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American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!

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GUEST,Denny 28 Sep 01 - 08:10 AM
Jack the Sailor 28 Sep 01 - 10:23 AM
Jack the Sailor 28 Sep 01 - 10:29 AM
Midchuck 28 Sep 01 - 11:01 AM
Amos 28 Sep 01 - 11:19 AM
Jack the Sailor 28 Sep 01 - 11:28 AM
Dave (the ancient mariner) 28 Sep 01 - 11:55 AM
Larry124 28 Sep 01 - 12:12 PM
Lonesome EJ 28 Sep 01 - 12:24 PM
Madam Gashee 28 Sep 01 - 12:27 PM
Donuel 28 Sep 01 - 01:18 PM
Chip2447 28 Sep 01 - 01:19 PM
Justa Picker 28 Sep 01 - 01:21 PM
Troll 28 Sep 01 - 02:03 PM
Lonesome EJ 28 Sep 01 - 02:34 PM
McGrath of Harlow 28 Sep 01 - 02:39 PM
kendall 28 Sep 01 - 02:46 PM
Uncle Jaque 28 Sep 01 - 02:55 PM
Wolfgang 28 Sep 01 - 03:00 PM
Lonesome EJ 28 Sep 01 - 03:00 PM
Uncle Jaque 28 Sep 01 - 03:03 PM
Mrrzy 28 Sep 01 - 03:06 PM
Lonesome EJ 28 Sep 01 - 03:17 PM
Wolfgang 28 Sep 01 - 03:21 PM
Justa Picker 28 Sep 01 - 04:07 PM
McGrath of Harlow 28 Sep 01 - 04:35 PM
Gareth 28 Sep 01 - 06:40 PM
GUEST,Melani 28 Sep 01 - 06:55 PM
Donuel 28 Sep 01 - 09:09 PM
Dave (the ancient mariner) 28 Sep 01 - 10:20 PM
Troll 28 Sep 01 - 10:29 PM
Mrrzy 05 Oct 01 - 11:51 AM
wildlone 05 Oct 01 - 03:08 PM
Charley Noble 05 Oct 01 - 05:59 PM
GUEST 05 Oct 01 - 06:17 PM
Donuel 06 Oct 01 - 08:43 AM
Scotland the brave 06 Oct 01 - 09:51 AM
Peg 06 Oct 01 - 12:10 PM
Paul from Hull 06 Oct 01 - 01:31 PM
Paul from Hull 06 Oct 01 - 01:42 PM
Donuel 06 Oct 01 - 01:48 PM
Crazy Eddie 07 Oct 01 - 02:20 AM
Hillheader 07 Oct 01 - 03:32 AM
red flag 13 Oct 01 - 11:32 AM
red flag 13 Oct 01 - 11:37 AM
Donuel 13 Oct 01 - 11:42 AM
Paul from Hull 13 Oct 01 - 11:49 AM
Donuel 13 Oct 01 - 11:58 AM
Paul from Hull 13 Oct 01 - 12:26 PM
Paul from Hull 13 Oct 01 - 02:03 PM
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Subject: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: GUEST,Denny
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 08:10 AM


So now we've got Bin Laden, what are we going to do?(apart from give him a trial and then kill him)

[in case anyone is confused - no Bin Laden hasn't been caught - and the 'real' thread is so far only up to part 12.

I'm simply speculating on the future - hope that doesn't offend anyone]

These are the threads in the series on the World Trade Center Tragedy. Please post only to the most recent thread in the series. The others are closed because they are too long for some browsers to open. There is no need to "refresh" old threads in this series. These links should be sufficient.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 10:23 AM

Harvest him!

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 10:29 AM

After a fair trial of course

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Midchuck
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 11:01 AM

Use the Larry Niven solution: Harvest him literally. Cut off parts and organs as deserving people need them for transplants, until there's not enough left to keep him alive.


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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Amos
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 11:19 AM

Let's find out what he knows and what he has done first, eh?

