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Songbook Indexing: Song Fest - How many editions?

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IOCA 'Song Fest' collection (2)
I.O.C.A. Song Fest 3rd Edition, 1941 (11)

GUEST,Becky 21 Dec 00 - 01:50 PM
GUEST,Allan S. 21 Dec 00 - 04:19 PM
Joe Offer 21 Dec 00 - 04:53 PM
Stewart 21 Dec 00 - 06:44 PM
Midchuck 21 Dec 00 - 09:01 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 21 Dec 00 - 09:20 PM
GUEST,Michael Cooney 22 Dec 00 - 09:48 AM
John M. 31 Jul 06 - 01:57 PM
John M. 31 Jul 06 - 02:04 PM
John M. 31 Jul 06 - 02:29 PM
GUEST 02 Mar 07 - 11:05 AM
and e 30 Sep 07 - 10:26 PM
Joe Offer 30 Sep 07 - 10:34 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 21 Feb 09 - 05:22 PM
GUEST,Phil d'Conch 19 Apr 16 - 06:33 PM
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Subject: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: GUEST,Becky
Date: 21 Dec 00 - 01:50 PM

On Aug. 26, 2000 in the thread entitled "Title of Old Songbook" Joe Offer inquired about editions of the IOCA Song Fest, with the same subject line as this thread. (Perhaps someone can put that message before this one??) I found his message because I was about to start a thread asking about the book...

I've got my mother's 1944 edition. It's got a red cover and says "1944 Edition", but doesn't mention editor or publisher. In my mother's handwriting on a flyleaf it says, "Dick & Beth Best, 1.75, Olive Durrell Inc. Pub., 257 - 4th Ave., NY 10". It's got 133 numbered pages, including the index. First songs are IOCA Song and Abdullah Bulbul Amir, on page 100 are She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain and The Ship Titanic. Last song is A Zulu King.

My mother must have acquired this book in 1945 or later, because she labelled it with her married name.

I was about to inquire because this 1944 edition does not include tunes for every song. Do later editions have tunes for every song?

Also, FYI, in my father's handwriting is this additional (penultimate) verse for "Fish Ball": The little man then went outside / And shot himself until he died.

But, sorry Joe, no 1960's "Fascinatin' Bitch".

~ Becky in Tucson

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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: GUEST,Allan S.
Date: 21 Dec 00 - 04:19 PM

I have the following IOCA songbooks

1. Red Spiral plastic binding. 1st page is missing probably printed by the Bests. Page 100 has part of Old King Cole, Old MacDonald OLd maid It looks as tho it could have been mimeographed as the paper is not smoth

2. Red cover but glued on to the pages Published by Oliver Durrell 257 Fourth Av. New York 10 Copyright 1948

3.Yellow cover Published by Crown Publishers, Inc New York Copyright 1948,1955

4. Same as No3 Twelfth printing, April 1962

There is a IOCA alum Assoc With a newsletter put out by Roland Vinyard 597 State Highway162 Sprakers, NY 12166 His e-mail Gove your mom a Christmass present Dues only $6.00 Tell your mon the following from me "Ca-ooh-wah" It is an old outing club to other Outing club members. Good luck Allan

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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 21 Dec 00 - 04:53 PM

Oh, I forgot to post the information I received in August from Roland Vinyard. Here 'tis.
-Joe Offer-
I am the IOCAlum Secretary, not the IOCA Sec, but the best person to start with nonetheless. There have been at least 4 editions of the Songfest. My own (2 staira above me, forgive my laziness) is, I'm sure, published later than '55. There was an editon published in the 70's that was different and we boycotted it. The Songfest was truly IOCA's songbook; it carried that songs that we were singing (in the 40's, at least). Many attempts were made to update it andn they never got far off the ground.Crown kept grinding out similar editions while we dallied. Then in the 70's they put out a different edition, one that had lots of new songs that none us us knew, that none us us sang or wanted to sing. It was not IOCA's Songfest any longer. So if you want something substantially new, look for that edition. Trace down Crown publishers (I've been told that they have been bought out, but are still traceable).
There is also a knockoff called "Songs for Swinging Housemothers" that I have, largely plageurized, but still different. It was published in the 60's.

Will Brown would be a good person to ask about the early issues. He probably has all of them, or knows who does - no email or phone that I know of). He was active in using it in the 40's and still does today.

Hope this helps. What is the interest in it now after all these years? IN IOCA, we have been getting regular recent inquiries about it, and for the past 20 years, none. Have we achieved cult status or something?

Roland Vinyard IOCAlum Exec. Sec.

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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: Stewart
Date: 21 Dec 00 - 06:44 PM

Hi, That's my favorite old songbook. My first copy is a 1955 edition, yellow cover, now tattered with front cover missing, which I probably bought as a freshman in college -- about the same time I bought my D18 (1956) Martin guitar, which I also still have. I also have a 1955 "Song Fest Deluxe" with "300 songs -words and music - Plus 30 Popular Favorites," yellow cover (blue border, price $2.95) with plastic spiral (8 1/2 x 11 inch). I used to have 6 or 8 different copies, but have given all but two away to my children, etc. These were great for campfire singing. I still keep them at arm's reach for quick reference. Unlike the newer Rise Up, it has a line of music for each song, but unfortunately nothing about the author or origin.

Cheers, S. in Seattle

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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: Midchuck
Date: 21 Dec 00 - 09:01 PM

I also have the "Copyright 1948, 1955" edition, yellow cover with blue strips at the top and bottom, "seventh printing, 1959," which I, also, bought as a freshman in college, just starting to learn guitar (and I'm still just starting to learn guitar) in fall 1959.

It fell apart years ago, and I three-hole punched the entire thing, including the cover, so I could keep it in a binder.

Love the songs in what they thought was "darky" dialect. Useful for offending my children.


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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 21 Dec 00 - 09:20 PM

My red covered edition is a prized posession.


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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: GUEST,Michael Cooney
Date: 22 Dec 00 - 09:48 AM

Stephen Levine [steven***@***] (remove ***s) had a long correspondence with the Bests; he might know a lot about it.

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Subject: IOCA Song Fest 1948 edition by Dick Best
From: John M.
Date: 31 Jul 06 - 01:57 PM

