once
18. My Wedding Day
19. Sweet William and Lady Margaret
20. The Dying Daughter
21. The Waggoner's Lad
22. My Kentucky Home
Good stuff.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Ian HP
Date: 12 May 01 - 09:43 AM

Good idea for a thread. My CD, 'Godgifu - The Legend Of Godiva', is mostly traditional English with smatterings of Carolan and the odd recent song. You can hear soundfile samples on my website - - from where you can also order the album if you wish (£11.99 incl. p&p UK, add £1 ROW). Bob Copper has described it as "a very worthwhile CD." Here's the track list:

1. POVERTY KNOCK (trad. English) 2. LITTLE RED BIRD (trad. Manx) 3. LADY GODIVA (Ian Harvey-Pittaway) 4. THE DEATH OF QUEEN JANE 5. THE WILDERNESS ROAD (Andy McLaughlin) / THE TWO WILLIAM DAVISES (attrib. Turlough O'Carolan) 6. LADY GAY (trad. USA) 7. LORD FRANKLIN (trad. English/Canadian) 8. THE KNIFE IN THE WINDOW (trad. USA) 9. GEORDIE (trad. English) 10. FOR CHRISTINE PEARSON (Ian Harvey-Pittaway) /MISS MacDERMOTT or THE PRINCESS ROYAL (Turlough O'Carolan) / PRINCESS ROYAL (trad. English) 11. GOLD (Peter Blegvad) 12. SPENCER THE ROVER (trad. English) 13. MONCK'S MARCH (trad. English) / GEORGE FOX (words Sydney Carter, tune Monck's March) 14. THOUSANDS OR MORE (trad. English)

Cheers all, Ian Harvey-Pittaway

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: kendall
Date: 13 May 01 - 08:30 AM

I dont see anything wrong with letting people know what is available. Running a business without advertising, is like winking at a woman in the dark. YOU know what you are doing, but SHE doesn't. My first two recordings are on the Folk Legacy website, so, I wont list the cuts again here. My latest CD/tape is on Outer Green records, and, the cuts are: 1.Three Legged Man shel silverstein. 2. The Haying Song dave mallett 3.Gently, down the stream of time. trad. 4.Mrs. Ravoon trad. 5.Phoebe Snow utah phillips. 6 Palace Grand trad. 7.Ashes on the sea. u. phillips. 8 The Band Played Waltzing Matilda eric bogle. 9. Rolling Home trad.

The rest of it is a collection of Maine humor.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: GUEST,Lisa
Date: 10 Jul 01 - 05:05 AM

"Scratching the Sky," Irish fiddle & bouzouki CD (with some songs), self-produced, by Matt Stewart & Lisa Boucher.

Information and ordering at our website.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Robin2
Date: 10 Jul 01 - 08:17 PM


I'm a fairly new mudcatter, but I'd like to list my band's CDs if I could. The band is Ten Penny Bit, and we have two CDs
"Live At The Thomas Winery", a recording of Celtic and Oldtime music, and
"Dance Of The Haymaker's", a recording of instrumentals and songs from the Civil War, featuring fiddle,banjo, hammerd dulcimer, bass, guitar and mandolin.

Both have been very well received, and you can find them, with sound samples, at either
or for free downloads and listens

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Subject: Bill Cameron Recordings (Willie-O)
From: Willie-O
Date: 07 Aug 01 - 12:25 PM

The tracks on my order-it-online-or-see-me CD There's Always Time for Anachronism (slightly rearranged since Kat mentioned it above, but you can't do that anymore on are:(originals initialed)

There's Always Time for Anachronism (Bill Cameron)

    "Sittin in Skibbereen"
  1. "The Long Walk Home" (BC)
  2. "Paddy West"
  3. "Spring On The Mississippi" (BC)
  4. "Gogama" (BC)
  5. "The Anna Grace" (BC)
  6. "Wha'll Be King But Charlie"
  7. "511 Highway"(BC)
  8. "The Rocky Road To Dublin"
  9. "Schottische and Three Part Jig" (BC)
  10. "The Peat Fire Flame"

Also available at the mp3 site is this in-progress compilation of old 4-track demos
The Grindstone Tapes (Rebecca Barclay and Bill Cameron)

    Track Listing
  1. "Do You Love An Apple?"
  2. "The Mosstroopers Lament"
  3. "Music From The Glen"
  4. "Lovely On The Water"
  5. "The Boatie Rows"
  6. "The Seventies Reel"
'N That's Our Story So Far, folks.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Jim Krause
Date: 07 Aug 01 - 12:32 PM

I think I have probably made oblique references to my CD Going Up the Missouri: Songs & Dance Tunes from Old Fort Osage. You can find out all about it here atCD

I've been happy to play cuts from "Going Up the Missouri: Songs & Dance Tunes from Old Fort Osage" on my show. Jim Krause is a fine story-teller, who uses no "bells and whistles" to paint his pictures. The music is straightforward and engaging, with simple accompaniements that enhance the music. It's decidedly "UN-hyphenated" folk music. Rick Fielding Host, "Acoustic Workshop" CIUT fm. Toronto.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Jim Krause
Date: 07 Aug 01 - 12:44 PM

PS So you really don't want to go about surfing the net looking up all this stuff, right? OK, here's the low-down, short and simple.

Going Up the Missouri: Songs & Dance Tunes from Old Fort Osage is an anthology of folk songs, fiddle tunes and pop songs all dating from before 1820. If you go to rendezvous, if you are involved in living history, you'll like this record. Why? Because I recorded it using instruments common to the era, such as the wire strung 18th century Guittar. Want to know more about what that instrument sounds like? Maybe you'd enjoy listening to the CD.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: hesperis
Date: 07 Aug 01 - 05:52 PM

Two CDs Now Available! (Finally!)

Springrise! by Chagall Hannah (me) is 43 minutes of meditational, liquid piano. Send $20 Canadian plus shipping cost.
SG Sampler #1 is 23 pieces and songs, including several of my formal compositions, a few pieces from Springrise! and three songs by J. Seanna Rowe (Jande).
There's also some awesome Celtic Harp by a friend of mine named Roger Calverley, and some good porch-pickin' geetar from another friend called Mike Latter. My formal compositions are very structured, almost medieval in feel. Jande's songs are beautiful! Wait'll you hear her version of "Danny Boy"! The sampler is $25 Canadian plus shipping, and you get the music of two mudcatters.

PM me with your address for a shipping quote, and I'll send you an address for where to send the money.

Teasers, more information, and some free mp3s are available at Serpent Goddess Magical Music

Hope you like it.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: RangerSteve
Date: 08 Aug 01 - 12:34 AM

I don't know if my recording (cassette only) is still in print. It's called Going Up the Country by Steve Garcia (me) and Matt Levine. It's on the Marimac label. Basic old-time music (songs and instrumentals - some of the instrumentals are my originals) on banjo, guitar and harmonica. I have a few copies available too, at $10.00 each, PM me if you're interested. I don't know what Marimac is charging.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Amos
Date: 08 Aug 01 - 01:08 AM

Don't forget that Max has somewhere in his possession a CD of purely Mudcat songs, including such deathless favorites as:

Electric Pickle 1 Electric Pickle 2 Their Minds They are A-Changing The Munchkin Song The Mudcat Schooner-O!

and the very first Song Challenge Winner, Mrs Henley's Revenge.

Send Max ten bucks and he'll make you a copy of it!! Mudcat history!! Woncha, Maxie?


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: GUEST,White Dove...Hull
Date: 08 Aug 01 - 01:12 AM

I have a CD 'Flying High'o my own songs. This is a great opportunity for me to thank and promote 'These Girl's Don't Dust'(a Hull female group)who did the superb backing on 'Roll Away the Stone' and Dave of East-Side Studios,Hull who recorded this track for me. The rest of the CD was produced and recorded by the well recommended Thurston Binns in Hull.

Tracks 1. Roll Away the Stone 2. Flying High (White Dove) 3. Waltz on the Sand 4. The Maid of Mulgrave 5. Remember Joe 6. Georgie Joblin 7. Meadowland 8. Shooting Stars 9. Haunted 10. Reasons

CD: £10 e-mail: or see e at The Kingston

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Subject: New Kathy Kallick CD - October 2001
From: BK Lick
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 05:41 PM

My Daughter Kathy has recorded a new album titled My Mother's Voice scheduled to be released October 1st on Copper Creek Records. It's a collection of standards that Kathy learned from her mom, Dodi Kallick.

Kathy was joined in the studio by quite a few of her friends, many of them well known to Mudcatters. She writes in the liner notes:
I was struck by how affected many of [them] were by singing and playing these often-familiar songs. They too had learned them from family members and early mentors, and some had forgotten what wonderful songs they are.
A while back, Art Thieme remembered Dodi's singing Web of Birdsong, and Kathy thanks him in the liner notes for reminding her of it.

Here's the track list:

Kathy Kallick: lead vocals on all tracks, guitar on all tracks except The Tailor & the Mouse and Web Of Birdsong. All songs: Traditional, arranged by Kathy Kallick (Red Shirt Pub. Co./BMI), except as noted.
    Lynn Morris: vocal, clawhammer banjo
    Ron Stewart: fiddle
    Peter Rowan: vocal, guitar
    Keith Little: vocal
    Sally Van Meter: Lyric slide guitar
    Jim Nunally: guitar
    James Leva: vocal, fiddle
    Carol Elizabeth Jones: vocal
    Bill Evans: banjo
    Gene Tortora: dobro
    John Reischman: mandolin
    Suzanne Thomas: vocal, guitar
    Kate Brislin: vocal
    Jody Stecher: vocal, guitar
    Keith Little: banjo
    Peter Rowan: vocal, mandolin, guitar
    Darol Anger: fiddle
    Claire Lynch: vocal
    John Reischman: mandolin
  10. WRECK OF THE OLD #9 (Carmen Jenks, Universal Duchess Music Corp./BMI)
    Laurie Lewis: vocal, fiddle
    A cappella
    Sally Van Meter: Lyric slide guitar
    Jim Nunally: guitar
    Norton Buffalo: harmonica
    Peter Rowan: vocal, guitar
    Jody Stecher: vocal, guitar
    Kate Brislin: vocal
    Amy Stenberg: vocal
    Amy Stenberg: vocal, bass
    Tom Bekeny: fiddle
    Avram Siegel: banjo
    Tom Bekeny: vocal, mandolin
    Avram Siegel: vocal, banjo
    Amy Stenberg: vocal, bass
  17. WEB OF BIRDSONG (Bob Coltman)
    John Miller: guitar
    John Reischman: mandocello
Bruce Kallick
Webweaver at

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Callie
Date: 02 Sep 01 - 02:08 AM

Many thanks Joe

My group Touchwood has just recorded its first cd THE GREAT CITY and is now available. We sing in 3 part-harmony, often unaccompanied but also use guitar, lute, vihuela (reconstruction of an Early guitar) and bodhran. Our repertoire is eclectic - from Medieval through to Tom Waits and Stephen Foster.

You can read more about us, hear music samples and order cds on our site:


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Alice
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 04:07 PM

Just finished getting the information uploaded on my CD. cover, list of songs, and order info.
Here is the inside cover image. CLICK
My thanks to Jean Ritchie for her inspiration and moral support. Don't expect a big studio sound - it's singing, pure and simple.
It looks like Discover, Visa, and MasterCard debit or credit cards are the only way at If I can afford to get a stash of my own, I'll let you know how to get one by check. So far they are only offered through, because that is where they are printed and made.

Alice Flynn

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Subject: Mudcatter CD's - Barbara Shaw
From: Barbara Shaw
Date: 06 Nov 01 - 09:25 AM

My band "ShoreGrass" recently self-produced our VERY FIRST CD entitled "In Connecticut." The CD is available for $15 through me by sending me a PM or note to We do a mix of bluegrass /folk /traditional /original songs, with guitar, banjo, bass, mandolin and fiddle. Here's the song list with brief liner notes:

1. Six Wild Roses (Norman Schell) 2:51 Norman was a bandmate of Frank's in the 70's folk/rock group "Clean Living." We wonder if he recognizes the song since we put the grass to it.

2. Lonely Tombs (Traditional) 3:40 We first heard this on a Hobart Smith album recommended by Sandy Paton, and thought we had come up with a fresh new arrangement. Then someone told us this is just how Ralph did it. But only Paul can sing this high.

3. Connecticut Waltz (Barbara Shaw) 2:41 We sat around many a jam playing the Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and other state waltzes. After looking and not finding one for Connecticut, Barbara wrote this for her home state. Lyrics still need to be de-corned.

4. Man in the Middle (Tom Harley Campbell) 2:38 We've heard this in G major, and liked a slightly minor slant to it. It's also known as Three Men on a Mountain.

5. One More Miner (Barbara Shaw) 2:23 This is a (mostly) true story about Barbara's grandfather, who died when her father was 10. There were miners out West, too.

6. Last Old Shovel (Traditional) 3:00 The guys at Hank's Garage always request "that shovel song," so we had to include this.

7. Against the Tide (Barbara Shaw) 4:27 Our friend Tex asked if there were any songs in minor keys in bluegrass. In response, Barbara set out to write a bluegrass gospel tune in a minor key. It turned out to be not bluegrass, probably not gospel, but it's definitely minor.

8. Jordan (Traditional) 2:10 Louis makes his singing cameo on this old gospel number.

9. Sing Away the Sorries (Barbara Shaw) 2:35 The guys in Clean Living had a reunion once and surprised everyone by doing this on stage. Since we didn't record that evening, we included this one.

10. Keep on the Sunnyside (Traditional) 2:48 Just about every jam includes this at least once. The Carters inspire much of our music.

11. A Waltz For You (Frank & Barbara Shaw) 2:11 Frank originally wrote the first verse of this song to Barbara. She collaborated and wrote the second verse by paraphrasing a stanza from Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard." Larry's classical training got us through the modulations.

12. Cajun Rock (Norman Schell) 3:14 Norman lived this song.

13. Old Man at the Mill (Traditional) 2:16 Bluegrassers know this as an old Dillard's tune, and folkies know it as "The Jolly Miller."

14. I Can't Go Home (Barbara Shaw) 3:37 This was written after the hardware store closed in the town of Branford. It reflects the bluegrass festival lifestyle, rolling down the road in a camper.

15. Tear My Stillhouse Down (Gillian Welch) 3:22 Gillian went to Berklee, where Jonathan is a student, so we like to support the place and it's graduates. Easy to do with such a great song.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: jmdornan
Date: 29 Nov 01 - 11:46 AM

I am pleased to annouce that my first CD is now out for sale. It's called "For the Love of Song" and it falls into a mix of styles. Celtic folk opera it what i like to call it :) you may purchase CD online at my website, and you may also contact me through the web site.

PS MMario is on the CD too.. happy NOW MArio? ;0

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: wysiwyg
Date: 05 Jan 02 - 02:27 PM


According to THIS THREAD, someone is looking for indie folk CDs to review for Tune-Up, a publication of the Philadelphia Folksong Society. The Society's membership is in the thousands and is not confined to the Philadelphia area.