It is one thing to flood the gutters of the human mind with incendiary and absurd rhetoric -- we know he has done that. That is not exactly criminal, merely ridiculous.

It is another thing to fund, plan, recruit, stage, and conduct murders.

While I believe he has done that as well, I'd like to have the reasonable evidence or his confirmation.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 11:28 AM


That's what trials are for.


I'm a great Larry Niven, I always had a problem with that idea. I think I would rather not live than to live with bin Laden's heart in my body.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 11:55 AM

Hopefully he will not want to be taken alive. The first one to get a chance should just shoot the bastard. Yours, Aye. Dave (willing too if noone else is)

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Larry124
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 12:12 PM

Don't want my tax dollars feeding him. "Shot while trying to escape." fer sure.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 12:24 PM

I can't help thinking a news bulletin announcing "American Commandoes seized Osama Bin Ladin's compound today. Reports say that, before he could be apprehended, his lieutenants shot him to death and then committed suicide" would represent the best scenario.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Madam Gashee
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 12:27 PM

What a satisfying thought for the future.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Donuel
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 01:18 PM

As the English and Russians have discovered the Afgans do not take prisoners. They stake people in the sun and cut the skin off the solar plexus. The smaller the hole the longer it takes to die. They discovered this is by far the most painful way to die yet devised. If their is no "malice" they take a large portion of the belly so death approaches hours sooner.

I think we should say bin Laden is alive (whether he is or not)and is being moved to various acessible locations . Let all the suicide rescuers walk into the various traps for years to come while we monitor for other kingpins.

Once all 50,000,006 terrorists have been felled we can declare a victory.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Chip2447
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 01:19 PM

Make him eat pork and then stone him with the rubble of the WTC...Punish him under Islamic law.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Justa Picker
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 01:21 PM

I'm very concerned that we might violate his civil rights, when interrogating him to find out all he knows --NOT!!!!!!

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Troll
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 02:03 PM

If he is captured alive, he MUST be afforded all the rights of any prisoner of war under the rules of the Geneva Convention.
HE may not have signed it but WE DID.
To do anything less is to show the world that we are worse that he is because we are supposed to be sane and civilized, while HE is an avowed terrorist.


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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 02:34 PM

unless of course his henchmen kill him to prevent his capture, Troll.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 02:39 PM

Why the vengeance fantasies? Try him. There's a trial on atvthe moment of M

As war criminals go, Bin Laden would be nowhere near the top rank in terms of people he'd have killed.

But in fact realistically I think it is far more likely that he will never be found, and there'll be speculation for decades to come as to whether he was killed or got away somehow. Even if a body turns up.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: kendall
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 02:46 PM

There are many ways for the mind to come up with unique punishments, such as, Nail his scrotum to a stump, hand him a rusty knife, then set the woods on fire. (variation, nail to stupm, push him over backwards.)

I doubt that such an act is spelled out in the Geneva Convention, but, it probably would be called, Cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously folks, we are civilized.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Uncle Jaque
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 02:55 PM

Lordy, Lordy... What happened to all the compassion, tolerance, and sensitivity this pond was teeming with just one short month ago.. ?

At least one "Pig ignorant Conservative" (Thanks, "Guest", whoever you are) hopes that the battered old pendulum of the collective Human heart spends little time hovering or hung up at either extreme of the arc, and might eventually settle somewhere in the proximity of Wisdom, common sense, and integrity. Soon would be wonderful... before the intricate works of civilizations' clock be undone entirely beyond repair. How long will they endure this sort of treatment?

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Wolfgang
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 03:00 PM

More than 50 years back it were particularly the USA who insisted upon due process in the Nuremberg trials for the Nazi leaders when others of the Allies spoke for execution without trial. Yes, they even had a defense with all rights and there have been acquittals (3 out of 22 in the first big trial) due to guilt being not proven beyond reasonable doubt. The USA should not want to fall below the standards they set then.

