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What's the weather like where you are?

Janie 31 Dec 06 - 02:51 AM
Naemanson 07 Nov 06 - 04:38 AM
gnu 06 Nov 06 - 06:18 PM
GUEST, Ebbie 06 Nov 06 - 06:06 PM
John O'L 06 Nov 06 - 05:14 PM
Scoville 06 Nov 06 - 05:04 PM
Metchosin 06 Nov 06 - 03:40 PM
Metchosin 06 Nov 06 - 03:31 PM
Peace 06 Nov 06 - 03:27 PM
Metchosin 06 Nov 06 - 03:21 PM
Wilfried Schaum 16 Oct 06 - 10:47 AM
Bunnahabhain 16 Oct 06 - 08:33 AM
Joe_F 15 Oct 06 - 09:15 PM
number 6 15 Oct 06 - 01:59 PM
Cordwangler 15 Oct 06 - 08:16 AM
Peace 15 Oct 06 - 02:49 AM
Peace 15 Oct 06 - 01:42 AM
number 6 15 Oct 06 - 01:40 AM
Janie 14 Oct 06 - 09:42 PM
GUEST,ibo 14 Oct 06 - 08:12 PM
gnu 14 Oct 06 - 01:44 PM
Dave (the ancient mariner) 14 Oct 06 - 01:07 PM
Ebbie 14 Oct 06 - 12:27 PM
JennyO 14 Oct 06 - 11:44 AM
freda underhill 14 Oct 06 - 08:23 AM
gnu 14 Jan 06 - 07:05 AM
*Laura* 14 Jan 06 - 06:39 AM
jimmyt 13 Jan 06 - 09:44 AM
number 6 13 Jan 06 - 09:41 AM
gnu 13 Jan 06 - 05:36 AM
Metchosin 12 Jan 06 - 12:10 PM
Desert Dancer 11 Jan 06 - 11:20 PM
*Laura* 11 Jan 06 - 10:13 AM
Janie 11 Jan 06 - 09:27 AM
JennyO 11 Jan 06 - 05:36 AM
Metchosin 11 Jan 06 - 04:27 AM
Sandra in Sydney 03 Jan 06 - 07:45 AM
Rapparee 03 Jan 06 - 12:00 AM
number 6 02 Jan 06 - 10:42 PM
GUEST,AR282 02 Jan 06 - 02:23 PM
gnu 02 Jan 06 - 02:15 PM
number 6 02 Jan 06 - 01:42 PM
Leadfingers 02 Jan 06 - 01:41 PM
Leadfingers 02 Jan 06 - 01:40 PM
freda underhill 02 Jan 06 - 10:13 AM
JennyO 02 Jan 06 - 09:45 AM
Joybell 01 Jan 06 - 08:08 PM
Sandra in Sydney 01 Jan 06 - 07:31 PM
GUEST,just a guest 01 Jan 06 - 11:42 AM
Sandra in Sydney 01 Jan 06 - 07:11 AM
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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Janie
Date: 31 Dec 06 - 02:51 AM

So far, this is the mildest fall and and early winter I remember in my 20 years in North Carolina. We have had a few chilly days and a handful of nights when the temps dropped into the mid-twenties, but only the tenderest of the plants in my garden have gone completely dormant. I even cut grass today.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Naemanson
Date: 07 Nov 06 - 04:38 AM

I'm past the three year point in Guam and still loving the tropics. It got cool the other night, down into the mid 70s, and we considered rolling up the car windows...

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: gnu
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 06:18 PM

Snow! Not much, but, snow!

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: GUEST, Ebbie
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 06:06 PM

In Juneau, Alaska, we've had brilliant and cold weather for the last four or five days. Last night we had high wind warnings and today it is snowing. Very fine snow and swirling all around on the gusts but it's piling up in the corners. Chilly.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: John O'L
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 05:14 PM

Up until about a week ago it had been very hot & dry. Dams at record low levels, everything dry as a chip, just waitiing for a fire, in fact we had a few minor ones around about the state, but about a week ago it started raining, light steady drizzle; perfect. Today it's sunny again. Everything will be growing lush and moist again. For a while.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Scoville
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 05:04 PM

Highly variable--cold (well, by our standards--60 degrees) and dry, cold and damp, warm and damp, but always buggy. Cold enough to drive the mosquitoes indoors but not cold enough to kill the little bastards.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Metchosin
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 03:40 PM

Well, I feel for you Peace, at least its relatively warm here at about 53F.

