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Versions: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^


Related threads:
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Chords Req: The Unicorn (Irish Rovers) (12)

Dennis O'brien 18 Dec 96 - 05:24 PM
Susan of DT 18 Dec 96 - 05:32 PM
George Seto - 09 Sep 01 - 01:42 PM
McGrath of Harlow 09 Sep 01 - 07:44 PM
McGrath of Harlow 09 Sep 01 - 08:06 PM
George Seto - 09 Sep 01 - 09:12 PM
GUEST,Sonja 09 Sep 01 - 09:52 PM
Joe Offer 09 Sep 01 - 10:34 PM
GUEST,Sonja 10 Sep 01 - 02:09 AM
SharonA 10 Sep 01 - 09:52 AM
Joe Offer 10 Sep 01 - 06:45 PM
GUEST,SharonA 10 Sep 01 - 08:52 PM
Rich(bodhránai gan ciall) 10 Sep 01 - 09:50 PM
Joe Offer 10 Sep 01 - 10:53 PM
Sorcha 10 Sep 01 - 10:57 PM
GUEST, 24 Apr 03 - 02:46 PM
GUEST,Dan 25 Apr 03 - 12:18 AM
John in Brisbane 08 Dec 04 - 11:25 PM
GUEST,Marc 07 Jul 08 - 01:13 PM
GUEST,TJ in San Diego 07 Jul 08 - 07:33 PM
Jim Dixon 09 Jul 08 - 11:44 PM
Gurney 10 Jul 08 - 06:15 PM
Genie 11 Jul 08 - 03:31 AM
Gurney 11 Jul 08 - 07:58 PM
oldhippie 11 Aug 08 - 05:30 PM
GUEST,Ken Brock 11 Aug 08 - 06:09 PM
GUEST,Gerry 11 Aug 08 - 07:08 PM
GUEST,machree01 12 Aug 08 - 02:02 PM
GUEST,machree01 12 Aug 08 - 02:22 PM
RunrigFan 28 Aug 22 - 09:28 PM
RunrigFan 29 Aug 22 - 11:58 AM
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Subject: Lyrics request: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)
From: Dennis O'brien
Date: 18 Dec 96 - 05:24 PM

Am looking for the lyrics to the Irish Rovers "Unicorn Song", in particular the verse in the chorus that follows: There were green alligators, and long necked geese, some humpty backed camels and chimpanzees..."

Thank you.

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Subject: RE: Lyrics request: Unicorn Song (Green Alligato
From: Susan of DT
Date: 18 Dec 96 - 05:32 PM

It is in the DT. If you look under unicorn it comes up as the 4th hit called Unicorns (Green Alligators). You could also look for unicorn* or alligators or any phrase in the song.

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Subject: RE: Lyrics request: Unicorn Song (Green Alligato
From: George Seto -
Date: 09 Sep 01 - 01:42 PM

To save time

Shel Silverstein's Unicorn
To search

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 09 Sep 01 - 07:44 PM

Then there's Bill Caddick's song "I dreamed that I saw unicorns" which is a great one.

I doubt if he'd have any objection to it being in the DT if anyone has the lyrics to post.

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 09 Sep 01 - 08:06 PM

And bingo, there it is in this other thread

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: George Seto -
Date: 09 Sep 01 - 09:12 PM

It's also in the DT along with another Unicorn song:

Unicorn Song - Seeing is Believing
I Dreamed There Were Unicorns

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,Sonja
Date: 09 Sep 01 - 09:52 PM

Does someone know the date (year) of the first record or sheet music release of the Shel Silverstein Unicorn song?

(I wrote a song about a different mythical beast not getting on the ark, and at the time I wrote it, I had never heard the Unicorn song. [The story and music are also quite different from Silverstein's.] I am curious as to whether the Irish Rovers' or other's recordings of Shel's song were out and were widely known at the time I made up my story and song.


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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Sep 01 - 10:34 PM

Hi, sonja - I have it from two sources that Shel Silverstein's "Unicorn Song" was published in 1968. The Irish Rovers recording came out about that time. You go back that far?
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,Sonja
Date: 10 Sep 01 - 02:09 AM

Well, I do, Joe, and the magazine cartoon that inspired my song, "The Last Griffin," was published about 1966. In 1983, I made up the song on a long car trip, based on that cartoon. I may have heard bits of the Unicorn song sometime in the '70's but not much of it -- until last year, when I finally got a tape of it.

As I said, the two songs have little in common except that they both deal with mythical creatures that did not get onto the ark. But I was curious about the Unicorn publication date.