Others, including Winston Churchill, Britain's prime minister during the war, wanted to dispense with trials altogether and simply execute the accused Nazis. But Jackson and other prosecutors believed that the only way for a process of healing to occur within Germany was to lessen the stigma of collective guilt and to focus on the principle of individual responsibility through a trial process.

This thought from a Nuremberg Trials website seems still to be valid to me today.


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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 03:00 PM

I'm not advocating torture, even for this piece of excrement. But Geneva Convention or not, Trial by Bullet has been a reality in most wars the US has fought, or any nation has fought. Bush said Bin Ladin is "wanted, dead or alive." If this isn't a tacit approval of execution on contact, I don't know what is.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Uncle Jaque
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 03:03 PM

You may have recieved this E-Mail already, as it seems to be making the rounds.

I have not checked out the authenticity or credentials of the alledged Author, but such as I am aware of the situation this "Open Letter to Americans" is entirely consistant, and I have been irritating people with just such contentions (which we did not have to be psychic to see coming) long before the 9/11 attack.

Respectfully Submitted For your consideration:

Received Via E-Mail 09/28/2001:


From: Dr. Tony Kern, Lt Col, USAF (Ret) Former Director of Military History, USAF Academy

"Recently, I was asked to look at the recent events through the lens of military history.

I have joined the cast of thousands who have written an...

"Open Letter to Americans."

14 September, 2001

Dear friends and fellow Americans:

Like everyone else in this great country, I am reeling from last week's attack on our sovereignty. But unlike some, I am not reeling from surprise.

As a career Soldier and a student and Teacher of Military History, I have a different perspective and I think you should hear it. This war will be won or lost by the American citizens, not diplomats,politicians or soldiers.

Let me briefly explain;

In spite of what the media, and even our own government is telling us, this act was not committed by a group of mentally deranged fanatics. To dismiss them as such would be among the gravest of mistakes. This attack was committed by a ferocious, intelligent and dedicated adversary.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't admire these men and I deplore their tactics, but I respect their capabilities. The many parallels that have been made with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor are apropos. Not only because it was a brilliant sneak attack against a complacent America, but also because we may well be pulling our new adversaries out of caves 30 years after we think this war is over, just like my father's generation had to do with the formidable Japanese in the years following WW II.

These men hate the United States with all of their being, and we must not underestimate the power of their moral commitment. Napoleon, perhaps the world's greatest combination of soldier and statesman, stated: "The moral is to the physical as three is to one."

Patton thought the Frenchman underestimated its importance and said moral conviction was five times more important in battle than physical strength.

Our enemies are willing - better said anxious - to give their lives for their cause.

How committed are we America? And for how long? In addition to demonstrating great moral conviction, the recent attack demonstrated a mastery of some of the basic fundamentals of warfare taught to most military officers worldwide, namely simplicity, security and surprise. When I first heard rumors that some of these men may have been trained at our own Air War College, it made perfect sense to me. This was not a random act of violence, and we can expect the same sort of military competence to be displayed in the battle to come. This war will escalate, with a good portion of it happening right here in the good ol' U.S. of A..

These men will not go easily into the night. They do not fear us; We must not fear them.

In spite of our overwhelming conventional strength as the world's only "superpower" (a truly silly term), we are the underdog in this fight.

As you listen to the carefully scripted rhetoric designed to prepare us for the march for war, please realize that America is not equipped or seriously trained for the battle ahead. To be certain, our soldiers are much better than the enemy, and we have some excellent "counter-terrorist" organizations, but they are mostly trained for hostage rescues, airfield seizures, or the occasional "body snatch," (which may come in handy). We will be fighting a war of annihilation, because if their early efforts are any indication, our enemy is ready and willing to die to the last man.

Eradicating the enemy will be costly and time consuming. They have already deployed their forces in as many as 20 countries, and are likely living the lives of everyday citizens.

Simply put, our soldiers will be tasked with a search and destroy mission on multiple foreign landscapes, and the public must be patient and supportive until the strategy and tactics can be worked out. For the most part, our military is still in the process of redefining itself and presided over by men and women who grew up with - and were promoted because they excelled in - Cold War doctrine, strategy and tactics.