Could someone explain to me why in recent years we stopped having weather every day? At one time, even a bright sunny day was considered "weather".

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Metchosin
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 03:31 PM

To put this in some sort of perspective, the average annual rainfall for the city of Victoria BC is only around 23 inches for a whole year, about half of what Vancouver gets.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Peace
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 03:27 PM

Six inches of snow, -20, streets like ice. It's the shits. BUT, we have no weather.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Metchosin
Date: 06 Nov 06 - 03:21 PM

Well its wet here! Very wet. We're had 4.2 inches of rain since dinner time last night and some areas around here are racking up about .98 inches of rain per hour. This is usually a dryer area of the BC wetcoast. I'm impressed.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Wilfried Schaum
Date: 16 Oct 06 - 10:47 AM

I'm in the centre of Germany, near Frankfurt am Main. The weather is sunnyand warm, only a few small clouds, and a last rose of summer is blooming in my garden - but maybe not the last one since a new bud is forming.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Bunnahabhain
Date: 16 Oct 06 - 08:33 AM

I just got back from the Highlands, and have had a weekend of the most beautiful weather you could hope for. Warm sunny days, warm enough that people went swimming in the Loch (we were the sking area!), and absolutly clear nights, to see the stars by, well away from the city lights.

There was just enough crispness in the air to remind you that it's autumn, and to make the apples taste right, but still early enough we could pick wild bilberries and bluberries. The trees are just strating to turn up there, so it will a week or two down here yet....

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Joe_F
Date: 15 Oct 06 - 09:15 PM

In Cambridge, MA, USA, this afternoon, the weather was (barely) warm enough for the MIT chantey singers to sing outside by the river. The sun peeked out occasionally.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: number 6
Date: 15 Oct 06 - 01:59 PM

Back home now ... Outstanding weather here in Saint John!

Blue skies and relatively warm at 15c.

Blues skies in saint John ?!?!?!


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Cordwangler
Date: 15 Oct 06 - 08:16 AM

Hey, has anybody seen Tony Hancock's Radio Ham? Excellent sitcom episode and the title of this thread reminds me of it. In the days before the internet people all over the world used to talk about the weather using amateur radio.

In Warwickshire, UK it's cloudy and a bit damp. Anyone got first hand experience of what the weather's doing in Tokyo?

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Peace
Date: 15 Oct 06 - 02:49 AM

I just went outside. Forget the above post. It's weather--FREEZING!

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Peace
Date: 15 Oct 06 - 01:42 AM

This is Alberta reporting. WE have CLIMATE.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: number 6
Date: 15 Oct 06 - 01:40 AM

Absolutely beautiful in Rockport Maine.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Janie
Date: 14 Oct 06 - 09:42 PM

It is beautiful mid-fall here. Just a tad on the dry side, Sunny, absolutely clear blue skies, just enough wind to make the trees talk. Temps relatively cool for us, high in upper 60'sF and a frost advisory tonight--the first of the season. The atmosphere is so clear that the stars seem to sanp, crackle and pop at night.

My front garden is popping with color--bright orange tithonia "Torch" stands about 7 feet tall. In front of it tall, willowy salvias in deep blue and sky blue. Then, a dahlia-that absolutely saturated red that only red dahlias acheive--nods over a large drift of single-apricot chrysanthemums. In just a place or two, common montbretia sends a stalk up through the mums, echoing the tithonia.

The hummingbirds are gone now, dispite the bounty. They've hightailed it to Mexico in advance of killing frosts. We have a couple of hives of bees. They are frantically at work among the flowers, as if they know the time of bloom is drawing to an end. Goldfinches perch on echinecea and verbena gone to seed. Cardinals join the goldfinches in going after tithonia heads that have gone to seed. Their red feathers in amongst the orange flowers is a real eye catcher.

Fall is nearly always an absolutely lovely weather season here.

Joybell and Freda--hope this year's warm weather season is not as dry as you fear.



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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: GUEST,ibo
Date: 14 Oct 06 - 08:12 PM

Really nice sunny day,quite warm for the time of year here in middlesbrough,u.k

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: gnu
Date: 14 Oct 06 - 01:44 PM

10C and raining BIG drops straight down... yesterday 25C and sunny.... tonight, after the rain, clearing and near zero.... leaves, undergrowth, the works, will be matted down and the flies will be gone.... oh, my, if I was still a hunter - perfect fall.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)
Date: 14 Oct 06 - 01:07 PM

Nova Scotia is wet and windy (as usual)

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Ebbie
Date: 14 Oct 06 - 12:27 PM

In Juneau: Wet

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: JennyO
Date: 14 Oct 06 - 11:44 AM

And it's only spring! I fear it's gonna be a long hot summer here.