To summarize, Mike Miller, the reviewer, has reviewed: Bluegrass, Barbershop, Gospel, Klezmer, Celtic, French, Puerto Rican and Russian. He has recommended eclectics, revivalists, revisionists and free thinkers. He hears a lot of children's songs, labor songs, protests and parodies. He prefers traditional songs but will reccomend a singer/songwriter if he/she really knocks his socks off.

Send CD and information to:
Philadelphia Folksong Society
7113 Emlen Street
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Attention Mike Miller

Be sure to include information on purchasing the CD. Is it available in stores? Do you have a website? What is the price?

FMI, e-mail Mike Miller,


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Robin2
Date: 05 Jan 02 - 07:53 PM

Hi all,

Thanks for refreashing this thread!

My group Ten Penny Bit has two CD's to date, with a third one due out in March. You can find them at:

Ten Penny Bit CD's

You can see track listings, and listen to sound samples as well.



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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
Date: 06 Jan 02 - 11:56 AM

Jody Gibson "Spanning the Decades 1957-2001"

Mostly Folk, some C&W. Contains commercial recordings on TETRA (Good Morning Captain, my one "hit")
Good Morning Captain is simply my way of singing "Muleskinner Blues" It was only released in New England, NY, NJ and (maybe) Pennsylania. Sold 400,000+ 45's and 25,000 78's. (or 75,000 78's, depending on who is counting)
I was a USAF T/Sgt Air Traffic Controller when I made all of my commercial recordings. I was chief controller at Suffolk County AFB, NY when Good Morning Captain was released. one of the reasons for it's (unexpected) success is that Alan Freed was my manager's father in law and it got a lot of play on the pop and Rock stations. This one was released in May 1957. almost immediately after it's release I was transferred to England. While I was stationed at RAF Bruntingthorpe I formed the first integrated C&W group to record for a major lable (Parlophone)
Sir George Martin was head of A&R at Parlophone. All my Parlophone recordings are included in this CD. I was transferred to RAF Lakenheath in 1958.
The flip side of Good Morning Captain was poorly produced with too much echo which made the singing sound sour. The echo from each note fed over to the notes on either side and prroduced a cacaphony. This "Dud", though recorded at a first class studio (Bell Sound) was released over my objections. It was entitled "21 years" but was a lousy re-write of Worried Man Blues. Jay Stump's arrangement and electric guitar background and my 5 string banjo lead and instrumental solo were, too good to just throw away. So, I made a composite using the instrumental break for background (twice) added an acoustic guitar rhythm throughout, and sang the traditional lyrics with this composite, (also harmony on the chorus)
This bit of magic was accomplished at the Rose Island recording Co. studio (my attic) and is track #3 on the CD
Similar technique was used for "San Antonio Rose", but, for a different reason. All I had of this excellent "Parlophone" recording was a tape that I'd sent to my parents. The first 16 bars had been accidentally erased. The instrumental break is 16 bars long, so, lead in and the first 16 bars of background were constructed from the instrumental break. I sang along with this background and sang harmony with myself on the middle 8 so the change in voice isn't too startling, and then let the original run itself out. This worked even better than "Worried Man" I can't find the exact spot where the pieces are "punched in" even though I know where they are.

Oh! Yes, The original "flip side" of Good Morning Captain" is included (track 21) to show where the pieces of the composite came from.

All instruments and all voices on the "Rose Island" tracks were done by me. This was a lot of fun. Only the best of this lot are on the CD. The others are (to put it simply) not quite up to standard. (realy lousy) Donna and I laughed a lot when I did these.
On Paddy Lay Back, the "bunch of semi-sober sailors " in the chorus (deliberate) include imitations of Porky Pig, Capt Herb Spinney, Capt Barclay Warburton III, Popeye and Buggs Bunny.

The tracks on this CD are:

1.Good Morning Captain (TETRA 1957)
2. Heave Away Johnny (Trad. Capstan Chantey) (Rose Island 2000)
3. Worried Man Blues (Trad. composite TETRA 1957-Rose Island2001)
4. Farewell to Tarwaithe (trad. Rose Island 2001)
5. Kissin' Time (Mann-Lowe) Parlophone 1959
6. Providence Waltz (Jon Campbell) Rose Island 2000
7. San Antonio Rose (Wills) composite Parlophone 1959 and Rose Island 2001 8. Foxwood Polka (Jon Campbell) Rose Island 2001
9. Man on My Trail (Loudin) Parlophone 1959
10.Company's Comin' (w/"The Muleskinners") Parlophone 195911. Hillbilly Fever (w/"The Muleskinners") Parlophone 1959
12. That's All (Merle Travis) recorded in the laundry room of AMQ 825A, RAF Lakenheath 1958 (AMQ-Airmen's Married Quarters)
13. So You Think You've Got Troubles (Marvin Rainwater) Parlophone, 1960
14. If You Don't Know (Geo Hamilton IV)Parlophone 1960
15. Fredericks of Galilee (Jon Campbell)Rose Island 2001
16. Keep on Fishin' (Jon Campbell) Rose Island 2001 17 & 18 Paddy Lay Back (Trad Capstan Chantey)Rose Island 2001
19. All For Me Grog (Trad.) Rose Island 1999
20. The D-Day Dodgers (Henderson) Rose Island 1999
21. Twenty One Years (Gibson-Bruce) TETRA 1957

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: musicmick
Date: 19 Jan 02 - 01:51 AM

What Susan says is what I say. I would like to add that I have received CDs from eight Mudcatters and I reviewed two in the January issue. I will be reviewing the others in the next couple of months. I'll be sending a copy of each column to Susan, who has offered to post it on Mudcat.
The columns appear in Tune Up, a publication of the Philadelphia Folksong Society available, only, to its members. The readership is around ten thousand, all of whom have an interest in folk music and most of whom buy CDs. The PFS produces the Philadelphia Folk Festival, the oldest, most successful folk festival in the USA. The society also presents such diverse programs as the Odyssey, which sends folksingers into public schools, a series of concerts, house concerts, workshops, library programs, children's concerts and community services, just to name a few.
I look forward to hearing more folk music CDs from Mudcatters. So far, there hasn't been an inappropriate one in the bunch. I love it when a plan works out.
For those who didn't get the earlier thread, I prefer traditional music but I don't reject traditionally based originals, out of hand. I am narrow-minded but lovable.
Best of all, I never write an unfavorable review. If I dont like a CD or, more likely, if I find the contents inappropriate for my column, I pretend I never heard it.
A pan serves no one except the reviewer. The purpose of the column is to encourage and reccomend. I dont have enough space on the one page to waste on stroking my ego at the expense of the artist. I save my strokes for more appreciative areas of my body.
So, if you think you'd like some publicity for your CD and, if you think it appropriate for my column, send it to me at the office.
Mike Miller, Philadelphia Folksong Society, 7113 Emlen Street, Phila PA 19119

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: harpmaker
Date: 19 Jan 02 - 11:13 AM

"OXYTOCIN" By John & Christine! This new CD is predominately Harp, Guitar & Vocals, but has many other instruments in the final mix. Exelent clear recording, It will cost you ten pounds, but its well worth it! Tracks include, Dimmimg of the day, Black is the colour, Rosedale fair, She moved through the fair, Love is pleasing, Plaisir d' amour, Oh how we danced, Ride on, Spancil hill, Ploughboy lads, Frankie & Johhny, and finaly Carrickfergus. Mail to, if you want anymore info.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Wightknight
Date: 19 Jan 02 - 11:44 AM

Please take a look at:

I'm not the world's greatest singer but I'm told my songs and guitar picking are pretty good.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Kathryn
Date: 19 Jan 02 - 05:13 PM

I am releasing my first CD on February 2.
Traveling Australia was exciting to make and I am getting good reviews. Check out more info on This CD contains some old and some newer songs from Australia:
  • Sky of the Southern Cross
  • G'day Carra Barra Wira Canna
  • Johnny Stewart Drover
  • Botany Bay
  • Queensland Drover
  • Tumba-Bloody Rumba
  • Gilbert, O'Meally and HallEliza from Mt. Isa
  • Darling Downs
  • Chain Around my Ankle
  • It's Canowindra
  • Road to Gundagai
  • Across the Western Plains
  • Nine Miles from Gundagai
  • Walkabout Jack
  • Flash Jack from Gundagai/Bush Lullaby
  • Blame it on the Kellys
  • I've Been Everywhere

Price: $15 US plus $2 mailing in the States. Send to Kathryn Raistrikc, Box 7468, Springfield, IL 62791. Thanks for this opportunity to share my first effort!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: musicmick
Date: 19 Jan 02 - 07:03 PM

Once again, I thank the charming and tireless Susan for sending out the word about the reviews in Tune Up. For those who didn't get the earlier thread, I prefer traditional music but I dont reject traditionally based originals, out of hand. I am narrow-minded but lovable. Best of all, I never write an unfavorable review. If I dont like a CD or, more likely, if I find the contents inappropriate for my column, I pretend I never heard it. A pan serves no one except the reviewer. The purpose of the column is to encourage and reccomend. I dont have enough space on the one page to waste on stroking my ego at the expense of the artist. I save my strokes for more appreciative areas of my body. Mike Miller

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: SarahC
Date: 20 Jan 02 - 05:03 AM

I am part of North of England duo called Kinin with Pete Millard and we released a self-titled CD last year. I play fiddle and Pete sings and plays cittern.

There is a track listing and sound clips on our website at and pointers to where else it is featured plus some reviews.

Cheers Sarah

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: alanabit
Date: 20 Jan 02 - 07:19 AM

My CD is now out. It's called "Small Voice Crying" and is definitely not the introspective stuff you might suspect from the title. You can hear thre cuts from it on my web

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Willa
Date: 20 Jan 02 - 08:23 AM

musicmic Try and listen to the tracks on 'The Last Long Mile'. James is my son. It's a good mix of Traditional/original tracks, with some unaccompanied singing and some wonderful fiddle playing. I'd like to know what you think of it.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: mzkitty
Date: 20 Jan 02 - 06:10 PM

What a neat idea!

NOTE:If I sell any CD's by way of "MudCat", I will pledge 20% of the sale to CDs can be ordered directly from my website through paypal. They are $15.00 each (Mudcatters don't worry about the postage) and $3.00 of each sale will go to Mudcat. If you do order, please note that you saw this on mudcat so I'll know to put the pledged money aside...

1. "KEEP BELIEVING" A mix of my own originals and other people's originals. (I let my audiences know that everything I do is original....not all of it is MY originals, but someone's original, nonetheless...grin) *Achin To Stay (Kitty West) *Tryin(West) *Going Gone (Koller) *Angel From Durban (West) *For Grandma (West) *Me & Bobby McGhee (Kristofferson) *Roseville Fair (Staines) *Beautiful Music Man (West) *Places Of Motion (West) *Love At The Five and Dime (Griffeth) *Amazing Grace (Newton) *Keep Believing (West)

2. "FOR EACH OTHER" A sort of Historical ledger in song....all sorts of musicians and ordinary folks together here, honoring Births, Lives and deaths of people we love...pretty fun CD. 70 area kids sing on one of the cuts.

*Rise And Shine instrumental (West) *Wide Open (Barton) *Rise And Shine with kids vocals (West) *Forever Young (Dylan) *You AreMy Friend(West) *I Am Not There (trad Nat. American poetry, music by D. Scearce) *Danielle Dancing *EWest) *Across The Great Divide (Wolf) *Landslide(Nicks) *Come From The Heartt(G. Clark) *Helplessly Hoping (CSN&Y) *For Each Other (West) *Love Is (Emmalee West)

3. "KITTY'S BOOT LEGS" Will be available after Feb 15. A bunch of this and that, including the "bootlegged-smuggled" recording of "Mighty Mississippi" done at Carnegie Hall with Arlo Guthrie in November, 2001.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: clansfolk
Date: 21 Jan 02 - 07:27 AM

PENNY BLACK - John Bond, Pete Skinner, Barrie Parker.
Have CDs available on their web site:

Local Artist's (Lancashire England) CDs are now being auctioned/sold via the Clansfolk Auction pages



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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Kathryn
Date: 07 Feb 02 - 11:58 AM

Musicmic, where does one find the reviews of the CDs??

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: wysiwyg
Date: 07 Feb 02 - 12:14 PM


I'm replying for musicmic in case this is one of those times he's not online here too often.

The first couple of reviews he's done of Catter CDs were run as a draft for people to think about the posting format of them, in Mike's thread where he first asked for the CDs to review. We are planning how to include his reviews on a regular basis, and whether to run them each in a separate thread or to batch them here or anywhere-- I want to know what Joe Offer thinks and he hasn't waded in yet on that point.

But the publication they appear in is actually a membership-only, printed & mailed publication of the Philadelphia Folksong Society. The draft ones we ran were for the February print publication so actually they ran here early and I think in future they should run AFTER the print version is published and distributed to the PFS membership. Unless Mike wants to say in his column, "as reviewed at the Mudcat Cafe," whcih seems a bit backwards to me! *G*


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Feb 02 - 06:28 PM

Hi, Susan - I think I'd like to see reviews grouped together whenever possible, or in a thread already started to announce the release the CD. I'm afraid if we had a separate review thread for each CD, the review would stay up for a day and then disappear. A thread for reviews for the month or the quarter would be another idea. Be sure to put Review: in the title of the message posting a review.
-Joe Offer-

Note that this is a PermaThread on Mudcatter CD's. It might be better to continue the discussion here (click).

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: musicmick
Date: 08 Feb 02 - 03:14 AM

Hi Susan, it's Mike again. I reviewed two Mudcatters, Kendall Morse and Jody Gibson, for the February issue. Did you get the copy I emailed to you? If not, let me know, and I'll send it off again. If I have room, I'll add a mention of Bron Yale's CD. If I am full, it will have to wait until March. I'd like to cover two or three CDs each month. I do get submissions from other sources but I love what I'm getting from Mudcat. I just knew that there were still a few folksingers left.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Gloredhel
Date: 29 Mar 02 - 08:20 PM

My first CD, "Sunrise", is now available. It has 11 tracks of harp music and 4 with vocals, and runs about 32 minutes. All of the harp pieces are by O'Carolan. $12.50 each, PM me if you want to know more.

