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Origins: One More Day (rock and roll me over)


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Lyr Req: One More Day variant: any ideas? (3)
'One More Day' meaning (12) 24 Sep 97 - 03:33 PM
bigj 24 Sep 97 - 06:52 PM
Barry 25 Sep 97 - 12:45 AM
Metchosin 01 Feb 00 - 04:47 PM
GUEST,Barry Finn (as he leaves work) 01 Feb 00 - 05:06 PM
Barry Finn 01 Feb 00 - 10:15 PM
Metchosin 01 Feb 00 - 11:22 PM
Mbo 01 Feb 00 - 11:29 PM
TerriM 02 Feb 00 - 04:29 PM
GUEST 09 Sep 10 - 12:06 PM
Joe Offer 09 Sep 10 - 06:57 PM
GUEST,mg 09 Sep 10 - 07:35 PM
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Subject: one more day
Date: 24 Sep 97 - 03:33 PM


Oh, have you heard the news, My Johnny?
One more day!
We're homeward bound tomorrow,
One more day!

cho: Only one more day, my Johnny
One more day!
Oh, rock and row (or roll) me over,
One more day!
Know this song? I heard a version of it with some electric guitar. It sounded a bit like, say, what Steeleye Span or similar group might do with it....but WHO? Anyone know who recorded this song like that?

Bruce Smith

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Subject: ADD Version: One More Day
From: bigj
Date: 24 Sep 97 - 06:52 PM

From your fragment and description it sounds as though the version you heard might be the one recorded by HOME SERVICE on their recording of the same name (Jigsaw Records SAW3) in 1984, Here are the words as printed on the sleeve notes :-


Now's the time to leave her Johnny, one more day
And did you swear you'd not deceive her Johnny, one more day
For we're homeward bound tomorrow Johnny, one more day
And will you leave her without sorrow Johnny, one more day

    Only one more day my Johnny, one more day Johnny, one more day
    Oh come and rock n' roll me over, one more day.

Don't you hear the old man calling Johnny, one more day
And don't you hear the first mate bawling Johnny, one more day
Then put on your long-tailed blue my Johnny, one more day
For you pay is nearly due Johnny, one more day

Come and row me to my lover Johnny, one more day
And let the starlight be my cover Johnny, one more day
Only one more day together Johnny, one more day
No more gales nor heavy weather Johnny, one more day

Trad: arr, Graeme Taylor. Lead vocals - John Tams

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Subject: RE: one more day
From: Barry
Date: 25 Sep 97 - 12:45 AM

It was sung row or roll, Hugill states that the row shows it's river orgins & would be the older. It could be sung with or without the repeating refrain after each line & with or without a grand chours. I got the river version from a San Francisco singer, Susan Friend, & have never heard it done the same until Holstock & MacLeod recorded it on their Deepwater Shanties tape. Barry

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Subject: ADD Version: One More Day
From: Metchosin
Date: 01 Feb 00 - 04:47 PM

After a thorough search of the DT and previous threads, I cannot find this version of the song, although some variants were noted in the threads. I particularly love this version for its tenderness.


Oh row me 'cross the river
I heard a maiden say
Oh take me to me lover
One more day

    Only one more day, me Johnnys
    One more day
    Oh rock and roll me over
    One more day

I'm almost broken hearted
I can no longer stay
Once more must we be parted
One more day

So do not fear my beauty
I can no longer stay
And love makes way for duty
One more day

I've seen the sea birds flyin'
Ashore from o'er the bay
I felt they was all cryin'
One more day

'Cause sea birds get the warnin'
Which one and all obey
The tempest loud is stormin'
One more day

So heave onside the anchor
We sail out from the bay
Oh heave onside the anchor
One more day

Unlike Colcord's version of the homeward bound shanty in the DT, this version, recorded by Lime Bay Mutiny in 1990, on their Live at the Blue Peter album, appears to be a leaving shanty. There is nothing in the liner notes regarding from where it was collected. It does not appear in the collections of Whall, Runciman Terry or Shay. Is it in Hugill's collection?

As has been noted previously, Colcord's version is the only one I have seen that uses the line "Rock and row me over", all the rest that I am aware of, use the line "Rock and roll me over". I guess One More Day could be considered the first "Rock and Roll Song"…..sorry…..

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: One More Day
From: GUEST,Barry Finn (as he leaves work)
Date: 01 Feb 00 - 05:06 PM

It is in Hugill's, I'll see about more when I get home. It's also in, I'm fairly sure, an English collection of folk songs, pub. by Penquin. I first learned this version in the late 70's while in San Frascisco from Sussan Friend who also gave it to Holstock & MacLeod which you can find on their recording, I think, called "Deep Water Shanties". IMHO with the long slow full chorus & the room for harmonies, this is the sweetest version of this song that I've ever heard. Barry

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: One More Day
From: Barry Finn
Date: 01 Feb 00 - 10:15 PM

Hi again Metchosin, Whall has a short version & says it's a paying off shanty & also says it's not a halyard but a windless shanty. Hugill also says it's a paying off shanty & points to collections of Terry & Sharp who have it at the capstan, Bullen & Whall at halyards & Colcord at the windless or capstan. Hugill also has a version from a 'Bluenose shipmate', Ezra Cobb with "rock & row me over" as does Captain Robinson in his "The Bellman" . Hugill says the "Row" points to it's river origin & that probably being the older version & thinks it came from the southern US states.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: One More Day
From: Metchosin
Date: 01 Feb 00 - 11:22 PM

Thanks Barry, Which publication of Whall do you have? The one I have here is published in 1910 and just has a short version sung while homeward bound. Your right, most of the references regarding its use are conflicting, Frank Shay's Iron Men and Wooden Ships refers to it as a pumping shanty.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: One More Day
From: Mbo
Date: 01 Feb 00 - 11:29 PM

Darn, thought there for a minute it said "One Day More."


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: One More Day
From: TerriM
Date: 02 Feb 00 - 04:29 PM

thank you for this, I've been looking for ages

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Subject: RE: one more day
Date: 09 Sep 10 - 12:06 PM

version has been done by fishermans friends. very steeleye span like

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Subject: Lyr Add: One More Day
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Sep 10 - 06:57 PM

From Barry Finn's Fathom This! CD:

10. One More Day

I got this great capstan shanty from Susanne Friend formely of San Francisco. Her version would be much more suited to the capstan than some other versions I've heard as this makes use of the full chorus & it's tempo matching the required work. I'm still grateful for her gift of this song and her patience in teaching it to me. My gift of a bottle of wine I'm sure, didn't get as much mileage as I've received singing this song.


Oh row me 'cross the river
I heard a maiden say
Oh row me to me lover
One more day

    Only one more day, my Johnnys
    One more day
    Oh rock and roll me over, one more day

I'm nearly broken hearted
I can no longer stay
Once more must we be parted
One more day

I see the sea birds flyin'
Ashore from o'er the bay
I felt they were all cryin'
One more day

The sea birds take the warnin'
Which one and all obey
The tempest now is stormin'
One more day

Oh do not fear my beauty
I can no longer stay
For love makes way for duty
One more day

It's many seas I've roamed love
Er'e I return to say
To say with you my beauty
One more day

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Subject: RE: Origins: One More Day (rock and roll me over)
From: GUEST,mg
Date: 09 Sep 10 - 07:35 PM

I know that many years ago I heard a record of African American men signing some songs and I think this one was on it. It was quite beautiful, and the record was probably quite Seattle Public LIbrary. mg

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