We've already had some weird weather in the last few weeks. Kangaroo Valley festival in September was under water, then we had heatwave conditions, then last Sunday a freak southerly that blew in while I was at another festival (Coastfest in Gosford). The temperature dropped 10-15 degrees in minutes, half the stalls blew away or were too damaged to stay open, a set of stage lights crashed down, fortunately missing the performer, all the tarps over tents blew down, including mine - I finished up with some very bent poles. Now this week the last three days have been increasingly hot, with another dramatic cool change tonight. I wonder what it's going to throw at us next?

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: freda underhill
Date: 14 Oct 06 - 08:23 AM

Hot, dry and windy conditions causing very high to extreme fire danger in sydney today. 38 degrees in the west of sydney today. Bushfires in four states.

Luckily tonight it has cooled down - a cool wind has come up. I went into the back garden tonight and soaked the ferns, lilies and trees with cool water, listening to Chris Kempster's CD and the latest Fagans - fantastic.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: gnu
Date: 14 Jan 06 - 07:05 AM

8C at 05:00h!!!!! Going to 12C today. Never seen it this mild this long.

sIx.... sure as Tim's got Bits. I'm gonna top up the gas today, while it's nice and warm.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: *Laura*
Date: 14 Jan 06 - 06:39 AM



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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: jimmyt
Date: 13 Jan 06 - 09:44 AM

been around 70 F in daytime all week, camillias are blooming. SOme spring trees are showing color. Hard freeze soon I am sure

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: number 6
Date: 13 Jan 06 - 09:41 AM

10c and mild today here in Saint John N.B. which is just down the road from Moncton.

I'm wondering if I'll get to use my new snow thrower this year ... better not wonder too much.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: gnu
Date: 13 Jan 06 - 05:36 AM

On Jan 6 I posted : Peace... -21c... kinda nipply! I expect we will be in that range by the full moon on the 15th.

Not yet... 10C and rain yesterday. 6C today, 8C tomorrow. I'm lovin it!! ... in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Metchosin
Date: 12 Jan 06 - 12:10 PM

Day 25....rain again....four metres of snow in some parts of Japan now.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Desert Dancer
Date: 11 Jan 06 - 11:20 PM

This is pretty much the view from my boss's office: clicky. (You can click on individual frames, or choose a day to get a time-lapse movie.) Too much blue sky. ('Cept right this minute of course, when it's pretty black!) Lately it's cooled off a bit, that time of year when there's a 35 degree (F) variation between the low and high of the day. We might get a sprinkle this weekend, but mostly it's interminable blue skies...

~ Becky in Tucson

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: *Laura*
Date: 11 Jan 06 - 10:13 AM

Well here in Somerset UK it is a cold, bright day with that slightly depressing (but also kinda beautiful) weak winter sun.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Janie
Date: 11 Jan 06 - 09:27 AM

It has been unseasonably warm in North Carolina, USA. Stuff is breaking dormancy that is going to get slammed. While we have had some hard frosts--we really have not had any winter weather yet. If we don't get a good spell of at least chilly weather, I don't think the tulips and daffodils will bloom much this spring. ('course, we still have the rest of January and all of February to go.)


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: JennyO
Date: 11 Jan 06 - 05:36 AM

We've had some rather hot, humid days this week, but this afternoon it was relieved by a weak cool change and right now some thunderstorms are going through - it's all rather pleasant after the heat. It's still very humid though.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Metchosin
Date: 11 Jan 06 - 04:27 AM

Today is the 24th day in a row of rain....I know this is the wet coast, but by gawd its beginning to get depressing.....could be worse I could be 24 continuous days of snow and be piled up tp three metres like some parts of Japan right now....but then....things aren't dreary in the snow, are they?

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 03 Jan 06 - 07:45 AM

JennyO - I have no sympathy for your hot days - I toldya not to go cos it is HOT in Gulgong.

that'll larn ya!!