Colleen :)

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
Date: 31 Jul 02 - 02:17 AM

I have just realised that a few catters have made CD's, but not added themselves to this are a few that i know of, and details of who to PM to order them.
Big Mick-Big Micks Stonking Celidh Band (PM Big Mick) Punch The Horse-Andys at Seven (PM ossonflags or Oakley) The Pack-Twelve Little Devils (PM to Sam Pirt)
Greg Stephens-Gregs Boatband-(PM greg stephens)
Caz from Outsider-Looking In (PM Caz)
Various Artists-Windy Bottom 2001 (PM Windyb 99)
422-One- (PM Sam Pirt)
I have not posted track lists etc as this thread is already very long, if you want to know about any of these CDs just send a PM to the people listed.john

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: musicmick
Date: 31 Jul 02 - 11:55 PM

Hail and ave to all you CD makin' Mudcatters. I am still here though I will not be reviewing until TUNE UP revs up again, after the festival. Our festival is the oldest and one of the biggest in the US. The profits from the ticket sales fund the myriad of programs and grants that the PFS has been offering for the past forty-five years. Of interest to this thread, our monthly publication, TUNE UP, is read by thousands of folksong fans on the East Coast. In addition, the PFS is the major employer of folksingers in this area (or any other that I know). Besides our festival, in August, we present monthly concerts, house concerts, workshops, school programs. library programs, community service programs and our Please Touch Museum series. I have a backlog of wonderful CDs to review in October but there's always room for one more. You can send me your product for review at the PFS office or, if you have questions, you can e-mail me (

Mike Miller

Philadelphia Folksong Society

7113 Emlen St.

Phila PA 19119

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: treewind
Date: 02 Oct 02 - 02:16 PM

Two Mudcatters, one CD:
"Through The Groves"
Mary Humphreys and Anahata
Traditional songs from the British Isles (including one in Welsh)
Full details on our website
Available directly from us, £10 + postage (£1 in UK)


New CD Sharp Practice available July, 2003 - see thread here (click) and here (click)

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's
From: Justa Picker
Date: 02 Oct 02 - 02:53 PM

Mine was released a few weeks ago.

The info to purchase one, is here (click).

50% of the sales proceeds are being donated to Max and Mudcat.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 10 Oct 02 - 02:51 AM

Just in case you haven't seen my own little thread out there, here's a link to my CD. It's called "Facing Monday". Click here

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: reggie miles
Date: 19 Oct 02 - 03:26 PM

Okay kids, I've got a new one that some here have gotten an earful of and they've told me it passes muster or, no, wait a minute, maybe they were asking me to pass the mustard. I'm not sure, but that could mean that many parts are edible with the right condiments or maybe it's difficult to swallow without something to kill the taste. So, if you're lookin for something to listen to that lacks relish and needs mustard by all means give my cd a spin. It's called At The Crossroads and features a couple of friends, Jack Cook and Hugh Sutton, playing along with guitars and keyboards. It's an eclectic mishmash of obscurities from the dimly lit archives of America's waste land, resuscitated for your perusal. So, act now! Don't wait! Be the first one on your block to run out your door screaming wildly, I got it! Then when your neighbors calm down, and you convince them that you haven't contracted some contagious infirmaty, you can tell them all about the many gems therein like, The Man With The Weird Beard, The Girl With The Shimmy In Her Pants, Mama Don't Give All The Lard Away, and Some Little Bug. Don't be surprised though if they turn away with fearful expressions running and shrieking and threatening to call the Hasmat team or the men in white coats to come and take you away. It's just their way of saying that they've already got a copy.

Oops! I guess I should have included some kind of contact info as a part of that post. Thanks Stephan for keepin' my nose to the grindstone. I start having too much fun and lose all my sensibities. So, here it is. The easiest way to contact me regarding the procurement of said disc is at this email address:

Have a silly day, ;~) Reg

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Dec 02 - 03:08 PM

Guy Wolff says he has a new CD coming out.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Amos
Date: 04 Dec 02 - 04:50 PM

And don't forget the amazing new MUDCAT SAMPLER CD Series, available now from CAMSCO MUSIC!!

About 100+ tunes by Mudcatters from all over the world in colorful packages!!


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Subject: George Papavgeris CD's
From: George Papavgeris
Date: 18 Mar 03 - 07:58 AM

I discovered this thread only now, but better late than never.

My first CD came out in October 2002, titled Countryside Like This, under the "home label" Mellow Records, catalog number MEL006. All songs copyright 2002 G.Papavgeris. The playlist includes:

1.Welcome in another year
2.Countryside like this
3.The mill
7.Down a country lane
8.Memories of Salonika
10.Remember Joe Turner
11.When the river takes a tree
12.Travelling pedlar
13.Johnny don't go walking with the fishes
14.As long as someone sings a song

My second CD came out in October 2002, titled Perfect Moments, under the "home label" Mellow Records, catalog number MEL007. All songs copyright 2002 G.Papavgeris. The playlist includes:

1.Friends like these
2.Perfect moments
3.Sound the horn
4.His picture in your eyes
5.The friend I never made
6.Beggar's dream
7.Letter home
8.Can I have a beer on you, Sir?
10.Heart of a sailor boy
11.When you have time
12.Sailing tomorrow
13.Timmy's lullaby
14.Were I to leave now

My third CD is being released on 28th March 2003, titled Silent Majority, under UNLaBELLED Records, a new subsidiary label of Robb Johnson's Irregular Records, catalog number UNLaBEL001. All songs copyright 2003 G.Papavgeris. The playlist includes:

1.Hello and Goodbye
2.The flowers and the guns
3.It takes a soldier
4.Lowestoft Rock
5.Silent majority
6.Sailors don't know how to cry
7.Poor scullery maid
9.Look away
11.Circles in the air
12.The bogeyman under my bed
13.What life for a soldier

For orders, please PM me (or email ) with your address details. Cost per CD is UK pounds 10 or US dollars 15 - p&p absorbed for Mudcatter orders.

For lyrics, again please PM or email me - they are all held in MS Word.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Deni-C
Date: 18 Mar 03 - 01:17 PM

Hi there, thanks for this opportunity. this is Mad Rush's second
album Music of Time. UK. released Feb 2003

1. Music of Time 6:27 (P G Hodge / D Couch
2. Lord Horatio 5:39 (E & D Couch)
3. Little Blue Flame 3:33 (Trad)
4. The Sabbath Day 4:01 (E Couch)
5. We Are Exiles 4:27 (Anon / D Couch)
6. The Bold Dragoon 3:31 (Trad)
7. By Moonlight 5:34 (D Couch)
8. Canada-i-o 4:07 (Trad)
9. Revenge 4:50 (E Couch /D Couch)
10.While My Guitar Gently Weeps 4:47 (George Harrison)
11.Bring the Young Men Home 6:52 (D Couch)
12.Tell It To Your Face 4:21 (Barry Gee)
13.Quarrymen 3:43 (E Couch)
14.For A Bygone Time 5:50 (D Couch)

NED COUCH - Acoustic guitars, vocals, bouzouki
DENI COUCH - Vocals, accordion, piano, whistle, percussion
GEOFF HORNE – Double bass, electric bass, vocals
CHRIS WOLFE – Acoustic guitar, bouzouki, banjo
Grateful thanks to guest musicians
MIKE O'CONNOR – Fiddle on Music of Time
TERRY WILLIAMS - Mandolin on Tell It To Your Face and Quarrymen
RACHAEL & SARAH COUCH - Backing vocals on For A Bygone Time

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Doc at PMC Studios, St John's Road, Plymouth 01752 225884.
(P) 2002 E.E. Couch & D.C. Couch ©2002 D.C. Couch
All songs composed, owned and controlled by ELL RECORDS except
Music published by ELL RECORDS - 01752 661367
Sleeve pictures, War Memorial, Plymouth Hoe - Bob Couch, liner pictures, Peter Beer & E. Couch

Gigs, info and CD sales email: – website, inc. full lyrics:
Music tracks for free download on

Playing time 67 minutes

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 25 Mar 03 - 11:54 AM

There's also a new CD called The Long Road from Celtic Cross.

Members of Celtic Cross on this CD are:

Mark Crampsie: Octave Mandolin, Flute, Guitar, Bodhran, Whistle, Lead and Harmony vocals
Frank Edgley: Fiddle, Harmony Vocals
Clinton Hammond: Guitars, Lead and Harmony Vocals
Brian VanderPryt: Bass, Guitar, Bodhran, Lead and Harmony Vocals

And Some samples of the music:

Hillcrest Mine - Lead singer :Clinton

Raglan Road - Lead singer:Mark

Homeland - Lead singer:Clinton

The Celtic Cross - Lead singer:Mark

South Australia - Lead singer:Mark

That Clinton Hammond feller sings pretty darn good. -Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Brakn
Date: 25 Mar 03 - 11:55 AM

My first CD with the following tracks is available here.
Regards Mick Bracken

1. Star of The County Down
2. Galway Bay
3. The Bard Of Armagh
4. The Town Of Dundalk
5. (Las Vegas in) The Hills Of Donegal
6. Put More Turf On The Fire
7. The Rocks Of Bawn
8. Catch Me If You Can
9. My Old Sligo Home
10. Follow Me Up To Carlow
11. Back Home In Derry
12. The Streets Of New York
13. Grace

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Maryrrf
Date: 25 Mar 03 - 04:48 PM

Forgot about this thread, but I have a new CD that came out in December called "Of Rogues and Lovers". Here's the track list:

Glenlogie (Bonnie Jean o'Bethelnie)
The Golden Vanity
As I Roved Out
If I Were a Blackbird
The Newry Highwayman
The Snows They Melt the Soonest
The Humours of the King of Ballyhooley
Crazy Kate
Swan Song
The Four Marys
Mattie Groves

All traditional except Crazy Kate and Swan Song, which were written by Scottish songwriter Andrew Connell.

Here's a link

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: mutineer
Date: 01 Apr 03 - 10:26 PM

Hey, i just saw this thread as well!!!
My band, MUTINY GONE OVERBOARD, released our debut cd on St. Paddy's Day 2002. We are still selling remaining copies off of our website (via mail order)...we did have them in HMV before! Anyways, the cd has 11 traditional celtic songs, 2 originals, and 2 covers: 'The Last Saskatchewan Pirate'- a song written by Canada's clowned princes of humour, the Arrogant Worms; and 'When the Circus Comes to Town'- a tongue in cheek look at family reunions written by Dave Carroll of the Sons of Maxwell. Our album has all the old standbys such as Whiskey in the Jar, Wild Rover, Hills of Connemara (Clancy-esque stuff I guess!). For all of those interested check out our site at Enjoy!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: black walnut
Date: 03 Apr 03 - 10:10 AM

"UP AND OVER THE MOON! Giggle, Dance and Cuddle Songs for the Very Young"
(Debbie Carroll / Merriweather Records MDC03)
New Release (2003)!

The Musicians:
DEBBIE CARROLL (a.k.a.Black Walnut) ~ voice, Celtic harp, piano, fretted dulcimer
KIRK ELLIOTT ~ fiddle, Irish flute
BEN GROSSMAN ~ percussion
KATHY REID-NAIMAN ~ voice, fretted dulcimer
ERNIE TOLLAR ~ saxophone, Indian flute
KEN WHITELEY ~ voice, guitar, piano, red-backed boinger, trombone, dobro, banjo, mandolin….and much, much more!

The Songs:
up and over the moon! * it's a dancing day * can you hop like a bunny? * this little cow eats grass * little tommy tinker * early in the morning/rattle on the stovepipe * chatter with the angels * flying/touch the branches * here's a pot of tea * shortnin' bread * crawdad hole * the tickle person/tickly * nelly go 'cross the ocean * this is the way the ladies ride * up the tall white candlestick * in a dark little town * shoofly * if I could have a windmill * diddley diddley dumpty * the cat and the drum/elephants marching * take the seed * far in the wood * the meadow-bout fields * i'm sittin' in a boat * mama bring me a china doll * jessica's flowers/hush little rooster/twinkle, twinkle little star

Produced and Arranged by Ken Whiteley
Executive Producer (Merriweather): Kathy Reid-Naiman

Sold in stores, available in libraries, and by mail order.

For bio, sound clips, photos, ordering, and fun:
Click here

For more information see also:
Click here


~black walnut

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 23 May 03 - 12:33 AM

There's a thread about a new CD from Hesperis here (click).

Here's the announcement from Hesperis:

Thread #59932   Message #957554

Posted By: hesperis

22-May-03 - 07:22 AM

Thread Name: Hesperis releases CD

Subject: Hesperis releases CD


Due to the cdbaby deal that is on until the end of the month, I decided to stop "procrastinating" by trying to get certain songs "perfect" in order to get them on the CD at the quality I want, and instead release an album with a different lineup than I originally intended. So, my one-woman band, Between the Worlds, is starting to burn CDs tomorrow of the first album, "ONE".

It's named ONE because it's the first album, but also because it is a collection of songs and instrumentals that come from the heart, from the One that sustains us all.

The songs are pretty magical, and the album flows well. Several pieces have traditional or modern Sacred Circle Dances for them, and the dance notes and lyrics will be put up on the band website as soon as I get a domain and get the site done.

1. Stillness Within [3:11]
2. Lament for Flute [1:17]
3. Undersea Quiet [1:30]
4. Skylark [2:56]
5. Midwives [2:14]
6. Seal Woman [5:22]
7. Abundant Harvest [4:32]
8. Life Lives On [4:49]
9. ANRUKIMLO [1:45]
10. Joy of Angels [1:50]

Midwives is a traditional tune from Romania, I think.

Skylark has been heard by anyone who bought the Mudcat CD collection, and this album has three songs with my singing in them if you want to hear more of my voice. ;)

Seal Woman is a song about an Inuit legend. Folkies who like Native American influences will love this one.

ANRUKIMLO was named for the initials of the Nine Gods and Goddesses of the world I invented when I was seven years old, and this piece is very powerful and richly textured.

Joy of Angels is a merry, toe-tapping tune that should probably be traditional! It's original as far as I know, however it is in an older style, almost medieval.

I'm posting this thread to let you folks know about my CD, and also to ask how many CDs I should send to CDBaby on Wednesday. So if you want to order one from CDBaby in June, please PM or post. It will be $12.95 plus shipping at CDBaby. Thanks!

Blessed Be,

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: hesperis
Date: 25 May 03 - 09:34 PM

Hey thanks, Joe.

I was just heading over to post it and one other thing. So I'll jsut post the other thing:

I heard (but haven't checked out the rumour) that is going into cd-on-demand services as well as merchandise. That would be great for anyone who has a CD at and who would like to sell it elsewhere.

I'm not sure if cafepress takes money orders, but you could always use the money in your account from other sales to order them for people who send you a money order, which I doubt allows if YOU don't have a credit card. Cafepress might.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Art Thieme
Date: 26 May 03 - 07:17 PM

The two LPs I did for Sandy and Caroline Paton ( are now available as CDs from them. (I know we've mentioned this recently, but not on this good thread.)

