Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) DigiTrad: TENNESSEE STUD TENNESSEE STUD Related threads: Lyr Req: Uncle Fud (4) Song Challenge: Tenn. Stud parody (20) Lyr Req: Tennessee Stud (Jimmie Driftwood) (30) |
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Subject: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: GUEST,Genie Date: 07 Sep 01 - 02:14 AM Can't find this in DT or Forum search. It's a potato song, The Idaho Spud, to the tune of Tennessee Stud. Anyone got it? Genie |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: wysiwyg Date: 07 Sep 01 - 02:43 AM Genie, here's something to help you pass the time while people search: ~Susan |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: Genie Date: 07 Sep 01 - 02:58 AM WYSIWYG, That's WONDERFUL! Genie |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: wysiwyg Date: 07 Sep 01 - 03:22 AM CD with this song on it here: Faith Petric CD here titled "When Did We Have Sauerkraut?" includes Idaho Spud by John Thomsen: CLICK, then go to the main page link there to see the CD offer.
You may be able to clikck here to play it:
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: wysiwyg Date: 07 Sep 01 - 03:24 AM Well, if you get it, be sure to post it back here in this thread, OK? ~S~ |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: Genie Date: 07 Sep 01 - 03:45 AM WSYWIG, I clicked on your clicky and I would love to buy that CD, but there did not seem to be any way to do it. I do hope someone will post the lyrics, but I'd really like to buy the CD -- it has Spike Jones's "Puppy Love," and some other great songs. Thanks for letting me know about it. Genie |
Subject: add: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud)^^ From: Joe Offer Date: 07 Sep 01 - 03:51 AM Thanks, Susan. That was the hint I needed. I knew I'd heard that. Reminds me of my visit to the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, a rather spooky nuclear place. I was standing next to a 40-foot-deep pool of water, and asked what was in the tanks at the bottom of the pool. My guide said it was the fuel from Three Mile Island. -Joe Offer- THE IDAHO SPUD (John Thomson) Along about nineteen eighty four I left Sun Valley, it was such a bore I packed up my Ray-Bans and my Gucci duds, And I went out to work in the Idaho spuds. CHORUS The Idaho spud is long and green It's covered with butter and sour cream. Just dig her from the ground and clean off the mud - There never was a tater like the Idaho spud. I drove on down unto Burley town Found a cute little russet kind of knobby and brown I said, "Sweet thing, I'll dig you later Right now I'm a' lookin for an Idaho tater. Chorus They eat them lobsters on the coast of Maine, And Gila monsters on the Texas plain Folks Down Under eat the witchery grub, But they all taste better with the Idaho spud Chorus You can make it into Vodka, you can make it into beer, You can eat it with a chicken or an old dead steer. Stopper up a gas can, serve it at the club There never was a tater like the Idaho spud. Chorus They got nuclear waste on the desert floor, The NEC wants to ship in more A big hole in the ground where they're dumpin' their crud - Radioactive Idaho spud Chorus (Last verse to be used depending on the audience and the singer's good judgment) I got a cute little mutant on the cabin floor, Another half a kid to stop the door They light right up like green tomaters Cuzz I'm feedin' them youngsters on nuclear taters from Faith Petric's CD, "When Did We Have Sauerkraut?" tune: Tennessee Stud @humor @food @parody filename[ IDHOSPUD JRO^^ |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: GUEST,Genie Date: 07 Sep 01 - 05:10 PM Thanks for posting it, Joe. Genie |
Subject: Lyr Add: Lyrics: The Idaho Spud From: GUEST,toubabdoc Date: 02 Jul 18 - 01:33 PM To the tune of The Tennessee Stud, a bit of folklore written under the influence one night many years ago. The Idaho Spud Along about 1965, I got to Idaho very much alive. I took out my shovel and I brushed off the mud, Cause I was gonna tangle with the Idaho Spud. Cho. The Idaho Spud was long and lean, Color of the mud and his eyes were green. He had the tendril and he had the bud, And there never was a tuber like the Idaho Spud. Rick Tuel and Chris Howie, ca. 1970 |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Lyrics: The Idaho Spud From: michaelr Date: 02 Jul 18 - 03:18 PM Funny, I had the same idea years ago. Mine went: The Idaho Spud was short and round The color of dirt and his eyes were brown |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: Joe Offer Date: 03 Jul 18 - 11:28 PM Threads combined. -Joe Offer, Mudcat Music Editor- |
Subject: Lyr Add: IDAHO SPUD (Dennis Coats) From: Jim Dixon Date: 09 Jul 18 - 05:35 PM This doesn't sound like it was meant to be a parody of TENNESSEE STUD. Although the structure is similar, the tune is different. IDAHO SPUD As recorded by Dennis Coats on "Coats String Band" (2011) Along about 1975, I left LA., barely left alive, An' I like a Texan chewin' his cud, I traded my tent for the Idaho spud, Traded my tent for the Idaho spud. Out on the highway, thumb in the air, I got me a whiff o' that Idaho air. After a while, it gets in your blood, Walkin' an' talkin' like an Idaho spud, Walkin' an' talkin' like an Idaho spud. CHORUS: Hey, the Idaho spud's a small fry's dream: 'Taters, 'skeeters, a big trout stream. You take the smog; we'll take the mud. We'll get along on the Idaho spud. We'll get along on the Idaho spud. I got a sixty-three pickup, a cool wop(?) cap, Headed for town with a Bible in my lap. Shaved the hair off the back o' my neck. I blended right in like a 'tater sack, Blended right in like a 'tater sack. Yeah, I met a little girl with a gleam in her eye, Took her hand and I told her that I 'D never let her go if she took me in. Together we're a-livin' on 'tater skins. Together we're a-livin' on 'tater skins. CHORUS Up on the mountaintop cuttin' me some trees, I met me a bear with a case o' hungries. I thanked the Lord in heaven above I had a twenty-pound bag of my Idaho spud, Twenty-pound bag of my Idaho spud. Well, my truck stopped runnin' and my gas was all gone. I grabbed my 'taters and I mashed till dawn, Opened up the tank, I poured in the suds. I made it on home on the Idaho spuds. I made it on home on the Idaho spuds. CHORUS Oh, we'll get along on the Idaho spud. Hey, we'll get along on the Idaho spud. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: Joe Offer Date: 09 Jul 18 - 06:09 PM I found a YouTube recording of "Idaho Spud" by the Coats String Band, but it probably won't play outside the US:It follows the meter and general lyric structure of "Tennessee Stud," but it certainly does have a different melody. But it's still a parody, isn't it? Here's a recording of "Tennessee Stud" by the songwriter, Jimmie/Jimmy Driftwood: -Joe- |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Idaho Spud (Tennessee Stud) From: GUEST,Dan Date: 24 Jan 25 - 09:49 AM Lets revive this thread why not? Dave Grisman's son Sam played with Vince Herman in Troy Music Hall, Troy, NY yesterday. They played an amazing rendition of the Idaho Spud song with John Thomas's lyrics - not Dennis Coats. I am not sure if they recorded it but I wish I did. So nice to know songs like this have not been forgotten. |
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