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Lyr Req: Pokey Peterson? / Pawkie Paiterson

Mikey joe 23 Jan 01 - 09:02 AM
Sorcha 25 Jan 01 - 01:11 AM
Nynia 25 Jan 01 - 10:15 PM
Nynia 25 Jan 01 - 10:24 PM
Mikey joe 26 Jan 01 - 08:47 AM
Sorcha 26 Jan 01 - 09:07 AM
Diva 26 Jan 01 - 03:21 PM
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Subject: I'm Pokey Paterson's Old Grey Aud
From: Mikey joe
Date: 23 Jan 01 - 09:02 AM

Does anyone have the lyrics to this song. I know I have the spelling and everything messed up, Each verse ends with 'I'm Pokey Paterson's Old Grey Aud, See How they guide me by' Or something like that anyway.



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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I'm Pokey Petersons old Grey aud
From: Sorcha
Date: 25 Jan 01 - 01:11 AM


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Subject: Lyr Add: PAWKIE PAITERSON (John Ballantyne)
From: Nynia
Date: 25 Jan 01 - 10:15 PM

OK Mickey Joe, you owe The song is on Deaf Shepherd's "Synergy" album, according to the sleeve notes these are the lyrics.

(Words by - John Ballantyne)

As aw was gaun up Hawick Loan
Yeh Monanday at morn
Aw heard a puir aulg grey meer
Gi'e mony a heavy groan
Gi'e mony a heavy groan, sir
And this she said tae mei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sei how they're guidin' mei

The miller o' Hawick Mill bred mei
And that Aw du weel ken
The miller o' Hawick Mill fed mei
Wi' mony a sort o' corn
But now the case is altered
And this ye plainly sei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sei how they're guidin' mei

When a' the rest's set tae the corn
Aw'm set oot tae the fog
When a' the rest's set tae the haye
Aw'm set oot tae the bog
As aw gaed intae Hawick Moss
'Twas like tae swally mei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sei how they're guidin' mei

And as for Nellie Harkness
She rises in the morn
And cries "O Godsake, Uncle
The yaud's amang the corn"
Hei tuik his muckle pleugh-staff then
And cam and swabbled mei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sei how they're guidin' mei

There's auld Rab Young o' the Back Raw
Hei's of'en shod ma clutes
Sae Aw wull leave him ma shank banes
Tae bei a pair o' butes
If hei pushes his legs weel in them
They'll come up tae his knei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sei how they're guidin' mei

And as for Peggy Duncan
She is a bonnie lass
Aw'll leave her my auld een holes
Tae bei a keekin' gless
Tae gar her een sei streichter
For the of'en stand aglei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sei how they're guidin' mei

As for the minister o' Wilton
His coat is worn gey thin
And for tae keep him frae the cauld
Aw'll leave hime ma auld skin
Wi' hide and hair tae keep him warm
As lang as it's dune mei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sei how they're guidin' mei

And as for Staney Stewart
Hei's of'en scarce o' stanes
And for tae mend his auld fail dykes
Aw'll leave him ma auld banes
And a' the Callants o' Hawick Loan
Wull make bane-fires o' mei
Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud
Sae that's the end o' mei

From the sleeve notes again - This is a humorous song about an old Hawick personality learned from Henry Douglas, a fine singer from Howahill Farm near Hawick in the Scottish borders. He and his wife forced alcohol and sandwiches down the throats of Malcolm McEwan (another fine local singer) and John during a night of song-swapping at the Douglas farm. The Scots word "Pawkie" means sly and sneaky but not usually in a nasty sense - more lucky than anything else. It is often used as a nickname and presumably that is how it is used in this song title. It can be found in "The Hawick Songs" sponsored by the Hawich Callants Club and published by Mozart Allan in 1957.

Wow that was longer than I thought. I hope it helps you.

All the best





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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I'm Pokey Petersons old Grey aud
From: Nynia
Date: 25 Jan 01 - 10:24 PM

Wow Sorcha if I'd read your comments from the last time I posted lyrics for someone (Carrickfergus at Mary's request), I wouldn't have bothered to post these.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I'm Pokey Petersons old Grey aud
From: Mikey joe
Date: 26 Jan 01 - 08:47 AM

Nynia thank you very much. It is very much appreciated. I'll have a pint for you. It's no trouble really



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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I'm Pokey Petersons old Grey aud
From: Sorcha
Date: 26 Jan 01 - 09:07 AM

Nynia, I didn't intend to come across as mean, nasty or sacrcastic, and if I did, I apologize! It's just that there have been long involved convoluted discussions on the origins of Carrickfergus, and it's something of an inside joke. Please don't get in a snit and stop posting lyrics. I did NOT intend to offend anyone, OK? I am very sorry if I hurt your feelings and made you angry.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I'm Pokey Petersons old Grey aud
From: Diva
Date: 26 Jan 01 - 03:21 PM

Well I live in Hawick and this song is often sung,particularly around the common riding. I know the singers of whom they speak and I'm sort of related to Henry. Deaf Sheperd......ohhhh not to sure about that but Nynia you got all the accent right so come down off that high horse before you do yersel a mischief :-) Diva

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