Having the indexes to the various IOCA Song Fest songbook for easy reference will prove useful. So here is the index to the 1948 edition (perfect bound) trade paperback with red covers and black printing:
Abdullah Bulbul Amir.................. 1
About the Year of 1 B. C................. 2
Ach, du lieber Augustin.................. 3
Adam.........•................. 3
Advertise......................... 4
Ain't Gwine Study War No More............... 4
Ain't it Grand to be Bloody Well Dead........... 14
All Through the Night........... ........ 5
Alouette... ................... 5
Annie Laurie....................... 5
Arlberg Ski School............... ..... 6
At the Boarding House................... 6
Au Clair de la Lune.................... 7
Auld Lang Syne...................... 7
Aupres de ma Blonde.................... 7
Aura Lee......................... 8
Around Her Hair, She Wore a Purple Ribbon (William's Man). 146
Australia......................... 8
Baptist Sunday School (Darkies' Sunday School) ...... 31
Battle of Jericho..................... 9
Beer Bottle........................ 9
Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends. ........... 10
Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms. ..... 10
Bell Bottomed Trousers .................. 10
Bells of Saint Mary's................... 11
Billie Magee Magaw.................... 11
Billy Boy......................... 12
Blest Be the Tie That Binds................ 12
Bloody Well Dead..................... 14
Blow the Man Down..................... 14
Bluebeard. ........................ 15
Bohemia Hall....................... 17
Bohunkus......................... 17
Border Trail....................... 17
Bowery.......................... l8
Brahm's Lullaby (Schlummerleid). ............. 116
Buffalo Gals.. .................... 19
Bulldog on the Bank.................... 20
Caissons......................... 20
Camptown Races •.............•....... 21
Capital Ship....................... 21
Careless Love. ....................... 23
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny............... 24
Chisolm Trail....................... 24
Clementine........................ 25
Cocaine Bill....................... 26
Come, Follow....................... 113
Comin' 'Round the Mountain................ 26
Comin' Thro' the Rye................... 27
Cowboy Fireman...................... 27
Cowboy's Dream...................... 28
Cowboy's Lament (I'm Going to Leave Old Texas Now).... 29
Cowboy's Lament (Streets of Laredo)............ 127
Cowboy Lullaby...................... 29
Crawdad Song....................... 30
Crow Song (Billie Magee Magaw).............. 11
Daisy, Daisy....................... 31
Darkies' Sunday School ............ ...... 31
Deep River........................ 33
Dese Bones Gwine Rise Again................ 33
Desperado... ..................... 34
Dixie.. ......................... 35
Down and Out....................... 35
Down by the Station.................... 112
Down in the Valley.................... 36
Drink to Me. ...................... 36
Drunken Sailor ...................... 37
Drunk Last Night..................... 38
Du, du liegst mir im Herzen................ 39
Dutch Company (Drunk Last Night)............. 38
Dying Fisherman's Song............ 39
Dying Hobo........................ 40
Ee-Lee-Ay-Lee-Oh..................... 40
Eight Bells........................ 4l
Eleazer Wheelock..................... 41
E-Ri-E Canal.................. 42
Erie Canal...................... 43
Eveline.......................... 43
Evelina.......................... 44
Ezekiel Saw de Wheel................... 45
Far Northland (Border Trail) ............... 17
Father, Put the Cow Out.................. 45
Father's Whiskers..................... 45
Fireman's Band...................... 46
Fish Ball......................... 47
Foggyy, Foggy Dew..................... 48
Fol De Rol. ....................... 48
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow............... 49
Frankie and Johnnie.................... 49
Frere Jacques....................... 113
Friend of Mine.................. 50
Frog He Would A-Wooing Go. ............. 50
Funiculi, Funicula.................. 51
Girls Can Never Change Their Nature.......... 52
Glorious Beer. ...................... 52
Go Down Moses....................... 53
Golden Slippers............. ....... 54
Good-Bye, My Lover, Good-Bye... ....... 54
Good Night Ladies................ 55
Grandfather's Clock........ ........ 55
Green Grow the Rushes, Oh..... ........ 56
Gretchen Pumpernickle....... ........ 57
Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here. ........ 58
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum!...... ........ 58
Halls of Montezuma........ ........ 59
Hajubone Am Good.................... 59
Ham and Eggs................... 60
Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane.... ......... 60
Hearse Song........................ 6l
Heigh Ho......................... 113
Here's to Good Old Beer. ................. 6l
Here's to the Trail and the Mountain Tops......... 62
Hickory Dickory Dock.. ................. 63
High Barbary....................... 63
Ho-La-Hi! Ho-La-Hol .................. 64
Home on the Range. .................... 64
Horses Run Around..................... 65
I Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More........... 65
I Got Shoes........................ 67
In Eleven More Months and Ten More Days... ....... 67
In the Evening...................... 68
I've Been Workin' on the Railroad............. 68
I've Got No Use For the Women............... 69
I Was Born About a Thousand Years Ago.......... 70
I Wish I Was Single Again................. 71
I With I Were a Wittle Thugar Bun............. 71
Jacob's Ladder...................... 72
Jingle Bells....................... 73
John Brown's Body..................... 73
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.............. 73
Johnny Vorbeck...................... 74
John Peel......................... 74
Juanita.......................... 75
Keeper of the Eddystone Light............... 16
Keeper Would A-Hunting Go.. ............... 75 "
King's Navy....................... 76
Kookaburra........................ 113
Landlord, Fill the Flowing Bowl. ............. 77
Land of the Lassen.................... 77
Let 'Er Go........................ 78
Levee Song........................ 78
Li'l Liza Jane...................... 78
Little Brown Jug..................... 79
Look Down......................... 80
Lord Jeffery Amherst................... 80
Lorelei. ......................... 8l
Love's Old Sweet Song................... 8l
Low Bridge (Erie Canal).................. 43
Maine Stein Song..................... 82
Man on the Flying Skis.................. 82
Man on the Flying Trapeze................. 83
Man Without a Woman.................... 8k
Mary Ann McCarty..................... 85
Mary Had a William Goat.................. 85
Marianina......................... 86
Marine Hymn (Halls of Montezuma)............. 59
Massa's in de Cold, Cold Ground. ............. 86
McSoreley's Twins. .................... 87
Men of Harlech...................... 88
Mermaid.......................... 88
Merrily We Roll Along................... 55
Michael Finnigan ..................... 89
Mrs. Murphy's Chowder................... 89
Mules....... .................... 90
Mush Mush Mush Touraliady................. 90
Muss i denn........................ 91
My Bonnie......................... 92
My Father's Going to be Hung............... 93
My Girl's From - (Vassar Hygiene Song) .......... 138
My Last Cigar....... ................ 93
My Name is Yon Yonson................... 9k
Nancy Lee......................... 94
Nine Men Slept in a Boarding House Bed.......... 95
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen............ 95
No Hidin' Place...................... 96
Nut Brown Maiden..................... 97
Oh, How He Lied...................... 97
Oh, How Lovely is the Evening............... 114
Oh, No, John....................... 97
Oh, Susanna........................98
Ol' Ark's A-Moverin'...................99
Old Black Joe.......... .............99
Old King Cole.......................99
Old MacDonald.......................100
Old Maid.........................100
Old Time Religion.....................101
On Ilka Moor Bart Hat...................101
Once I Went in Swimming.................. 102
One More River to Cross..................102
Our Baby Died.......................104
Out in the Great Northwest................104
Over Hill, Over Dale (Caissons).. ............ 20
Patsy Ory-Ory-Aye................ .....105
Patty Murphy.......................105
Peace of the River....................106
Perfect Skier... ....................106
Pig and the Inebriate...................106
Pink Pajamas.......................106
Pull Me Up O'Riley....................109
Quilting Party (Seeing Nelly Home) ............ 117
Raise Your Steins to Dear Old Maine (Maine Stein Song).. 82
Rattin Family.......................109
Ready When the Great Day Comes..............110
Red River Valley.....................111
Rio Grande........................111
Rounds: Down by the Station................112
Come, Follow...................113
Frere Jacques...................113
Heigh Ho.....................113
Kookaburra.................... 113
Oh How Lovely is the Evening...........114
Row Your Boat...................114
Scotland's Burning................114
Sweetly Sings the Donkey.............114
Three Blind Mice.................114
White Coral Bells... ..............115
Row Your Boat.......................114
Sailing, Sailing.....................115
Samuel Hall........................116
Scotland's Burning.................... 114
Seeing Nelly Home. ....................117
She is More to be Pitied Than Censured..........117
She'll be Comin' 'Round the Mountain...........26
She Promised to Meet Me..................118
Ship Titanic.......................118
Shortenin' Bread..................... 119
Silver Dollar.......................120
Sing a Song of Cities...................120
Single and Double Petunias................120
Sister Lucy........................96
Skier Jake........................120
Skier's Requiem...................... 121
Ski, Ski, Ski.. .....................122
Smoky Mountain......................123
Solomon Levi.......................123
Son of a Gambolier....................124
Son of a Gun for Beer....... ............124
Standin' in the Need of Prayer..............125
Steal Away........................125
Strawberry Roan... ...................125
Streets of Laredo.....................127
Student in a Tunnel....................128
Sucking Cider Through a Straw............... 128
Susan MacGoozan...................... 129
Sweet and Low....................... 130
Sweet Eveline.......................43
Sweetly Sings the Donkey................. 114
Swing Low Sweet Chariot..................130
Take a Leg From Any Old Table. ..............131
Tell Me Why........................131
That's Where My Money Goes................ 131
There is a Tavern in the Town...............132
They Had to Carry Carry to the Perry...........38
Things Women Do......................133
Thousand Legged Worm...................133
Three Blind Mice..................... 114
Three Fishermen......................133
Throw it Out the Window..................134
Turkey in the Straw....................134
'Twas Friday Morn (Mermaid)................88
Two Boards Upon Cold Powder Snow.............135
Tu N'est Pas Maitre Dans Ta Maison............136
Underneath the Takeoff.................. 136
Vassar Hygiene Song....................138
Vive L'Amour.......................139
Waltzing Matilda ..................... 140
Was ist das?.......................141
Way Down Yonder in the Corn Field.............141
Way in de Middle ob de Air (Ezekiel Saw de Wheel).....45
Weaver Song (Foggy, Foggy Dew)..............48
Weggiser Lied.......................141
We'll Build a Bungalow (Zulu King)............149
When I Went to College.................. 142
When Pa..........................142
When You and I Were Young, Maggie............. 142
While the Organ Peeled Potatoes..............39
White Coral Bells.....................115
Who Did?.........................144
Whoopee Ti Yi Yo, Git Along, Little Dogies........144
Who Threw the Overalls in Mistress Murphy's Chowder?... 145
William's Man Who's Far, Far Away.............146
Willy the Weeper.....................146
Workin' on the Levee (Levee Song).............78
Worms Crawl in, the Worms Crawl Out (Hearse Song).....61
Yo Dee Oh Dee Oh.....................147
You Can Dig My Grave................... 148
You Can Easily See (Friend of Mine)............ 50
Zu Lauterbach.......................148
Zulu King.........................149