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 29 Oct 03 - 02:14 PM

Rex has a new CD out, and it looks like it's a good one. Check this thread (click) for further information. The CD will be sent to you for $15, postage paid. Contact: to order.
You can also order a CD and get more information at and CDBaby

Here's a track listing:
(Mark Gardner & Rex Rideout)
  1. Old Dan Tucker (Daniel D. Emmett, et al., 1843) 2:23
  2. The Arkansas Traveller (trad., 1847) 1:36
  3. Oh! Susanna (Stephen C. Foster, 1848) 3:20
  4. De Boatman's Dance (Daniel D. Emmett, et al., 1843) 2:40
  5. Buffalo Gals (orig. Lubly Fan, John Hodges, 1844) 2:07
  6. Red Haired Boy (orig. The Little Beggar Man, trad., 1700s Scotland) 1:33
  7. Turkey in the Straw (orig. Zip Coon, circa 1830) 1:35
  8. Old Rosin the Beau (anon., 1838) 4:13
  9. Camptown Races (Stephen C. Foster, 1850) 1:25
  10. Old Joe Clark (trad., late 19th century) 3:12
  11. Soldier's Joy (orig. The King's Head, trad., 1700s) 1:50
  12. Song of Texas (lyrics anon., circa 1845; melody Miss Lucy Neale, Jim Sanford, 1844) 2:20
  13. Capt. Jinks of the Horse Marines (William H. Lingard and T. Maclagan, 1868) 2:27
  14. The Girl I Left Behind Me (trad., 1600s Ireland) 1:31
  15. Garry Owen (trad., late 1700s Ireland) 1:18
  16. The Battle Cry of Freedom (George F. Root, 1862) 4:21
  17. Gen. Pike's Dixie (lyrics Albert Pike, 1861, melody Daniel D. Emmett, 1859) 3:43
  18. Lorena (Henry D. Webster and Joseph P. Webster, 1862) 6:14
  19. Grandfather's Clock (Henry C. Work, 1876) 2:06
  20. The Santa Fe Trail (James G. Rogers, 1911) 3:28
  21. Barlow Knife (trad., a personal favorite, but probably 20th century) 1:57

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: michaelr
Date: 27 Nov 03 - 12:51 AM

I'm pleased as punch to announce the release of the new album by my band, Greenhouse. It's called "One Last Cold Kiss" (Jackalope Records JLP 1252. Here's the track list:

1. Pharaoh (Richard Thompson)
2. The Dark-Eyed Sailor
3. The Fox's Revenge
    a. Foxhunter's Jig
    b. The Gold Ring
4. Siul A Ruin
5. Captain Jack and the Mermaid (Meg Davis)
6. Geordie
7. The Snoring Maids
    a. Ronfleuse Gobeil
    b. The Maid Behind the Bar
    c. The Sligo Maid
8. John Barleycorn
9. I Know My Love
10. Solveig
11. My Lagan Love
12. a. The Rose Among the Heather
    b. Grumbling Old Woman, Growling Old Man
13. One Last Cold Kiss (Pappalardi/Collins)
14. a. The Host of the Air (Yeats)
    b. The Burning of the Piper's Hut

You can hear soundclips by clicking here.

Special Free CD Offer: I'm looking for one ore more persons to write a short (hopefully favorable) review that I can quote in my promotional material. If you would like to do that, PM me with your address, and I will send you a free copy.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Harry Basnett
Date: 27 Nov 03 - 05:34 PM

Hokey clickies never seem to work so the site address for the info. on my humble offering is -

The CD is called 'Decked Out With Pride' and it's (apart from one track) self penned stuff in traditional vein..


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 05:47 AM


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Linda Kelly
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 08:20 AM

Thanks John didn't know this was here! Hazel and I (Pistachio and Linda Kelly) have a new CD out . We are a harmony duo known as Hissyfit. The Cd is called Fish out of water, and is available for £7.00. Please PM me for details. Songs include Theipval tune by me Micca is responsible for the words . Nine songs are self penned and include many fishing songs Prodution is by John Shuttelworth (harpmaker).
1. Northern Tide 2. North Cape Calling 3. Theipval 4. Broomlee Lough 5. Ye Banks and Braes 6. Gallow Waltz 7.Three Drunken Maidens 8. The Maiden and the Rose 9. Luckiest Sailor 10. Farewell to Tarwaithie 11. Sparehand 12. Octavius

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Fortunato
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 09:36 AM

THE SHIVERS -- Old Time Country Music and Comedy
"And now for something completely different." One part early country music and one part vaudeville, the Shivers are George Burns and Gracie Allen gone country.

On the Air –- Old Time Country Music and Comedy Radio Hour
On The Air is a complete radio program, from the moment the announcer says, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," to the closing moments of the theme song, "Are You From Dixie". Set in "Honeyville, the little village that time forgot," the commercials, sketches, and songs introduce the audience to the imaginary family and townsfolk, and the comedy and music of their lives.      

1 Intro and Theme: Are You from Dixie?
2 Smartness
3 Brown's Ferry Blues
4 Cannonball Blues
5 Eight More Miles to Louisville
6 Bluebirds are Singing
7 Aunt Flory and the Aliens
8 Shady Grove
9 A Word from our Sponsor
10 Foggy Mountain Top
11 Country Fair
12 Crow Black Chicken
13 Peach Picking Time in Georgia
14 Out and Theme: Are You from Dixie?
All in all, and in a word: "It's Great Music and Great Fun!"    and "Don't Miss It If You Can!", Joe Hickerson, retired Head of the Library of Congress Archive of Folk Culture.

To Order visit

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Uncle_DaveO
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 10:41 AM

My CD, The Real Story, is available for those who might be interested.

This is a solo CD--all me, for good or ill. There are 23 songs on it, 56 minutes of music. It's all songs, either public domain or trad or written by me, some with banjo, some with guitar, some unaccompanied. Two songs written by me, and two where the music is written or adapted by me for pre-existing text.

The song titles are:
Billy the Kid                         guitar      trad
Beans, Bacon and Gravy,                banjo       trad
The German Musicianer                  unacc.      trad
The Mantrap                            guitar      Oesterreich
The Undertaker                         guitar      trad
I had a Wife                           guitar      trad
The Grey Mare                         unacc.      trad
The Lonely Willow Tree                guitar      trad
The State of Arkansas                  banjo       trad
Kansas Boys                            guitar      trad
The Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn    guitar      trad
Worried Man Blues                      banjo       trad
An Old Man Came Courtin' Me            unacc.      trad
A Bird in a Gilded Cage                guitar      von Tilzer
Eggs and Marrowbone                   guitar      trad
Some Little Bug                        guitar      anon/Oesterreich
Danville Girl                         guitar      trad
Three Jolly Rogues of Lynn             guitar      trad
Sing Anything                         banjo       trad
Do Virgins Taste Better?               guitar      anon/Oesterreich
Peggy Bawn                            unacc.      trad
Jan's Courting                         unacc.      trad
She'd Rather Make Coffee Than Love    guitar      Oesterreich

Price is $14.00 US, postpaid in the US. For mail to other countries, add $1.00 US. Check, money order, or Paypal. No Credit Cards.

Orders may be sent to:

Dave Oesterreich
6040 Crows Nest Drive
Indianapolis IN 46228

E-mail address, for comments, inquiries, or Paypal purposes, is

Dave Oesterreich (Uncle DaveO)

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Midchuck
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 11:56 AM

Both of our recordings (see the 3rd and 4th entries in this thread, 'way up there) are out in both cassette and CD versions.

Since we recognize, on the basis of recent sales, that cassette is a dying medium, we're selling off our inventory of the cassettes at US$5.00 for each. Free S&H if you buy one each.


PM to Midchuck, e-mail to petecady@sovernet, or Woodchucks' Revenge, c/o Cady, P. O. Box 22, Pittsford, VT 05763

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: clansfolk
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 12:25 PM

Penny Black CDs & Info


"Before It's Too Late" - John and Pete prior to Penny Black (c)1999

"Two In A Bar" - Penny Black (c)2002

"Two's Company" - Penny Black (c)2002

"Cobbled Together" - Penny Black (c)2004

"On Time & Tide" - Penny Black (c)2004

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Apr 04 - 09:50 PM

This thread speaks of a new CD by Mike Miller.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Mark Dowding
Date: 12 May 04 - 12:53 PM

My three CDs that I have available are:

Dreams of the Past - 1993 when this came out on cassette - now on CD
Brown Photographs - 2002
A Mon Like Harry - The Songs of Harry Boardman - 2004

More projects in the pipeline

More details HERE

I have a paypal account but will also accept cheques, postal orders and even cash if you want to risk it!

email me for further info


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: SeanM
Date: 13 May 04 - 12:11 PM

Well, I've been away a bit... but seeing this one floating back to the surface reminded me.

The Poxy Boggards have a new CD. I sing bass vocal.

Liver, Let Die!

For sale at a few websites, including Celtic Rose.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: hesperis
Date: 13 Jun 04 - 08:14 PM

Been a long time since I posted here. I now have a CD called "ONE" up at CD Baby, and this one contains SINGING! It's mostly original songs, there's only one folk tune and that has an original arrangement. Enjoy!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Chris Amos
Date: 14 Jun 04 - 01:49 AM

The new duo, The Laughing Chairs, which is Graham Brown (Luxford) and myself has an album out, Hilarious Black. Tracks are;

1.        Down in the Coalmine,
2.        William Glenn (Child 57),
3.        Sunny Goodge St,
4.        Turpin Hero,
5.        Hava Nagila,
6.        Cheery-bye-the-noo Daisy (G. Pike),
7.        Reinlander,
8.        Too Late to be your Friend (G. Pike),
9.        Bold Carter,
10.        Olin Sairus Kun Luokseni Saavuit,
11.        Candy Man,
12.        I am a Boat man by my Trade
13.        Rambling Sailor
14.        She Belongs to me
15.        Brown Robyn's Confession (Child 57)
16.        The Star of County Down (G. Pike)

Copies available at £10 each, PM me or email

The Star of County Down is a new version written by Graham detailing how the narrator and his "Star" got on after they had been together for a bit.

Brown Robyn's Confession has no tune in either Child or Bronson, so I have written one, William Glenn is a variant of the same song, but you wouldn't know it.

Cheers m' dears


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
Date: 27 Nov 04 - 11:50 AM

refresh, mudcatters with cd's should send them to Pulse Unsigned, its a new channel on sky TV, thy are asking for folk, blues, and country Cd's, wee little drummmer has recently sent one, and its getting played already.
see thread, new channel on sky.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Cool Beans
Date: 27 Nov 04 - 11:56 AM

Marty Kohn: "Drawerful of Fives"

Yes, those are real five-dollar bills on the cover. Two years of collecting fives, instead of raiding the kids' college fund, went into making this CD.

Check out "Home on the Range" in Yiddish. Discover how "Chopsticks" sounds on the guitar. Find out where "40th and Plum" really is. Go down to "Repo Depot," home of cheap vehicles, where another man's misfortune might be your ticket out of town.
Toss in traditional and quasi-traditional favorites like "Candy Man," "Freight Train'' and "Under the Double Eagle." "Mauna Loa" from Hawaii, "Guabi Guabi" from South Africa, "Castle on a Cloud" from Paris by way of Broadway (singable only by waifs, this is a guitar solo). Plus a surprise or two.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: wysiwyg
Date: 28 Nov 04 - 06:49 PM

See also this thread:

Northern English mudcat CD's


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Crane Driver
Date: 29 Nov 04 - 03:43 PM

As well as being part of the first (and shortly, the second) CD by shanty group Baggyrinkle (along with 'Catters Skipper Jack and Michael in Swansea), I have my "solo" CD out, "Pennbucky to Llangenny" - 16 of my own songs in the traditional style, based on stories from the Maritime and Industrial past of my home port, Swansea, South Wales. It also includes two sets of traditional tunes. Tracks are:

All Washed up Ashore
Made of Wood
Poling Copper
Young Billy Young
Cobre Days
Lifeboat Horses
Mumbles Hornpipe/ Porteynon Whim
Jerry the One-Legged Rigger
Bronze and Brass
Drinks at the Cuba
Dead Reckoning
Greenholme/ The Ivy House
The Queen of Swansea
The Good Ship Skyvie
By Harry
Navigator Lady
Pennbucky to Llangenny
Elephants' Teeth

Tracks from the CD have been played by Frank Hennessey on his BBC Wales radio programme "Celtic Heartbeat", and on Murkey Chris's "Cool as Folk" radio prog. And I've sold copies to at least one Secret Santa!!

PM me for details if you're interested - I have a Paypal account.

Andrew McKay

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
Date: 14 Jan 05 - 02:59 AM

Not a new CD, but no entry yet, so I thought I'd add one for Dark The Day by Mick Pearce & Kitty Vernon (Guest,MCP & HergaKitty). Track listing and link to web page with sound samples and liner notes are in the thread CD - Dark The Day by HergaKitty & MCP .


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: dwditty
Date: 14 Jan 05 - 11:29 AM

Info on my CD and full song samples are on my website (or in case the clickie does not work). There is also a link to my CD Baby page. Thanks.


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Subject: New link for music site
From: Justa Picker
Date: 14 Jan 05 - 01:05 PM

The preceding link in this thread for my stuff, has now changed.
For the 6 people that might be interested here on Mudcat, it's now

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Big Mick
Date: 14 Jan 05 - 01:39 PM

Great looking site, my friend. I love the pictures of the Martins.

Folks, get over there and have a look. And if you want to hear top notch flat picking, justa is your man. It is a treat to listen to.

All the best,

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Justa Picker
Date: 14 Jan 05 - 02:05 PM

Pity he doesn't sing.   :-)

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
Date: 16 Jan 05 - 04:39 PM


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Susanne (skw)
Date: 16 Jan 05 - 07:08 PM

Can't find
Harvey Andrews or Malinky in this thread!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Ranks
Date: 10 Mar 05 - 04:01 AM

I have just made my first Solo-CD. It is called "Not the bleeding obvious". My Homepage has been finished as well. There you can listen to the 13 tracks.
The address is:
Just in case the clicky does not work.

Click here



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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: treewind
Date: 10 Mar 05 - 05:44 AM

Forgot about this thread till I saw it come up again...

New CD "Floating Verses"
Mary Humphreys and Anahata
With Dave and Gina Holland, Chris Amos
Wild Goose WGS322CD

Our own page with link to online ordering details.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: radriano
Date: 10 Mar 05 - 02:24 PM

Well, I might as well add our new cd here too.

Chanteyranger & Radriano have a new cd titled "Boldly from the Westward" - the thread for the cd has fallen off the radar but for more info log onto our website:


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 16 Mar 05 - 10:22 PM

In this buisness one has to re-invent one's self regularly. Toward that end I have taken the plunge and become a record producer.
    My first effort in that direction is an anthology of performers based in the American Midwest (for the most part Madison, WI and Chicago in this volume, but in future we will expand the focus). It's called Tappin' Out A Rhythm. Pickin' Out A Tune. I'm kind of proud of it, but, then again, I'm the producer.

Eleven Below - Sof Sof
Sos Sof (pronounced with the long "o" sound) are Miriam Brosseau and Alan Sufrin. Whereas most dous tend to bang out the exact same chords at the same time and sing only half-step harmonies, these two both play guitar well and write for vocal counterpoint.
Eleven Below is, believe it or not, a love song. They're from Wisconsin. It's cold up here.
What amazes me is the level of sophistication that they have achieved at such a young age (they both just got legal to buy beer). When they get to my age (50-ish) they are going to be genuine powerhouses as songwriters.

Tera's Tune - Bowen Marvik
There are few good guitar instrumentalists (remember I said "good"). Fewer still who compose thier own material. Bowen is both. This tune and Luck Of Lily J, later in the disc, prove that beyond a doubt.

Because We Can - Andina and Rich
Yes. I am the second half of this team. Sandy Andina and I have been sitting in on one another's sets for twenty years. We finally decided to make a formal act out of it. This is one of Sandy's originals. It will be the title track to the upcoming Andina and Rich CD. Be careful if you are sensitive about bad lnguage. This one has some English and Yiddish curse words in it. However, all of the incidents described in the song are true!