This will not be linear warfare, there will be no clear "centers of gravity" to strike with high technology weapons. Our vast technological edge will certainly be helpful, but it will not be decisive.

Perhaps the perfect metaphor for the coming battle was introduced by the terrorists themselves aboard the hijacked aircraft; this will be a knife fight, and it will be won or lost by the ingenuity and will of citizens and soldiers, not by software or smart bombs. We must also be patient with our military leaders.

Unlike Americans who are eager to put this messy time behind us, our adversaries have time on their side, and they will use it. They plan to fight a battle of attrition, hoping to drag the battle out until the American public loses its will to fight. This might be difficult to believe in this euphoric time of flag waving and patriotism, but it is generally acknowledged that America lacks the stomach for a long fight. We need only look as far back as Vietnam, when North Vietnamese General Vo Nguyen Giap (also a military history teacher) defeated the United States of America without ever winning a major tactical battle. American soldiers who marched to war cheered on by flag waving Americans in 1965 were reviled and spat upon less than three years later when they returned.

Although we hope that Usama Bin Laden is no Giap, he is certain to understand and employ the concept. We can expect not only large doses of pain like the recent attacks, but also less audacious "sand in the gears" tactics, ranging from livestock infestations to attacks at water supplies and power distribution facilities.

These attacks are designed to hit us in our "comfort zone" forcing the average American to "pay more and play less" and eventually eroding our resolve. But it can only work if we let it. It is clear to me that the will of the American citizenry - you and I - is the center of gravity the enemy has targeted. It will be the fulcrum upon which victory or defeat will turn.

He believes us to be soft, impatient, and self-centered. He may be right, but if so, we must change.

The Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz, (the most often quoted and least read military theorist in history), says that there is a "remarkable trinity of war" that is composed of the:

(1) Will of the People, (2) The political leadership of the Government, and (3) The chance and probability that plays out on the field of battle, in that order.

Every American citizen was in the crosshairs of last Tuesday's attack, not just those that were unfortunate enough to be in the World Trade Center or Pentagon.

The will of the American people will decide this war.

If we are to win, it will be because we have what it takes to persevere through a few more hits, learn from our mistakes, improvise, and adapt. If we can do that, we will eventually prevail.

Everyone I've talked to In the past few days has shared a common frustration, saying in one form or another "I just wish I could do something!". You are already doing it; Just keep faith in America, (dare we include ?God?? - JCC) and continue to support your President and Military, and the outcome is certain.

If we fail to do so, the outcome is equally certain.

God Bless America

Dr. Tony Kern, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret.) Former Director of Military History, USAF Academy

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Mrrzy
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 03:06 PM

Except, Wolfgang, that Osama is already an individual. I kinda like the woods on fire one... but not in real life. I think that we are, unfortunately or not, bound by our own consciences and abhorrence for barbarity, to act civilized. His henchmen won't kill him to prevent his capture; being killed by henchmen doesn't send you to the right hand of wherever. But, I wouldn't mind seeing him spend the rest of his years in a psych lab, where I also think they ought to have stuck McVeigh, so that we'd have a chance to figure out what makes people like that be like that... under the auspices of the CDC, maybe? Lock'm up like the lab rats they'd become? Let the NIH or NIMH, rather than the taxpayers, pick up the tab? I'd contribute, at least we'd learn something...

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 03:17 PM

Jaque, I am in total agreement with Dr Kern. Thanks for the posting.

Re: the Nuremburg Trials. It strikes me that there are major differences. We were dealing with a defeated enemy and had the luxury of conducting a long trial with due process. The atrocities of the convicted were abhorred throughout the World, and even by their own people. There was no fanatical core of followers seeking revenge in the event of conviction.