Retrieved from here on 31 July 2006:


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Subject: RE: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: John M.
Date: 31 Jul 06 - 02:04 PM

This is the spiral bound 1948 edition with red covers and black text:

This is a collection of the songs sung by the
fellows and girls in the various college outing
clubs of the North East that comprise the Inter-
collegiate Outing Club Association. I. O. C. A. is
the loose organization of these clubs, founded in
1932, to bring together students with the same
mutual interest in the out of doors. Since then,
it has rapidly grown to its present size of about
40 member clubs.


Quantities of 1-9: $1. 40 each
10-99: $1. 25
100-: $1. 00
Order from the publisher.
Prices include postage.

Copyright 1948
R. L. Best
336 Harvard St.
Cambridge, Mass.


Abdullah Bulbul Amir ...................   1
About the Year of 1 B. C. .................   2
Ach, du lieber Augustln..................   3
Adam...........................   3
Advertise.........................   4
Ain't Gwine Study War No More...... .........   4
Ain't it Grand to be Bloody Well Dead...........   14
All Through the Night...................   5
Alouette.................................................   5
Annie Laurie....................... 5
Arlberg Ski School .................... 6
At the Boarding House................... 6
Au Clair de la Lune.................... 7
Auld Lang Syne...................... 7
Aupres de ma Blonde.................... 7
Aura Lee......................... 8
Around Her Hair, She Wore a Purple Ribbon (William's Man). 146
Australia.........................   8
Baptist Sunday School (Darkies' Sunday School) ......   31
Battle of Jericho.....................   9
Beer Bottle........................   9
Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends............   10
Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms ......   10
Bell Bottomed Trousers..................   10
Bells of Saint Mary's...................   11
Billie Magee Magaw ....................   11
Billy Boy.........................   12
Blest Be the Tie That Binds................   12
Bloody Well Dead.....................   14
Blow the Man Down.....................   14
Bluebeard.........................   15
Bohemia Hall.......................   17
Bohunkus.........................   17
Border Trail.......................   17
Bowery..........................   l8
Brahm's Lullaby (Schlummerleid)..............   116
Buffalo Gals... ...................   19
Bulldog on the Bank. ...................   20
Caissons.........................   20
Camptown Races ......................   21
Capital Ship.......................   21
Careless Love. .......................   23
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny...............   24
Chisolm Trail.......................   24
Clementine........................   25
Cocaine Bill.......................   26
Come, Follow.......................   113
Comin' 'Round the Mountain................   26
Comin' Thro' the Rye...................   27
Cowboy Fireman ......................   27
Cowboy's Dream......................   28
Cowboy's Lament (I'm Going to Leave Old Texas Now).... 29

Cowboy's Lament (Streets of Laredo)............   127
Cowboy Lullaby......................   29
Crawdad Song.......................   30
Crow Song (Billie Magee Magaw)..............   11
Daisy, Daisy....................... 31
Darkies' Sunday School ..................   31
Deep River........................   33

Dese Bones Gwine Rise Again................33
Desperado........................ 34
Down and Out.......................35
Down by the Station....................112
Down in the Valley....................36
Drink to Me. .......................36
Drunken Sailor ...................... 37
Drunk Last Night.....................38
Du, du liegst mir im Herzen................ 39
Dutch Company (Drunk Last Night).............38
Dying Fisherman's Song..................39
Dying Hobo...... ................... 40
Ee-Lee-Ay-Lee-Oh...................... 40
Eight Bells......................... 41
Eleazer Wheelock...................... 4l
E-Ri-E Canal........................ 42
Erie Canal......................... 43
Eveline.. ......................... 43
Ezekiel Saw de Wheel...................45
Far Northland (Border Trail) ............... 17
Father, Put the Cow Out..................45
Father's Whiskers..................... 45
Fireman's Band...............   . 46
Fish Ball......................... 47
Foggy, Foggy Dew..................... 48
Fol De Rol........................ 48
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow............... 49
Frankie and Johnnie.................... 49
Frere Jacques....................... 113
Friend of Mine...................... 50
Frog He Would A-Wooing Go..........50
Funiculi, Funicula.................... 51
Girls Can Never Change Their Nature............ 52
Glorious Beer.......................52
Go Down Moses.......................53
Golden Slippers................ 54
Good-Bye, My Lover, Good-Bye..   .......54
Good Night Ladies............... 55
Grandfather's Clock....................55
Green Grow the Rushes, Oh....   . ......56
Gretchen Pumpernickle.................. 57
Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here.   .......58
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum!..................58
Halls of Montezuma................... 59
Hambone Am Good......................59
Ham and Eggs....................... 60
Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane..   .......60
Hearse Song........................6l
Heigh Ho......................... 113
Here's to Good Old Beer..................6l
Here's to the Trail and the Mountain Tops......... 62
Hickory Dickory Dock. .................. 63
High Barbary.......................63
Ho-La-Hi! Ho-La-Hol................... 64
Home on the Range.....................64
Horses Run Around.....................65
I Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More. .......... 65
I Got Shoes........................67