Black Is The Colour - Jeremy O'Sullivan
Note the British spelling. Jeremy is genuinely Irish (as opposed to being Irish-American or some other such hyphenate). As a singer I am always surprised, pleased and more than a bit surprised when someone has sufficient command of the gift to breathe new life into an old song (especially when it's one which has been as regularly brutalized as this one). Jeremy's version is a breath of fresh air.

Moj dilbere - Mazurka Wojciechowska
Maz collects and performs the songs of Eastern Europe. This one is from a CD she did with the Slavic Projection Folk Ensemble. The translation: My sweetheart, where did you go that you did not visit me this evening? Were you ill or did you fall in love with another? I'd rather find out that you were sick than courting someone else.

I've Had That Happen To Me - Stephen Lee Rich
You didn't think that I was going to do this whole thing without throwing one of my own song in here, did you? If you bought the Mudcat collection or my solo CD you've heard this one. If not, you need to, at least, get a copy of the Mudcat collection (six wonderful volumes, available from this site). This is a song about the world's worst hangover.

Old Wisconsin River - The Dustbunnies
I had the same reaction as you just did when I first heard the name. The Dustbunnies are Bill Fallon and Ben Doran. This nostalgic song was written by Bill, Ben, and Ben's grandfather, Ben Queen.

Fire On The Prairie - Aaron Nathans
Aaron is a working journalist by day and a fine songwriter and performer by night (don't ask about the full moon).This is a talent to watch. He'll be with us for a long time to come. BTW, as far as I know his song, I Remember Howard Dean, is still downloadable from the All Songs Considered website (I don't know the URL for that).

Spirit of Life - Ingrid Frances Stark
Ingrid is a songwriter, poet, artist, craftsmaker, and photographer based in Madison, WI. Given that she is also my life partner I risk a prepostoerous level of hyperbole if I say any more. It might call my objectivity into question.

Calling the Shamrock - Jeremy O'Sullivan
This is a homesickness song which could only have been written by an Irishman in Wisconsin.

You Called? - Ingrid Frances Stark
A bit of inspired silliness from Ingrid. It's the outbound message on her telephone answering machine.

Luck of Lily J - Bowen Marvik

Shira - Sandy Andina
Sandy's insightful and moving song told from the point of view of an Isreali border gaurd. It was recorded live at Wild Hog In The Woods Coffeehouse in Madison, Wisconsin in September of 2003.

Muck - Andina and Rich
Just for fun

    You may have noticed that the title (above) is a blue clicky. It links to the CD page for this CD. You can hear portions of most of the songs on streaming audio on that page. This thing was a labor of love. While the above comments may seem like ad copy, I meant every word. Let me know what you think.

Be well.
Stephen Lee

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: chris nightbird childs
Date: 29 Mar 05 - 01:05 PM

My disc is called Blues For Nightowls, and it contains original songs with the exception of two covers, "Brokedown Engine" by Blind Willie McTell and "One More Cup of Coffee" by Bob Dylan.

The mostly acoustic originals are performed by myself, and are a combination of Blues, American Folk & Rock. Together these types of music are comprised to create my style, which I have spent the past couple years perfecting (I hope). Most of these were written with my wife Brigitte. I perform with 6- & 12- string guitars and occasional percussion.

The tracklist is as follows :


2.Tomorrow's Calling

3.3,000 Miles

4.Take These Chains (sung with Brigitte)

5.Brokedown Engine (Willie McTell)

6.No Yesterdays

7.Duet in the Aftermath

8.One More Cup of Coffee (Bob Dylan)

9.Witchseason (Instrumental)

10.Ballad of the Wasted Wind

11.Gray Skies

12.Lesson of Love & Hate

To purchase a copy of my CD for $5 just goto the link below...

Chris Childs @ PayPal

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy it.

- Chris Nightbird Childs

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 26 Sep 05 - 11:39 AM

Pam Swan

Jeff Warner

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Sarah the flute
Date: 27 Sep 05 - 04:01 AM

Details of The Flying Chaucers' CDs can be found here

Just tried a blue clicky thing for the first time....will it work????


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 12 Oct 05 - 02:35 AM

Steve Suffet's Now the Wheel Has Turned, to be released December 10, 2005.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: rich-joy
Date: 28 Oct 05 - 02:58 AM

My partner, Paul Lawler and I, have finally released our 1st CD, entitled :
"A Taste of Good Music" – and it's a FUN! CD - all RECIPES!!!

Ten great songs, all with catchy tunes and clever lyrics!!!

All will be revealed on our new website at :
(30 sec grabs of all tracks)

… and it makes The Best Christmas Present!!!

Cheers! R-J
Down Under

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 11 Nov 05 - 02:25 AM

In this business one has to re-invent one's self regularly. Toward that end I have taken the plunge and become a record producer.
    My first effort in that direction is an anthology of performers based in the American Midwest (for the most part Madison, WI and Chicago in this volume, but in future we will expand the focus). It's called Tappin' Out A Rhythm. Pickin' Out A Tune. I'm kind of proud of it, but, then again, I'm the producer.

Eleven Below - Sof Sof
Sos Sof (pronounced with the long "o" sound) are Miriam Brosseau and Alan Sufrin. Whereas most dous tend to bang out the exact same chords at the same time and sing only half-step harmonies, these two both play guitar well and write for vocal counterpoint.
Eleven Below is, believe it or not, a love song. They're from Wisconsin. It's cold up here.
What amazes me is the level of sophistication that they have achieved at such a young age (they both just got legal to buy beer). When they get to my age (50-ish) they are going to be genuine powerhouses as songwriters.

Tera's Tune - Bowen Marvik
There are few good guitar instrumentalists (remember I said "good"). Fewer still who compose thier own material. Bowen is both. This tune and Luck Of Lily J, later in the disc, prove that beyond a doubt.

Because We Can - Andina and Rich
Yes. I am the second half of this team. Sandy Andina and I have been sitting in on one another's sets for twenty years. We finally decided to make a formal act out of it. This is one of Sandy's originals. It will be the title track to the upcoming Andina and Rich CD. Be careful if you are sensitive about bad lnguage. This one has some English and Yiddish curse words in it. However, all of the incidents described in the song are true!

Black Is The Colour - Jeremy O'Sullivan
Note the British spelling. Jeremy is genuinely Irish (as opposed to being Irish-American or some other such hyphenate). As a singer I am always surprised, pleased and more than a bit surprised when someone has sufficient command of the gift to breathe new life into an old song (especially when it's one which has been as regularly brutalized as this one). Jeremy's version is a breath of fresh air.

Moj dilbere - Mazurka Wojciechowska
Maz collects and performs the songs of Eastern Europe. This one is from a CD she did with the Slavic Projection Folk Ensemble. The translation: My sweetheart, where did you go that you did not visit me this evening? Were you ill or did you fall in love with another? I'd rather find out that you were sick than courting someone else.

I've Had That Happen To Me - Stephen Lee Rich
You didn't think that I was going to do this whole thing without throwing one of my own song in here, did you? If you bought the Mudcat collection or my solo CD you've heard this one. If not, you need to, at least, get a copy of the Mudcat collection (six wonderful volumes, available from this site). This is a song about the world's worst hangover.

Old Wisconsin River - The Dustbunnies
I had the same reaction as you just did when I first heard the name. The Dustbunnies are Bill Fallon and Ben Doran. This nostalgic song was written by Bill, Ben, and Ben's grandfather, Ben Queen.

Fire On The Prairie - Aaron Nathans
Aaron is a working journalist by day and a fine songwriter and performer by night (don't ask about the full moon).This is a talent to watch. He'll be with us for a long time to come. BTW, as far as I know his song, I Remember Howard Dean, is still downloadable from the All Songs Considered website (I don't know the URL for that).

Spirit of Life - Ingrid Frances Stark
Ingrid is a songwriter, poet, artist, craftsmaker, and photographer based in Madison, WI. Given that she is also my life partner I risk a prepostoerous level of hyperbole if I say any more. It might call my objectivity into question.

Calling the Shamrock - Jeremy O'Sullivan
This is a homesickness song which could only have been written by an Irishman in Wisconsin.

You Called? - Ingrid Frances Stark
A bit of inspired silliness from Ingrid. It's the outbound message on her telephone answering machine.

Luck of Lily J - Bowen Marvik

Shira - Sandy Andina
Sandy's insightful and moving song told from the point of view of an Isreali border gaurd. It was recorded live at Wild Hog In The Woods Coffeehouse in Madison, Wisconsin in September of 2003.

Muck - Andina and Rich
Just for fun

    You may have noticed that the title (above) is a blue clicky. It links to the CD page for this CD. You can hear portions of most of the songs on streaming audio on that page. This thing was a labor of love. While the above comments may seem like ad copy, I meant every word. Let me know what you think.

Be well.
Stephen Lee

I have an update on the anthology "Tappin' Out A Rhythm. Pickin' Out A Tune" on Travenia Records. It is now available for online download (as a full album or one song at a time) from AppleiTunes and from!!!

Details about the anthology itself are posted earlier in this thread.
I posted that when the CD became available through CD

The link for the page is below.

Click here and enjoy!

Stephen Lee

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: sharyn
Date: 11 Nov 05 - 02:11 PM

Not a CD, but a cassette. (I'm working on a CD now) called "I Am Your Winter Lover."


Morning Shanty (Sharyn Dimmick) a capella with chorus
Bonnie Susie Clelland (trad)
This Love Was on Landfill (Dimmick) with guitar
Loving Hannah (trad)
I Am Your Winter Lover (Dimmick)
Wallflower Waltz (Dimmick) with guitar and fiddle
Finger Ring (trad) with guitars
An Early Valentine (Dimmick) with guitar
Sheath and Knife (trad)
Spirit of the Fire (Dimmick)
I Bid You Good Night (trad)

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Briagha
Date: 11 Nov 05 - 02:29 PM

I finally got my stuff together and recorded the CD that's been in my head for the past few years! Wish I'd done it ages ago. Much of the credit goes to the encouragement of friends & mentors who played on the recording: Donnie Macdonald, Jimmy Keigher, John Taylor and Glenn Cornick. Release party will be December 3 at CTMS in Encino, CA thanks to FolkWorks. It's on CD Baby at Where The Heart Is now.

Feels a little funny to be "blowing my own horn," but I actually like the finished product and felt like telling someone.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: katlaughing
Date: 11 Nov 05 - 03:09 PM


It's always exciting to learn of more MUdcatter's CDs and tapes!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: alanabit
Date: 12 Nov 05 - 07:50 AM

I just thought I would mention my own recent offering, Travellers' Tales, which has had some kind words said about it here from our fellow Mudcatters.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Guy Wolff
Date: 12 Nov 05 - 11:15 PM

I have cut and pasted the information on my four cd's here . In order they are Music From Wolff Pottery Back Porch & Blues Out & About and Litchfield Dance Music . The litchfield Historical So has a web site for the dance music . The rest can be gotten by PM here and anyone interested the $$ will go to Max . Long live the Cat !!!

Music from Wolff Pottery.
1. Sony Brogan's
2. Flowers of The Forest/June Apple
3. Jesse James
4. Dust the Table/Joe Clark/Cripple Creek
5. Stagger Lee
6. Dark as a Dungeon
7. Arkansas Traveller
8. Lark in the Morning
9. Staten Island
10. Country Life
11. Rickett's hornpipe
12. Black Jack Davey
13. Sorry the Day I was Married
14. Ship in Distress
15. Elizabethan Dance
16. The Cuckoo
17. I am a Pilgrim
18. Sweet Home Chicago
19. Keep Your Hands Off Her
20. Vigilante Man
21. Shine On Harvest Moon

Back Porch Blues.
1. Almost Done
2. We shall be happy/All the good times are past and gone
3. Walking Boss
4. Walking Boss Instrumental
5. The Denver Train
6. Ragtime Annie/Soldiers Joy
7.I'm As Free A little Bird As I Can Be
8. The Crossroads
9. Bill Cheatem/Flop Eared Mule
10. Short Life But Troubled.
11. Stewball
12. All My Loves In Vain
13. May The Circle Be Unbroken
14. Irene Goodnight
15. My Dearest Dear

Out & About          (Dedicated to the Mudcat !!! )
        1) Over the Hills and Far Away    (For everyone in the Yorkshire Gang . I tryied doing a vertion of Elsey Marley for Bill Sables but it needs more work.. Another visit to Yorkshire first !!! )

        2) East Virginia,    ( Bonnie K. taught me this one when she came down to look at banjo's Year before last)

        3)Sally Anne / The Old Plank Road    ( Lui Collins showed me her vertion of Salley Anne and Old plank rd reminded me of Charles and the gang In Berkley .)

        4)Darcy Farrow Steve Gillette ( Open D tuning reminded me of playing with Horase Williums of VT. fame all thoughs years ago )   

        5)Ruben's Train ( Thanks to Raulph Rindzler and my time at Jugtown Pottery NC)

        6) Hazel Dell / The Americans ( Collection of the Litchfield Historical So. ) Dance music from my town from 1803)
       7)Shady Groves (Thanks to George O"brian,Kent Ct and my faverite Clarence Tom Ashley )

        8) Lovely Joan ( My wife Erica is taking Viola De Gamba Lessons in New Haven Ct and this was a nod to MArtin CArthy but also a thank you to Grace Feldman and the Neiberhood school for bringing such joy to her life !!!! )

        9)The Great Silky traditional words (tune by Jim Waters) (I did this with Lui Collins back in the 1970's and always wanted to put a guitar part to it.. Love to Lui!!! Thanks Sandy and Carolyn for the help as always)

        10) Belle Rose (traditional French) Thank you June Tabor for putting this jem in front of us all !!!! this is simply a two part Cooperman penny wistle tune.

        11) John Barleycorn ( This is like trying to do a Muddy waters song but I have sung this to my 4 kids over the last 21 years and had to put it down for them.. Thank you Martin Carthy as with Lovel Joan>>> )

        12) Banish Misfortune (traditional Irish) ( I found a great old concert snare drum with wood rims from the 19th century that I had to use on this very percusive tune.. It was so much fun!!!!)

        13) Come in My Kitchen (Robert Johnson) ( This is one of my faverites)))

        14) Burden Made My Shoulders Tired ( Diolian National slide and Banjo mandolin recorded with a bullet mike OVER THE TOP )))

        15)The Love Sick Blues (ASCAP Jacob Cohen) D tuning slide ala Emmet Miller.. I love Emmet Miller alot

        16) They'er Red Hot (Robert Johnson) ( I used an old Kallamazoo big holed guitar from the 30's for this and "Come In My Kitchen"

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 13 Nov 05 - 12:17 AM

We finally did it!!! Sandy Andina and I have been promising to make a CD for the last six years. The promise has finally been kept. It's called Andina and Rich : Because We Can .

