Lyr Add: Round and Round 2 (Harvey Andrews) Related threads: A new rounds collection - by DADGBE (6) Lyr Add: Appalachian Round (43) (origins) Origin: Ho Young Rider (Yugoslavian round) (44) Lyr Req: Thou Poor Bird: A lovely, simple round... (38) Looking for great fun/funny rounds (76) (origins) Origins: Dona Nobis Pacem (round) (13) Lyr Req: Songs sung in rounds. (29) Lyr Req: Wishy-Washy + Green Beans (rounds) (6) Lyr Req: Lets talk Rounds (26) Tune Req: Why Doth My Goose (round) (26) Singing 'in the round' ;-) -- any tips? (29) Tune Add: Catches = longer rounds (49) Lyr Add: Mother Sun (Ann McGill) - round (13) Rounds about water or boats... (6) Celtic Rounds? (3) Tune Req: Yule Round (2) Help: Doing the rounds (5) Yule (round) need notation (2)
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Subject: Lyr Add: ROUND AND ROUND (Harvey Andrews) From: GUEST,guest;harvey andrews Date: 21 Sep 01 - 10:52 AM I posted a verse a few days ago, but can't locate the original thread to answer queries. I was so moved by the opinions of many of you and the struggle to make sense of what has occurred and will occur that the verse came into my head and I posted it anonymously as soon as it was written. I subsequently said anyone could make up their own tune or incorporate it as they wished. I still say that to the two people who asked and anyone else who wishes to use it in their own way. I've found that I can sing it myself to a simple tune as a round;
young men die
Subject: RE: round and round 2 From: jeffp Date: 21 Sep 01 - 11:30 AM Harvey, thanks for giving us someone to credit this to. Your first thread is here. I shared it with my family and they were all quite moved by it. It has a simple beauty and truth to it. Thanks for sharing it. jeffp |
Subject: RE: round and round 2 From: sophocleese Date: 23 Sep 01 - 10:06 AM All right Harvey what tune do you use? I'd like to hear it. I found a tune coming to my head when I read it but it never resolves. |
Subject: RE: round and round 2 From: GUEST,guest harvey andrews Date: 23 Sep 01 - 12:24 PM When I performed it in Monmouth I sang it as a two verse round
Young men die, mothers mourn
Then, instead of resolving it as you would a four line verse I went back to the top; young men die, mothers mourn
then I resolved it; I hope this helps. Please use your own tune. |
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