Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: MikeL2 Date: 16 Oct 17 - 02:41 PM Hi We have been waiting to see what the tail end of Hurricane Ophelia has for us. Like Dave we experienced brown skies and infrequent shots of a very red sun. The atmosphere was heavy. Here in the North West of England we did not any wind all morning and in the afternoon I was able to mow my lawn. The the wind started and increased gradually all afternoon and now 7.30 pm we have a full gale. The strange thing is that we have not had any rain. I have seen the news of Ireland North Wales ( Just got back on Saturday). My feelings go out to them and hope this passes very quickly. I understand Scotland is being buffeted by strong winds but as yet no serious damage done. MikeL2 |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Iains Date: 16 Oct 17 - 02:19 PM It was blowing a hoolie on the Sheepshead. Power out, trees down. 158km/hr gust off Fastnet. Bit of a wild day. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: The Sandman Date: 16 Oct 17 - 01:58 PM I am in the middle off a hurricane, ophelia, but i am ok, its worse further east in cork city |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Dave the Gnome Date: 16 Oct 17 - 11:45 AM Very weird here earlier today - Yellow sky with occasional glimpses of a red sun. Like something from 'Dune'! DtG |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 16 Oct 17 - 11:33 AM Summer is well and truly over. Frost tonight. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 14 Oct 17 - 10:13 AM Its 81 degrees in New York City but they have the Rockefeller outside ice rink up and going. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 12 Oct 17 - 08:07 PM We might get frost tonight. Kill off some insects here and there. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 11 Oct 17 - 02:59 PM Cooling off, and not before time. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 10 Oct 17 - 06:26 PM They turned off the humidity, finally. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 09 Oct 17 - 01:19 PM it's steamy here, like a sauna. Which would have sense in central Texas, but in eastern Massachusetts - ? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 08 Oct 17 - 04:37 PM What's left of Hurricane Nate has brought rain up north. Just as well. It's time for rain and wind, because early autumn has been dry. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 07 Oct 17 - 01:48 PM If all goes as predicted, Hurricane Nate is going to strike us a rather weak glancing blow. Looks like they're expecting landfall in the Biloxi, Mississippi area, and we're about 150 miles east of there. We'll probably get a few inches of rain and 30-35 MPH winds with some higher gusts. Enough to merit securing blowables and preparing for the possibility of a few hours with no power, but no need to board the windows up. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 07 Oct 17 - 10:30 AM We have another hurricane barreling into the Gulf of Mexico. Nate formed down by the Yucatan Peninsula and headed north. Windy. Heckuva hurricane season this time round. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 05 Oct 17 - 02:13 PM It's really pretty out the window of the public library branch: clear blue sky and puffy white clouds. Most of the trees still have leaves on them, although the leaves are starting to turn colors. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 03 Oct 17 - 11:33 AM Still no heat in the rental apartment. Nights under the Oh-My-God-This-Thing-Is-Heavy quilt. Daytime is nice and temperate though, no problems. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 01 Oct 17 - 09:30 PM So far, have not turned on the heat, but I am bundled up. I forgot to add that yesterday, on my way home from Mystic, I saw a rainbow. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 30 Sep 17 - 09:54 PM Cool and rainy, but it was a wonderful, albeit damp, day at the Mystic River Oyster Festival at Mystic Seaport. I ate some oysters, but I really went for almost 4 hours of songs by three members of the seaport's chantey staff. Every year I try to keep the heat off the until October, but I don't think I've ever managed that. If I can hold off until midnight, this will be my year! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 30 Sep 17 - 02:27 PM Solidly autumn, although it may warm up in a few days. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 28 Sep 17 - 08:29 PM I'm home. We've just spent a week in Madeira. Funchal is a lovely, human-scale city. The gardens are gorgeous and the civic pride is obvious. The weather was lovely all week, nothing above thirty and nothing below twenty, all sun, no rain. Madeira is beautiful. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 28 Sep 17 - 11:13 AM . . . now going dry and cool. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 27 Sep 17 - 10:50 AM Talking of hurricanes, with all the commotion in the Caribbean, did you notice Cuba this time around? Havana did not get the worst of it, Cuba was hardest hit in outlying areas, but the capitol was flooded enough that Habanerans (?) were photographed out in the street with only their chests and upper bodies visible, wading through the floodwater. The story said, not so many deaths in Cuba, but enormous trauma for the survivors, just dazed with shock. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 26 Sep 17 - 07:57 PM After a few days that felt like fall, I'm back in a sauna. Hot and humid! That's a fact, or my perception. I'm not complaining. It's hard to complain when I think about what weather, earthquakes, and forest fires have done to others. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 26 Sep 17 - 06:32 PM I'm in a beautiful place that enjoys beautiful weather all year round, no frost, no snow, no real droughts. Alas, I have to go home now. More on this later. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 26 Sep 17 - 05:16 PM This year has found a heckuva way to remedy a number of droughts. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 26 Sep 17 - 01:17 PM We need an update from harpgirl! Fog this morning, which was odd. All burned off. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 24 Sep 17 - 02:16 PM And today, as the leaves slowly change color, we are back to summer heat and humidity, with a blinding glaring blue sky. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 22 Sep 17 - 10:42 AM That Scots word "dreich" comes to mind. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 19 Sep 17 - 01:07 PM Nice soaking rain, at the moment, with no wind to speak of. That, alas, will change. What was a hurricane is now more like a nor'easter. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 18 Sep 17 - 05:32 PM We will find out. In the meantime I keep hoping to see some posts from 'Catters in and near the destruction caused by Harvey and Irma. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 18 Sep 17 - 03:06 PM What the heck is that weather system crunching across the Dakotas? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 13 Sep 17 - 03:19 PM The humidity that remains in motion, that used to be Irma the storm, is due in southern New England in the second half of this week. Most of the force has been spent to the south, all we are supposed to get is a little sticky muggy episode. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 12 Sep 17 - 12:30 PM How splendid to hear from the person who started this thread. How are you and yours post-Irma? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 09 Sep 17 - 12:10 AM Love back to you, Harpgirl. I hope you and yours come safely through this storm. Let us hear from you. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: harpgirl Date: 08 Sep 17 - 11:07 PM Hi all you cats. harpy checking in on the thread I started many years ago. As you all know we are about to get Big Irma spreading havoc over the entire state. The Europeon model has it going up the state slightly west fom previous models. The next forecast is 11tonight. Have been tying down my iron patio furniture, lashing it to the fence. I have a big tarp ready for any holes in my roof. I moved the kayaks up against the back fence, moved the compost barrell to the corner near the fence and have cleared the yard of most missle like projectile objects. I have camp cooking equipment , water, propane and such to go to dad's tonight. I have been caring for him since mom died five years ago. He will be 94 next week..i stay with him and he lives three miles from my house in a big gexpensive retirement community called Westminster Oaks and has for ten years. I am his caregiver so he doesn't go in to the nursing home care. I am on the west side of the path, with the eye probably 75 miles east of me. The west side is better with no tornadoes spawning as a rule. Florida is a large parking lot with millions going north. No gas in south Florida and many people including my brother and his family staying in Stuart, my cousin staying in Miami because of her oxygen tank, and my niece about to have a c section next Friday. They all live with my brother in Stuart and he hopes she doesn't give birth early. So her new husband, six year old autistic son, my brother and his wife are together in Stuart. I am not too worried, just taking it all in and remaining. Calm It is pleasantly cool in Tallahassee and I am on the front porch and soon to go back to dad's fir the night. This is the worst soirm in history I'm afraid, but probably my tenth or twelfth in Florida. I am tired of hurricanes, I can tell you that. I hope everyone in Florida survives and I love you all. Keep making music. We need it. Love, harpy |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 08 Sep 17 - 01:29 PM One of my closest friends surprised me recently. This friend went, with their marriage partner, to view the total eclipse. The eclipse sighting, if I remember the message right, was in Wyoming; from there they took time to travel in Canada before winter shuts things down. My friend's overall impression was of: Smoke. Smoke in the air. Smoke everywhere, and they covered hundreds of miles. Where I find myself, everyone is talking of hurricanes and water, and suddenly here is my friend talking of smoke. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 07 Sep 17 - 12:07 PM Phoenix is as hot as ever. It will be a relief to get back to Massachusetts. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 04 Sep 17 - 08:32 PM It's been lovely today in RI and southeastern CT. Yesterday it poured. Typical New England: every day, sometimes every hour, is different. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 03 Sep 17 - 11:59 PM Here in Phoenix, Arizona, it is over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Kind of beastly. And a local man with whom I struck up a conversation this afternoon, had the nerve -- with Houston and Harvey in the news -- to complain that Phoenix is HUMID at the moment. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 25 Aug 17 - 11:01 PM Harvey is coming to call this evening, a few hundred miles away on the coast. Under normal circumstances, that distance would mean their weather is completely different than ours, but this thing is so humongous that it has bands of weather radiating out from it. We expect to get some wind and rain in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, but not damaging and not torrential like down at the Gulf Coast. And it a few minutes ago it made landfall. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 25 Aug 17 - 10:46 PM And now, there is indeed a thread about Texas and Harvey. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: JMB Date: 25 Aug 17 - 04:37 PM Here in Nova Scotia, the weather has been quite warm and sunny. It's not as scorching or humid as the last couple of days, but it is still warm. I can't wait for it to get cold again. I like winter the most. The main thing I like about summer is going to the cottage. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 25 Aug 17 - 02:00 PM Where I am, the weather is glorious. Keeping the people on the coast down south in my thoughts. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 24 Aug 17 - 08:32 PM Posts on this thread may pick up with the approach of Hurricane Harvey. Posts usually increase when the weather is severe. I hope it amounts to no threat for everyone here. Another possibility is that someone may start a thread about the storm. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 23 Aug 17 - 10:32 PM Not much reason for me to post. We live close enough that my weather is usually similar to yours! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 23 Aug 17 - 07:29 PM I guess I'm the only one not doing something about the weather, just talking about it. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 22 Aug 17 - 12:32 PM Here comes the humidity and the cloudbursts again. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 20 Aug 17 - 03:06 PM Typical for August -- and about time, too, after this roller-coaster of changeable stuff. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 12 Aug 17 - 01:46 PM Threatening rain again. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 09 Aug 17 - 11:25 AM A dry relief, after getting inundated last week. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 02 Aug 17 - 06:09 PM Thunder and lightning and raining the proverbial cats and dogs. |
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