In Eleven More Months and Ten More Days.......... 67
In the Evening...................... 68
I've Been Workin' on the Railroad. ....... ..... 68
I've Got No Use For the Women.. ............. 69
I Was Born About a Thousand Years Ago........... 70
I Wish I Was Single Again................. 71
I With I Were a Wittle Thugar Bun.............   71
Jacob's Ladder ...................... 72
Jingle Bells ....................... 73
John Brown's Body.....................   73
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.. ............ 73
Johnny Vorbeck......................   74
John Peel......................... 74
Juanita.......................... 75
Keeper of the Eddystone Light...............   16
Keeper Would A-Hunting Go................. 75
King's Navy........................ 76
Kookaburra........................   113
Landlord, Pill the Plowing Bowl.............. 77
Land of the Lassen.................... 77
Let 'Er Go........................ 78
Levee Song........................ 78
Li'l Liza Jane...................... 78
Little Brown Jug......... ............   79
Look Down......................... 80
Lord Jeffery Amherst................... 80
Lorelei.......................... 8l
Love's Old Sweet Song................... 8l
Low Bridge (Erie Canal)..................   43
Maine Stein Song..................... 82
Man on the Flying Skis..................   82
Man on the Flying Trapeze.................   83
Man Without a Woman.................... 84
Mary Ann McCarty.....................   85
Mary Had a William Goat. ................. 85
Marianina.. ....................... 86
Marine Hymn (Halls of Montezuma)............. 59
Massa's in de Cold, Cold Ground..............   86
McSoreley's Twins. .............. ......   87
Men of Harlech...................... 88
Mermaid.......................... 88
Merrily We Roll Along...................   55
Michael Finnigan..................... 89
Mrs. Murphy's Chowder................... 89
Mules. ..........................   90
Mush Mush Mush Touraliady.................   90
Muss I denn........................ 91
My Bonnie......................... 92
My Father's Going to be Hung............... 95
My Girl's From - (Vassar Hygiene Song).......... 138
My Last Cigar....................... 93
My Name is Yon Yonson...................   94
Nancy Lee......................... 94
Nine Men Slept in a Boarding House Bed.......... 95
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen............ 95
No Hidin' Place......................   96
Nut Brown Maiden.....................   97
Oh, How He Lied...................... 97
Oh, How Lovely is the Evening...............   114
Oh, No, John....................... 97

Oh, Susanna........................98
01' Ark's A-Moverin'...................99
Old Black Joe....................... 99
Old King Cole.......................99
Old MacDonald.......................100
Old Maid.........................100
Old Time Religion.....................101
On Ilka Moor Bart Hat...................101
Once I Went in Swimming..................102
One More River to Cross..................102
Oola. ..........................103
Our Baby Died.......................104
Out in the Great Northwest................104
Over Hill, Over Dale (Caissons)..............20
Patsy Ory-Ory-Aye.....................105
Patty Murphy.......................105
Peace of the River.....................106
Perfect Skier.......................106
Pig and the Inebriate...................106
Pink Pajamas....................... 106
Pull Me Up O'Riley.................... 109
Quilting Party (Seeing Nelly Home) ............ 117
Raise Your Steins to Dear Old Maine (Maine Stein Song).. 82
Rattin Family.......................109
Ready When the Great Day Comes..............110
Red River Valley.....................111
Rio Grande........................111
Rounds: Down by the Station.................112
Come, Follow...................113
Frere Jacques...................113
Heigh Ho.....................113
Kookaburra ......... ........... 113
Oh How Lovely is the Evening. ..........114
Row Your Boat...................114
Scotland's Burning ................ 114
Sweetly Sings the Donkey ............. 114
Three Blind Mice.................114
White Coral Bells.................115
Row Your Boat........................ 114
Sailing, Sailing ..................... 115
Samuel Hall........................116
Scotland's Burning .......... .......... 114
Seeing Nelly Home..................... 117
She is More to be Pitied Than Censured..........117
She'll be Comin' 'Round the Mountain...........26
She Promised to Meet Me..................118
Ship Titanic.......................118
Shortenin' Bread..................... 119
Silver Dollar.......................120
Sing a Song of Cities....... ............120
Single and Double Petunias................ 120
Sister Lucy........................96
Skier Jake........................120
Skier's Requiem.... ..................121
Ski, Ski, Ski.......................122
Smoky Mountain......................123
Solomon Levi.......................123
Son of a Gambolier....................124
Son of a Gun for Beer...................124

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Subject: The New Song Fest 1955 by Dick & Beth Best
From: John M.
Date: 31 Jul 06 - 02:29 PM

Here is the index for the 1955 The New Song Fest by Dick & Beth Best. This is from the the 1961 printing. I don't know if there are variants in contents of the various printings.

Index of Songs
Abdullah Bulbul Amir, 56
About the Year of One B. C., 52
Ach, Du Lieber Augustin, 88
Adam, 53
Advertise, 145
Ain't Gwine Study War No More, 147
All Through the Night, 106
Alouette, 86
Annie Laurie, 98
Arlberg Ski School, The, 78
A-Roving, 134
At the Boarding House, 116
Au Clair De La Lune, 88
Aunt Rhody, 19
Aupres De Ma Blonde, 87
Aura Lee, 71
Australia, 133
Banks of the Ohio, 48
Battle of Jericho, 150
Beer Bottle, The, 116
Be Kind to your Web-Footed Friends, 115
Bell-Bottomed Trousers, 126
Big Rock Candy Mountain, 21
Bile Dat Cabbage Down, 138
Billie Magee Magaw, 26
Billy Boy, 35
Black-Eyed Susie, 139
Blest Be the Tie that Binds, 65
Bloody Well Dead, 75
Blow the Candles Out, 50
Blow the Man Down, 133
Bluebeard, 110
Blue-Tail Fly, The, 47
Bohemia Hall, 75
Bold Soldier, The, 32
Bomb Song, The, 31
Bonnie Dundee, 97
Border Trail, 96
Bowery, The, 83
Brahm's Lullaby (see Schlummerlied)
Buffalo Gals, 137
Bulldog on the Bank, 59
Caissons, 98
Camptown Races, 38
Capital Ship, A, 19
Careless Love, 47
Chasm' Women, 40
Cherry-Tree Carol, The, 53
Chevaliers De La Table Ronde, 85
Chimney Pond Trail, 67
Chisholm Trail, 119
Chivalrous Shark (see Rhyme of the Chivalrous Shark)
Cindy, 137
Clementine, 41
Cocaine Bill, 34
Come, Follow, Round, 143
Comin' 'Round the Mountain, 5
Cowboy Lullaby, 123
Cowboy's Dream, 122
Crawdad Song, 45
Daisy, Daisy, 84
Danville Girl, 28
Dark as the Dungeon, 50
Darkies' Sunday School, 50
Deep River, 154
Dese Bones Gwine Rise Again, 146
Desperado, 123
Die Lorelei, 89
Dona Nobis, Round, 141
Down and Out, 72
Down in the Valley, 47
Drill Ye Terriers, Drill, 27
Drink To Me, 107
Drunk Last Night, 101
Drunkard's Special, 102
Drunken Sailor, The, 134
Du, Du, Liegst Mir Im Herzen, 90
Dying Fisherman's Song, The, 116
Dying Hobo, 22
Ee-Lee-Ay-Lee-Oh, 125
Eggs and Marrowbone, 43
Eight Bells, 131
Eleazer Wheelock, 67
Elliptical Skiers, 76
E-ri-e Canal, 20
Erie Canal, 39
Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, 149
Father, Put the Cow Out, 74
Father's Whiskers, 61
Fireman's Band, The, 63
Foggy, Foggy Dew, 43
Fox, The, 10
Frankie and Johnnie, 13
French Cathedrals, Round, 141
Frere Jacques, Round, 141
Frog He Would A-wooing Go, 39
Funiculi, Funicula, 82
Gently Johnny My Jingalo, 95
Ghost Song, 31
Girls Can Never Change Their Nature, 116
Glorious Beer, 105
Go Down, Moses, 153
Go Tell It On the Mountain, 144
Golden Slippers, 24
Golden Vanity, 128
Good-bye, My Lover, Good-bye, 132
Good Night, Ladies, 84
Gory, Gory (Rockclimbers'), 57
Gory, Gory (Skiers') 77
Grandfather's Clock, 81
Green Grow the Rushes, Oh, 32
Greenland Fishery, 127
Greensleeves, 25
Gretchen Pumpernickle, 60
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum, 18
Halls of Montezuma, 98
Hambone Am Good, 36
Hand Me Down My Walking Cane, 47
Hard, Ain't It Hard, 49
Haul Away, Joe, 130
Hearse Song, The, 5
Heigh Ho, Round, 144
Here's To Good Old Beer, 100
Here's to the Trail and the Mountain Tops, 76
High Barbary, 132
Ho-La-Hi, Ho-La-Ho!, 89
Home on the Range, 121
Horses Run Around, The, 20
House Carpenter, The, 18
Hunters of Kentucky, The, 15
I Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More, 145
I Got Shoes, 149
I Know Where I'm Goin', 33
I Ride An Old Paint, 124