I realize that we don't wish to become like "them". In Vietnam, we attempted to counter Viet Cong tactics, like the execution of entire villages because they had sheltered RVN Troops, by using the positive tactic of "winning the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese People". This proved ineffectual in the long run. But we must prepare to fight a long bitter campaign in this instance, a campaign in which the enemy feels justified in killing unarmed civilians, while we feel compelled to put the perpetrators on trial with all due process. Do we have the patience and will to fight such a war?

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Wolfgang
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 03:21 PM

he is already a hero for a group of people some of which might want to follow his path or the path of the terrorists sooner or later. It is in nour common interest that this group should be as small as possible and should be decreasing in number and not increasing during the months and years to come.

A pathetic Bin Laden in a trial claiming that his words were misunderstood (as he started today, if we may believe that) and fighting for his life by blaming others in his organisation would do tremendously more for a dwindling of the number of followers than a martyr who was 'murdered' by infidels.



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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Justa Picker
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 04:07 PM

Thanks for the post U.J.
I'm in complete agreement also.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 04:35 PM

Right now Milosevic on on trial, accused of more killings than Bin Laden. In Ruanda trials are going on of people involved in killings on a vastly greater scale. And of course there was Nuremberg, another few notches up.

As war criminals go, Bin Laden doesn't really compete with the big boys.

If he's put on trial, there's going to be some way of pinning down the truth. If he isn't there's going to be conspiracy theories for ever, and Bin Ladens will be turning up all over the place like Elvis Presleys for the rest of the century, but with lethal potential.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Gareth
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 06:40 PM

I'am really nasty.

Hand him over to the Afghan people.

BTW Pearl Harbour was treachery/a "good operation".

Why no credit to the RN Fleet Air Arm who proved it could be done at Taranto ?


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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: GUEST,Melani
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 06:55 PM

I agree with Wolfgang re: Nuremburg. But the suicide scenario works for me. It worked for Hitler.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Donuel
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 09:09 PM

He might get acquited.

After all, he can afford O.J.Simpson's dream team.

:p in cheek

What a picture, OJ and bin Laden golfing together with impunity.

I read that G.Bush(sr) still has business connection with the bin Ladens in SA to this day. Now the FBI is either looking or covering up depending how bad the appearences are.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 10:20 PM

Knowing the American legal system, he would probably be aquitted and then sue the USA for millions. Yours, Aye. Dave

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Troll
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 10:29 PM

Theres nothing secret about the Bush families oil contracts in the Middle East and it would be strange if they did not share some contracts with the bin Laden family. They are, after all, extremely wealthy and have diverse holdings all over the world.
Although I don't know for sure, I would imagine the Gore family has tobacco deals in some pretty strange places.
And who knows where Bill and Hilary have their money invested. I'll bet it's not in real estate though.


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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Mrrzy
Date: 05 Oct 01 - 11:51 AM

OK, it's frivolous, but I just got a suggestion thatwent something like Since we don't want to make him a martyr by killing him, or a hostage-creator by capturing him, the next best idea (not mine!) was to have the SEALS or somebody covertly capture him, fly him to Switzerland and conduct a complete sex-change, then send "her" back to Afghanistan to live under Taliban rule!

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: wildlone
Date: 05 Oct 01 - 03:08 PM

We were already at war with Italy when we attacked Taranto.
When your wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains.
Just roll on you're rifle and blow out your brains,
And go to your Gawd like a soldier.

taken from The Young British Soldier.
Rudyard Kipling

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Charley Noble
Date: 05 Oct 01 - 05:59 PM

We certainly do not want to help make Bin Laden a martyr. If he is captured alive, try him. If convicted I hope he is sentenced to solitary confinement for life; serve him airline food...

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
Date: 05 Oct 01 - 06:17 PM

If he is killed, he'll become a martyr.

If he's captured, he'll become a martyr too.

The only way forward for the West is to collectively shrug our shoulders, re-build and say 'whatever'

Forward instead of backwards

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Donuel
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 08:43 AM

Like other failed figures he should get a radio talk show.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Scotland the brave
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 09:51 AM


I see that the Scots, Welsh and the Irish aren't invovled just the English, Do you not mean British.

