Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 22 Jan 23 - 06:28 PM Cold and dark. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 18 Jan 23 - 07:28 PM Earlier than what? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 18 Jan 23 - 07:22 PM To put an unnecessary fine point on it, The plum trees here have bloomed exactly 15 days early and were never said to have been fooled. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 18 Jan 23 - 11:33 AM There are many different varieties of flowering Prunus trees and they flower at different times, quite a few in mid- to late winter. They're not easy to fool. The jet stream is having a meridional winter, so it's blowing alternately warm and cold here. When it's mild it's wet. At the moment we have a northerly burst, but it probably won't last. We have a lazy wind (it goes straight through you instead of going round you). |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 18 Jan 23 - 06:28 AM Plum trees and forsythia are blooming in DC. Its been 40's to 60's this winter. Only a few cherry trees have been fooled by the warmth. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 13 Jan 23 - 06:55 PM And after another warm spell, another plunge into the deep freeze. In the dark of winter, up here in the North. I just long to see a little more light, cold or no cold. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 11 Jan 23 - 06:54 PM The weather is usually better when the sun comes out. There are exceptions, usually involving hot weather. But where I am right now, it's freezing cold. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 10 Jan 23 - 10:36 PM California is facing the worst floods in 50 years. The landslides continue. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Sandra in Sydney Date: 05 Jan 23 - 06:29 PM our hot summer has become a cooler rainy summer, at last for the next few days! I normally sleep under the sheet with the fan on but didn't need it the last 2 nights, & even needed go into th cupboard to find my thinnest blanket = a fine woollen shawl. Rain has stopped & I need to go out shopping soon, so will take my raincoat. Rain has started again, I'll wear my raincoat ... today's forecast is 25C (80F) sandra in (cooler wetter) Sydney |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 05 Jan 23 - 05:14 PM We've had the warmest year on record in the UK, going back to when reliable records began in 1884. A two-week cold snap in December failed to spoil the party. The ten warmest years have all occurred since 2002. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 04 Jan 23 - 08:23 PM Bless Californians with luck. A storm will release and great landslide in a couple of days. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 04 Jan 23 - 09:54 AM Likewise, southern New England, in North America, is having record-breaking warmth today, along with mist, fog, and some rain. That means "mud season" here. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 02 Jan 23 - 07:23 PM There's been what's been described as an extreme weather event in central and southern Europe. Over the two or three days of the New Year, temperature records for heat have been smashed at hundreds of weather stations. Many Central European countries that we normally regard as frozen wastes in January have been pushing 20°C, and one station in northern Spain has recorded 25°. In their own wintry way, these figures are just as spectacular as the unprecedented extremes of last summer. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 02 Jan 23 - 07:32 AM On this first day of the year the sunrise is coral pink. On Wed. the temp will be 68 F. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 29 Dec 22 - 07:00 AM > At this rate the snow will be history soon. Unless it inspires someone, in which case it may become literature. According to legend, an unusually snowy Christmas in Charles Dickens's childhood fed into A Christmas Carol, which contributed greatly to the false folk memory that Christmas "ought to be" snowy. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 28 Dec 22 - 06:36 PM we had a raw, chilly day today. The next few days, however, leading up to New Year's Eve, are supposed to be unseasonably warm, leading to snow melt. And if that isn't enough, rain is forecast for the first week of January. At this rate the snow will be history soon. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Charmion Date: 24 Dec 22 - 12:42 PM Eastern Canada's Christmas blizzard continues. The cops got tired of cars hurtling into each other in the white-out and closed Highway 401 west of London yesterday afternoon, and at midnight all non-emergency vehicles were ordered off all roads in Perth County. Today's Toronto Star featured front-page coverage of travel misery, including more than 100 vehicles involved in collisions on a particularly busy stretch of the 401, and eight loaded VIA Rail passenger trains stuck on the tracks between Montreal and Toronto. A tree blown over in the high wind fell on the Toronto-bound train from Ottawa, marooning it in the countryside near Cobourg for more than 18 hours. If the storm doesn't let up, music at church this Christmas will consist of unaccompanied singing. The organist lives in London, and somehow I don't think St. James's Anglican is quite ready for guitars. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bill D Date: 24 Dec 22 - 10:00 AM My porch thermometer said this morning that we had 0 degrees F. New Years is predicted to be 60F. My fuel bill is expected to be scary. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 23 Dec 22 - 07:12 PM The weather was rainy until the sun went down; then it changed to snow, which is easy to walk in and pretty to look at. People hereabouts are most worried about high winds, more about the winds than about the precipitation. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Charmion Date: 23 Dec 22 - 04:14 PM In Stratford, Ontario, we’re in the middle of a blizzard. It’s a nuisance, but quite normal for late December in Canada. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: MudGuard Date: 23 Dec 22 - 07:44 AM Still no weather at all where I am (in my living room). Outside (Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe, Earth), the weather is: 283K, overcast, dry. (the weather outside is misbehaving, the forecast was very windy/stormy, and loads of rain) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: The Sandman Date: 23 Dec 22 - 03:18 AM may i wish all american mudcatters safety in next few days very bad weather |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Rapparee Date: 22 Dec 22 - 08:12 PM There were blue skies and sun all day. But it WAS 2°F at noon. No snow, however. Christmas is forecasted for 38°F. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 22 Dec 22 - 05:00 PM The morning temperature of 43o was the high for the day. It's down to 15o now (mid-afternoon). I'm cat sitting for a friend so have to go out in it a couple of times a day, and I'm having to get my three dogs out to take care of business when they hit the door and don't want to go. It is taking bribes to get some cooperation. One of them is wearing a post-surgery cone so can't fit through the dog door and the sliding door is almost frozen in place, so I'm taking her out into the front yard. Eventually she'll figure out we're not going out for a walk and start peeing when we go out. Today has been an adventure. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 21 Dec 22 - 01:59 PM Because so many people were so impacted by the week-long really hard freeze in February 2021 there are quite a few who are in fear of the storm that is supposed to make it super cold on Thursday and Friday. We'll actually have several sub freezing nights, but the days will warm above freezing. Fingers crossed the power stays on this time, but if not, for such a short period of time if I had to keep everyone warm I'd set up the camping pads and sleeping bag in a different (larger) room than the closet and still let the dogs have a place nearby. And actually, setting up a tent in the house, with a tarp or couple of blankets over the top for insulation would also work. Except I don't have a tent these days. I suppose I could build a furniture fort with a tarp or blankets. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 21 Dec 22 - 05:08 AM You can mow the lawn with the mower on a high setting. You need to have had at least a couple of dry days, preferably with a drying breeze, to do it in the afternoon and to avoid at all costs doing it if there's any prospect of frost. I'm still waiting... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 21 Dec 22 - 01:21 AM We're glad the 'Troll from Trondheim' has abated, and it was 13C here in Norfolk yesterday. Nice bright sunshine, and we didn't even need to put the heating on, as the house faces south and stays quite pleasantly warm for most of the day. All the icy, slippery pavements are now slip-free, but sadly our lawns are now in full view and are badly overgrown! However, one can't mow a lawn in December...can one? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 20 Dec 22 - 06:43 PM They're calling the approaching winter storm a bomb cyclone. And they are still uncertain just where the thing will land. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Jack Campin Date: 16 Dec 22 - 10:56 AM I found two remarkable maps on a French weather site today. One was of the current cold blob over Scandinavia - it coincides almost exactly with the national borders of Sweden. The other is of the British Isles - there is a wedge of air around freezing point stretching from Northern Ireland and Argyll across to the Firth of Forth, with ALL the rest of Britain at least 5 deg C colder. It isn't often we get to snigger at so many people in the UK. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 16 Dec 22 - 10:44 AM Here in western Massachusetts, the weather can't decide if we're having a heavy rainstorm or a blizzard. We seem to be right on the freezing line, temperature-wise. Anyway, it's coming down thick and fast. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 30 Nov 22 - 12:24 PM Rain, rain, and more rain. Wind, as well. Is it time to think about this thread being too big to load, as with other BS threads? It's getting pretty long . . . |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 27 Nov 22 - 10:23 AM It's just so dark/ Of late the days have been cloudy and we are not getting enough sun. It's dispiriting up here in the North. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 24 Nov 22 - 06:37 PM Buffalo DID get a huge amount of snow. But you wouldn't know it from just across the border from New York State, somewhat to the south as well as east; it's dry as a bone over here. And a clear dry blue sky as well, until it gets dark FAR TOO EARLY. Sorry about the shouting, but the dark evenings are a real bummer sometimes. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 23 Nov 22 - 12:03 PM Just remembered that the future Mrs Steve and I spent the whole of August that year in the north of Scotland. It was just as hot up there. On one infamous day we climbed, at my behest, The Saddle, a mountain almost as high as Snowdon, from the youth hostel at Ratagan, which meant starting out from sea level. Apart from boots, I was wearing swim shorts only and she was in a bikini. As we sweltered our way to the summit, she glared at me and declared that she hated me with every ounce of heat in her body... We did spend many a grand evening in the Kintail Lodge Hotel. Ah, the memories... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 23 Nov 22 - 11:36 AM That wouldn't have been 1976, would it? The year of the legendary hot summer and drought, followed by an extremely wet September (just as the Labour government had appointed a Minister for Drought...) I was piqued into looking up the statistics for that summer and I've just discovered that the 36.0° we had in Bude on July 18 this year was hotter than any temperature recorded in 1976! Apologies if I've aged you too much... Mrs Steve and I were teaching in the East End in 1976, and there were quite a few afternoon school closures that summer because of the heat. The hottest spell of all was from late June into the first half of July. I fondly remember many a long balmy evening supping lager outside the Angel in Rotherhithe... We got married at the end of that year, just before Christmas, on one of the wettest, gloomiest, darkest days imaginable, and I had a dreadful cold. As we're still together I suppose you could have said then that the only way was up! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 23 Nov 22 - 10:43 AM I can still remember a (newspaper?) picture from the days when water was so short that we had standpipes in the streets: a standpipe poking out of floodwaters. It may or may not have featured on the front page of Private Eye. .... but at least said floodwaters were caused by rain, not Thames Water mains-pipe leakage. England at its best. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 23 Nov 22 - 04:42 AM We've had six inches of rain in November so far. More to come, and no sign of an end to our hosepipe ban! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 23 Nov 22 - 04:15 AM Thanks to my very kind sister who sent me the money, I ordered heating oil and it arrived this morning. There was a frost on Monday, so I need to keep the pipes in the loft from freezing, and the house is nice and cosy now. I feel so sorry for people who can't afford to heat their homes. And the Winter Fuel Payment of £500 still hasn't arrived. The Government letter said 'If it hasn't arrived by January, contact us'. January?? Silly fools. I bet they're all sitting around in their cosy mansions drinking champagne! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 20 Nov 22 - 06:31 PM Coldest day/night yet in this oncoming autumn/winter in the Northern Hemisphere. And a biting wind. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 18 Nov 22 - 09:40 AM I have been in serious blizzards in Buffalo. Its an all hands on deck scenario. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 18 Nov 22 - 09:31 AM I believe the meteorologists call it "thundersnow", Donuel, and on the Weather Channel they rejoice in it. We civilians, not so much. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 18 Nov 22 - 08:58 AM The NYS Thruway is closed as 4 feet of snow is in Buffalo headed for Toronto. Drifting makes it 6 feet deep. There is no mention of biblical snow but it is one hell of a storm with lightning shattering the silence. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 16 Nov 22 - 12:02 PM What we do best in Blighty. Biblical rainfall in the middle of a hosepipe ban. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 16 Nov 22 - 10:55 AM Our first snow, which quickly changed to rain -- NOT freezing rain, thank goodness. It's the wet slushy stuff, but it's white enough to be called snow. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 13 Nov 22 - 01:38 PM Another sunshiny day with 17.5°C on my (reasonably accurate) thermometer. We were out on the Bromptons again. The weather is exceptional, even making the news. By now, we could expect 10° and chilly nights, but we're getting mid-May (but without the long days) instead and there's no frost in sight. All my summer bedding is still in full bloom. It'll certainly make this winter seem shorter, but there is, of course, a worry behind it all. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 13 Nov 22 - 12:25 PM The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray, the sun has got his hat on And he's coming out today. Sun is right in my eyes, through the window, as I type this. This is something to celebrate after two days and two nights of the remnants of Nicole, with pouring rain and lowering clouds. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 12 Nov 22 - 08:26 PM We are having an exceptionally mild autumn. Best of both worlds today as it had dried up and the sun peeped out. We had 18°C yesterday and 17° today, both exceptional. Mrs Steve and I took our folding electric Bromptons for a spin along the Tarka Trail in north Devon, setting off from East The Water, and we had lunch, sitting outside, at the wonderful Fremington Quay café, which has stunning views across the Taw/Torridge estuary to Braunton Burrows and Baggy Point. It was a lovely day out, the low light was gorgeous and we felt exhilarated enough to go home and scoff spag bol from on our laps as we watched Strictly. One of the days of the year, and at the end for me of yet another spell of ill-health with cellulitis, which, for once, I'd managed to shake off in under a week, thanks to my doc's rapid intervention. And it would have been my mum's 94th birthday today so we raised a glass to her. Not, unfortunately, with her favourite tipple, which was Baileys. On that alone, she and I could not agree! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 12 Nov 22 - 06:22 PM The past thirty-six hours have run the gamut. Last night was uncommonly warm and muggy, thanks to the remnants of Tropical Storm Nicole migrating north. Today started out warm and cloudy; the temperature has plummeted during the day, and the next few nights promise very cold temperatures. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 26 Oct 22 - 06:21 PM Uncommonly warm and humid -- dangerous, if you are trying to avoid getting overheated and thus being vulnerable to chills. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 24 Oct 22 - 11:17 AM Rain, which will bring down many of the autumn leaves still on the trees. |
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