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Lyr Req: Waiting for You (Mississippi John Hurt)


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(origins) Origin: Here Am I, Oh Lord, Send Me (John Hurt) (2)

jaze 23 Dec 00 - 02:52 PM
rube1 23 Dec 00 - 07:07 PM
GUEST,julia 13 Apr 09 - 01:23 PM
PoppaGator 13 Apr 09 - 03:24 PM
Jim Dixon 14 Apr 09 - 04:54 PM
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Subject: Waiting for You--John Hurt
From: jaze
Date: 23 Dec 00 - 02:52 PM

anyone know where I can find the words to this song from His "Last Sessions" lp?

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Subject: Lyr Add: WAITING FOR YOU (Mississippi John Hurt)
From: rube1
Date: 23 Dec 00 - 07:07 PM

WAITING FOR YOU-John Hurt from "Last Sessions" LP

Will you be faithful to me?
Is your heart good and true?
While you sow sorrow and pain,
Darling, I'm waiting for you.

Because of your cruel ways,
I may never live to know.
In justice to my true love,
I'll give you before I go.

Repeat first two verses

Repeat first verse


If we cannot meet again
Till our troubles all are through,
Beyond the river of Jordan,
I'll still be waiting for you.

Repeat second verse (chorus)

When you seek my grassy mount,
Then our trouble all is through.
My days have been shortened
Whilst I've been waiting for you.

Because of your cruel ways,
I may never live to know.
In justice to my true love,
I'll give you before I go.

I think this is accurate. I always used to think he was saying, "I'll kill you before I go," but that's not it. Hope this helps. There's an earlier thread about Mississippi John Hurt with a lot more info if you know how to find it. I don't.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 23-Jul-02.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Waiting for You (Mississippi John Hur
From: GUEST,julia
Date: 13 Apr 09 - 01:23 PM

theres another verse to this song that goes:

if i had a path of glory
and it did not read for two
i'd trade it all dear darling
and stay on earth with you

im not sure if there are any others, but its on his library of congress recording (i think)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Waiting for You (Mississippi John Hurt)
From: PoppaGator
Date: 13 Apr 09 - 03:24 PM

I recall participating in a discussion about this song that is not among the "Related Threads" listed above. We couldn't understand what Mississippi John was gonna do before we would go. I thought I'd re-read it, but can't easily find it now.

One of the Related threads that IS shown above, the one entitled "Chord Req: Waiting for You (MJH)," gives "I'll forgive you before you go" as an alternate title.

"Forgive" makes more sense to me than any of the alternatives ("Give" or "Kill"), even though MJH seems to be singing a one-syllable word ~ "F'give," I suppose."

That thread also includes a set of tabs for playing this song in open D tuning.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Waiting for You (Mississippi John Hurt)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 14 Apr 09 - 04:54 PM

The thread you're thinking of is probably this one.

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