It's like going over to America and saying to you "How are things in Canada."

Tony Blair is the Prime Minster of GREAT BRITAIN

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Peg
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 12:10 PM

Will killing bin Laden stop his well-trained and impassionaed operatives from engaging in more attacks of terror?

This problem is much larger than catching and killing one man...

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Paul from Hull
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 01:31 PM

StB, Where do you see anyone saying that, either deliberately or accidentally?

Its true that a LOT of people around the world carelessly refer to 'English' when they mean British, but I see that happen ONCE on this Thread....

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Paul from Hull
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 01:42 PM

Ooops...HTML crime...sorry!

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Donuel
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 01:48 PM

scot... Maybe someone else made that mistake in another thread. As far as US/Canada goes it makes little difference unless you're from Quebec. *G*

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Crazy Eddie
Date: 07 Oct 01 - 02:20 AM

Scotland the Brave, re your comment "Tony Blair is the Prime Minster of GREAT BRITAIN"

I think you'll find that he is actually Prime Minister of The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Hillheader
Date: 07 Oct 01 - 03:32 AM

Sorry for the non-liberal approach guys - but Bin Laden has to die in this struggle.

A trial means holding him in prison. Where? Would you want to live within 50 miles of the place which his supporters would turn into a shrine?

Who would be on the jury? Anyone out there actually believe this man is innocent until proven guilty? So no fair trial and he walks!!!

No. He dies in the struggle to capture him. Then the expose of what he was really like e.g. not a true Muslim, took alcohol frequently, ate pork, spat on the Koran. This will soil his memory and limit the number of martyrs who will want to avenge his death.

Cynical yes -- but not necessarily wrong.


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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: red flag
Date: 13 Oct 01 - 11:32 AM

What a bunch of blood thirsty people you lot are.

I mean is the killing off innocent men, women and childern on both sides not enough for you people, and you say that Bin laden is cruel, I think that you lot are just as bad as him, I'll tell you what ifyou are so blood thristy as you are then why not drop a nuclear bomb and just wipe the whole lot out.

And then some of you will be happy, all I can is thank God I'm not American and living there, because if this what you are like when three buidings are blown up, I shudder to think if they manged to do a lot more damage.

Then maybe you lot will happy when the whole world is destroyed. Here in Britian we have terroristism for 30 years and never have I ever heard such blood thirty comments in my life. All I can say is thank God I live here and not there. That's what happens when you've been brought up in a gun culture, and violence.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: red flag
Date: 13 Oct 01 - 11:37 AM


you haven't got him, he's still alive, I thought that you would of taken a lesson from Russia, because they tried the same as you and were in the country for 10 years. And look what happened to them. I mean it's all right for you in America saying blast him, because you're nice and safe in America not getting touched. I just hope for you sake that the three attacks were the last or else America, if you keep bombing countries because they bombed you well you can kiss your ass goodbye.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Oct 01 - 11:42 AM

"""I mean it's all right for you in America saying blast him, because you're nice and safe in America not getting touched"""

It is nice to have 8 year olds posting here. Especially those that are mercifully sheltered from the news.

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Paul from Hull
Date: 13 Oct 01 - 11:49 AM

Don't feed the Trolls!

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Oct 01 - 11:58 AM

I know "don't feed him, he may follow us home".

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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Paul from Hull
Date: 13 Oct 01 - 12:26 PM


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Subject: RE: American Attacks**Part Fifty - Got him!
From: Paul from Hull
Date: 13 Oct 01 - 02:03 PM

Hmmm...on reflection, its probably not very fair to accuse any Member of trolling (& I've also been guilty of accusing Guests of being Trolls & then they have turned out not to be). I think I'm obviously too ready to criticise in that regard, & all I can offer by way of 'explaination' (its certainly no excuse)is that I have a particular dislike of trolling & similar behaviour (wherever I am on the net - not JUST on Mudcat).

Maybe I'm 'shooting first, & asking questions later' - which I shouldnt be doing, & I apologise for it.

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