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Whistle playing for the handicaped folks


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InOBU 19 Jul 01 - 10:25 AM
jeffp 19 Jul 01 - 10:29 AM
Dave the Gnome 19 Jul 01 - 11:18 AM
sophocleese 19 Jul 01 - 11:44 AM
InOBU 19 Jul 01 - 03:07 PM
SDShad 19 Jul 01 - 03:15 PM
GUEST 19 Jul 01 - 03:30 PM
sophocleese 19 Jul 01 - 03:30 PM
SDShad 19 Jul 01 - 03:34 PM
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Subject: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: InOBU
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 10:25 AM

Hey Folks!
Had an interesting thing happen the other day, that may prove valuble to any of you out there with one hand or know someone with one hand who wants to play an instrument. A friend of mine wanted to learn the whistle, but he only has one hand that is functional. I came up with a style of playing the whistle which uses four fingers of the good hand and the wrist of the other. SO, any of you out there who know of anyone who this would be useful for, feel free to drop me an email and I will more fully describe the system. It works like a dream. In brief, one rolls the wrist back and forth to get the lowest two notes, and bob's yer uncle, Jango Rienheart on the whistle.

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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: jeffp
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 10:29 AM

That's great Larry! Anything that allows more people to enjoy making music is a tremendous advance. I applaud your resourcefullness.


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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 11:18 AM

Sounds like a good idea, Larry. I have never tried a tabor pipe but I guess your system would work better than one of those in that it has the full range of a whistle and I'm not sure if the tabor pipe does.

The hobgoblin description for one if anyone is unfamiliar with the instrument is "The Tabor Pipe is a 3 Hole whistle which can produce more than a full octave played with one hand. Fairly obviously this is to facilitate the playing of a tabor drum with the other hand."

I suppose the pipe would also be good for anyone with only one hand and a complete lack of use on the other side.

Ditto to the above btw. Anyone enabling the enjoyment of playing music for those otherwise denied this great pastime is certainly making the world a better place.

Unless teaching them bodhran... Only kidding, honest, no... don't beat me (pun intended)


Dave the Gnome

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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: sophocleese
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 11:44 AM

Sounds great InOBU! As jeffp say anything to allow people to play music is a wonderful advance.

DtG, I have two Tabor Pipes and they are fun to play. You don't have as many notes as a tin whistle but you still have enough. My brother has a nice wooden one from France that is in a minor mode for other melodies.

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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: InOBU
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 03:07 PM

Funny enough!!! It all began with me teaching him the Bodhran! AND the rest came out of telling him about the Rabor pipe, though I could not remember what it was called, had a friend Jim Lucas (anyone still in contact with him let me know, Jim the concertina player...). Well there you go, with this system, you can play all the crans and cuts, and the complete two octave range of the wistle.
Cheers all, Larry

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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: SDShad
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 03:15 PM

Bloody marvelous, Larry! Good on ya.

Now, if you can if you can just come up for an equally effective system for those of us with ten (ostensibly) able fingers who are simiply whistle-challenged, now that would be something.... *bg*


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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 03:30 PM

SDshad.Don't know whether you've ever tried whistle playing by numbers? It's very simple and effective. 1 is top hole covered, 2 is top two covered, etc. Gets a bit more complicated for the higher register, but I found it very useful when I started.
Duplicate partial posts deleted. --JoeClone

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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: sophocleese
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 03:30 PM

You know SDshad I made a joke about liking to see my name in print when it only got double posted...

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Subject: RE: Whistle playing for the handicaped folks
From: SDShad
Date: 19 Jul 01 - 03:34 PM

Thanks, Guest. Had my attention the first time, though, mate. Must've just been an echo in the room when ya posted! *bg* Anyhoo, no, I haven't, but will look into it. I love the sound of the whistle, and would enjoy effectively making it, so it's certainly worth a try. Thanks again.


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