I Was Born About A Thousand Years Ago, 54
I Wish I Was Single Again, 17
I With I Were A Wittle Thugar Bun, 66
Ich Bin Der Musikant, 88
In the Evening, 65
I've Got No Use For the Women, 17
Jacob's Ladder, 147
Jesse James, 12
John B. Sails, 125
John Brown's Baby, 117
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, 68
John Peel, 9
Johnny Vorbeck, 68
Juanita, 109
Keeper of the Eddystone Light, The, 44
Keeper of the London Zoo, 44
Keeper Would A-hunting Go, The, 22
King's Navy, 103
Kookaburra, Round, 142
Ladies' Man, The, 42
Landlord, Fill the Flowing Bowl, 104
Land of the Lassen, The, 37
Let 'Er Go, 69
Let Her Sleep Under the Bar, 64
Levee Song (see Workin' on the Railroad)
Li'l Liza Jane, 138
Little Brown Jug, 100
Logger Lover, 36
Lolly-Too-Dum, 7
Look Down, 152
Lord, Blow the Moon Out, 33
Lord Jeffery Amherst, 64
Love's Old Sweet Song, 109
Maine Stein Song, 62
Man on the Flying Skis, The, 78
Man on the Flying Trapeze, The, 16
Man Without A Woman, A, 72
Marianina, 108
Mary Ann McCarty, 117
Mary Had A William Goat, 73
Massa's In De Cold, Cold Ground, 152
Men of Harlech, 99
Mermaid, The, 128
Midnight Special, The, 23
Miss Bailey, 14
Mrs. Murphy's Chowder, 82
Mules, 115
Mush Mush Mush Touraliady, 94
Muss I Denn, 90
My Bonnie, 6
My Father's Going To Be Hung, 116
My Girl's From Vassar (see Vassar Hygiene Song)
My Good Old Man, 21
My Name Is Yon Yonson, 74
Nine Men Slept In A Boardinghouse Bed, 73
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen, 153
No Hidin' Place, 150
Nut-Brown Maiden, 70
Oh, How He Lied, 69
Oh, How Lovely Is the Evening, Round, 142
Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep, 148
Oh, No, John, 41
Oh, Susanna, 49
Ol' Ark's A-moverin', 151
Old Black Joe, 106
Old Blue, 38
Old Joe Clark, 135
Old King Cole, 24
Old MacDonald, 21
Old Maid, 34
Old Mountain Dew, 103
Old Settler's Song, 45
Old Time Religion, 154
Ol' Texas, 118
On Ilkla Moor Baht Hat, 94
On Springfield Mountain, 49
Once I Went in Swimming, 70
One Fish Ball, 26
One More River To Cross, 155
Oola, 79
Our Baby Died, 74
Out In the Great Northwest, 29
Patsy Ory-Ory-Aye, 11
Patty Murphy, 106
Peace of the River, 31
Persian Kitty, The, 111
Personal Friend of Mine, 71
Pick A Bale of Cotton, 46
Pig and the Inebriate, The, 103
Pink Pajamas, 117
Polly Wolly Doodle, 35
Poor Boy, 14
Pope, The, 58
Quartermaster Corps, 104
Ragged But Right, 69
Rattin Family, The, 66
Ready When the Great Day Comes, 151
Red River Valley, 39
Rhyme of the Chivalrous Shark, The, 114
Rich Gal, Po' Gal, 42
Riddle Song, The, 44
Rio Grande, 129
Road To the Isles, The, 96
Row Your Boat. Round, 142
Sailing, Sailing, 126
St. James Infirmary, 7
Saints Go Marching In, The, 152
Samuel Hall, 30
Schlummerlied, 89
Schnitzelbank, 90
Scotland's Burning, Round, 141
Seeing Nellie Home, 108
She Is More To Be Pitied Than Censured, 81
She Promised To Meet Me, 48
Shenandoah, 135
Ship Titanic, The, 33
Shortnin' Bread, 40
Silver Dollar, A, 72
Sing A Song of Cities, 80
Ski, Ski, Ski, 75
Skier One Day, A, 76
Skier's Requiem, 79
Ski-Patrol Toboggan, 75
Skye Boat Song, 95
Smoky Mountain, 25
Society Upon the Stanislow, The, 11
Spanish Is the Loving Tongue, 23
Standin' in the Need of Prayer, 154
Steal Away, 153
Stein Song, 62
Stenka Razin, 91
Strawberry Roan, 120
Streets of Laredo, The, 118
Student in a Tunnel, The, 62
Sucking Cider Through A Straw, 16
Sven, 80

Sweet and Low, 107
Sweet Eveline, 102
Sweet the Evening Air of May, Round, 143
Sweetly Sings the Donkey, Round, 144
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, 146
Take This Hammer, 26
Tell Me Why, 66
Thais, 112
That's Where My Money Goes, 69
There Is A Tavern in the Town, 37
They're Laying Eggs Now, 70
This Is Your Land, 29
Three Blind Mice, Round, 143
Three Fishermen, 46
Throw It Out the Window, 62
Til Kona Kom Der En Ung Student, 92
Troubador Song, 45
Tu N'est Pas Maitre Dans Ta Maison, 87
Turkey in the Straw, 140
Twelve Days of Christmas, The, 34
Two Boards Upon Cold Powder Snow, 77
Underneath the Takeoff, 78
Upidee, 73
Vassar Hygiene Song, 54
Venezuela, 29
Vicar of Bray, 8
Vive L'Amour, 68
Walking At Night, 92
Waltzing Matilda, 5
Wee Cooper O'Fife, 97
Weggiser Lied, 93
When Pa, 63
White Coral Bells, Round, 142
Who Did?, 52
Who Threw the Overalls in Mistress Murphy's Chowder?, 85
Whoopee Ti Yi Yo, Git Along Little Dogies, 124
Why Shouldn't My Goose, Round, 142
Williams Man Who's Far, Far Away, 60
Willow Tree, 8
Willy the Weeper, 10
Witchcraft, 14
Woad, 99
Workin' on the Railroad, 28
Worried Man Blues, 42
Yo Dee Oh Dee Oh, 61
You Can Dig My Grave, 154
Yuazuray, 54
Zulu King, A, 58
Index of First Lines
A capital ship for an ocean trip was the "Walloping Win-
dow-Blind", 19
A captain bold from Halifax, who dwelt in country quar-
ters, 14
A far croonin' is a-pulling me away, 96
A maiden from the Bosporus with eyes as bright as phos-
phorous, 110
A man was walking up and down, 26
A Persian kitty, perfumed and fair, 111
A skier one day did make his way, 76
A year ago our baby died, 74
About the year of 1 B. C. our gallant ship put out to
sea, 52
Ach, du lieber Augustin, Augustin, Augustin, 88
Alas, my love, you do me wrong, 25
All I want in this creation, 139
Alouette, gentille Alouette, 86
And when the Saints go marching in, 152
Around her hair she wore a purple ribbon, 60
As I sat down one evening, 'twas in a small cafe, 36
As I walked out in the streets of Laredo, 118
As I was a-gwine down the road, tired team and a heavy
load, 140
As I was a-walking one morning for pleasure, 124
As I was walking down the street, down the street, down
the street, 137
As I was walking that ribbon of highway, 29
As I went down to the river, poor boy, 14
As I went out one morning to take the pleasant air, 7
As the blackbird in the spring, 71
At the boarding house where I stayed, everying thing was
growing old, 116
At the old concert hall on the Bow'ry, 81
Au clair de la lune, 88
Australia, my lads, is a very fine place, 133
Be kind to your web-footed friends, 115
Bed is too small for my tiredness, 33
Beside the western watertank, on a cold November day, 22
Blest be the tie that binds my collar to my shirt, 65
Chevaliers de la Table Rounde, 85
Cocaine Bill and Morphine Sue, strolling down the avenue,
two by two, 34
Come all you young fellers, so young and so fine, 50
Come fellows, just buckle my boards on, 79
Come, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow me, 143
Coming home from Bangor on a Pullman train, 62
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true, 84
Dans les jardins d'mon pere, 87
De Camptown ladies sing dis song, 38
De good Lawd thought He'd make a man, 146
Deep river, my home is over Jordan, 154
Desert silver blue beneath the pale starlight, 123
Did you ever hear the story 'bout Willie the Weeper?, 10
Did you ever think as the hearse rolls by, 5
Do you happen to know a maiden in need, 45
Dona nobis pacem, 141
Down in the valley, the valley so low, 47
Drink to me only the thine eyes, 107
Drunk last night, drunk the night before, 101
Du, du, liegst mir im Herzen, 90
D'ye ken John Peel with his coat so gay, 9
Eighteen hundred and ninety one, that's the year that I
begun, 11
Every morning at seven o'clock, 27
Ezekiel saw the wheel, 'way up in de middle ob de air, 149
Feel so sorry for old Adam, just as sorry as can be, 53
Fill the steins to dear old Maine, 62
Frankie and Johnnie were lovers, 13
Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez-vous, dormez-vous?,
From beyond the wooded island, to the river wide and free,
From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, 98
From this valley they say you are going, 39
Gather 'round, my dears, pull the wool out of your ears, 125
Gimme dat ol' time religion, gimme dat ol' time religion,
Girls can never change their nature, 116
Go tell Aunt Rhody, 19

