Subject: Don't fence me in From: GUEST,Jack Date: 24 Apr 01 - 12:59 AM Speaking of don't fence me in, anyone know the chords? Jack |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Don't fence me in From: Sorcha Date: 24 Apr 01 - 01:14 AM Click here, from Cowpie. |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Don't fence me in From: JenEllen Date: 24 Apr 01 - 04:22 AM Gawd I love that Cowpie....all night long we've been singing "Donut Fence Me In"...the harmony's got some holes in it yet.... Jen(who was really looking to see if they'd included the first verse-many copies don't...or should I say donut...) |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Don't fence me in From: kendall Date: 24 Apr 01 - 09:26 AM I hear many more minor chords than the ones shown. |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Don't fence me in From: Gary T Date: 24 Apr 01 - 09:30 AM I have sheet music for this that has a more intricate chord sequence, which will probably be more satisfying. I'll try to post it this week. |
Subject: Lyr/Chords Add: DON'T FENCE ME IN (Cole Porter) From: Gary T Date: 27 Apr 01 - 03:28 AM This is my adaptation, somewhat simplified from the sheet music. DON'T FENCE ME IN Words by and Bob Fletcher and Cole Porter, music by Cole Porter, ©1934. As sung by Roy Rogers in "Hollywood Canteen" (1944)
Intro |
Subject: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: GUEST,Richard Grant Date: 26 Jul 01 - 08:58 AM I'm looking for the words of the song that contains the lines Give me land, lots of land and the open sky above Don't fence me in... etc. Sort of suits my mood right now. If this message isn't more than 3 days old and you have the words or can tell me where to find them, your help would be appreciated. Thanks Richard Grant |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:05 AM It is in Cowpie, the maoin site for country songs at: Click here RtS |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: MMario Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:05 AM Don't fence me in e-mailed as well. |
Subject: Lyr/Chords Add: DON'T FENCE ME IN (Cole Porter) From: GUEST Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:07 AM This song was written by Cole Porter
D |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:10 AM Bugger! Try this instead: Don't Fence me in lyrics RtS (Cletus' dumber cousin) |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: MMario Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:14 AM Alice - there anything out on the web that tells that story? sounds interesting. |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: GUEST,UB Dan Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:15 AM sorry, that GUEST post was me I forgot to enter my name...I found another version with slightly different lyrics but I don't know the song well enough to know whicvh is right. The version I posted was taken from Willie Nelson....Roger's link may be better. Version 2 Give me land, lots of land under stary skies above, but don't fence me in. Let me ride over wide open valleys that I love, But don't fence me in, Let me ride to the ridge where the west commences, and gaze at the moon 'till I loose my sences, I can't look at hobbles, and I can't stand fences, so Don't Fence me in! Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle under neath a western sky,,,, on my kyuse let me wonder over yonder till I reach the mountain high....I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences, gaze at the moon till i loose all sences, I can't look at hobbles, and I sure can't stand fences, so Don't Fence Me In. Repeat- give me land lots of land.... |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: RangerSteve Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:19 AM Wild Cat Kelly looking mighty pale, was standing by the sheriff's side And when the sheriff said "I'm sending you to jail", Wild Cat raised his head and cried: Oh give me land, lots of land under starry skies above, Don't fence me in Let me ride through the wide open country that I love, Don't fence me in. Let me be by myself in the evening breeze, listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees, Send me off forever, but I ask you please, Don't fence me in. Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle underneat the western skies, On my cayuse, let me wander over yonder til I see the mountains rise, I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences, Gaze at the moon till I lose my senses, Can't look at hobbles and I don't like fences, Dont fence me in. Wild cat Kelly back again in town, was sitting by his sweethearts side, And when his sweetheart said "Come on let's settle down, Wild Cat raised his head and cried Oh give me room, Etc. I just copied this from the original sheet music, words and music by Cole Porter, from the film Hollywood Canteen. It can be found in the book "For A Cowboy Has To Sing" compiled by Jim Bob Tinsley. There are darned few recorded versions that include the Wild Cat Kelly verses, they usually start with "Oh Give me room", The only complete version I know is on an old Philo album by Mary (last name?). Hopefully, someone can fill in her last name. |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: RangerSteve Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:23 AM Hey, I tried to write the above with a separate line for each line of the song, like UB Dan did, but it all came out as one paragraph. This isn't the first time, what am I doing wrong? |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: Gary T Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:31 AM The first set of lyrics posted are what I've always heard, and are what's in the sheet music. That troubleome word is spelled "cayuse." The sheet music has quite a few more chord changes in some parts, but they aren't necessarily critical. I would suggest to at least go to Gm for the works "trees" and "senses." Somewhere--I don't recall if was on Mudcat or elsewhere--I read about the authorship of this song. What I recall is that Cole Porter did some significant, though not extensive, reworking of the original poem or song. He wanted to give the other fellow co-writing credit, but his record label or publisher or whatever nixed the idea. In recent years there has been more frank acknowledgement of its not being solely Porter's work. I'm thinking there may have been a recent thread on this song, perhaps with most of the additional chords (I'm pretty sure I posted them). That might also have been where I read about the evolution of the song. |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: Gary T Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:38 AM Ranger Steve, the trick to keeping lines separate is using the "line break" html code after each line. It consists of a left arrow bracket (<), the letters "b" and "r" (without quotes), and a right arrow bracket (>)--all four characters in that order without spaces between them. This and lots of other very helpful info is available in or through the "Mudcat FAQ" permathread at the very top of the thread list. Check it out--some cool stuff there. |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: MMario Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:40 AM Richard says "thanks" for the lyrics. |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: Wolfgang Date: 26 Jul 01 - 09:47 AM Steve, you post: Wild cat Kelly back again in town,<br> was sitting by his sweethearts side,<br> And when his sweetheart said "Come on let's settle down,<br> Wild Cat raised his head and cried <br>Oh give me room, Etc. we see:
Wild cat Kelly back again in town, Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: RangerSteve Date: 26 Jul 01 - 10:34 PM Gary T and Wolfgang - thanks. This is only my 14th month of owning a computer and I'm still confused. |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: GUEST,Pelrad Date: 26 Jul 01 - 11:05 PM This is my daughter's theme song. We sing it to her every time we strap her into her car seat, as she protests so loudly that everyone in the county can hear. :-) |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: Helen Date: 26 Jul 01 - 11:46 PM If you can find it get hold of the album called Red, Hot & Blue, with Cole Porter's songs reworked by a broad range of modern singers & bands. Brilliant! Really unusual arrangements which grow on you - if you can't stand them to start with, hang in there, because they really are very well done. A masterpiece album. It was done to raise funds for AIDS research. Back to the point: David Byrne, of Talking Heads fame, does a wonderful version of Don't Fence Me In, in mambo time. It's very catchy. It is used in a current ad on Oz tv for the Mitsubishi Pajero 4 wheel drive. Made me get my CD out and start playing it again (& again). Helen |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: Helen Date: 26 Jul 01 - 11:47 PM P.S. What's a "cayuse" - is it a horse? Helen |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: Dicho (Frank Staplin) Date: 27 Jul 01 - 06:45 PM Cayuse is usually defined as a native range horse in the West. It also refers to a group of Indians from Oregon and Washington. |
Subject: RE: Words for '...Don't fence me in' please From: Helen Date: 29 Jul 01 - 04:28 AM Thanks, Dicho. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: don't fence me in From: masato sakurai Date: 05 Nov 01 - 08:48 PM Words & music by Cole Porter (1944), sung by Roy Rogers.
