Subject: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 11:31 AM I say it's "sorta" BS, because it seems like us arty types are more predisposed to what the general population would call unusual adornments, tattoos & piercings being among them; and including, but not limited to, strange haircuts/colors, wild nail polish, and outlandish clothing. While I wear five earrings, personally I prefer tattoos to piercings. I do have a violin on my right hip, so to speak. (see, it's a musical thread) Also I have a Zuni bear fetish on my left side, just under my ribs. (This one shows in a bathingsuit.) Anyone else? Unusual adornments? Any of them musically inspired? Do tell. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: GUEST,UB Dan Date: 24 May 01 - 11:47 AM what's a zuni it one of those grateful dead dancing bear things? |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: UB Ed Date: 24 May 01 - 11:48 AM No tatoos for me, but I have gotten into trouble looking at them before. There was this girl, Rose, with a rose tatooed on her..ahm ..chest and my current girlfriend was not pleased at Rose's invitation to admire |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 11:55 AM Here's a picture of a Zuni bear: |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: GUEST,UB Dan Date: 24 May 01 - 12:02 PM cool...thanks for the link |
Subject: Lyr Add: TATTOOED LADY (from Smothers Brothers) From: GUEST Date: 24 May 01 - 12:11 PM THE TATTOOED LADY as sung by The Smothers Brothers Sung to the obvious tune.
Her eyes were Siam, |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: P Mitchell@work Date: 24 May 01 - 12:19 PM I've got two largish holes in my left ear, one about 20mm wide, the other about 18mm. I've also got some tattoo's, but they're kind of spiritually inspired, rather than musically. Paul |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 12:21 PM What's the obvious tune? |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: kendall Date: 24 May 01 - 12:25 PM Tattoos and extra holes have never appealed to me. Someone asked Dear Abby why men wear ear rings, she replied "I dont know why WOMEN wear them!" It reminds me of the clothing young people wear, they want to be an individual, but, it's like a uniform! They all look like the Clampetts had a yard sale! |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Justa Picker Date: 24 May 01 - 12:45 PM I once dated a woman with piercings along the length of both eye brows. At the end of the date, as we stood on her doorstep, I was unsure as to whether to kiss her, or, hang a shower curtain on her. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: chip a Date: 24 May 01 - 12:55 PM I have an eagle on a limb in front of the moon on my shoulder blade. My daughter drew it and I had a tattooist put it on. I love it and will probably get more. Chip |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Les from Hull Date: 24 May 01 - 12:59 PM A musical link...
'On her back she has tattooed a map of Ireland |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Matt_R Date: 24 May 01 - 01:03 PM Oh, you could hold on to Dallas Spend the night in San Antone Reach Amarillo by morning All the cowboys wanted a view Of her Texas Tattoo... |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Les from Hull Date: 24 May 01 - 01:23 PM "Roll up, roll up, see the tattooed lady, See the lovely lady with the pictures on her skin.", In went the lads and they began to cheer,, To see that on her back were all the towns o' Lancashire., There were Odsall Bottom, Manchester City,, The town hall standin' in the square., There were Oldham, Bolton, Ashton-under-Lyne,, 'Coal pit up at Burnley were lookin' mighty fine,, Till someone shouted "Daddy, don't go down the mine",, At the Rawtenstall Annual Fair. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Matt_R Date: 24 May 01 - 01:25 PM He's got a tattoo on his arm that says "Baby" He's got another one that just says "Hey!"... |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: mousethief Date: 24 May 01 - 01:27 PM At this point, to me (this is not meant to apply to anybody else), I can't see a reason for getting either a tattoo or a piercing. Looking at it from a cost/benefits analysis point of view, it would hurt a lot (cost), so it would have to have a GREAT benefit to make up for that. And tattoos are so permament; what if I change my mind? Thus, I can't think of any benefit that is great enough. Making a statement? At this point the only statement a piercing or tattoo makes is, "look at me, I can follow trends." Being individual? See previous comment. Rebellion? Against whom? Nobody is telling me not to. For the heck of it? Not nearly good enough to compensate for the cost. Maybe I'm missing something? Alex |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: mytoycar Date: 24 May 01 - 01:28 PM Kim C, this might seem strange but for about two years I have wanted to have my BACK pierced. I also wear five earings and have my nose peirced I dont have any tatoos as of yet, but I should have one by the end of the year... Ijust have to gain the corrage. prew*^_^* |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Biskit Date: 24 May 01 - 01:42 PM An' on a Sunday afternoon he's a dirttrack demon in his "57" Chevrolet! Rapid Roy was one of my favorite JC tunes Matt,..Thanks for the memory!.. back to the thread, I'm what you would call "heavily" tattooed. It would just take to long to list/explain each one but my favorite is the nekkid warrior chick on the pegasus with the vines coming up from the earth trying to keep them down it is called "Earthbound" and is an original work of art takin' up 90% of my back It took about 36 hours for that one. PEACE -Biskit- |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: GUEST,UB Dan Date: 24 May 01 - 01:46 PM tattoos are just like a favorite piece of jewelery or clothing. Or a nice piece of art you would hang on a wall. An original Monet would cost enough money (ha ha) that you better be sure you'd always want to look at it. What about an expensive you ever intend to trade it in? Tattoos are permanent but if you find it aesthetically pleasing it is a nice thing to have. Its not exactly the same as going along twith the crowd or following a is something you should get for yourself. The trick is not to get a tattoo just because its trendy...that would be like being stuck with bell bottoms for the rest of your life. Something personal though, never wears out, and even though we change as individuals, it can serve as a reminder of our past. I don't have a tattoo, but I've always liked them. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: mousethief Date: 24 May 01 - 01:56 PM You can always sell an original Monet if you get sick of it. I didn't say that getting a piercing or a tattoo was equivalent to going along with the trend. I said that that is the statement it makes. Quite a different thing. Alex |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: chip a Date: 24 May 01 - 02:06 PM Don't see the logic in your new explanation either Alex. Maybe I'm missing something! Chip |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 02:12 PM I can only speak for myself....... I got mine because I like em and for no other reason. When I got my first one it was still so un-trendy that I had to go out of town to get it. Mine are not there to make a statement, since they don't show, but sure, some people's are. And some people get really ugly tattoos. But that's their choice. :-) Vive la difference!