Go tell it on the mountain, 144
Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay, 106
Good night ladies, good night ladies, 84
Guten Abend, gut' nacht! Mit Rosen bedacht, 89
Gwine to lay down my sword and shield, 147
He asked to hold my hand, I seriously objected, 34
He sat down beside her and smoked his cigar, 69
He was a desperado from the wild and wooly West, 123
Heigh ho! Nobody at home, 144
Here's to good old beer, drink her down, drink her down,
Home came old Pa Rattin, a-drinkin' he had been, 66
Horch was kommt von draussen 'rein, 89
Hurrah, hurrah, my father's going to be hung, 116
I asked my love to take a walk, 48
I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee, 49
I gave my love a cherry that has no stone, 44
I got a shoe, you got a shoe, all God's chillun got shoes, 149
I grieve my Lord, I grieve my Lord, from day to day, 145
I had a dog and his name was Blue, 38
I just called up to tell you that I'm ragged but right, 69
I know where I'm goin', 33
I met her in Venezuela, 29
I put my hand all in her own, 95
I reside at Table Mountain, and my name is Truthful James,
I ride an old Paint, I lead an old Dan, 124
I sing you one, oh. Green grow the rushes, oh, 32
I stopped on the trail over Blueberry Knoll, 67
I was born about a thousand years ago, 54
I was layin' 'round town, just spendin' my time, 120
I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it's hot, 117
I went down to the St. James Infirmary, 7
I went schussing down the Cannon with a wish and a
whirl, 75
I went up to old Joe's house, 135
I wish I was single again, 17
I with I were a wittle thugar bun, thugar bun, 66
Ich bin der Musikant, Deutches Vaterlande, 88
Ich weiss nicht was soll es bedeuten, 89
If I had it, you could have it, but honey, I ain't got it, 72
If there were witchcraft I'd make two wishes, 14
I'll sing you a song, a good song of the sea, 133
I'm going to leave old Texas now, 118
I'm going way out West to where the buffalo used to roam,
I'm Oola, ski yumper from Norway, 79
In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine, 41
In an anarchist's garret, so lowly and so mean, 31
In Bohemia Hall, in Bohemia Hall, where every man is
king, 74
In good King Charles's golden days, 8
In Plymouth town there lived a maid, 134
In the evening by the moonlight, 65
In the land of the Lassen, where the timber is tall, 37
In the sky the bright stars glittered, 108
"Is everybody ready?" cried the starter looking up, 77
I'se got a gal and you got none, li'l Liza Jane, 138
Ist das nicht ein Schnitzelbank?, 90
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song, 42
It was early last December, as near as I remember, 103
It was midnight on the ocean, not a street car was in sight,
It was there I learned readin' an' writin', 94
It's the far Northland that's a-calling me away, 96
I've been workin' on the railroad (see Workin' on the
I've got a mule, her name is Sal, 39
I've traveled all over this country, 45
Jesse James was a lad who killed many a man, 12
John Brown's baby had a cold upon its chest, 117
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, his name is my name
too, 68
Joshua fit de battle ob Jericho, 150
Joshua sat in the temple of Gillium, 54
Kookaburra sits on an old gum tree, 142
Landlord, fill the flowing bowl until it doth run over, 104
Lanky Lucy Lister, yo dee oh dee oh, 61
Last night as I lay on the prairie, 122
Let every good fellow now join in a song, 68
Let me sing you a song of a gargle, 105
Look ahead, look astern, look a-weather and a-lee, 132
Look at poor Grandma, lying in a coffin, 74
Look down, look down that lonesome road, 152
Love, oh love, oh careless love, 47
Maxwellton's braes are bonnie, 98
Mary Ann McCarty, she went out to dig some clams, 117
Men of Harlech, in the hollow, 99
Mistress Murphy gave a party just about a week ago, 85
Most chivalrous fish of the ocean, 114
Muss i denn, muss i denn, zum Stadtle hinaus, 90
My Bonnie lies over the ocean, 6
My father was the keeper of the London zoo, 44
My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf, 81
My matey's a saucy foretopman, 131
My name is Yon Yonson, I come from Wisconsin, 74
My pocket book was empty, my heart was full of pain, 28
My wife and I live all alone, 100
Nine men slept in a boarding house bed, 73
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, 153
Now a man without a woman is like a ship without a sail,
Now I've got no use for the women, 17
Nut brown maiden, thou hast a bright blue eye for love,
Oh a Zulu king with a big nose ring, 58
Oh de ol' ark's a-moverin', 151
Oh, Eleazer Wheelock was a very pious man, 67
Oh Father, put the cow out, it is an awful night, 74
Oh for the life of a fireman, 63
Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam, 121
Oh hand me down my walkin' cane, 47
Oh, how lovely is the evening, 142
Oh I was born in Mobile town, a-workin' on the levee, 28
Oh I went down South for to see my gal, 35
Oh it's beer, beer, beer, that makes you feel so queer, 104
Oh it's springtime in the Rockies and I'm full of mountain
dew, 40
Oh Lord Jeffery Amherst was a soldier of the King, 64
Oh, Mary, don't you weep, don't you mourn, 148
Oh Mary had a William goat, 73
Oh, my father was the keeper of the Eddystone Light, 44
Oh, my golden slippers am laid away, 24
Oh, my name is Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall, 30
Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you, 135
Oh, the bulldog on the bank, and the bullfrog in the pool, 59
Oh, the night that I struck New York, 83
Oh, they built the ship Titanic, to sail the ocean blue, 33
Oh, we came on the sloop John B., my grandfather and me,
Oh we never used to bathe till we heard the Doctor rave, 54
Oh, we're from the Arlberg ski school, 78
Oh where have you been, Billy boy, Billy boy?, 35
Oh, why don't you work like other men do?, 18
Oh you can have your applies, your peaches and your pears,
Old King Cole was a merry old soul, 24
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, 21

Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard, 62
Old Noah he built himself an ark, 155
On a summer day in the month of May, 21
On mules we find two legs behind, 115
On Springfield Mountain there did dwell, 49
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 34
On younder hill there stands a creature, 41
Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong, 5
Once I was a lady's maid way down in Drury Lane, 126
Once I was happy but now I'm forlorn, and my ski outfit's
all tattered and torn, 78
Once I was happy but now I'm forlorn, like an old coat
that is tattered and torn, 16
Once I went in swimming, where there were no women, 70
Once in the dear dead days beyond recall, 109
Once there were three fishermen, 46
One time in Alexandria, in wicked Alexandria, 112
Oola had a cousin from the wild and wooly west, 80
Orleans, Beaugency, Notre Dame de Clery, 141
Out on ol' Smoky, ol' Smoky so low, 25
Over hill, over dale, as we hit the dusty trail, 98
Peace I ask of thee, O River, peace, peace, peace, 31
Rich gal, she wears the best perfume, 42
'Round de meadows am a-ringin' de darkies' mournful song,
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, 142
Scotland's burning, Scotland's burning, 141
She promised to meet me when the clock struck seventeen,
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes, 5
Sing a song of cities; roll dat cotton bale, 80
Sister Lucy, she wears a low-necked dress, 150
Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee, 106
Soft o'er the fountain ling'ring falls the southern moon, 109
Soldier, oh soldier, a-comin' from the plain, 32
Some think the world is made for fun and frolic, 82
Spanish is the lovin' tongue, soft as music, light as spray, 23
Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing, 95
Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus, 153
Sweet and low, sweet and low, wind of the western sea,
Sweet Eveline, (sweet Eveline), say you'll be mine, 102
Sweet the evening air of May, 143
Sweetly sings the donkey at the break of day, 144
Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home, 146
T'ain't my brother, nor my sister, but it's me, oh Lord, 154
Take this hammer, (huh!) carry it to the captain (huh!), 27
Talk about Jerusalem morning, Yes, good Lord, 151
Tell me why the stars do shine, 66
That's where my money goes, to buy my baby clothes, 69
The fish, it never cackles 'bout its million eggs or so, 115
The fox went out on a chilly night, 10
The frog he would a-wooing go, m-m, m-m, 39
The horses run around, their feet are on the ground, 20
The keeper would a-hunting go, 22
The massa love wine, the miss love silk, 42
The other night when I came home, drunk as I could be,
The Pope, he leads a jolly life, jolly life, 58
The prettiest gal that ever I saw was sucking cider through
a straw, 16
The shades of night were falling fast, 73
The ship goes sailing down the bay, good-bye my lover,
good-bye, 132
The sons of the prophet are brave men and bold, 56
The woman stood at the churchyard door, woo-oo-oo, 31
The year may have more than one season, 77
There are theories and systems of skiing, 76
There is a house in this old town, 49
There is a tavern in the town, in the town, 37
There was a little Dutchman, his name was Johhny Vor-
beck, 68
There was a ship that sailed upon the lowland sea, 128
There was a wee cooper wha' lived in Fife, 97
There was a youth, a cruel youth, 8
There was an old woman in our town, 43
There was once a maiden named Gretchen Pumpernickle,
There were three crows sat on a tree, 26
Three blind mice, three blind mice, 143
Three little chillun, lyin' in bed, 40
Til kona kom der en ung student, 92
To the Lairds of Convention 'twas Claver'se who spoke,
True love may be a blessing but it never was to me, 69
Tu n'est pas maitre dans ta maison quand nous y sommes, 87
'Twas a cold winter evening, the guests were all leaving,
'Twas eighteen hundred and sixty one, 127
'Twas Friday morn when we set sail, 128
'Twas only an old beer bottle, floating on the foam, 116
'Twas the night that Patty Murphy died, I never shall for-
get, 106
Underneath the takeoff every Sunday morn, 78
Vo Luzern uf Weggis zue, 93
Walking at night along the meadow way, 92
We are climbing Jacob's ladder, 147
We don't have to march with the infantry, 103
We had some chickens, no eggs would they lay, 70
We have a dear old father, to whom we dearly pray, 61
We have a system of skiing that's grand, 76
We were forty miles from Albany, forget it I never shall, 20
Well, come along boys, and listen to my tale, 119
Well met, well met, my own true love, 18
Well you wake up in de mornin', hear de ding-dong ring,
Went up on the mountain, 138
Were you ever in Rio Grande? Away, Rio!, 129
What shall we do with the drunken sailor, 134
What's the use of wearing braces, 99
When I was a bachelor I lived all alone, 43
When I was a little lad, and so my mother told me, 130
When I was 'prenticed in London, 50
When I was young I used to wait, 47
When Israel was in Egypt's land, 153
When Joseph was an old man, 53
When Pa (four times), when Pa was a little boy like me, 63
When the old year makes its exit and we usher in the new,
Where are you goin', my good old man?, 21
Where hast thou been since I saw thee, I saw thee?, 94
Where the Tuscan sun is warm and bright, 108
White coral bells upon a slender stalk, 142
Who did (four times), who did swallow Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo, 52
Why shouldn't my goose, 142
"Will it go around the chalkstone?" called the belayer look-
ing up, 57
Won't you bring back, won't you bring back Mrs. Murphy's
chowder, 82
Ye gentlemen and ladies fair, who grace this famous city, 15
Y'heave ho! My lads, the wind blows free, 126
You and me know that old hollow tree, 103
You can dig my grave with a silver spade, 154
You can easily tell she's not my mother, 71
You can take a silver dollar and drop it in the ground, 72
You get a line and I'll get a pole, Honey, 45
You got to jump down, turn around, 46
You ought to see my Cindy, 137
Young folks, old folks, everybody come, 50

Retrived from here on 31 July 2006:

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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
Date: 02 Mar 07 - 11:05 AM

Row, row,
Row your

Gently Down
The stream.

Merrily, merrily,
Merrily, merrily,

Life is but
A dream

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Subject: IOCA Song-Fest (ca 1938, First Edition(?))
From: and e
Date: 30 Sep 07 - 10:26 PM

Here are the contents of an undated (ca 1938, first edition(!?)) light green-grey stapled paperback IOCA Song-Fest, no author/editor, no place of publication, 104pp, illustrator is SIMON. There is no music.