Somehow I doubt that these are the only two songs with that topic, especially since that cartoon showed up in 1966.

Thanks for the info.


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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: SharonA
Date: 10 Sep 01 - 09:52 AM

Actually, the Shel Silverstein SONG was based on a Shel Silverstein POEM (some of the poem was altered, presumably to fit the meter of the song). I don't remember offhand which of Silverstein's books contains this poem; I think it's in "Where the Sidewalk Ends", although it could be in either "A Light in the Attic" or "Falling Up".

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE UNICORN (Shel Silverstein)^^^
From: Joe Offer
Date: 10 Sep 01 - 06:45 PM

Nope, Sharon, the other way around. Where the Sidewalk Ends (1974) says that "The Unicorn" and "The Flying Festoon" previously appeared in lyric form, copyright 1962 and 1968 by Hollis Music (but were both published in both years, or what? And I guess that in this context, "previously" means first, but maybe not.)
-Joe Offer-

THE UNICORN - recitation
(Shel Silverstein)

A long time ago, when the earth was green
And there was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen,
And they run around free while the world was bein' born,
And the loveliest of all was the Unicorn.
There was green alligators and long-neck geese.
There was humpy bumpy camels and chimpanzees.
There was catsandratsandelephants, but sure as you're born
The loveliest of all was the Unicorn.

But the Lord seen some sinnin', and it caused him pain.
He says, "Stand back, I'm gonna make it rain."
He says, "Hey Brother Noah, I'll tell ya whatcha do.
Go and build me a floatin' zoo.
And you take two alligators, and a couple of geese,
Two humpy bumpy camels and two chimpanzees.
Take two catsandratsandelephants, but sure as you're born
Noah, don't you forget my Unicorn."

Now Noah was there, and he answered the callin',
And he finished up the ark just as the rain started fallin'.
He marched in the animals two by two,
And he called out as they went through,
"Hey Lord, I got your two alligators and your couple of geese,
Your humpy bumpy camels and your two chimpanzees.
Got your catsandratsandelephants - but Lord, I'm so forlorn
'Cause I just don't see no Unicorn."

Ol' Noah looked out through the drivin' rain,
But the Unicorns were hidin', playin' silly games.
They were kickin' and splashin' in the misty morn,
Oh them silly Unicorn.
Then the goat started goatin', and the snake started snakin',
The elephant started elephantin', and the boat started shakin'.
The mouse started squeakin', and the lion started roarin',
And everyone's aboard but the Unicorn.
I mean the green alligators and the long-neck geese,
The humpy bumpy camels and the chimpanzees.
Noah cried, "Close the door 'cause the rain is pourin' -
And we just can't wait for them Unicorn."

Then the ark started movin', and it drifted with the tide,
And the Unicorns looked up from the rock and cried.
And the water come up and sort of floated them away -
That's why you've never seen a Unicorn to this day.
You'll see a lot of alligators and a whole mess of geese.
You'll see humpy bumpy camels and lots of chimpanzees.
You'll see catsandratsandelephants, but sure as you're born
You're never gonna see no Unicorn.

from Where the Sidewalk Ends: the Poems and Drawings of Shel Silverstein, 1974^^^

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,SharonA
Date: 10 Sep 01 - 08:52 PM

Thanks for setting that straight, Joe; I was dredging up my info from faulty memory. (I suffer from Lapsus of the Synapsus!)

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
Date: 10 Sep 01 - 09:50 PM

No! Don't tell 'em! Oh there you've gone and done it. Now there will be yet another person singing that dumb song in public.

nealg (not even a little grin)


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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: Joe Offer
Date: 10 Sep 01 - 10:53 PM

Ah, yes, Rich - Shel Silverstein wrote a nice, classic Irish song, didn't he? It's our duty to inform people about these "authentic folk songs." You'll notice that we've also done a good job on a currently running thread on Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Edelweiss" - (click) and (click). Hmmm. Almost could be thread material - we could call it "I THOUGHT it was a folk song!"
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: Sorcha
Date: 10 Sep 01 - 10:57 PM

Well, I like it. So there! And I LOVE the Lapsus Synapsus!!!! LMAO!! ( I have a severe case also)

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,
Date: 24 Apr 03 - 02:46 PM

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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,Dan
Date: 25 Apr 03 - 12:18 AM

