Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 09 Feb 20 - 01:53 PM Just had the most terrifying rainstorm, with horizontal rain pounding the house and almost breaking the window panes. But I watched the News and it seems the whole country is in trouble, with severe flooding and storm damage. Hope this abates by tomorrow - I'm a bag of nerves! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: John MacKenzie Date: 09 Feb 20 - 12:12 PM A ridge too far? Pretty wild up here in the highlands, but so far we've not had the amount of rain they seem to be getting further south. Snow forecast over the next two days though :( |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 09 Feb 20 - 11:37 AM Violent gale blowing. I found an 8-kilo lump of ridge tile in my garden, five yards from the house. Could have killed someone! It was some gust that shifted it that far. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Bonzo3legs Date: 09 Feb 20 - 10:34 AM Our greyhound Dreamy decided that she'd had enough by the time she got to the end of our road this morning - just 200 yards away, and I was nearly blown over by a high gust of wind on the way back! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 09 Feb 20 - 05:47 AM Storm Ciara is now in full swing here in Norfolk. There have been numerous power cuts throughout the county (not us, so far) and the strength of the wind is frightening. My husband decided he'd like to run down to the village shop to get the Sunday paper (mad!) and nearly got blown away. I'm actually a bit scared and worried about our house and nearby trees and fences. It's going to get worse according to the Met Office. It's now raining horizontally! The poor birds and wild animals... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Jim Martin Date: 09 Feb 20 - 05:06 AM Storm Ciara that is in Ireland. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Jim Martin Date: 09 Feb 20 - 05:02 AM We're halfway through it and the rivers are already full! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: JennieG Date: 09 Feb 20 - 01:01 AM It is wet. Finally, it is wet! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 08 Feb 20 - 08:24 AM Yesterday we had 4 small tornados miles from the house, Only trees and roofs were lost. Historicly there was 1 tornado here in the last hundred years |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: mg Date: 07 Feb 20 - 09:11 PM strong wind and rain but it is on and off |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Tattie Bogle Date: 07 Feb 20 - 07:25 PM I worry about our local Farmers' Market later this morning: they have not called it off, as the worst of teh wind is predicted not to start until after 11 am. We are supposed to be going down to do our usual official busking: i suggested people bring sandbags or guy ropes for their music stands, and clothes pegs for the music, tho better still, ditch the stands and the music and play from memory. The Six nations rugby internationals should be a bit "interesting" especially Scotland v England late afternoon by which time winds may be over 50mph! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 07 Feb 20 - 06:02 PM When I lived in Edinburgh and then Glasgow, the word 'dreich' meant dismal, dreary, wet and depressing weather. I'm a bit worried this evening, as the TV weather forecast was full of Met Office Warnings about this blooming storm Ciara, which will bring winds of up to 80mph, and will cause damage to property, power cuts and closure of roads, airports and bridges. I worry about the wooden fences around our property, the roofing tiles, trees falling onto the roads (there are many large oak trees lining the roads everywhere in Norfolk). Also the poor wildlife. It's due to hit on Saturday evening and continue through Sunday. Gulp! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 07 Feb 20 - 05:56 PM Actually there might be distinctions between "dreich" and the High German "Dreck" (as well as the Yiddish). When I look further into Scots "dreich" online, what comes up is Middle English, Old English, and Old Norse. And the sense is not just shit or dirt, but of conditions that have to be patiently endured like an ordeal. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 07 Feb 20 - 01:56 PM drek - yiddish (foul dirt) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 07 Feb 20 - 12:14 PM there's one excellent word for it: "dreich" |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Senoufou Date: 06 Feb 20 - 01:11 PM Our weather here in UK is getting weirder and weirder. This morning at 6am, there was a very hard frost. All the rooftops in our village were white, and our lawn was frozen. Probably 2-3 degrees below zero. But by 11am, the sun was shining, the frost had melted and I was actually sitting on our famous garden bench out the front in just a light jumper, chatting to passers-by with their dogs. I was a bit too warm (!) and caught the sun beautifully on my face. Sam the Skull (funny old white cat who lives up the road) came to sit with me, and honestly, it was just like summertime!! Blooming strange eh? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 06 Feb 20 - 10:53 AM Ice is on the agenda again, and on the roads, and on the cars, and ... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 27 Jan 20 - 07:08 PM Well, Sunday was a weird feeling. The tragic death of basketball's Kobe Bryant in his helicopter, because conditions were fog and mist and visibility was lousy. While here in the Northeast, a clear blue sky and sunshine. (It's still winter, for all that, and chilly.) |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 25 Jan 20 - 08:03 PM Better mud than flood! It's pouring here! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 25 Jan 20 - 12:20 PM Here comes the MUD. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Elmore Date: 24 Jan 20 - 10:53 AM Cloudy and somewhat cold in the mountains of North Georgia, USA. My dog is depressed. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 21 Jan 20 - 08:10 PM same here in DC with strong sunshine The next poster wins 2222 nagalias |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Rusty Dobro Date: 21 Jan 20 - 03:25 AM Beautiful blue skies on a perfect frosty morning in eastern England this morning. Sister-in-law in Southern Spain enduring coastal floods, snow, strong winds and general misery. Heh heh. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Gurney Date: 20 Jan 20 - 10:20 PM A hot summer here in NZ. Auckland Folk Music Festival this weekend. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 20 Jan 20 - 10:07 AM The sun came out. Always helps. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 14 Jan 20 - 06:32 AM At some point we will no longer be seeing climate change. We will be seeing runaway irreverable global warming. Like Venus. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Jim Martin Date: 14 Jan 20 - 06:16 AM Just seen the back of storm 'Brendan' - at its peak at 14.00 yesterday saw 50,000 homes without electricity. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 13 Jan 20 - 05:54 AM Boston was 74 Sunday and DC was ubjy 70 |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 11 Jan 20 - 12:05 PM It's wild today. That's a spring wind blowing like gangbusters outside the window; only a few days ago it was a winter wind. The clouds are racing across the blue blue sky. And underneath it all is Mud, Mud, Glo-ri-ous Mud ... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 09 Jan 20 - 09:02 PM My PR brother called and survived the hurricane but now he just had 6 earthquakes. He said my niece and husband Heidi & Attila went on and found I have 2 more half brothers Mike & Ike. That makes 6 and counting. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 09 Jan 20 - 08:16 AM What do you breathe through when its waay below zero? I could feel moisture crystalize in my sinuses. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: robomatic Date: 08 Jan 20 - 11:43 PM We're in the midst of a below normal coldspell, which for Anchorage is below zero Fahrenheit (-18 C). It might get to -20F (-30 C) tonight. Parts of the State to the north will get far colder. Since we have a decent amount of snow on the ground, there is little danger of public pipes freezing, which can happen with very low temperatures penetrating the ground with no snow to act as insulation. I have met someone who had a tenant from the lower 48, tenant took a break and to save money, shut the boiler off, little knowing this could lead to heat pipes freezing, busting, and house flooding. Other than the low level of degrees, weather is clear and sharp, well worth a hike in the hills to the west. People drive up to the trailhead, often with dogs, and there are as many on thick tire bikes as on skis. Traction is good and hiking no problem. Just three weeks ago it was way too warm, and we had the second of two meltdowns. Hiking then involved bits of trail that was frozen or covered with glare ice. In this case we have provided ourselves with kah-too-las, a brand of hiking crampon which provide safety from slipping. My driveway was clear just the day before Christmas. Now we're full in God's great fridge. The days are short but they are beginning to increase after equinox and I think we are insensibly aware of this and gaining cheer from the brainstem up. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 08 Jan 20 - 08:34 PM I think you're right. Every now and then I just need to be nudged into a tune I haven't played for decades, but it always then comes flooding back. It's all stored in there somewhere. I must have a damn sight more gigabytes than I thought could possibly be contained in this tiny brain of mine... |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 08 Jan 20 - 08:19 PM You don't lose music memory Steve. Not even in Alzhiemer patients. Its something to do with how music is holographically stored through out the brain. I'm impressed with your weather diary. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Steve Shaw Date: 08 Jan 20 - 07:53 PM Here in North Cornwall we are having miserable drizzly weather, but it's been streaming up from the mid-Atlantic, right from the west coast of Africa. It's moisture-laden by the time it reaches us, but it's incredibly warm. We had a high of 16+C today, 62F, and we've had three days now with that kind of high. I've just checked the midnight temperature and it's 16C (ok, 15.9 to be precise). The average would be 9C by day and around 3C by night. I'm finding it a bit hard to check, but these day/night temperatures in January must be close to all-time records. I've kept a weather diary for just about all my life, and in summer I always note any midnight temperature that reaches 16C or higher. It might happen on maybe twelve or fifteen nights in a typical summer. But here we are getting it on 8 January. Off topic, I've just reminded meself that, way back in the early nineties, in the very first pub session I ever played in, we played the American tune Eighth Of January. It's a bit late now and I don't want to wake Mrs Steve up, so I think I'll noodle that tune again in the morning. Haven't tried to play it for at least 25 years but I reckon I can remember It! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 08 Jan 20 - 12:25 PM Same here, Don. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 08 Jan 20 - 12:25 PM A nice day to stay indoors and admire the blue sky and the sunshine through the window, away from that winter wind. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 06 Jan 20 - 09:19 PM By this Saturday it may hit 70 F in DC. Average temp is 30-40 This is what runaway climate change must feel like. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 06 Jan 20 - 01:41 PM North Texas is sunny and bright, slightly crisp, and the air is jam-packed full of "mountain cedar" (juniper) pollen that drifts in from Central Texas every December and January and makes allergy sufferers miserable. It's just dry enough also that the sinuses are already unhappy. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 06 Jan 20 - 01:03 PM Snow flurrying through the air at the moment. And it's bitterly cold. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 30 Dec 19 - 10:43 AM It's wet, wet, wet -- and above freezing, thank heavens. Yes, Jeri, I'm sure that Maine is going to bear the brunt. And just think of Gnu in New Brunswick. Thinking of all you guys to my north. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Jeri Date: 29 Dec 19 - 11:10 AM 2200 posts, and oddly, some of them aren't by you. How did that happen? Maine is going to get dumped on. I don't know what we'll get here. No matter - it's winter. I need to go out for vittles. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 29 Dec 19 - 10:55 AM Post 2200! A storm system is headed for the northeastern US with snow, freezing rain, and rain where it is warmest. But hopefully DC won't get the stuff below freezing. Massachusetts, with my luck, probably will. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 29 Dec 19 - 10:50 AM It was 60 and sunny yesterday and tommorrow will be mid seventies in DC. It almost makes me think of this thing called global warming. However we can still get 5 ft snowstorms or 105 heat. Extremes have become the norm recently. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 26 Dec 19 - 09:06 PM The Mudcat is back -- how's the weather where you are? |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 22 Dec 19 - 02:18 PM The ice is melting here in eastern Massachusetts, and if there is flooding then it will be a soggy soggy Christmas for us this week. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Donuel Date: 19 Dec 19 - 08:36 PM Wow 2 clouds |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: ChanteyLass Date: 19 Dec 19 - 06:47 PM Wow, Sandra. Just wow! |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: Sandra in Sydney Date: 18 Dec 19 - 08:45 PM I posted this on the Australian bushfires thread, but it is weather related! Cloud-surfing at 3,000ft captures the perfect perfect morning glory clouds Like a surfer on a wave, Mike Zupanc balances high in the sky on a glider while taking photos of cloud formations that many of us can only ever imagine seeing. The gliding enthusiast-turned-photographer's image of a morning glory cloud titled On Cloud Nine, will feature in the Bureau of Meteorology's (BOM) 2020 calendar. "People surf waves and for hang gliders we do the same thing," he said. "We use an engine to help us launch off with power then we get to where the wave is and switch the engine off and just ride the waves of the cloud." (read on) google image search on "morning glory clouds" sandra in hot & smoky Sydney Sydney temperature, measured at Observatory Hill on the harbour, was 21.1 at midnight & 37 at noon (40 mins ago) Penrith, 60 km west of the CBD was 21.5 at midnight & 39 at noon. Forecasts for today - Sydney 41, Penrith 45 & only 33 at Sydney best known beach Bondi. Greater Sydney facing oppressive heatwave, extreme smoke, fire danger I'm not far from the harbour so am "only" expecting 41, but my place is cool as long as I stay near the fan. |
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are? From: keberoxu Date: 17 Dec 19 - 08:26 PM Below freezing, at the moment -- and when things thaw, risk of flooding ... |
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