I. O. C. A. SONG........................ 3
Abdullah Bulbul Ameer ..................... 4
About the Year of One B.C..................... 5
Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No Mo'............... 6
Alexander's Rag Time Band................... 7
Alone, Tee Hee, Alone.................... . 8
Alouette............................ 8
Anne Boleyn.......................... 7
Annie Laurie.......................... 10
Antoinette Burby........................ 9
Auld Lang Syne......................... 10
Mules . ........................... 10
Advertise.......................... 10
Australia ........................... 8
Baby Died, Our......................... 11
Beer Bottle, The........................ 11
Bell Bottomed Trousers..................... 11
Bells of St. Mary's, The.................... 11
Bill.............................. 12
Bold Bad Man.......................... 13
Bowery, The........................... 12
Bring Back My Bonnie To Me................... 12
Build A Bungalow, We'll .................... 12
Bull-Dog on The Bank...................... 13
Caissons............................ 14
Capitol Ship, A........................ 14
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny................. 15
Casey Jones.......................... 16
Chanson Du Pinard . ..................... 6
Chewing Gum.......................... 17
Circus Queen, My.......................... 17
Clementine.......................... 17
Coast of High Barbary, The ................... 18
Cocaine Bill.......................... 19
Constantinople......................... 20
Cowboy Fireman, The...................... 19
Cufusalem........................... 21
Daisy, Daisy.......................... 20
Dark Town Strutters Ball................... 20
Darkey Sunday School..................... 21
Dese Bones Gwine Rise Agin................... 23
Did You Ever Think When the Hearse Goes By........... 24
Dinah......... .................... 23
Down By The Old Mill Stream.................. 24
Down In The Valley ....................... 24
Drink To Me .......................... 24
Drunken Sailor, The...................... 25
Drunk Last Night ........................ 25
Dutch Company, The....................... 25
Dying Fisherman's Song, The .................. 26
Dying Hobo, The........................ 26
Eight Bells.......................... 27
Family Rattin, The ....................... 27
Fee-Fi-Fiddlee-I-0....................... 28
Fol De Rol.......................... 28
Frankie and Johnnie...................... 29
Frog He Would A-Wooing Go................... 28
Frog He Are A Queer Bird, The................. 30
Gallant Ship, Our....................... 30
Gay Caballero, The....................... 32
Index (Continued PAGE
Girls Can Never Change Their Nature.............. . 31
Girl Like Me, A ......................... 32
Go Down Moses.......................... 33
Golden Slippers, Oh Dem ............. ........ 33
Good Night Ladies........................ 34
Grandfather's Clock....................... 34
Gretchen............................ 35
Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here................. 36
Ham And Eggs.......................... 36
Hambone Am Good........................ . 36
Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane.................. 36
Hanover Winter Song ...................... . 38
Hell To The Skier ....................... 37
Home On The Range........................ 38
Home James, And Don't Spare the Horses ............ . 39
Horses Run Around, The..................... 40
I Am A Student At Cadiz..................... 40
I Got Shoes........................... 42
I Learned About Women Prom Her................. 40
I Like Mountain Music....................... 45
I'm A Son of A Gun For Beer................... 41
The Spider.......................... 42
In Eleven More Months And Ten More Days............. 44
In The Evening By the Moonlight................. 46
I Run The Old Mill....................... 45
I Want A Girl........................... 46
I Was Born About A Thousand Years Ago.............. 42
I With I Were A Wittle Thugar Bun................ 43
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now................. 43
Jesse James........................... 46
Jingle Bells .......................... 46
Johnny Vorbeck ......................... 47
Juba............................. 47
Julia ............................. 47
Katy............................. 47
Keep In The Middle Of The Road................. 47
Kentucky Home......................... 48
Kitty .... ......................... 48
Landlord Pill The Plowing Bowl................. 48
Lavender Cowboy, The...................... 49
Let Me Call You Sweetheart.................. 50
Lazy Bones........................... 49
Little Brown Jug........................ 50
Little Joe The Wrangler..................... 51
Liza . . . ........................... 50
Look Down ............................ 51
Lord Jeffrey Amherst.................. 52
Love's Old Sweet Song...................... 52
Lydia Pinkham........................... 52
Mad Dogs And Englishmen.................... 54
Mammy Don't Want No Beer.................... 53
Man On The Flying Trapeze, The................. 55
Mandalay................ .... ........ 56
Martins And The Coys,'The.................... 56
Massa's In De Cold Cold Ground................. 58
McSorley's Twins........................ 58
Me And Marie.......................... 53
Merrily We Roll The Keg..................... 34
Michael Finnigan........................ 53
Moonlight Bay.......................... 55
Moosilauke Sweetheart ............... ....... 59
Index (Continued) PAGE
Mrs. Murphy's Chowder........................ 60
Mug Song, The ......................... 59
Muss I Den Zum Stadtle Naus................... 60
My Mother-In-Law ........................ 61
My Mother Told Me Not To Smoke...........,...... 61
My Name Is McNamare....................... 61
Nine Men Slept In A Boarding House Bed............. 62
No Hiding Place Down Here.................... 62
Nobody's Darling But Mine .................... 62
Nobody Knows The Trouble I See................. 63
Now When I Walked Dat Levee Round................ 63
Oh, Bury Me Not On the Lone Prairie............... 63
Oh, How He Lied ........................ 64
Oh, How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning ............. 64
Old Apple Tree In The Orchard, The ............... 65
Old Black Joe.......................... 65
Old Arc's A Moverin, The.................... 66
Old Banjo, The......................... 66
Old Chisolm Trail, The..................... 69
Old Faithful ......................... 68
Old Grey Bonnet......................... 66
Old King Cold.......................... 67
Old King Cole .......................... 68
Old Pine Tree, The....................... 7C
Old Skiers........................... 70
Ole Man Ribbah......................... 68
Ole Man Noah......................... 68
Ole Time Religion....................... . 70
Ole Zip Coon . . ........................ 70
Once I Went In Swimmin'.................... . 71
One More River To Cross..................... 71
Out On Wyoming's Plains..................... 72
Pack Up Your Troubles...................... 72
Patty Murphy.......................... 72
Patsy-Ory-Ory-Aye........................ 72
Picadilly Daisy, The...................... 73
Pig And The Inebriate, The................... 73
Pink Pajamas.......................... 74
Please Go Way And Let Me Sleep................. 74
Poor Old Slave, The ...................... 74
Polly-Wolly-Doodle ...................... . 74
Pop Goes The Skier....................... 75
Pope, The . .......................... 75
Quilting Party, The....................... 76
Rag Time Cowboy Joe....................... 76
Ready When De Great Day Comes................. 77
Red River Valley........................ 77
Roll Jordan Roll........................ 78
Sweetly Sings The Donkey................... 78
Row Row Row Your Boat .................... 78
Three Blind Mice....................... 78
Scotland's Burning ...................... 78
Three Old Skiers....................... 78
Runaway Train, The........................ 78
Samuel Hall........................... 79
Sea Chantey, A......................... 80
She Is More To Be Pitied Than Censured............. 79
She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain............... 80
Sidewalks Of New York...................... 80
Shortenin' Bread........................ 81
Index (Continued) PAGE
Shoo Fly............................ 104
Shut That Door......................... 81
Simple Little Ostrich, The................... 82
Ski Song, The......................... 83
Standin' In The Need Of Prayer................. 82
Starvation........................... 84
State Song, The........................ 84
Steal Away.......................... 86
Steamboat Bill ......................... .85
Stein Song........................... 83
Strawberry Roan........................ 86
Student In A Tunnel, The................... . 88
Susanna, Oh.......................... 88
Swanee River.......................... 88
Sweet Adeline......................... 89
Sweet Eveline Boom Boom.................... 89
Swing Low Sweet Chariot.................... 90
Taps.............................. 90
There Is A Tavern In The Town................. 90
There's A Long Long Trail................... 91
Three Fishermen........................ 91
Tipperary........................... 91
Today Is Monday........................ .92
Twenty One Years......................... 92
Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree............... 93
Up Yonder In The Frozen North................. 93
Vassar Girl And The Harvard Man, The.............. 94
Vassar Hygiene Song...................... 94
Villain, The.......................... 96
Waiting For A Williams Man................... 93
Water Boy........................... 94
Way Down Rio.......................... 96
Way Down Yonder In The Cornfield................ 96
Weaver Song, The ........................ 97
When The Bloom Is On The Sage.................. 97
Whale, The........................... 98
When It's Springtime In The Rockies.............. 98
When Pa........ .................... 98
Where, Oh Where Are The Pea Green Freshmen........... 99
Whizz-Fish, The....................... . 99
Whoop Tee Tiyio, Get Along Little Dogie............ 100
Whoop Tee I Oriae....................... 100
Wild Irish Rose, My...................... 100
Willy The Weeper......................... 101
Whiffenpoof Song, The ..................... 101
Working On The Railroad, I've Been............... 102
Wreck Of The Old 97, The.................... 102
Yo-Dee-On-Dee-Oh........................ 103
Yuazuaray............................ 103

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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Sep 07 - 10:34 PM

A 1938 edition? I have to say, I am insanely jealous.
Thanks for posting the Table of Contents.


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Subject: RE: Help: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 21 Feb 09 - 05:22 PM

The 1955 revision ("New Song Fest") has been reprinted a number of times, the last I saw was the 16th printing in 1966.
It dropped "Ain't it grand to be bloody well dead," Zulu King," and some others.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Song Fest - How many editions?
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
Date: 19 Apr 16 - 06:33 PM

Refreshing the '38 first ed. with a link to Horntip:

There are the usual problems with transcribed lyrics but also a PDF of the scanned original.

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