Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 02 Jan 24 - 06:00 AM The three months up to the end of 2023 have been exceptionally wet here in Cornwall. In that time I've recorded just shy of 20 inches of rainfall in my garden. The 1991-2020 average for Bude for those three months is c.12 inches. It's also been depressingly sunless and very windy. We've had just two frosts in all that time, both in November, and there's been nothing even approaching a frost in December. The new year has started in the same vein, with gales both yesterday and this morning, three-quarters of an inch yesterday and persisting down again this morning. I've just sent off for an ark construction manual. My house is on slightly elevated ground above the surrounding farmland and there's no water-course anywhere near. Highly recommended! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 01 Jan 24 - 09:25 AM Bright sunshine for the New Year's Day. (albeit chilly) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 30 Dec 23 - 09:53 AM The reason we have seasons is probably the result of a giant asteroid impact that tilted the Earth. Which one is not yet known but there are clues in magma that aligned with that era's magnetic field. My bet is on the one that blasted the moon into a close orbit. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 25 Dec 23 - 10:13 AM Merry Christmas (what made me type Marry Christmas?) on this bright sunny day. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: JennieG Date: 21 Dec 23 - 04:58 PM And the longest daytime here! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 21 Dec 23 - 07:10 AM YESTERDAY THE AIRPORT WAS QUIET but the sun was loud. It's the shortest daytime of the year today. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 20 Dec 23 - 03:08 PM It's brilliant clear and icy cold here. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 19 Dec 23 - 01:32 PM It's dreary and overcast here, and in a day or two it drops below freezing but hopefully for only one day. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Sandra in Sydney Date: 17 Dec 23 - 07:27 AM a couple of days back I woke at 4am & couldn't get back to sleep - so sent an email to a friend & checked the latest weather readings - 22.4C = 72F, feels like 27.2 = 81F, with 98% humidity. Sydney (aka The Big Smoke) gets humid in summer, unlike The Small Smoke where Jennie lives, she just gets dry heat. FNQ gets heat + humidity & cyclones Emergency flood alerts issued for parts of Far North Queensland in the wake of ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper — as it happened Sydney's forecast for Sunday was 35C = 95F, but we (aka the harbour area) only reached 28C = 82F, tho western Sydney is always higher. Strangely enough western Sydney (55km = 35 miles west) was about the same as coastal Sydney - One Of Life's Little Mysteries sandra in sydney, 11.25pm Sunday night - with fan on |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: JennieG Date: 17 Dec 23 - 06:12 AM It's rather horrible, to be honest. Of late it has been very be expected, as it's summer. However a large bushfire a couple of ours' west of here has sent smoke drifting across our way, we are starting to feel as though we are choking. It's after 10 p.m., not too hot at present, but the ever-present smoke can leave as far as we're concerned. Never mind. Rain is forecast for Tuesday or Wednesday onward which may help put out some of the fires, at least. Meanwhile up in Far North Queensland - yes, they do capitalise it; they're a different breed up there - a cyclone has brought torrential rain and flooding. A fairly typical summer in Australia, in fact. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 09 Dec 23 - 07:13 PM It's getting ready to rain, and snow, and snow some more. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 06 Dec 23 - 04:51 PM Cold and snowing at long last. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 03 Dec 23 - 02:08 PM It's so dreary. Ought to be grateful that it's too warm to freeze; the freezing will happen later this week. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 30 Nov 23 - 10:41 AM Storms are approaching, but hopefully warm enough to be rain rather than sleet or snow. The precipitation won't get here before tomorrow. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: JennieG Date: 29 Nov 23 - 08:01 PM Storm season here, as it is every spring/summer. We had really good rain in November after a few dry months. The month was set to go out with a bang, storms, thunder, lightning, heavy rain, hail....the lot. What happened yesterday was a lot of sound and fury and very very little rain; in fact, the precipitation which fell could be counted in drops, never mind in mls or inches. Meanwhile, down on the south coast they have had so much rain that it's flooding. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Charmion Date: 29 Nov 23 - 04:56 PM It’s snowing. Still. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 29 Nov 23 - 12:47 PM It's sub-freezing cold over here. At least the sun is shining. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 26 Nov 23 - 08:36 AM The waves at the shore sound like slow breathing of the Earth. The scent of the sea hints of fish but the land near freezing is sleeping. The trees and green have closed their eyes The sky is becoming a rainbow of shades of grey Winter grows cold while the sun is brief and old Cuddling for warmth we're awake while half the world sleeps |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 24 Nov 23 - 05:02 PM The winter wind is here, with sub-freezing wind chills. I've been dreading its arrival. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 22 Nov 23 - 06:14 PM The oak trees are hanging on to their leaves, but a stiff wind has been blowing the leaves off for two days. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 23 Oct 23 - 03:34 AM Well, last Friday, when the road to our village was closed off due to works by Openreach and Anglian Water, we all had to take a long detour through Fustyweed and Elsing, which involved negotiating huge puddles and floods. It was a nightmare, because large, wide vehicles were taking this 'rat run' too and the little country lanes are winding. One edged round a bend only to meet head-on a cattle-feed truck or an oil tanker. We finally arrived at our bungalow in what Norfolk people call 'a roit stairt'! But yesterday (Sunday) the sun shone, there was only a tiny breeze and NO RAIN!!! Hooray!!! And all the roads had dried off, plus no more Fustyweed - our village road was open again. Phew! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 18 Nov 23 - 04:45 PM A breath of winter: we avoided snow, but the cold is bitter tonight. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 05 Nov 23 - 08:42 AM After our first snowfall, which melted quickly, temperatures are into the 50's for a few more days before they plunge back to the 40's. One has to wear layers and adjust throughout the day/evening. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 29 Oct 23 - 03:57 PM Temperatures are plummeting so fast that my car tires are feeling a change in tire pressure, and the dashboard warning light has come on maintaining that pressure is too low. AGAIN. We just got it recalibrated last week ... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 27 Oct 23 - 06:39 PM No snow here in southern New England, but temperatures will soon plummet and next week there will be nights down to freezing. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 25 Oct 23 - 05:27 PM Yes, and more 70s (Fahrenheit) to come in the next few days, before yet another storm system cools things down again. We'll see what Halloween is like for the trick-or-treaters outdoors in the evening. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 01 Nov 23 - 05:50 AM We're bracing for a major Atlantic storm, named Storm Ciarán, overnight tonight. Cornwall seems to be in the firing line, along with other coastal areas of southern England and south Wales. Gulp. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 23 Oct 23 - 03:51 AM Well I don't know what you mean by "severe polar vortex." The biggest threat of severe cold in North America and Europe comes with a weaker stratospheric polar vortex. Incursions of warmer air from further south can disrupt the vortex and send large masses of arctic air plunging south to give very cold weather. If the vortex is strong it will maintain its circular flow around the pole and keep the cold arctic air confined, giving us mild winters. As I've said before, beware of rambling popular science articles. Not sure how far ahead these sudden stratospheric warming events, giving us very cold weather, can confidently be predicted. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Backwoodsman Date: 23 Oct 23 - 08:39 AM |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Backwoodsman Date: 23 Oct 23 - 02:15 AM As-a-and……..3,000! ;-) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Thompson Date: 23 Oct 23 - 04:07 AM My washing's outside getting a nice rinse. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Rapparee Date: 25 Oct 23 - 07:47 PM Gonna snow. 0.1 inches, but sn*w. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 01 Nov 23 - 05:37 AM 95% of the leaves fell in two days. The trees are bare with a few still holding on. This is about a month earlier than some past years. They must know something. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 29 Oct 23 - 04:20 PM It's 79F in DC, cool on Monday |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 23 Oct 23 - 08:53 AM I went with better safe than sorry so I went with snow tires and some more insulation just in case. Last year we had no snow at all. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: robomatic Date: 06 Nov 23 - 03:30 PM 6.2" snow yesterday. Above average for the date. And it's powdering down a bit as I write this. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Mrrzy Date: 23 Oct 23 - 10:18 AM Well, first frost warning last night, 70's (temp, not decade) expected today... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 18 Oct 23 - 03:42 AM I see from the forecast that a nasty storm called 'Babet' is heading for the UK. Very strong winds and torrential rain. Gulp! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 20 Oct 23 - 05:28 PM ALmost three thousand posts! The Northeast US has a lot of rain, and I wish we could send it to Texas, where they need rain and cool weather. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 14 Oct 23 - 09:23 AM Rain was forecast for last weekend, and rain is forecast for this weekend. At least it isn't snow or ice . . . yet. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 10 Oct 23 - 07:40 PM Drying out here after the last bout of Berkshire County rain. No more overheated sunny days, autumn is settling in. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 08 Oct 23 - 07:00 PM Massachusetts had an odd experience during the last storm system. On Saturday, the northern East Coast had heavy rains, including the westernmost county, Berkshire county. But to the east, Boston got virtually no rain at all. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 03 Oct 23 - 08:36 AM I guess New York is still drying out. It will help that temperatures are warmer this week, what we call Indian Summer in North America. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 29 Sep 23 - 10:06 AM Rain all day again. I'm all for cooling down, but the wet is a bit much. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 24 Sep 23 - 03:09 PM Raining, I don't know whether or not Ophelia is responsible, but definitely raining. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 22 Sep 23 - 06:38 PM We're watching a tropical storm named Ophelia, just in time for the autumnal equinox (Northern Hemisphere) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 16 Sep 23 - 11:19 AM Still don't know what Hurricane Lee is going to do. IN the meantime, conditions are cool enough that the walk between buildings is no longer Mosquito Alley, which is a welcome relief. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 13 Sep 23 - 04:32 PM And now we are anxiously watching Hurricane Lee, headed into the North Atlantic Ocean and coming close to the maritime states. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 08 Sep 23 - 04:49 PM Forecast of thunderstorms with hail and stiff winds. Gee thanks . . . |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 04 Sep 23 - 07:03 PM If the forecast is to be believed, we are headed for hot humid weather, the opposite of what we had for most of August. |
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