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Rapparee
Date: 03 Jan 06 - 12:00 AM

Mid-thirties F. (hovering around 0 C.) for some days now, and it'll continue. Rain, sometimes mixed with enough snow to make the roads slick. Winds up 45 mph. Bright blue today, though -- lovely. Partly cloudy the rest of the week, the high dropping into the high 20s (F) later in the week.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: number 6
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 10:42 PM

Your correct on that gnu .... I'd move to Moncton in a New York minute if I had the opportunity.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: GUEST,AR282
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 02:23 PM

39 degrees F here in the Detroit area. Overcast and rainy. The moon is 11% full.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: gnu
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 02:15 PM

44.2C!!!! Gosh! I am glad my ancestors were forced to leave Ireland for dull New Brunswick, Canada instead of Oz... no offense... except the offensive heat.

sIx : "hue of industrial grey". Excellent imagery. Huge difference between our cities, only a hundred kms apart. We have had light snow - big flakes - falling gently all day, cleansing the air.

GUEST,just a guest - PM , Date: 01 Jan 06 - 11:42 AM - Excellent.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: number 6
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 01:42 PM

There is a nice hue of industrial grey abounding in the sky today ... ah winter .... if it isn't cold and snowy .. it's dull.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Leadfingers
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 01:41 PM

Unless I can get a Three Hundredth Post of course !!

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Leadfingers
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 01:40 PM

Its all very well you Ozzers having Summer when we are having Winter , But PLEASE dont keep on about it !!

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: freda underhill
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 10:13 AM

I'm still recovering from 44.2 in Sydney yesterday, jenny!


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: JennyO
Date: 02 Jan 06 - 09:45 AM

You think you've had hot in Sydney? You may have had one very hot day on Sunday, but you should have been in Gulgong, where I have just come back from the folk festival there.

The day I arrived (Thursday the 29th) I carried a backpack and wheeled a large suitcase up a steep hill in 38 degree heat. From then on, EVERY DAY was like that, or hotter.

Thursday - 38
Friday      - 40
Saturday - 40.3
Sunday    - 39.2

Today was cooler, only getting up to 34.

Needless to say, we spent as much time as possible in air-conditioned pubs. Unfortunately there were events we had to be at, such as the Music Hall Concert on Saturday in the Opera House (which should be called the Hothouse) where we were up on stage under lights performing in the middle of the day. It was probably nearer 50 up there! Good festival though... :-)

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Joybell
Date: 01 Jan 06 - 08:08 PM

Several fires down here too in Southwest Victoria. It's been even hotter down here than in Sydney and Darwin. AND we didn't get much rain all last year. Rained a bit last night. Tanks filling a little. Some homes lost in our nearest fire but we're out on the plains and surrouned by grazed paddocks.
It's the loss of dwindling wildlife habitat that is so serious in the long term. People tend to expect national parks to be cleared as fire breaks for their homes. Plantation companies expect the same. Essential undergrowth,leaf litter,old dead trees,logs and such are thought of as "fuel". "Fire reduction" burning and clearing is a complex issue.
Oh dear! it's Greenie bashing season again. Must stop raving. It's cooler at last. Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 01 Jan 06 - 07:31 PM

it's sooo much better today - temperatures half those of yesterday, fires apparently under control. But 9 houses & lots of stock were lost across the state & 1 fire fighter has 60% burns & a volunteer died from a heart attack. Summer has barely started & we will have more fires in the next few months.

The sky is a light whitey blue (no glare!!) so I haven't drawn the curtains & I might even go shopping. It will be goodd to get back to my airconditioned office tomorrow.


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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: GUEST,just a guest
Date: 01 Jan 06 - 11:42 AM

It was damp in the piney woods. Then the sun burned the dampness off. The wind blew through the cypress trees; the woodstorks wooshed and swooped; the sun warmed your shoulders; the portages were low; the watery path was free of roots...the swamp was mostly gray and brown. You could smell alligators.

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Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 01 Jan 06 - 07:11 AM

Still hot here - it's almost 11pm.

I went for a walk 9pm & it was still hot & humid, then the southerly hit while I was walking back. I had told a shopkeeper that the forecast for the southerly was strong gusts so he said he would roll up his awning. I hope he did cos the wind was really blowing stuff about & I was glad to get home. One of the cafes had a huge well-weighted umbrella blewn over knocking over chairs & tables & scaring nearby folks. It was very exciting from my vantage point 20 feet away, I'm glad I wasn't closer. Planes are being diverted from the airport & powerlines are down, etc. Other fires have started.

The temperature here is now in the low 20's, but it's still hot inside my place.

The Central Coast fires are growing. The highways are closed as fires are on both sides of the road, and also in the middle of the dual carriageways in some places.

Our Local Radio, part of our National Broadcaster, has fantastic coverage - constant reports from Weather Bureau, Rural Fire Service & residents.

Sydney's hottest New Years Day on record

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