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Bella Ciao - WAV Files


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Ezio 07 Jan 98 - 10:33 AM
25 Jun 98 - 01:26 PM
Jon W. 25 Jun 98 - 05:45 PM
Ezio 26 Jun 98 - 02:15 AM
Ferrara 26 Jun 98 - 08:17 PM
Ezio 27 Jun 98 - 02:09 AM
Stéphane 07 Dec 98 - 08:59 AM
03 Feb 99 - 03:21 AM
turgut durduran 08 Jul 99 - 05:37 PM 08 Nov 99 - 03:40 PM
turgut durduran ( 18 Jan 00 - 07:02 PM
GUEST, 03 Apr 00 - 06:30 PM
GUEST, 03 Apr 00 - 06:33 PM
Escamillo 04 Apr 00 - 05:21 AM
GUEST, 11 Aug 02 - 02:07 PM
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Subject: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: Ezio
Date: 07 Jan 98 - 10:33 AM

Two version of the italian folk song BELLA CIAO (.WAV format) are still accessible at:

Enjoy! Ezio

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
Date: 25 Jun 98 - 01:26 PM

Subject: Bella Ciao - WAV Files From: Ezio Date: 07-Jan-98 - 10:33 AM

Two version of the italian folk song BELLA CIAO (.WAV format) are still accessible at:

Enjoy! Ezio

I wasn't able to find it. Could somebody please e-mail me the lyrics? Thanks a lot. Sanda

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: Jon W.
Date: 25 Jun 98 - 05:45 PM

Sanda, you didn't leave your email address but here is a thread with the lyrics (including a line-for-line translation to English): Click here

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: Ezio
Date: 26 Jun 98 - 02:15 AM

Sanda, I had to delete the WAV file, sorry. I cannot 'waste' space wih music on my server. However, if you are interested in a RealAudio file of this song, I can put it on line for a few days (or send it to you by e-mail). Greetings Ezio

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: Ferrara
Date: 26 Jun 98 - 08:17 PM

Two versions of Bella Ciao, words and music, are given in Jan/Feb 1971 SING OUT! (vol. 20, No. 3), if you can get hold of it.

One is almost identical to the version Ezio typed. The other is a woman's work song, sung by the rice workers in the Po Valley in Northern Italy. The article says the movie "Bitter Rice" is a good portrayal of those women's lives. Here is the song. I don't know whether it was earlier or later than the partisans' song, I suspect later. I also wonder whether there was originally a love song to the same tune?

Ezio, (or anyone), please correct any errors in the translation. It's singable, more or less, which meant I took a couple of small liberties.

Alla mattina, appena alzata,
O Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao,
Alla mattina, appena alzata,
In risaiami tocca andar.

In early morning, we've hardly wakened,
O bella ciao etc.
In early morning, we've hardly wakened,
To the rice fields we all must go.

(Same pattern for the rest of the song:)

E tra gli insetti e le zanzare, ...
Duro lavor ci tocca far.

And mid the insects and the mosquitoes ...
Hard labor is our lot.

IL Capo in piedi col suo bastone, ...
E noi curve a lavorar.

The boss stands upright, holding his truncheon ...
As we stoop and bend to work.

O mamma mia, o che tormento, ...
Io t'invoco ogni doman.

My dearest mother, this life is torture ...
Every day I call your name.

Ma verra' un giorno che tutte quante
lavoreremo in liberta'.

But a day is coming when all together
We shall work in liberty.

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: Ezio
Date: 27 Jun 98 - 02:09 AM

Thank you Ferrara for posting this version of the rice-pickers. I didn't know it.

The rice-picker women's song is certainly older that the partisan's one. The partisans re-wrote it with different words on the same tune. It got a wide popularity as partisan's song during the 2nd WW. By the way, after the war period the rice-picker job began to die and by the '60 the picker-women disappeared. Ciao


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Subject: Bella Ciao - WAV Files/guitar chords
From: Stéphane
Date: 07 Dec 98 - 08:59 AM

I am looking for the guitar chords of this song ... Could anybody help me ?


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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
Date: 03 Feb 99 - 03:21 AM

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: turgut durduran
Date: 08 Jul 99 - 05:37 PM

I am interested in the chords too. Also those real audio files.

I have one from an album called "Red Songs" that was bought in Turkey and it is sang by a woman with beautiful voice.

there also a Turkish version sang by Grup Yorum at:

there they have another partisan song:

which is I think the march of the partisan.


PS: can you e-mail me the chords and the files?

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
Date: 08 Nov 99 - 03:40 PM

Hallo Ezio,

My name is Richard and I am writing to you from the german city of Berlin.

I have found your message (attached), which is now over one year old, while serching the Internet for the "Bella Ciao" song. This is perhaps the most beautiful tune I have heard in my whole life. I'd like to have it on my PC. Its a great feeling to listen to it.

Would you please be so kind to mail me the audio file with the song? My e-mail:

I thank you very much in advance. Best greetings Richard Urban

>Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files >From: Ezio >Date: 26-Jun-98 - 02:15 AM

>Sanda, I had to delete the WAV file, sorry. I cannot >'waste' space wih music on my server. However, if you >are interested in a RealAudio file of this song, I can >put it on line for a few days (or send it to you by >e-mail). Greetings Ezio

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: turgut durduran (
Date: 18 Jan 00 - 07:02 PM


I have recently made an mp3 of the best version I have ever come accross. I can e-mail to anybody who wants it.

Turgut PS: d u r d u r a n @ m a i l. s a s . u p e n n . e d u is my e-mail address

PS2: anybody has the chords?

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: GUEST,
Date: 03 Apr 00 - 06:30 PM

This is my version for guitar... You can transpose as you like.

Am Am Una mattina, mi son svegliato C E Ciao bella ciao bella cioa bella ciao ciao ciao F E Una mattina mi son segliato E Am Ed ho trovato l'invasor

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: GUEST,
Date: 03 Apr 00 - 06:33 PM

Second try, the first one didn't come out nicely..

(Am) Una mattina, mi son (Am) Svegliato Ciao bella (C) Ciao bella Ciao Bella (E) Ciao Ciao Ciao (F) Una mattina, mis son (E) svegliato (E) Ed ho trovato l'inva(Am)tor

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: Escamillo
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 05:21 AM

Ezio, if you know where to find a MIDI piano version of CORE 'NGRATO, please tell me. I like to practice singing with midis before taking my teacher's time to play the accompaniment. I do have several midis of Neapolitan songs but not this one. One hour navigating Italian sites and no luck ! Thank you for any help you may give.
Un abrazo - Andrés (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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Subject: RE: Bella Ciao - WAV Files
From: GUEST,
Date: 11 Aug 02 - 02:07 PM

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