My band played in Chicago Irish bars in the '80s and our lead singer hated that song! We were playing one night with a bunch of young women at a table near the stage and one girl kept requesting "The Unicorn Song" "Sorry, we don't do it" says our lead singer. After the next song she says, "I'll put $5 in your tip jar if you do 'The Unicorn Song'" "Sorry, we just don't do it" says our lead singer.
"I'll buy you all a Guinness if you do 'The Unicorn Song'" she says. "Sorry, we're drinking on the tavern" says our lead singer.
"I'll show you my tits if you do 'The Unicorn Song'" she says. "Sorry ..." says our lead singer. "I KNOW THAT SONG!" shouts I, fervently searching through my pages of song lyrics for the words as my bandmates walk off stage for a break. That page was unfortunately misfiled until I found it the next day. Damn!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: John in Brisbane
Date: 08 Dec 04 - 11:25 PM

I've been doing a centennial clean-up of my 'study' and have the dots if this is still required.

Regards, John

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,Marc
Date: 07 Jul 08 - 01:13 PM

So Shel Silverstein wrote the poem "The Unicorn". Did he also write the music? Or did the Irish Rovers set the poem to music?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego
Date: 07 Jul 08 - 07:33 PM

My eldest son had the Shel Silverstein book of poetry and read it until the pages began to fall out. It also contains "A Boy Named Sue," which Johnny Cash used to good effect.

A small digression: Back in the early days of the "sexual revolution," when "Playboy" was still a big deal and Hugh Hefner had a Chicago-based TV show, Silverstein seemed to be the Playboy official poet, much as Leroy Neiman was the official artist.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 09 Jul 08 - 11:44 PM lists Shel Silverstein as the only author of UNICORN. (It lists 812 songs by him altogether.)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: Gurney
Date: 10 Jul 08 - 06:15 PM

A most important song, about the first recorded I.Q. test.
Noah failed to spot the deliberate mistake.
Why would alligators and geese need a lift?

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Subject: Lyr Add: UNICORNS (GREEN ALLIGATORS) (Silverstein
From: Genie
Date: 11 Jul 08 - 03:31 AM

OH, NO!   A folk song (or kids' song) that's factually inaccurate!   What IS this world coming to!? LOL

Is that the only nonsensical part of the song you can find, Gurney? ; D

BTW, the DT version seems to have at least a couple errors - primarily the parts in ALL CAPS:

(Shel Silverstein)

A long time ago, when the Earth was green,
There was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen.
THEY run around free while the Earth was being born
And the loveliest of all was the unicorn.

There was green alligators and long-necked geese,
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
The loveliest of all was the unicorn.

The Lord seen some sinning and it gave Him pain,
He says, "Stand back, I'm going to make it rain."
He says, "Hey, BROTHER Noah, I'll tell you what to do,
Build me a floating zoo,
and take some of those

Green alligators and long-necked geese,
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
Don't you forget My unicorns.

Old Noah was there to answer the CALLIN'
He FINISHED UP THE ARK just as the rain started FALLIN'.
He marched the animals two by two
And he called out as they came through,
"Hey Lord,
I've got green alligators and long-necked geese,
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord, I'm so forlorn;
I just can't find no unicorns."

And Noah looked out through the driving rain.
Them unicorns were hiding, playing silly games,
Kicking and splashing while the rain was falling
Oh, them silly unicorns

There was green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Noah cried, "Close the door because the rain is falling
And we just can't wait for no unicorns"

The ark started moving, it drifted with the tide
The unicorns looked up from the rocks and they cried
And the waters came down and sort of floated them away
That's why you never see unicorns to this very day

You'll see green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
You're never gonna see no unicorns

(Shel Silverstein)

A long time ago, when the Earth was green
There was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen
They'd run around free while the Earth was being born
And the loveliest of all was the unicorn

There was green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
The loveliest of all was the unicorn

The Lord seen some sinning and it gave Him pain
And He says, "Stand back, I'm going to make it rain"
He says, "Hey Noah, I'll tell you what to do
Build me a floating zoo,
and take some of those

Green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
Don't you forget My unicorns

Old Noah was there to answer the call
He finished up making the ark just as the rain started to fall
He marched the animals two by two
And he called out as they came through
Hey Lord,
I've got green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord, I'm so forlorn
I just can't find no unicorns"

And Noah looked out through the driving rain
Them unicorns were hiding, playing silly games
Kicking and splashing IN THE MISTY MORN (or, while the rains was POURIN') -
Oh, them silly unicorns!

