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glass harmonica casette

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Hollowfox 06 Jul 01 - 01:09 PM
catspaw49 06 Jul 01 - 01:18 PM
Rex 06 Jul 01 - 01:35 PM
Kim C 06 Jul 01 - 02:22 PM
Ralphie 07 Jul 01 - 01:46 AM
Hollowfox 09 Jul 01 - 09:53 AM
Dave'sWife 01 May 07 - 06:29 PM
GUEST,Canadienne 01 May 07 - 06:35 PM
Linda Goodman Zebooker 01 May 07 - 11:43 PM
Dave'sWife 02 May 07 - 05:56 AM
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Subject: glass harmonica casette
From: Hollowfox
Date: 06 Jul 01 - 01:09 PM

On the Old Songs, How Was It thread, somebody asked for information on Ed Stander, the glass harmonica player at the festival. His casette is called Furry Eggs: Music of the Hemispheres. Inside the cover it says that correspondence should go to:
Ed Stander
23 Lincoln Avenue
Delmar, New York 12054

There is also a Christmas casette mentioned; A Furry Xmas to All

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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: catspaw49
Date: 06 Jul 01 - 01:18 PM

Sorry 'Fox.....Just curious, but are you referring to the Armonica which is sometimes referred to as the "Glass Harmonica?"


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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: Rex
Date: 06 Jul 01 - 01:35 PM

Another fellow plays ol' Ben Franklin's beastie. It looks like a beauty too. He offers several CD's and cassettes some with accompanying instruments. In one case, a hurdy-gurdy! That's on his Revolutions CD. (didn't see that one on the website) Anyway, the chap is Dean Shostak. I suppose the recordings can be found elsewhere but the only one I know of is Smoke and Fire Co. ( While you're hunting on the web, check out the Kitchen Musician ( It's somewhat hooked up with Smoke and Fire Co. (the newsletter) and is a great source of info, books and recordings for living history music.


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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: Kim C
Date: 06 Jul 01 - 02:22 PM

You can visit Dean's website at

We had the pleasure of performing with him earlier this year. Who remembers my Musical Intimidation thread? Well, I'll fess up, it was Dean I was scared to play in front of! And it was all for naught. He is a really swell bloke.

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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: Ralphie
Date: 07 Jul 01 - 01:46 AM

Have got a Cd from "Elipsis Arts..." entitled
"Gravikords,Whirlies & Pyrophones" A sampler, that came out in '96/7?
Not only is the "Crystallophone" (a relative me thinks), but also some very strange things including, "the Daxophone"...."Theremin" obviously!!...."Two Buchla 400's"...."The Flowerpotophone"...and my fave...Wendy Mae Chambers playing New York, New York on the "Car Horn Organ!"...Comes with a sumptous book....and all you US Cats will be able to find it easier than I did!!
Cheers Ralphie

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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: Hollowfox
Date: 09 Jul 01 - 09:53 AM

'Spaw, he plays that as well, according to the casette, but what he was playing at Old Songs was a group of glasses (I think perhaps snifters) with varying amounts of water.

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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: Dave'sWife
Date: 01 May 07 - 06:29 PM

I just did a search on 'Glass harmonica' and came up with this thread. the other night my husband and I were surfing throught the musical choices on digital cable's On Demand feature and he decided to watch Korn's performance on MTV's unplugged. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they had a Glass Harmonica Player! They had re-arranged their songs so that the glass harmonica was a featured instrument. it was wonderful! (and this from someone who isn't terribly imprerssed with Korn)

They later had Robert Smith of The Cure come on and they did some covers of Cure songs again with the Glass Harmonica. I was blown away by its sound.

Does anyone know of bands or artists who might incorporate this into their mujsic regularly? The one used by the musician accompanyhing Korn looked like a Finkenbeiner's glass harmonica.

Wikipedia's fine article on the Glass Harmonica
(has illustraions of different types including the Finkenbeiner's glass harmonica}

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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: GUEST,Canadienne
Date: 01 May 07 - 06:35 PM

I visited the Museum of Musical Instruments in Rome earlier this year, there is a beautiful example of a Glass Harmonica there and much more besides - not to be missed - and much more interesting than St Peters!

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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: Linda Goodman Zebooker
Date: 01 May 07 - 11:43 PM

Dean Shostek is one of the people listed on the Wikipedia site, though misspelled there as "Shostak". He works for Colonial Williamsburg (in Virginia) and gives glass armonica concerts there. He also gives concerts and demonstrations in the area as a whole. He used to appear regularly in Washington DC at the National Geographic Headquarters when they had Friday noontime concerts each week. These mini-concerts have been discontinued, so I haven't seen him lately, but I sometimes notice a local listing that he's playing somewhere around. It's the music of the Colonial period, and not contemporary music, if that is what you are looking for, though.

He described his excitement at first acquiring his armonica, which was supposed to sound "like baby angels singing". But he was dismayed! Despite his pretty big investment- he couldn't get any sound out of it at all for quite a while.


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Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
From: Dave'sWife
Date: 02 May 07 - 05:56 AM

It does sound angelic! Thanks for the info Linda Goodman - my inlaws go to Williamsburg several times a year and we sometimes join them.

I wonder who the guy was playing it for the Korn taping on MTV. Maybe my husband can find out for me. he's the Korn fan.

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