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Seek name of this Harmonica group

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LR Mole 01 Aug 01 - 12:22 PM
M.Ted 31 Jul 01 - 09:15 PM
Rick Fielding 31 Jul 01 - 07:42 PM
M.Ted 31 Jul 01 - 06:05 PM
M.Ted 31 Jul 01 - 05:50 PM
Rowana (at work) 31 Jul 01 - 04:35 PM
GUEST,Barry T not at work 31 Jul 01 - 03:59 PM
mandomad 31 Jul 01 - 03:49 PM
GUEST,Barry T not at home 31 Jul 01 - 03:42 PM
M.Ted 31 Jul 01 - 03:38 PM
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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: LR Mole
Date: 01 Aug 01 - 12:22 PM

"The Glory of Gershwin", with (among many others) Elvis Costello, Sting, and Sinead O'Connor.She sings "My Man's Gone Now", sounding quite unhinged.

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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: M.Ted
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 09:15 PM

Oh, my God! I had forgotten til just this minute--and of course, as kids, it was a favorite stunt--actually,we thought the gag was hysterical, even in college--in fact, I would still do it now, except for the legal issues--

As per the Martin/Adler Gershwin album, I saw something about it on TV a while back, but haven't heard it yet--have you? Is it good? I am very fond of that sort of thing-- picked up the the Noel Coward tribute recently, was especially impressed with the Pet Shop Boys version of "Sail Away", and I have a lot of fun playing "guess who this" is with a certain superstar's version of "A Room with A View"--

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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: Rick Fielding
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 07:42 PM

ted, remember how Johnny Puleo would run around and bite people on the leg? Even Ed. Mr. Sullivan would look down in disgust and say (in Ed Sullivan voice) "Now Cut that out!"

Have you heard the George Martin/Larry Adler (plus a cast of famous rockers) Gershwin album?


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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: M.Ted
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 06:05 PM

Johnny Puleo--wasn't he was called, "The Biggest Little Man in Show Business" or something like that? Thank you very much--and Borrah Minevitch--I haven't heard these names in a long time--Funny how this sort of music disappeared--most people haven't heard it, but maybe the harmonica will make a comeback, the way the ukulele has--meanwhile, I need to get my Chromatica 64 fixed--is it possible to get those thngs repaired?

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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: M.Ted
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 05:50 PM

Johnny Puleo--wasn't he was called, "The Biggest Little Man in Show Business" or something like that? Yes, thank you very much--and Borrah Minevitch--I haven't heard these names in a long time--Funny how this sort of music disappeared--most people haven't heard it, but maybe the harmonica will make a comeback, the way the ukulele has--meanwhile, I need to get my Chromatica 64 fixed--is it possible to get those thngs repaired?

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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: Rowana (at work)
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 04:35 PM

Former members of the Harmonicats performed at a picnic I attended in June. They looked rather fetching in their Hawaian shirts.

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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: GUEST,Barry T not at work
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 03:59 PM

Well, I was close. It was indeed Johnny Puleo, but the name of the group (which appeared many times on Ed Sullivan) was simply called Johnny Puleo and His Harmonica Gang. Johnny had been a member of Borrah Minevitch and His Harmonica Rascals.

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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: mandomad
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 03:49 PM

Hi M.Ted, In England we had The Morton Fraser Harmonica gang who had a similar act, it could have been the same group. I presume they would have toured the world, they were good musicians with a very funny gimmick.

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Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: GUEST,Barry T not at home
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 03:42 PM

I think that's Johnny Puleo (spelling?) and the Harmonica Rascals.

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Subject: Seek name of this Harmonica group
From: M.Ted
Date: 31 Jul 01 - 03:38 PM

Back in the fifties, there was a harmonica band that often appeared on TV variety shows which featured a soloist who was a "Little Person", and the on-going gag was that he was always trying to squeeze between the other players to get out front. No, it wasn't Jerry Murad and the Harmonicats, though this question came up while my neighbor and I were listening to a retrospective CD of theirs--anybody remember who they were?

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