Subject: Lyr Add: DON'T FENCE ME IN From: CRANKY YANKEE Date: 06 Nov 01 - 06:04 AM Oh give me land, lots of land under starry skies above, Don't fence me in Let me ride through the wide open country that I love, Don't fence me in. Let me be, by myself with the evening breeze Listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees Send me out forever, but, I ask you, "Please, Don't fence me in." Just turn me loose Let me straddle my old saddle underneath the western skies On my "Cayuse" Let me wander over yonder 'till I see the mountains rise I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences, Gaze at the moon until I loose my senses I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences Don't fence me in. Note: In spite of what songwriters and TV weather men might say, let me remind everyone that THERE IS ONLY ONE SKY. THE WORD DOES NOT LEND ITSELF TO "PLURALIZATION", unless, of course, you are referring to other celestial bodies, like Mars or the moon, as well. I learned this one from a Bing Crosby record. Sakurai-san, so- ja aremasen, so omoemasu. Tabun Roy Rogers o-nahnji desu. Sa-a-a-a, pari wakarunai. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: don't fence me in From: GUEST,chuck Date: 06 Nov 01 - 09:21 PM I used to sing that song in a cowboy band. There was an intro before each verse: Verse 1: Wildcat Kelly, looking might pale, Was standing by the sheriff's side. And when the sheriff said, "I'm takin' you to jail, Wildcat raised his head and cried: "Oh, give me land..." Verse 2: Wildcat Kelly, lookin' mighty pale, Was standin' by his sweetheart's side. And when his sweeheart said, "Come on, let's settle down," Wildcat raised his head and cried: (Etc.)
Subject: Tune Add: Don't Fence Me In (Porter, Fletcher) From: Genie Date: 21 Apr 09 - 08:22 PM You can hear the full tune, including the verses here: guru88 singing Harry Connick's arrangement of Don't Fence Me In |
Subject: RE: Lyr/chords Req: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter) From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego Date: 22 Apr 09 - 02:49 PM Can "Ragtime Cowboy Joe" be far behind? Both songs were hot sellers in the late 1940's. |
Subject: RE: Lyr/chords Req: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter From: Genie Date: 22 Apr 09 - 03:20 PM We have a thread for that one too, TJ. : ) |
Subject: RE: Lyr/chords Req: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter) From: GUEST,Elliot Date: 19 Jun 09 - 11:14 AM does anyone know who sang the melody with different lyrics that go like so.. Turn me loose, let me wander as i ponder on the meaning of my life, Love and respect are the principles that send us guiding through our past and (pride) I wanna be one with human kind and converse with the living web of the universe if we help eachother we will all feel good just dont fence me in |
Subject: RE: Lyr/chords Req: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter) From: GUEST,leeneia Date: 20 Jun 09 - 09:47 AM It's been a while since Cranky Yankee declared that there's only one sky, no skies. Would he also say that there's only one water, no waters? There would go a beautiful song we play called 'By Kells Waters.' |
Subject: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter & Bob Fletcher) From: Genie Date: 25 Aug 09 - 08:18 PM ... or "By The Waters Of Babylon", for that matter. We all know that there are "skies." Otherwise how could THEY be "not cloudy all day" (Home On The Range) or "blue" (Irving Berlin), etc., etc. BTW, in the link I posted above, that IS Harry Connick Jr. singing. The guy in the video is just singing along with him. LOL BTW, if you want the full lyrics, including the verses, you can find them here: Origins: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter). |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter) From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego Date: 26 Aug 09 - 03:46 PM I'm sorry, but seeing the late Roy Rogers mentioned, I must relate a hoary old musical joke: It seems Roy and Dale were sitting in the living room one evening, when a knock came at the door. Dale always insisted that Roy take off his boots outside and leave them on the porch. Pat Brady came to tell Roy that some animal had badly mauled his brand new alligator hide boots! Roy retrieved them from the yard and took the remains indoors. Later that night, as Roy and Dale sat in the front porch swing, a mountain lion ran across the yard right in front off them! "Pardon me Roy," said Dale, "Is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?" Several years ago, Roy and Dale visited a restaurant in San Diego which was owned by a friend of mine. They sat quietly in a booth, enjoyed their dinner and were very friendly to all. Some days later, they received a sincere thank you letter for the good food and wonderful service, signed by Dale Evans Rogers. Whether younger folks found them a little "hokey" or not, it appears they were truly good people. |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter) From: open mike Date: 26 Aug 09 - 05:06 PM Cayuse Tribe - Cayuse pony/horse breed - These horses are related to Appaloosa, Pinto and Paint horses. Palouse hills...close to this area neighboring tribe - related to these tribes...Wenatchi, Okanagan, Nez Perce possibly the originator of the appaloosa horse. the natives of this area were well known for their horse breeding and training expertise. |
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