                            The Songs

A FINE ROMANCE – We open in a most un-folkie-like fashion with a treasured old showtune written by Dorothy Fields and Jerome Kern. You have to imagine, for a moment, that Sandy and I are Fred and Ginger (Fred Flintstones and Ginger Ale).

TIME HAS NO MERCY – Early in the 19th century the United States fought a war against Mexico.
Like all wars, it has its mythology (on either side of the Rio Grande). America's move west is no less steeped in folklore. This song tries to cut through some of it.

BECAUSE WE CAN – The events described in this song actually happened to Sandy. This is for anyone who has been screwed by a bureaucracy. Even if you are part of a bureaucracy a bigger bureaucracy than your own has probably shafted you. This song is still for you.

SHIRA – Sometimes it is easier to see the big issues more clearly if you look at them thorough the eyes of one person. In that spirit Sandy examines the thoughts of an Isaerli border guard.

THE CONMAN – Amongst Sandy's talents is a knack for creating sharp parodies. We regularly perform this backspin on Michael Smith's "The Dutchman" in the ongoing hope that Michael will not have us drawn and quartered.

MUDBALL – It is impossible to experience life's joys without having also known abject despair.

SAFE HOME – Despite the Political Right's claims to the contrary, those of us who oppose the war in Iraq DO care about our soldiers in the line of fire. The one thing upon which we can all agree is that we want those kids to get home in one piece.

MY GRANDFATHER"S CLOCK – Parodies are like potato chips. We couldn't do just one.

ORANGE AND PINK PRAIRIE SKY – When driving long distances by yourself you may, at some point, get so caught in the rhythm of travel as to acieve a sort of zen; a moment when you feel more free than you have ever felt before. It happened to Sandy whilst driving from the airport in Joplin, MO to a gig in Coffeyville, KS.

YOU CAN'T DO IT ALL ON YOUR OWN – Let's face it. We need each other for a lot of things. Even this song is a group effort. It was written by Stephen Lee, Sandy, and Alan Moorhouse (alanabit). It's already an international projrect. Join the fun. The more the merrier. We're hoping that it has a future as an organizing song.

A FINE ROMANCE – We open in a most un-folkie-like fashion with a treasured old showtune written by Dorothy Fields and Jerome Kern. You have to imagine, for a moment, that Sandy and I are Fred and Ginger (Fred Flintstones and Ginger Ale).

TIME HAS NO MERCY – Early in the 19th century the United States fought a war against Mexico.
Like all wars, it has its mythology (on either side of the Rio Grande). America's move west is no less steeped in folklore. This song tries to cut through some of it.

BECAUSE WE CAN – The events described in this song actually happened to Sandy. This is for anyone who has been screwed by a bureaucracy. Even if you are part of a bureaucracy a bigger bureaucracy than your own has probably shafted you. This song is still for you.

SHIRA – Sometimes it is easier to see the big issues more clearly if you look at them thorough the eyes of one person. In that spirit Sandy examines the thoughts of an Isaerli border guard.

THE CONMAN – Amongst Sandy's talents is a knack for creating sharp parodies. We regularly perform this backspin on Michael Smith's "The Dutchman" in the ongoing hope that Michael will not have us drawn and quartered.

MUDBALL – It is impossible to experience life's joys without having also known abject despair.

SAFE HOME – Despite the Political Right's claims to the contrary, those of us who oppose the war in Iraq DO care about our soldiers in the line of fire. The one thing upon which we can all agree is that we want those kids to get home in one piece.

MY GRANDFATHER"S CLOCK – Parodies are like potato chips. We couldn't do just one.

ORANGE AND PINK PRAIRIE SKY – When driving long distances by yourself you may, at some point, get so caught in the rhythm of travel as to acieve a sort of zen; a moment when you feel more free than you have ever felt before. It happened to Sandy whilst driving from the airport in Joplin, MO to a gig in Coffeyville, KS.

YOU CAN'T DO IT ALL ON YOUR OWN – Let's face it. We need each other for a lot of things. Even this song is a group effort. It was written by Stephen Lee, Sandy, and Alan Moorhouse (alanabit). It's already an international projrect. Join the fun. The more the merrier. We're hoping that it can be used as an organizing song.

A FINE ROMANCE – We open in a most un-folkie-like fashion with a treasured old showtune written by Dorothy Fields and Jerome Kern. You have to imagine, for a moment, that Sandy and I are Fred and Ginger (Fred Flintstones and Ginger Ale).

TIME HAS NO MERCY – Early in the 19th century the United States fought a war against Mexico.
Like all wars, it has its mythology (on either side of the Rio Grande). America's move west is no less steeped in folklore. This song tries to cut through some of it.

BECAUSE WE CAN – The events described in this song actually happened to Sandy. This is for anyone who has been screwed by a bureaucracy. Even if you are part of a bureaucracy a bigger bureaucracy than your own has probably shafted you. This song is still for you.

SHIRA – Sometimes it is easier to see the big issues more clearly if you look at them thorough the eyes of one person. In that spirit Sandy examines the thoughts of an Isaerli border guard.

THE CONMAN – Amongst Sandy's talents is a knack for creating sharp parodies. We regularly perform this backspin on Michael Smith's "The Dutchman" in the ongoing hope that Michael will not have us drawn and quartered.

MUDBALL – It is impossible to experience life's joys without having also known abject despair.

SAFE HOME – Despite the Political Right's claims to the contrary, those of us who oppose the war in Iraq DO care about our soldiers in the line of fire. The one thing upon which we can all agree is that we want those kids to get home in one piece.

MY GRANDFATHER"S CLOCK – Parodies are like potato chips. We couldn't do just one.

ORANGE AND PINK PRAIRIE SKY – When driving long distances by yourself you may, at some point, get so caught in the rhythm of travel as to acieve a sort of zen; a moment when you feel more free than you have ever felt before. It happened to Sandy whilst driving from the airport in Joplin, MO to a gig in Coffeyville, KS.

YOU CAN'T DO IT ALL ON YOUR OWN – Let's face it. We need each other for a lot of things. Even this song is a group effort. It was written by Stephen Lee, Sandy, and Alan Moorhouse (alanabit). It's already an international projrect. Join the fun. The more the merrier. We're hoping that it can be used as an organizing song.


Stephen Lee Rich

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: DebC
Date: 20 Dec 05 - 01:57 PM

"Dad's Dinner Pail and Other Songs From the Helen Hartness Flanders Collection" is out and there are many copies looking for good homes :-)

You can go to my website, Falling Mountain Music or CD Baby to get any of my CDs.

Thanks to Ron Olesko who had some nice things to say in this thread

Debra Cowan

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 26 Dec 05 - 11:20 AM


I hope a few of the Mudcat CDs found good homes over the holidays!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Barbara Shaw
Date: 26 Dec 05 - 12:05 PM

Our band ShoreGrass recently released our 2nd CD, "Songs of the Civil War Era," which I announced in another Mudcat thread: ShoreGrass: Songs of the Civil War Era

It's available at

The album contains 20 songs recorded live at a performance we did awhile ago and sound samples are available at Some of you might enjoy this collection of what people were singing and thinking then and now about an important period in American history.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: closet-folkie
Date: 26 Dec 05 - 02:49 PM

I'd like to add my CD "Away For The Day" to the "Better Late Than Never" column, if I may. My songs are all self-penned and are not what you'd call trad. folk by any stretch. I suppose it's more of a folky-pop for poppy-folk sort of thing, really. You can read reviews at the link below if you'd like. Cheers then, Steve R.

Steve Robinson

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Fidjit
Date: 05 Apr 06 - 05:08 AM

Ah! found out how it works myself. Ok. Well,

The Fidjits
Had a good live gig in Febuary and got most of it on Minidisc. So via computer we now have this Cd called,

"The Fidjits Live at Galleri Texas"
(note : This is NOT the Chicago rock band)
We are going to Miskin at Easter. I'll have a few with me at £5 each.
Miskin is near Cardiff. UK.
Or e-mail me and see what I can do.

Running list is
Landlord Fill The Flowing Bowl
Princess Royal
Home Lads Home
William Brown
Ramble Away
Redwing Polka
German Clock Winder
Take Your Time
Sun And The Moon
Gathering Corn
Pace Egging

There. Done it.


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: mandotim
Date: 05 Apr 06 - 06:10 AM

Hi all; This is on the 'NorthernCDs' thread as well; is this ok Joe?Bit on the Side have a CD out called 'Running Through the Heart', and it's available at our gigs or by mail order. A Personal Message on this board will do, or you can go to

where you can hear four tracks (MP3, not CD quality) before you decide. The CD is recorded so that we can reproduce it live, ie no megastar guests or 'wall of sound' overdubs; it sounds like we do if we play a gig at your folk club. A lot of the songs are about work, especially mining, and there is a blend of traditional stuff, contemporary songs and some of our own music. Tracks are;

Black Veins (Rodgers)
Blackleg Miner (Trad)
World Turned Upside Down (Rosselson)
Blind Mary/Planxty Irwin (O'Carolan)
I End Up Drinking Alone (Rodgers)
The Harvest Had Failed (Rodgers)
King of the Faeries/Sally Gardens (Trad)
Keep Your Feet Still Geordie Hinny (Wilson)
Shabby Seaside Towns (Mundy)
Salty Dog Blues (Trad)
I Don't Know Where I'm Going (Rodgers)
Weary Whaling Grounds (Trad)
Buckets of Rain (Dylan)
Willafjord/Pig Ankle Rag (Trad)
Howay the Lads (Rodgers)
Going Home (Rodgers)

Hope to hear from some of you!
Tim from Bit on the Side

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: GUEST,Brian
Date: 10 Apr 06 - 10:07 PM

We would like to use "the man in the middle" on our next cd project. Does anyone know how we can contact Mr. Campbell to get permission and pay royalties?

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 10 Apr 06 - 11:27 PM

My new one is out now. From Folk Legacy...


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Peace
Date: 10 Apr 06 - 11:36 PM

Campbell & Davies, LLC
201 Dey Street
Suite 211
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 216-0036

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Peace
Date: 10 Apr 06 - 11:37 PM

Above info for GUEST, Brian.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Barbara Shaw
Date: 11 Apr 06 - 07:33 AM

We have "Man in the Middle" on our ShoreGrass cd, and I got in touch with Harley Campbell about permission. He told me that the owner of the publishing to that song is:

Paul Craft
Paul Craft Music
401 Bowling Avenue #62
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 292-9788

After contacting them, I was referred to for licensing contracts. This all happened in 2001, so I don't know if any of the addresses are still valid.

Harley, by the way, was very nice, and lived at the time in Trumansburg, NY. In fact, he found me, after hearing that I had been asking around about how to contact him! Network, network, network...

Good luck. It's a great song!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Barbara Shaw
Date: 10 Jun 06 - 07:28 PM

I finally got around to doing the graphics in Photoshop for our first (debut) cd, so then I was able to put it up on For anyone who might be interested, the ShoreGrass cd "In Connecticut" is now available at: This one has traditional bluegrass, folk and gospel plus a few originals.

Our 2nd cd "Songs of the Civil War Era" is also available on at:

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Subject: Mudcatter CD: Home from Home - Tim Radford
From: RTim
Date: 14 Sep 06 - 03:39 PM

I have a CD that was released last year to add to the Perma Thread
Please see details below - thanks - Tim R

Home from Home - Tim Radford

with Guests:
Ian Robb, Finest Kind, James Stephens, Chris Leslie, John Roberts, Jeff McClintock and Brian Sanderson.

On Fallen Angle Records - FAM08
Available via or see

Tim Radford, an English singer now living on Cape Cod, has recorded again after a period of near thirty years, his singing inactivity being due to decades of concentration on Morris dancing in the villages of Adderbury and Kirtlington, Oxfordshire.

Now back to his first love, this recording contains songs old and new with 10 accompanied and 7 unaccompanied tracks. It includes a range of material from chorus songs to ballads, mainly traditional material but with a scattering of composed songs, some written by old friends.
There is a strong commitment to songs collected in the south of England, particularly from Hampshire and Dorset, a part of the country where Tim was born and raised.

The seventeen tracks on the recording are:

  1. Come, Come my Friends
  2. John Barleycorn
  3. The Bird in the Bush
  4. The Three Ravens
  5. Fair Maid of Australia
  6. Winter Man (Chris Leslie)
  7. New Year (Jehanne Mehta)
  8. The Month of January
  9. Cupid's Garden
  10. The Brokendown Gentleman
  11. Love in June
  12. Lymington Round & Round (Rick Keeling)
  13. The Spotted Cow
  14. Washing Day
  15. George Collins
  16. The Rolling of The Stones
  17. Here is My Home (Si Kahn)

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Subject: Mary Humphreys and Anahata : Fenlandia
From: treewind
Date: 10 Jan 07 - 08:12 PM

Mary Humphreys and Anahata's new CD "Fenlandia" is out and available for purchase online.

Full details on our web site
or Wild Goose site which includes all the booklet notes on the songs.

It features previously unheard and unrecorded (in these versions) songs collected from Cottenham in Cambridgeshire.

Here's a track list:

1 Nutting Song
2 The Cuckoo and the Nightingale
3 Sheringham Breakdown / Yarmouth Breakdown
4 Elwina of Waterloo
5 Lowlands of Germany
6 The Hungry Army
7 Lucy Wan
8 Dennington Bell / March of the Men of Devon
9 Lord Thomas & Fair Eleanor
10 Sun Assembly
11 Hey down derry
12 Polly Vaughan
13 Tafarn y Wheatsheaf / Rasus Doncaster
14 We'll be all smiles tonight


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Pistachio
Date: 16 Jan 07 - 12:13 PM


Our new CD is now available - recorded by Nick Stubbs at Seaside Studios, 19 Seaside Road , Aldborough HU11 4RX

'Sweet Minerva' named after the first track, contains 17 tracks; our own work, some borrowed from kind friends and from the folk tradition.

1. Sweet Minerva
2. Here's the Tender/Pity poor me - Traditional + Linda Kelly
3. Lament
4. War Song
5. Channels - Words by Micca Patterson
6. Greenland Ghost
7. Don't Look Back
8. Blue Remembered Hills
9. Oh Mary/Shallow Brown    - Traditional
10. Whitby Fisherman - Bill Sables
11. Leather Cinderella
12. Find me an Island - Lesley Hale
13. Didn't leave nobody but the baby - Traditional
14. Lord Franklin            - Traditional
15. Poor Wayfaring Stranger - Traditional
16. Parting Glass            - Traditional
17. Raise a glass
Bonus track - after receiving a live recording of Luckiest Sailor
we added it on to the Minerva CD. Thanks to Dave Illingworth at 'The Burn'

PM Linda Kelly for sales and for website.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Deskjet
Date: 16 Jan 07 - 12:26 PM

While we're at it
My CD is called "Songs From A Yellow Chair"
It's all original acoustic songs
There's a link on this page to my first album also.
Brendan Devereux.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Bernard
Date: 16 Jan 07 - 12:29 PM

Two tracks from Hissyfit's new album are included in Ali O'Brien's 'Sounds of Folk' on Radio Britfolk for a week from January 29th!

