Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 12 Feb 14 - 02:30 PM Hmmm... ignore my last two posts. Must be a lack of sleep. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 12 Feb 14 - 02:25 PM I just noticed mine needs service as well... From: gnu - PM Date: 13 Jan 14 - 03:44 PM |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Ebbie Date: 12 Feb 14 - 02:23 PM In Juneau, Alaska, we haven't had any new snow since January 5. For the last week or so it's been nippy out - down to 1F this morning - but until then we've had a lot of mild temps and just plain wet. When this cold snap ends, it could bring some snow but I won't bet on it. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 12 Feb 14 - 02:21 PM From: GUEST, Eb - PM Date: 14 Jan 14 - 01:47 AM Better get the time machine serviced, Eb! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: SINSULL Date: 12 Feb 14 - 01:23 PM Stay warm and safe indoors. You may know how to drive in snow and ice but the Georgia-born natives do not. SINS, about to get another foot of the stuff in Maine |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Elmore Date: 12 Feb 14 - 12:27 PM Snowing at a steady pace here in the mountains of North Georgia. It's pretty. 6-10 inches predicted. More ice expected in Atlanta. When we moved here from New Hampshire a year ago, we never expected to see this much snow again. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST, Eb Date: 14 Jan 14 - 01:47 AM Windy and heavy rain tonight here in southeastern Alaska. Snow is almost all gone. Forecast to be warm and wet the rest of the week. Probably not related but we have a lone bear roaming the town checking bird feeders and garbage cans instead of holing up as he is supposed to. He is reported to be unprosperous looking, rather scruffy. Poor guy isn't going to make it, in all likelihood. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 13 Jan 14 - 03:44 PM Glad to hear about the plumbing, Linn. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 12 Jan 14 - 08:37 PM Yesterday alternated between fog and wind-driven downpours. Today was mild until after sunset when the temp dropped. I'm waiting for the forecast on the nightly news! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bat Goddess Date: 12 Jan 14 - 02:01 PM Last Tuesday was 10°F with a vile wind, yesterday was supposedly 50ish, but the "real feel" was close to freezing -- and it was foggy, slushy and spitting rain on top of Friday's snow. Today is sunny and close to 50°F. Still windy, though. Most of the snow is gone. Forecast is for mild weather. Go figure... Plumbing is fixed! Linn |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST Date: 12 Jan 14 - 09:46 AM Darned near shorts and t-shirt weather here in Quebec. It's about 35 F or 2 C. First time in a while. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Janie Date: 12 Jan 14 - 09:38 AM After yesterday's wild storms the skies are clear, gentle winds and seasonably cool. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 12 Jan 14 - 06:39 AM Gosh! Wild weather all over! I have all my windows open and the central heating fan running to refresh the inside air. It's almost 10C and it's glorious. Mild weather is forecast for the coming week and the huge drifts and piles of snow are dwindling quickly. The five inches of ice in my driveway have disappeared. I am lovin it! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Ebbie Date: 12 Jan 14 - 01:39 AM In the news today, JennieG, were stories of Australian wildlife perishing from the heat. For instance, it is said that near Pilbara on "the rugged northwest coast" temperatures have reached 122-123F and that animals, ranging from kangaroos and emus and parrots to bats have died by the thousands. I imagine that's hundreds of miles from you but is your wildlife also being overwhelmed? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: JennieG Date: 11 Jan 14 - 09:22 PM Another heatwave on the way.....expected temp today, 36 C. Currently just after 1.15pm, and already 35. For the rest of the week - 35, then 36, 38, 39, 39, 39. As a comparison, 36 deg C is 96.8 deg F. No rain is forecast for the near future, or probably the distant future either. No matter whether you use C or F for your degree measurement, it's bloody hot. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: maeve Date: 11 Jan 14 - 05:01 PM Thunder- loud. Lightning- bright. Driving wind and January, in Maine, in winter. All area driveways are glare ice. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Elmore Date: 11 Jan 14 - 03:07 PM Had thunder earlier in the day here in the mountains of North Georgia. Not much rain. It's currently 60 degrees and sunny |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: VirginiaTam Date: 11 Jan 14 - 03:01 PM Who cares. Flat free holder had free cavity wall insulation installed. It's been boiling in here since last night. We've had the windows open most of the day even though it only got up to 47 celsius today. Wine makes me feel warm too. hic. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bat Goddess Date: 11 Jan 14 - 02:51 PM We've had it all this week. It was comparatively warm on Monday, then Tuesday was down to about 10F with a brutal wind. But sunny. Wednesday wasn't much different, perhaps a little warmer, but that's when my bathroom pipes burst. I'm waiting for the plumber right now -- bathroom water has been shut off since Wednesday (which I can live with -- we have a composting toilet). Most of the damage was the pipes under the bathroom window, but it extended into the area under the sink. The problem there is that it's accessed through the closet in the bedroom...which I've been avoiding for several years because of flying squirrel damage. Okay. It's now safe for the plumber and I've not only cleared the floor TO the closet, but shovelled out the closet itself. And this will make it easier for me to do other things that need to be done. (If only the plumber will get here...) It snowed all yesterday but it was pretty much a nuisance snow -- no real accumulation. Just made driving complicated. So I decided against the 55 mile round trip drive to The Press Room session late afternoon despite REALLY needing a music fix. (And to be with friends...) And freezing rain was predicted before I'd be coming home so that influenced me, too. And the fact that cleaning out that closet and schlepping heavy things down the stairs had worn me out. I was sound asleep in my comfortable bed before the session was over. AccuWeather says it's supposed to be up to 50F today...but then, more realistically, says the "Real Feel" is about 36F. It's raining. And foggy. And it feels COLD, not 50°. And damp. I'm feeling overextended...a bit depressed...and the weather is certainly NOT helping! And I can't even hunker down with a bowl of popcorn and episodes of "Stoney Burke" because I'm waiting for the plumber... Linn |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Janie Date: 11 Jan 14 - 02:02 PM mg, I picked up a rain jacket this fall at a Columbia outlet store that works well for my climate in winter, where temps most often range from the 40's to upper 50's during the day, and it is hard to find a happy medium with respect to dressing in layers and staying dry on wet days. Made from their Omni Heat reflective fabric. Waterproof, breathable, and reflects one's own bodyheat very effectively. Does all it promises to do. Check it out. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bill D Date: 11 Jan 14 - 02:00 PM Steady rain in the 50s all day here in DC.... no serious far. Supposed to rain till after 6PM |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST,mg Date: 11 Jan 14 - 01:36 PM Very high winds very dark clouds. Temps prob in forties. Cannot find. A decent jacket for this weather. Lands end totally useless. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Janie Date: 11 Jan 14 - 01:33 PM Near 70 F. In the single and teen digits 5 days ago. Currently under severe thunderstorm warning and tornado warning. Dark as twilight right now and the wind is raging. The weather radio alert is going off every 2 minutes as storms move across the Piedmont. Wish it was practical for the alarms to not cover such a large area. Ditches and gutters overflowing. Tree limbs down in the yard and the yard, even though it slopes, looks like a lake. Yikes! I want my mommy! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Don Firth Date: 10 Jan 14 - 04:27 PM Bear cub comes romping up to his mother and says, "Mommy, what kind of bear am I?" "Why, you're a polar bear, honey," sez his mother. The cub wanders off, looking thoughtful. After a bit, comes back and asks, "Mommy, what kind of bear did you say I was?" Again, she say's "Well, you're a polar bear." Again, the cub shambles off, looking thoughtful. Then he comes back and asks once more, "What kind of bear did you say I am, Mommy?" "You're a polar bear, honey. Why do you keep asking?" "B-b-b-because I'm f-f-f-freezing my b-butt off!!" Don Firth |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 09 Jan 14 - 11:41 PM Still below freezing here but only by a few degrees and the wind has died down. It felt almost tropical! Well, maybe not. I still wore a long wool coat, scarf and hat, but most of the day I left my mittens in my car! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 09 Jan 14 - 12:32 PM Awwwww RATS! Case 2 : -10C, -30WC. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 08 Jan 14 - 12:56 PM Windchill temp (WC) here is only -22C but it's -11C so it's time we invented a new "feels like" temp scale for the interior of a building. I'd suggest the Kee Kee* (KK). Such a scale would indicate the perceived effect of the combination of ambient temp and wind on the average indoor temp over time by taking into account the measure of the rate of heat loss from a building and the proportional length of the heating system cycle above and below the thermostat setting, that is, the the ratio of the length of time during which the interior temp is lower than the thermostat setting to the length of time above it. Perhaps a specific example would more clearly illustrate the premise for my proposal than a continuation of the discussion in the above manner. For such purpose, I will use an example which relates to my experience as I type. Heating system : central electric forced air; cycle +/- 2C Case 1 : -20C, -30WC. Cycle off - 15 minutes Cycle on - 20 minutes Case 2 : -10C, -30C. Cycle off - 10 minutes Cycle on - all fuckin day * Kee Kee Keeriste it's cold! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Janie Date: 07 Jan 14 - 06:48 PM While it is rare to get this cold here in NC, at least it will be short and there was no ice or rain. I dread the ice storms much worse than I dread the cold. maeve, you win the prize for hitting opposite extremes in record time! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bill D Date: 07 Jan 14 - 03:50 PM "Good for something"... well, if your beer NEEDS to be cold to be palatable.. *grin*. Here in the metro Wash DC area, we are durned chilly at about 110F, but no snow and no major issues... (except for a few old water mains cracking and some very cold repair crews). I am not exactly used to this in recent years, but 60 years ago I walked a paper route in Wichita, Kans. in 20F.... a time or two. I did shopping just BEFORE the Big Chill, so we can stay inside till it eases a bit on Thurs. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: bobad Date: 07 Jan 14 - 03:17 PM At least it's good for something |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Elmore Date: 07 Jan 14 - 02:59 PM All relative. It's been 10-20 degrees and windy for the past couple of days here in the mountains of North Georgia (USA). We've been bitching and whining. When I lived in New Hampshire and vicinity for the previous 71 years we barely noticed a 20 degree day. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Dorothy Parshall Date: 07 Jan 14 - 02:38 PM On a group on FB, someone complained about 57F!! I informed her that was 70 degrees warmer than we were! It is all relative and I am relatively tired of being COLD! Today is only minus 14 C. Hoping for a weekend of just barely above freezing. Be nice to have a break! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST,Black belt caterpillar wrestler Date: 07 Jan 14 - 12:33 PM Over here in Lancashire it has been wet and windy but much warmer than this time last year. Electric bill for December is about 1/3 that of last year's. The water is running downhill across the top of the grass in what I call "winter bournes", having lived in the south. All the reservoirs look full. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: JennieG Date: 07 Jan 14 - 12:35 AM Last Friday we had the hottest temperature ever recorded in this town, 45.1 deg C, or 113.something in old money. Hottest temperature in my entire life. While my poor baby (35 YO but still my baby) is freezing in Toronto,Canada, we are melting here in Oz. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 06 Jan 14 - 09:09 PM Inconsistent! Colder than usual with snow and extreme windchill Thursday and Friday, still cold Saturday, less so Sunday, mild and rainy today but going down below freezing tonight so we're anticipating black ice in the morning. And I have to go back out before bedtime to raise my car's windshield wipers into the snowstorm salute so they won't freeze to the windshield. Wish I'd remembered to do that when I parked it. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: brashley46 Date: 06 Jan 14 - 07:13 PM It is colder that polar bear crap right now here in Toronto ... -14 C with significant wind chill. We just thawed out from the great Christmas ice storm and now this. My buddy Marc Matthieu up in Hearst ON would be used to this ... I am not any more. We are getting his weather, my friends in Oklahoma are getting ours. Ghu only knows what it is like in Attawapiskat or Iglulik right now. Global weather chaos, welcome to the 21st century. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: bobad Date: 06 Jan 14 - 07:00 PM Why the Entire Country Is Frozen Solid |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST,michaelr Date: 06 Jan 14 - 06:42 PM What's the weather like? Ridiculous, here in Northern California. There's a high pressure system that's been parked for three weeks now: 70 the high, 32 the low, and we haven't had any real rain in 2 1/2 years. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 06 Jan 14 - 06:26 PM What maeve said. Fun stuff. As I type, I can hear my neighbour chopping ice. Thank goodness we got off light. In the SW of, thousands were without power for over a week. Please Old Man Winter... please make it really winter. Full moon on the 16th here. Got me fingers crossed this will stop soon. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Ebbie Date: 06 Jan 14 - 03:09 PM I visualise the day when humankind goes underground. :) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 06 Jan 14 - 03:03 PM Wow, maeve, that's kind of a meteorological flipping the switch on and off again quickly - a freeze after all of that water? Ouch! For North Texas we're threatened with rolling blackouts or brownouts today because of the high demand for electricity - it got to 13o last night and is only going to come up to 32o during the day, then way down again tonight. We're not accustomed to so much of this, and temps this low are quite rare. SRS |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bert Date: 06 Jan 14 - 03:01 PM Bleedin' 'taters! Brrrr. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: maeve Date: 06 Jan 14 - 02:43 PM We had -21.6 F, -32 F windchill effect until yesterday. Today it's driving rain and strong winds and flooding at 50.6 F. Tonight, the Arctic Vortex brings a return to below freezing. At least the thaw allowed access into the chicken pen so the chooks can have some outside time under protection. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: frogprince Date: 06 Jan 14 - 02:07 PM That last picture is from Michigan, where frogprince lives :) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST Date: 06 Jan 14 - 02:02 PM like THIS; 5 degrees f, -14 wind chill, much colder promised for the next day or two. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST,Troubadour Date: 21 Nov 13 - 12:01 PM To quote an old Music Hall double entendre: Winter Draws on! And they are. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: gnu Date: 20 Nov 13 - 01:57 PM Ebbie... "Not bad, at all, at least until the wind kicks up." Yup. Wind sucks when it blows. I can take any kinda weather without wind. Q... when are ya headed south? >;-) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 20 Nov 13 - 12:22 PM Minus 22 C. in the old cowtown (Calgary) last night. We are all quivering like Jello. Have ordered sealskin underwear. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Ebbie Date: 20 Nov 13 - 12:25 AM In Juneau, in southeastern Alaska, we've had nippy weather the last week or so, temperatures vacillating between 17 degrees to 7, Fahrenheit, of course. Not bad, at all, at least until the wind kicks up. Tonight we've been told that by tomorrow night we could have a heavy dump of snow, followed by rain, with snow showers for the next week or two. At the moment it is snowing lightly, and it's scuddering around on the pavement (asphalt). Still nippy. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: GUEST Date: 19 Nov 13 - 10:31 PM We, in Canada, don't have weather. We have climate. |
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