There was green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Noah cried, "Close the door because the rain is POURIN'
And we just can't wait for no unicorns"

The ark started moving, it drifted with the tide.
The unicorns looked up from the rocks and they cried,
And the waters came down and sort of floated them away -
That's why you never see unicorns to this very day.

You'll see green alligators and long-necked geese,
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
You're never gonna see no unicorns.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: Gurney
Date: 11 Jul 08 - 07:58 PM

Nope, Genie. I just considered that the rest was declaimed in a stage-Irish accent.

Incongruities are what catch my attention, not bad grammar.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: oldhippie
Date: 11 Aug 08 - 05:30 PM

The Brobdingnagian Bards, on their "Songs of Ireland" cd provide this alternate ending:

That's why you never see unicorns to this very day

Because you might think that's the ending to the song
I have to tell you friend, that in fact you're wrong
You see unicorns are magical
So as the rain started pouring
They grew themselves some wings and they took to soaring

There were some green alligators and long necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
But if you're looking for the unicorn, don't be forlorn
The second star on the right and on until morn.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,Ken Brock
Date: 11 Aug 08 - 06:09 PM

Regarding mythical animals not getting on the ark.

1. There is a 2 second clip of Unicorns, etc huddling in the rain in the Donald Duck / Noah segment of Disney's FANTASIA 2000.

2. The Richard Rodgers - Martin Charnin - Peter Stone 1970 musical TWO BY TWO includes a "Gitka" who has to be left behind because his mate can't be found in time. This is after the Irish Rovers song, but TWO BY TWO was based on the Clifford Odets play THE FLOWERING PEACH, which iirc is from about 1954, and is presumably a source for the Gitka.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,Gerry
Date: 11 Aug 08 - 07:08 PM

And mention of Clifford Odets brings us back to Shel Silverstein, who included a reference to the playwright in the lyrics of The Hip Song (It Doesn't Pay To Be Too Hip).

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,machree01
Date: 12 Aug 08 - 02:02 PM

Here's Barbrack singing it,

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: GUEST,machree01
Date: 12 Aug 08 - 02:22 PM

The post above is   BARNBRACK

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: RunrigFan
Date: 28 Aug 22 - 09:28 PM

A long time ago, when the earth was green
There was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen,
They run around free when the earth was bein' born,
But the loveliest of all was the Unicorn.

There was green alligators, some long-necked geese,
Some humpy-backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
The loveliest of all was the unicorn.

Then God saw some some sinners, it gave Him pain
He says, "Stand back there I'm gonna make it rain."
Hey Brother Noah!, I'll tell ya whatcha do.
Build me a floatin' zoo
With some green alligators, some long-necked geese,
Some humpy-backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
Don't you forget the Unicorn

Old Noah was there, to answer the call
He finished the ark as the rain did fall.
He marched in the animals two by two,
And he called as they went through,
"Hey Lord, I got your green alligators, some long-necked geese,
Some humpy-backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord I so forlorn
I just can't see no Unicorn

Then Noah looked out through the drivin' rain,
The Unicorns were Hidin', playin' silly games.
Kickin' and splashin' when the rain was fun
Oh those silly Unicorns
There was green alligators and long-necked geese,
Some humpty-backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Noah cried, "Close the door 'cause the rain is fallin',
And we just can't wait for the Unicorns."

Well; the Ark started movin', it drifted with the tide,
Them Unicorns looked up from the rocks and they cried,
And the waters came down and sorta floated them away,
That's why you'll never see a Unicorn, to this very day!.
You'll see green alligators and a whole mess of geese.
Some humpty-backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
You're never gonna see the Unicorn.
You're never gonna see the Unicorn.

as sung by Alasdair Gillies

n the misty morn,
Oh them silly Unicorn.
Then the goat started goatin', and the snake started snakin',
The elephant started elephantin', and the boat started shakin'.
The mouse started squeakin', and the lion started roarin',
And everyone's aboard but the Unicorn.
I mean the green alligators and the long-neck geese,
The humpy-backed camels and the chimpanzees.
Noah cried, "Close the door 'cause the rain is pourin' -
And we just can't wait for them Unicorn."

Then the ark started movin', and it drifted with the tide,
And the Unicorns looked up from the rock and cried.
And the water come up and sort of floated them away -
That's why you've never seen a Unicorn to this day.

There was green alligators, some long-necked geese,
Some humpy backed camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
The loveliest of all was the unicorn.

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Subject: RE: Versions: Unicorn Song (Green Alligators)^^^
From: RunrigFan
Date: 29 Aug 22 - 11:58 AM

oops forgot to delete text under the spotify link

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