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: hesperis
Date: 17 May 07 - 04:22 PM

Joe or JoeClone, please edit my information in this thread as the old albums are now available for totally free! Thank you muchly.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: early
Date: 17 May 07 - 07:34 PM

Hi, my first solo CD looking Back comprising 10 origional songs is now available from myself at gigs or from Kidney research UK
kidney research site
Review :-
Teesside-born Mark has been a familiar face on the Wharfedale folk scene for more than a dozen years, being involved in running the Pannal (Millfolk) club and sessions and as a regular performer at Otley Folk Club, both solo and with folk-bluegrass trio Northern Lights. His trademark rich, deep voice (with its overtones of Johnny Cash!), together with his easygoing guitar style, makes him an ideal performer of country music, but on this release the clue lies more in its title, for Looking Back is what Mark is doing here with a collection of ten of his own songs written over the past ten years. Around two-thirds of these can be placed firmly in the "tradition" of contemporary industrial/vocational balladry, the remainder being affecting songs of lost love.

Mark's family made their living in the Staithes area, from the sea and mining (and his father eventually got his own boat), so many of Mark's own songs are well steeped in the sea and the fishing, compassionately and intensely expressing, in simple and direct language, the contradictory emotions, the sense of resignation and inevitable tragedy set against the deep lure of the sea and the straightforward justification for the employment. Natural nostalgia for the work and its happier times is always tinged with infinite regret at the lives lost.

There are some outstanding songs in this category here that deserve a permanent place in the modern tradition – Waiting On The Shore, Gone To Sea, Mists Of Time and Lifeboat Song especially come to mind – and they stand the test of time well, being memorable both for their deeply-felt and thoughtful sentiments and their strong melodic content. The non-fishing songs provide a contrast, for they're couched in a different musical idiom, that of contemporary country singer/songwriter; 42 And Counting, Do You Think That I'm Crazy and Crimson Skies are attractive compositions evidently much inspired by the Hugh Moffatt/Kate Wolf repertoire which Mark performs live with Northern Lights, whereas Lost At Sea is more reflective, its catchy use of refrain reminiscent of Ewan Carruthers or vintage Allan Taylor.

Finally a word of praise for Mark's decision to resist any temptation to over-arrange the songs, preferring instead to keep the accompaniment simple and unpretentious (just his own guitar, with well-judged contributions from John Savage (fiddle) and Steve Fairholme (melodeon) and fellow-Northern Lights members Anne Jackson and Chris Rawnsley; the production too is admirably unfussy, allowing the listener to concentrate on the songs. Congratulations to Mark on finally getting it together in the studio to set down these fine songs for posterity.
D. Kidman

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Joe Offer
Date: 29 May 09 - 01:20 AM

Many Mudcatters have recorded or produced CD's, and I know it's hard for them to get people to buy them. I was going to start a new thread, but then I decided to just sex up the "Mudcatter CD's" PermaThread and see if we could get some recordings sold.
If you have recording something you'd like to sell, post a message here and tell us what's on the CD and how to get it.


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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Jon Bartlett
Date: 29 May 09 - 03:09 AM

Below are track listings for several of our CDs. Each CD is $15 post free to Mudcatters. The CD-ROM is $20.

Jon Bartlett
Box 2451
Princeton, BC Canada
V0X 1W0

Our Singing Tradition: The Green Fields of Canada
        The Red River Valley (words, Chris Dafoe)
        The Grand Hotel/The Peekaboo Waltz/Buck's Camp Down at Monroe (trad.)
        It Was Way Out West in Alberta (Bill "Bud" Baldwin)
        The Hard Rock Miner (trad.)
        Far From Home (tune, Phil Thomas)
        Saskatchewan (words, William W. Smith)
        The Doryman (tune, Phil Thomas)
        The Homesick Trapper (words, Harold Smith; tune Stanley G. Triggs)
        La Famille Latour (trad.)
        The Wreck of the Mary Somers (trad.)
        Hard, Hard Times (trad.)
        The Green Fields of Canada (trad.)
        Les Raftsmen (trad.)
        The Wild Goose (Wade Hemsworth)
        The Black Fly Song (Wade Hemsworth)

Our Singing Tradition: Come to Me in Canada
        The Logdriver's Waltz (Wade Hemsworth)
        Nous sommes trois frères (trad.)
        Willie Drowned in Ero (trad. Child 215)
        Peter Amberley (John Calhoun)
        Dondaine la ridaine (trad.)
        The Lumberman's Alphabet (trad) listen to mp3
        The Kangaroo (trad.)
        The Ballad of Springhill Disaster (Peggy Seeger)
        'Twas Out in Alberta (anon.)
        Dans la prison de Londres (trad.)
        Henry Hudson (Chris Rawlings)
        Mussels in the Corner (trad.)
        The Unquiet Grave (trad. Child 78)
        Come to Me in Canada (anon.)
        Le sirop d'érable (tune: Ward Allen, words: Jean Pierre LaChance)

Our Singing Tradition: The Young Man from Canada
        Young British Rancher
        The Truckdriver's Song (M.K. Papov)
        Taku Miners
        Song of the Sockeye (Cumbers & Thomas)
        I'm a Young Man from Canada
        Old Faro
        Know Ye the Land?
        Teaming up the Cariboo Road
        Way Up the Ucletaw listen to mp3
        The Greenhorn Song (Pollard)
        The Oda G. (Stanley G. Triggs)
        Drill Ye Tarriers Drill!
        The Kettle Valley Line (Ean Hay)
        The PGE Song (Keith Crowe)

Now It's Called Princeton: Songs and Poems from BC's Upper Similkameen
      The Hard Rock Miner
      I'm Only a Broken-down Mucker
      A Miner's Candlestick
      The Hangup Stick
      Splitting the Core (John Henry)
      The Copper Mountain Raise (Paddy Graber)
      Haywire Outfit
      The Greenchain Song (tune: Lyn McGown)
      Wanted, a Railroad
      Wait Till the Railroad's Finished
      Jerry Go Ile the Car
      The Kettle Valley Line (Ean Hay)
      That Reminds Me/Come all You Coal Miners
      In My Dreams
      The Banks of the Similkameen
      There's Gold in the Tulameen
      Dead Horse Upon the Tulameen
      The Blakeburn Song
      A Plea for Single Men
      A Midwinter Night's Dream
      That Towel
      Princeton Friendship
      This Coalmont's a Wonderful Sight
      The Hope Slide (Paddy Graber)
      Flying Up the Nickel Plate Road (John Henry)
      A Song of BC
      Now It's Called Princeton (Zeke Hoskin)

Blow the Man Down! Tall Ships in the Fraser
          Blow the Man Down
          Roll the Woodpile Down
          The Mermaid
          One More Day
          Sailors Alphabet
           Tom's Gone to Hilo
           Haul Away, Joe
           Ceux qui ont nommé les Bancs
           John Kanaka
           Amelia, Where You Bound To?
           Lady Franklin's Lament
           Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her
           The Wreck of the Mary Somers
           Tire va donc sur les avirons
           My Johnny         
           The Amphitrite
           Willie Taylor
           A Yankee Ship
           The Wild Goose Shanty
           Hieland Laddie
           Strike the Bell
           Sur les bancs de Terre-Neuve
           South Australia
           Lowlands Away
           The Flash Packet

Songs and Stories of Canada
This CD-ROM contains 16 half-hour shows (originally CBC radio) made for schools broadcasts (Grades 5-9)in Western Canada in c. 1980. Each thematic show contains dramatic presentations on the theme, five or six songs, sound effects, etc. Accompanying the shows is a 120 pp Guide Book in .pdf format containing some 50 songs from the series. Some of the songs were re-mastered and are on the three Our Singing Tradition CDs.
Moving West – early exploration of the west during the fur trade, building the CPR and subsequent settlement of the Prairies.
Saltchuck and Asphalt – transportation past and present, mainly in British Columbia — truckdriving, freight wagons and teams of horses on the Cariboo Road, railways and tugboats.
The Homesteaders – lives of settlers on the prairies in the early years of the twentieth century—living in sod homes, fighting off mosquitoes, grasshoppers, gophers, duststorms, hailstorms, drought and loneliness.
The Parish Hall Dance – gives examples of the role of folk music – particularly singing – in social situations from Newfoundland to British Columbia.
The Immigrants – a collection of immigrant songs in English and French. The groups covered are the Scottish (Cape Breton), French (Quebec), British (British Columbia) and Irish.
Fishing East and West – fishing for cod off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, whaling off Greenland and fishing for salmon and halibut off the BC coast.
The Rush for Gold – the three major gold rushes of western Canada—the Fraser River gold rush of 1858, the Cariboo gold rush of the early 1860's, and the Klondike gold rush of 1898.
Songs of the Deep Sea Sailors – the lives of sailors who worked on the tall sailing ships of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
The Lumbering Woods – the way of life of the loggers who worked in the lumber camps of eastern Canada.
Logging in the West – the way of life of the loggers who worked in the lumber camps of British Columbia.
Songs of the Miners – the miners who worked in the hard rock mines of British Columbia and the coal mines of Cape Breton.
Folk Instruments – some of the instruments used in traditional Canadian folk music over the past 150 years—especially the button accordion, the fiddle and the concertina.
The Kangaroos of Nova Scotia – how songs are passed on and the changes they undergo in the process.
The Atlantic Provinces – draws together in song common themes in the Atlantic provinces—lumbering, fishing, Acadian songs in French and songs from the descendants of Scottish immigrants in Nova Scotia.
Songs and Stories of Quebec – the life and history of Quebec—the fur trade, logging, farming, fiddle-playing and story-telling.
Songs of the Land – the struggle for survival in "the North".

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: olddude
Date: 29 May 09 - 01:35 PM

My CD "South Bound Train"    $10.00
clips can be found on

10 original songs ... All proceeds and I mean all proceeds go to a family with an autistic child and a child with Cerebral Palsy ...
just email me at

Thank you
Dan O'Connell

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Deskjet
Date: 29 May 09 - 02:07 PM

Original Acoustic Songs with a folk feelfrom award-winning singer/songwriter.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: The Sandman
Date: 29 May 09 - 05:59 PM several cds available,traditional material and modern songs written in traditional style

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Acorn4
Date: 29 May 09 - 07:06 PM

Ok so here we go with the Acorn4 discography. I don't actually release CDs, they sort of escape through an open window and are let down using a knotted sheet.

They sell at £10.00 each inc p and p

2 for £15

The 3 for £20.00

Available from:-

Dave Taylor
5 Percival Way

0116 2871895
0771 1996210

"Under the Baseball Cap"

1. Clever People
2. Family Holidays
3. Mary
4. Songs of Praise
5. Oddsock Blues
6. Song for Desmond
7. Under the Baseball Cap
8. Cool and In Control
9. Fifty Miles of Stormy Water
10 Service with a Smile
11 The Devonshyre Plonkere
12 Amber
13 Kerreh
14 No Place Like Rome.

"The Melodeons are Coming!"

1. Support Your Neighbourhood Fanatic.
2. Weary Old Folk Tune.
3. (Sailing on my) Morning Cloud.
4. Not a Morning Person.
5. Company Man.
6. BSA Bantam, 1963.
7. Easter Leaver.
8. The Melodeons are Coming.
9. Eridge Valley Cowboy.
10.A Truer Shade of Blue.
11.Jehovah's Windows.
12.The Worst Irish Band in the World.
13.Honky Tonk Heart.
14. Heaven's Gate.

Bonus track on separate CD: "The Ballad of Norman Thorne".


1. Wedon'tgiveatoss!
2. The Barmaid.
3. Wheels of Change.
4. Reality TV.
5. Music to Twitch To.
6. Titanic(the True Story).
7. The Circle Game.
8. Gobbindownmimobile.
9. Daddy, Don't Become a Morris Dancer.
10.Harry's War.
11.In the Gateau.
13.Faraway Gone.
14.Little Wooden Self.

Bonus track: "Saturday Night Farter".

Next CD "But is it Folk, Miranda?" hopefully by the end of 2009.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: RTim
Date: 29 May 09 - 07:11 PM

See the first review of my new CD - George Blake's Legacy, on Musical Traditions:

Tim Radford

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: kendall
Date: 29 May 09 - 07:19 PM

Most of my stuff is available on my web site.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Guy Wolff
Date: 29 May 09 - 08:14 PM

Hello to old friends and new . The two cd I have at the moment are for sale via or email   You can also have a listen at my youtube page

All the best Guy <><<><><

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: katlaughing
Date: 29 May 09 - 09:41 PM

Great idea, *sexing* this up, Joe!

I am really enjoying the samples of those with whom I was not familiar. Brendan, LOVE your songs and sound...just listening now. Thanks for the link.

Acorn4, I am looking forward to listening to you, tonight, too. Jon, you, too.

I can highly recommend those of Kendall Morse and Guy Wolfe as well as olddude. All GREAT music and talents!

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: sharyn
Date: 29 May 09 - 11:15 PM

I released my CD, "Paris," in late February 2009. So far it is available at Down Home Music in El Cerrito, CA, at Mabel Dodge Luhan House in Taos, New Mexico and from me by mail ($18) or in person ($15). PM me if you want one or want more information, please. It comes with a full-color booklet with all of the words to all of the songs, plus an original painting of every song.

Track List:

Paris (Sharyn Dimmick -- that's me)
Vandy, Vandy (Trad)
No More Fish, No Fishermen (Sheldon Posen)
Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell)
Morning Shanty (Dimmick)
Little Sadie (Trad)
When You and I Were Young, Maggie
Barbara Allen (Trad)
Hard Times (Stephen Foster)
The Wallflower Waltz (Dimmick)
The Hallelujah Trilogy
We Sing Hallelujah (Richard Thompson)
The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)
Bringing in the Sheaves

I also have a 1998 cassette tape, which I could give away now, called "I Am Your Winter Lover."

That one has a really fetching cover photo of me in my youth and a couple of songs I did not record on the CD.

Track List"

Morning Shanty (Dimmick)
Bonnie Susie Clelland (Trad)
This Love Was on Landfill (Dimmick)
Loving Hannah (Trad)
I Am Your Winter Lover (Dimmick)
Wallflower Waltz (Dimmick)
Finger Ring (Trad)
An Early Valentine (Dimmick)
Sheath and Knife (Trad)
Spirit of the Fire (Dimmick)
I Bid You Goodnight (Trad)

Thanks, Joe, for reviving this thread.