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: mousethief Date: 24 May 01 - 02:13 PM Right now it's appparently very popular to get a piercing or tattoo. Whatever your PERSONAL reasons are for doing so, it will be seen by some or many that you bump into as your acquiescence to the current trend. The PERSONAL reasons may be "going along with the trend" -- in other words, you might actually be getting a tattoo or piercing in order to be trendy (although probably nobody really uses that word to describe himself). But then again maybe not. Perhaps you are getting a tattoo for some other reason -- your SO finds them sexy and it's an act of love on your part, for example (there are probably tons of other reasons but this one just came to mind; roll your own here and please don't flog me for not thinking up a good example!). But personal reasons aren't apparent to the vast public who will see the pierced eyebrow, for example. They will just see another pierced eyebrow, and think of the "trend" and think that you are just another part of same. Does this make it clearer? Again let me say I am not trying to say that getting a piercing or tattoo is "wrong" -- or that the trend should be shut down or reversed or ANYTHING of the sort. In this post I am just trying to distinguish between the "statement" that your actions make, and your actual reasons for making those actions, which could be quite different. Alex |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 02:14 PM I can only speak for myself....... I got mine because I like em and for no other reason. When I got my first one it was still so un-trendy that I had to go out of town to get it. Mine are not there to make a statement, since they don't show, but sure, some people's are. And some people get really ugly tattoos. But that's their choice. :-) Vive la difference!
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Metchosin Date: 24 May 01 - 02:21 PM I guess if you had an anchor tatooed on you forearm and a single earpiercing, it might not be considered BS, for those have rounded the Horn, but if its a number of studs in your dick, I can't think how it would be relevant to folk music, unless you play slide guitar in a really strange manner.
My youngest daughter wanted to get a celtic knot tatooed above her breast a number of years ago. I asked her how she would have viewed a peace symbol tatooed above my breast. "Not cool Mum", was her response, so I pointed out that what's cool now, may not be cool for you a few years from now either, and with tatooes, reversal is a bit of a problem and that I'd never regretted that any adornments that were fashionable during my youth, wasn't removeable or washable after the fact. Our conversation didn't disuade her from her from having her body indelibly marked, her final decision, not to go for it, was finally predicated on the high cost of the "art". I guess the blood of a Scot courses through her veins in other ways. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: chip a Date: 24 May 01 - 02:24 PM Alex, I understand. It's just that I'm getting older and my vision ain't what it once was. Makes it hard for me to split hairs that fine. :) .. Chip |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: mousethief Date: 24 May 01 - 02:26 PM I'm still young, so "why I do this" and "what other people think of it" still makes a pretty fat hair. Alex |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Metchosin Date: 24 May 01 - 02:34 PM just as an afterthought, there has been a considerable upswing recently, in the number of cases of Hep C in the prison population in Canada, related to the common practise of tatooing in those institutions. This, despite the fact that they are sterilizing the needles used. The disease was found not to be transmitted via the needles, but in the ink itself. Another good reason to think about it. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: GUEST,UB Dan Date: 24 May 01 - 02:44 PM mousethief, you mean you can't sell a tattoo if you don't like it anymore...when will skin grafting technology ever catch up to this worlds ever changing needs! |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 02:49 PM ooops! That wasn't supposed to post twice. I kept getting errors and didn't think it posted at all. If there's a sweet little elf out there who can fix it, that'd be swell. Mister likes my tattoos. He doesn't go in for body piercings, though. I went and got a fake belly ring one day and said, Honey, look what I did! He had this horrible look of disappointment on his face until I said, It's not real!!!!!!!! :-D Now remember, we're not just limited to things that hurt here. Who's ever had an unusual adornment of any kind? |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: UB Ed Date: 24 May 01 - 03:29 PM What about those tongue post thingies? What's up wit dat? |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 03:33 PM I haven't figured that out yet. I guess it's all right for those what wants em. But if it's going to interfere with my food, it's not for me. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: DougR Date: 24 May 01 - 04:10 PM Gee, Alex, such a long post. As for me, no tatoos, and no holes in my body I wasn't born with. DougR |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: chip a Date: 24 May 01 - 04:39 PM Well, I guess it's as my sainted mother always said: "One man's fat hair is aother man's thin hair." Peace, Chip : ) |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: chip a Date: 24 May 01 - 04:40 PM Well, I guess it's as my sainted mother always said: "One man's fat hair is aother man's thin hair." Peace, Chip : ) |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: chip a Date: 24 May 01 - 04:40 PM Well, I guess it's as my sainted mother always said: "One man's fat hair is aother man's thin hair." Peace, Chip : ) |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: UB Ed Date: 24 May 01 - 04:43 PM Chip, did Mom offer any advice about repeating yourself? LOL |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: chip a Date: 24 May 01 - 04:48 PM How'd I do that? Sorry, I think it's the age thing again.... : )