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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Barry Finn
Date: 30 May 09 - 12:32 AM

From Barry Finn & Neil Downey of Finn & Haddie come's their CD "Fathom This" available at my web site (above) or through CDBaby

1. Roller Bowler (Trad)
2. Yangtse River Shanty (Words,Hamish Maclaren/Music,Charlie Ipcar)
3. Heavy Cruiser (Neil Downey)
4. Schooner Industry (words-Trad, chorus & music Neil Downey)
5. Ida Lewis (Music Trad, words Barry Finn)
6. Fine Time O Day (Trad, BWI)
7. London Julie (trad)
8. Hard Times in Ol Virginia (Trad, Georgia Sea Islands)
9. Main Royal Yard (Neil Downey)
10.One More Day (Trad)
11.Hell of a Wedding (Trad, BWI)
12.Good Ol Brig (Trad)
13.Bowline (Trad, Barbadian)
14.Ranzo Rae (Trad)
15.Coal Black Rosie (Trad)
16.Good-Bye My Lover Good-Bye (Trad)
17.Feeny Brown (Trad)
18.Good-Bye My Riley-O (Trad, Georgia Sea Islands)
19.Albertina (Trad)
20.Priests & Nuns (trad)
21.Georgie, Me Neck A Broke (Trad, BWI)
22.Saltpeter Shanty (Trad)
23.St.Peter Down at Courland Bay (Trad, BWI)


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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: DebC
Date: 30 May 09 - 10:29 AM

Debra Cowan's newest CD "Fond Desire Farewell". To get purchase information, you can go to my website

This CD was arranged and produced by Dave Mattacks, known for his work with the English folk-rock band Fairport Convention. Fond Desire Farewell contains contemporary songs written by Richard Thompson, Bill Caddick, Nic Jones, Steve Tilston, and Ralph Stanley. Ray Davies's "Alcohol" has become a favorite among listeners as has Chris Moore's "Wall of Stone". The traditional songs in this recording reflect Debra's extensive research of North American and British Isles ballad collections.

Exploring the theme "transformation through devastation", Debra Cowan's newest recording, "Fond Desire Farewell", is being hailed as her greatest work so far. Cowan and Mattacks have taken contemporary and time-honored traditional songs and put them in a modern setting. Dedicated to her late brother, Michael Strassman who passed away suddenly during the project, Debra says that "...this recording project was a large part of my healing."

Debra Cowan started performing in California 35 years ago and began touring in 1998, with frequent stops in the US and UK, from folk clubs to festivals like the New Bedford Summerfest and the Dunbar Folk Festival in Scotland. That led her to where she is now, a full-time singer who bridges the old and new with a refreshing stage presence.

Dave Mattacks is arguably the world's greatest "folk rock" drummer, having held down the beat in the seminal UK band, "Fairport Convention" from 1969 to 1997. Mattacks has toured and recorded with the likes of Jethro Tull, Paul McCartney, Elton John, XTC, and George Harrison -- among many others -- and is one of the most sought-after drummers in the United Kingdom and America. He can be seen behind the kit with artists as unique and talented as Rosanne Cash, Judith Owen, and Grey Delisle.

Praise and Comments:

Ranked #29 for the Top Albums for April 2009 on the US-based Folk DJ-l discussion list

"Debra has a voice which beautifully combines Celtic and Appalachian sensibilities. She and Dave Mattacks have created a deeply satisfying, lyrical and musically elegant record." -Roseanne Cash, singer and songwriter

"...a wonderful voice and the production is great - unobtrusive and yet full...." -Mike Harding, host, Folk and Acoustic BBC Radio 2

"...this is my kind of record. Beautifully sung and superbly produced." - Linda Thompson, singer

Named "CD of the Week" and one of "Rich's Picks" by Rich Warren, host, Midnight Special, WFMT, Chicago, IL

"Well done to all concerned, it's a lovely album indeed with a great choice of material, and excellent notes" - Len Holton, host From Albion and Beyond, KUAR, Little Rock, AR

Debra Cowan


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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Waddon Pete
Date: 02 Jun 09 - 08:54 AM

My own humble offering can be found here.

Best wishes,


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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Barbara Shaw
Date: 02 Jun 09 - 11:47 AM

Our band ShoreGrass now has 3 CDs, all available at CDBaby ShoreGrass CDs.

The latest one "GOING HOME" is mostly originals, with 2 classics. It has grammy winning Dobroist Stacy Phillips on most tracks, playing either Dobro or fiddle, and old-time fiddler Bud Morrisroe joins us for two songs. The biggest kick for me, however, is having our son Jonathan holding down the bass. He's a great musician and it was a thrill to have our kid join us for this project.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: BobKnight
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 06:45 AM

My CD is available from my website at
Tracks are:

1. Walker Dam
2. The Banks O' The Dee
3. The Bold Philanderer
4. I Hae A Bonnie Lassie
5. As We Merch On
6. Bitter Winds
7. The Ballad O' Indian Peter
8. Down By The Harbour
9. Returned From The Sea
10.Doon By The Watterside

All written by myself in Scottish traditional style.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: skarpi
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 07:20 AM

well we have our song book !! so why dont we make our cd´ book
all information in it .
who,or what band , what year it came out , what songs , what songs
and so on . ?

then we just have to go to the top and click ( cd book )

and look :>þ very simble and easy .

all the best Skarpi Iceland .

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: agingcynic
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 08:08 AM

I have songs from three CDs and an EP at the same place, all for free download

Floor Creak: Time Goes Rushing By
Karma Farmers: Songs for Aging Cynics
Karma Farmers EP: Quartet
Dave Shiflett & Friends: Afternooon Lamentations

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Maryrrf
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 09:29 AM

Might as well put in a plug for my CD, especially now that individual downloads are availale: Mary's CD - "Of Rogues and Lovers" . Nine of the tracks are traditional ballads. This CD was a joy to make - my son helped me with the arrangements and did the guitar picking (much better at it than I am), and friends in Ireland added a few other backing instrumentals.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: GUEST,John from "Elsie`s Band"
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 10:16 AM

Now, up and running and available from Tony on 01737 248708 or David on 01732 862862, our CD, "Little Mike". A seventeen track album of songs from and about southern England containing favourites such as "Following the Old `Oss", "Heligan" and "Young in Kent". Already reviewed in Folk in Kent and the London folk magazine.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: michaelr
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 11:03 AM

New Greenhouse CD "Dreams and High Hopes" available through CDBaby. Mudcatter "olddude" said it is just wonderful.
Guest artists include Todd Denman (uilleann pipes), Michael Capella (Dobro), Patti Rametta (lap harp) and Chris Carney (banjo, mandolin and fiddle). The track list is as follows:

1.   MacPherson's Rant    5:03
2.   The Winter Is Past    5:35
3.   Dreams and High Hopes   6:41
4.   Michael's Matches/The Mouseskin Shoe   6:24
5.   The Maid on the Shore   4:03
6.   The Gardener   2:37
7.   The Flower of Magherally   4:22
8.   The Thingama Jigs   3:26
9.   The Broom o'er the Cowdenknowes   4:25
10. The Snows They Melt the Soonest   3:11
11. The Tipsy Set   6:52
12. Lone Shanakyle   5:45

Many of these tracks can be heard on our MySpace page.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Tim Leaning
Date: 25 Nov 09 - 11:58 AM

We got a few left of our CD "Thank You"
£5 each fifteen original tracks.
Featuring Rockhen on harmony vocals,accordion and (Gasp!) Piano.
Jen on vocals and Whistles and me shouting.

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: JHW
Date: 26 Nov 09 - 06:26 PM

I still have copies of my LEAP YEAR CD.   Google Leap Year CD or click Leap Year CD
John Wilson

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: Mark Ross
Date: 26 Nov 09 - 10:07 PM

My CD, co-produced by the late Utah Phillips, is available in hand made copies from me. PM me if you're interested.


1.    My Sweetheart's A Mule In The Mines/Butte Miner's Song
2.    Butte
3.    I Wandered Today To The Hill Maggie
4.    Dad's Dinner Pail
5.    Marcus Daly Enters Heaven
6.    The Butte Newboys Song
7.    Only A Miner
8.    The Steward Mine Disaster/7 Stacks Of The Neversweat
9.    Hey Boys, Let It Ring
10. If We Could But Remeber
11. Goodbye Joe Hill
12. Nevada Jane
13. Letter From A Miners Wife
14. The Situation In Butte
15. The Popular Wobbly
16. Frank Little
17. I Am A Butte Miner
18. The Pigeons They Fly High In Butte, Montana
19. Old Friend
20. Dance Hall Gals
21. Butte
22. Look For Me In Butte

The website with the liner notes is at;

Mark Ross

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Subject: RE: Got CD's to Sell? Post Ad Here
From: jiva
Date: 27 Nov 09 - 05:41 AM

Our debut CD 'Best Friends' is now available - it is a mix of self-penned songs and our own versions of carefully chosen songs by some of our favourite writers and performers.

It's available from our website CD page where you can listen to extracts from all tracks and link to lyrics and background information for each song.

Track listing:
01 Two Old Friends (Chris Simpson)
02 Different Dreams (jiva)
03 Some Way Home (jiva)
04 Love At The Five & Dime (Nanci Griffith)
05 Best Friends (jiva)
06 When (jiva)
07 Small Town (jiva)
08 An Acquaintance Of Mine (Anthony John Clarke)
09 Dream On (jiva)
10 Louise (Paul Siebel)
11 Back Home To You (jiva)
12 One More Song (jiva)

Jimmy & Val (jiva)

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: folktheatre
Date: 06 Jan 10 - 10:19 AM

Aloha from Yorkshire.

I have a CD that has been mentioned once or once. It is 9 traditional folk songs from England and the US and 2 original decompositions.

It was a Froots Critical success last year. I mean 2008. And other places liked it too. Like Radio 3's Late Junction's Verity Sharp who played not once, but TWICE. Howzat.

The album is called "My Dearest Dear" and my stage name is Michael Rossiter which coincidentally is my real name since birth.

It is sold out though so I don't know why I'm plugging it.

Well it will be until my label (Me AKA Folk Theatre) has some more to sell which should be soon!

Also on Folk Theatre recording industries and liabilities is David Broad.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Darowyn
Date: 06 Jan 10 - 11:51 AM

I could have sworn I'd posted this three years ago, but apparently I didn't, so I'll add my CD to this list.
"It Was a Dark and Stormy Night..." is a CD of my original songs, available almost everywhere on internet sites thanks to CD Baby, iTunes etc.
I'm currently working on "Legends", but there is a studio to complete before any serious creative input to that. I have made a start on Odysseus & the Sirens (Thanks George P) and "Njal's Saga",and the ideas book is filling up with thoughts about Pandora, Arthur, Roland and all things Persian.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Dan Schatz
Date: 06 Jan 10 - 11:55 AM

I've got one solo CD, an old solo tape which is out of print so I won't list it, and a new solo CD expected out this Spring:

Dan Schatz - Bring the Morning Home (2007)
Dan Schatz - with Magpie and others: The Song and the Sigh (Spring 2010)

and I produced and perform on Singing Through the Hard Times - a Tribute to Utah Phillips (2009)

More information on all of the above can be found at


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Cool Beans
Date: 06 Jan 10 - 03:37 PM

Just released my new CD, THE HAT ALBUM. If you've never heard "Click Clack," "I Want To Go Back to Michigan," "Hang the Key on the Bunkhouse Door" "Cottonwood Shuffle"(OK, I wrote that one), "Let the Ball Roll" or a wistful, solo guitar version of "Give My Regards To Broadway," now's your chance. But wait, there's more, at:

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: henryclem
Date: 18 Jan 10 - 12:07 PM

Reposting from elsewhere -

I have 2 CDs of my own songs available :

"Shades of the Past"
"Beacon Fires"

You can hear some of the songs on Myspace -


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Feb 10 - 05:01 PM

Janie started the Attention 'Catters with CD's thread for a specific project. The project is completed, so I closed the thread at her request. Many people posted messages to say that they had recorded CDs. I would like to remind you that we have this PermaThread, and would like anyone who has a CD available for sale, to post a message with details here.
No more than one message per CD, please.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Janie
Date: 10 Feb 10 - 10:39 AM


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: bradfordian
Date: 30 Dec 10 - 07:29 PM

Any more Mudcatter CDs since FEBRUARY?

Oh, and by the way----DO PM me if you would like to donate a track to the BLUE PLATE SPECIAL 2 Mudcat fundraiser project

bradfordian (tongue in cheek)

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: bradfordian
Date: 02 Jan 11 - 07:39 PM

Well, here's a bunch which I reckon came out in 2010.
I did have all the thread links, but my previous post got lost in the ether and I just can't spend another 2 hrs digging them out again (already past my bed time ;~(
Might have missed a few, anyone spots any, please add.
I'm sure you can find the links yourselves.

Amos:-Beyond The Lighthouse
Charlie Ipcar:- Sailortown Days Sea Songs
Acorn4:- Gobbindownmimobile
Seamus Kennedy:- Sidekicks and Sagebrush
Ray Padgett:- Stand Up Raymond
Nutty:- Sing With Me Now
John MacKenzie:- Halcyon Days
Theresa Tooley:- at Whittlebury song and Ale
Henry Clements:- Shades of the Past/Beacon Fires
Steve Suffet:- Low Rent district
Dan Schatz:- The Song and the Sigh
Ralphie:- Eloise
Waddon Pete:- Many Thousand Miles Behind Us
Alan Day & Will Fly:- La Luna
Chanteyranger & Radriano:- With Shipmates All Around
Dick Miles:- Windy Old Weather
Linda Allen:- Here's To The Women
Alan Morrhouse:- Live in Lennrep
Dan O'Connell:- Originals Plus

Some of the above have donated a song from their CD for the BLUE PLATE SPECIAL 2 project.........If anyone else would like to.....


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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: bradfordian
Date: 21 Jan 11 - 03:52 PM

Some Mother's Son - Norman Doucette aka Tamarack Jack

Songs of Ironopolis - The Ironopolis Singers (includes 'catter "Hoblander")

Stand Up Raymond - r.padgett

Search threads for further info

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: RamblinStu
Date: 21 Jan 11 - 04:16 PM

I have two CD's available from my web site

There are sample tracks and details there as well

Have a look, go on....

Stuart Pendrill

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 02 Oct 17 - 10:30 PM

Hmmm. Nobody's posted here for a while. If you have recorded CDs, post a message here and tell us about them, and tell us how to obtain them. One message per CD, please - or you can use one message and tell us about multiple CDs, if you like. But if you have one CD to sell, please don't post ten messages.

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: GUEST,kenny
Date: 06 Oct 17 - 04:43 PM

I'm willing to revive this thread, Joe.
Aberdeen singer / songwriter Bob Knight - who posts here occasionally - has a recently-released CD of his own songs. I was delighted to have been asked to contribute some accompaniment on whistles and flute, so have to declare some kind of interest. I honestly can't think of hearing any recording of original songs sung in Scots / Doric of such consistently high quality - ever.
Bob has a "promo" video for the CD on "Youtube" - here :

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Subject: RE: Mudcatter CD's PermaThread
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 06 Oct 17 - 05:46 PM

Spare Hands current albums available at

Full transcripts and background on all tracks on these albums at the website.

1) Where the Whalefish Blow. Songs about the Hull whaling industry as commissioned by Hull Maritime Museum. Tracks from the album can be heard in the whaling gallery at the Museum.

2) Spare Hands. Songs about the local fishing industry, including some written by Linda Kelly, Mike Waterson, John Conolly as well as some of our own and traditional songs.

3) A Dead Bod: Songs of the Humber Waterways. includes 3 of Gezz Overington's acclaimed Tom Pudding songs, Humber keels, sloops, billyboys, ferries, tugs, Wilson Line ships, and The Ballad of Dead Bod, a local legend.

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