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Matt_R Date: 24 May 01 - 04:49 PM Personal adornment? Yep! When I was 11 I stabbed myself in both knees with a really sharp pencil, puncturing the skin. Now I have these groovy green dots on my knees! Of course they're in reference to Chuck Close's use of pointilism...very trendy!! I always see hot babes checking out my knees when I wear short. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 05:07 PM I think that's how people did tattooing in primitive times......... |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: SINSULL Date: 24 May 01 - 05:13 PM There used to be a check out clerk at a local store who had a hole pierced in his ear big enough to fit small stuffed toys and plastic alligators. A new use for Beanie Babies. It was gross. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: GUEST,Karen Date: 24 May 01 - 05:41 PM I've heard those tongue-piercings are leading to a lot more chipped teeth. At least that's what dentists are saying. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Kim C Date: 24 May 01 - 05:43 PM I've seen that. I don't care for it. But it ain't my ears. If I were gonna pierce a body part, I reckon it would probably be my nose. But that's at the top of the Ain't Gonna Happen List, right up there with Romantic Weekend with Daniel Day-Lewis...... |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: GUEST,Karen Date: 24 May 01 - 05:54 PM Oooh, I liked him best in "Last of the Mohicans"! It was the long hair and those shirts that showed his chest!!!! |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: katlaughing Date: 24 May 01 - 05:55 PM Well I got my tats before it was so common. First rule of tattooing, put them in a place where YOU have control over who sees them. So, I have a few flowers cascading around and under one breast. And a small vine of flowers on my upper right shoulder. As for the other, well some things a "gyrl" will never tell.:-> My SO introduced me to tattoos. He has an original piece of artwork of a dragon, and other pieces on his chest and upper shoulders. I do have one tattoo which is recent and very visible. It is on the inside of my left wrist and is of a very special, personal spiritual symbol, which design was given me by a close friend. This was the first one which has felt like a "ritual" work and has deep symbolic meaning for me and my friend. There are places which still do tats in the old way; that is, using bamboo and organic ink. The tattooist places the bamboo over the skin and taps it with a rock or other hammer-like isntrument. I had a woman neighbour, back east, who'd been in the military. While stationed in Japan she had a full back piece done in this traditional manner. It was really incredibly beautiful, but the thought of the pain made even me wince! Roger's best works were curiously enough done by two brothers in Denver, who happened to be cops during their day jobs! Superb artists. kat |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: CarolC Date: 24 May 01 - 06:08 PM When I was about 16 or 17, I took my pet rat to the movies on my shoulder (he was mostly hidden under my hair until we got past the ticket guy.) Does that count as an unusual adornment? |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: GUEST,Karen Date: 24 May 01 - 06:13 PM Was the movie "Willard"? |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: CarolC Date: 24 May 01 - 06:18 PM It was before 'Willard' came out, but not by much. I got a bit of ribbing about that. |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Ruthie A Date: 24 May 01 - 07:06 PM Ooh, I love piercings. I don't know why - there's just something about them I find oddly addictive. I've just got a single pair of earrings at the moment. I had my bellybutton done at Easter (I really don't know why, I don't even like how it looks)...then my parents found out... Yes, my clothing is outlandish and my hair changes colour every month. It's purple now. I like it, I might have to break all records and leave it this colour for a few more weeks. Ruthie |
Subject: RE: Sorta BS: Tattoos & Piercings From: Mooh Date: 24 May 01 - 07:58 PM Personally, I wouldn't care to be pierced, but I have no other bias as everyone else in the family has additional holes. But I've been considering tatoos, especially ones which will reflect my family (crest), faith (celtic cross), loves (music, fish, nature), or any combination of these and other things. I'd have to provide the art. Perhaps the inlays from my guitars would be cool (brook trout, trillium, kingfisher), or St. George spearing a dragon, or St. Michael (after whom I'm named), or maple leaves in fall...I'm thinking. ...or a catfish leaping from a banjo... Peace. Mooh. |