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Dave Mallett in California


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kendall 31 Oct 01 - 10:07 AM
Deckman 31 Oct 01 - 03:57 PM
kendall 31 Oct 01 - 07:49 PM
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Subject: Dave Mallett in California
From: kendall
Date: 31 Oct 01 - 10:07 AM

For all you Dave Mallett fans in California, he will be doing a tour out there. If you want to know where and when, I'll post his schedule.

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Subject: RE: Dave Mallett in California
From: Deckman
Date: 31 Oct 01 - 03:57 PM

Yes, please post his schedule. I'm a HUGE fan of David. I live in Washington, but I have several good friends in California ... I'll forward the concert plan to them. Thanks muchly ... Bob

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Subject: RE: Dave Mallett in California
From: kendall
Date: 31 Oct 01 - 07:49 PM


Upcoming dates include ME, MA, CA, CT, NH, GA, NY, PA.

Sat., Nov. 3, Rumford, ME, Mountain Valley High School, Muskie Auditorium, 799 Hancock St., 7:30p, 207-778-7274,, $10, $7 students and seniors, with Mike Burd on bass.

Sat., Nov. 10, Essex, MA, First Universalist Church, Main St., 8p, 978-768-7056,, $15.

Wed., Nov. 14, Davis, CA, Palms Playhouse, 726 Drummond Ave., 8p, 530-756-9901,, $15.

Thurs., Nov. 15, Berkeley, CA, Freight & Salvage, 1111 Addison St., 8p, 510-548-1761,, $16.50 advance, $17.50 at the door, Lisa Redfern opening,

Fri., Nov. 16, Felton, CA, Backroads Concerts, 8p, 831-335-1310,

Sat., Nov. 17, Georgetown, CA, I.O.O.F. Hall, Main St., 7:30p, 530-333-9500,, $15.

Mon., Nov. 26, Hallowell, ME, Slate's, 167 Water St., 8p, 207-622-9575,, $17.

Sat., Dec. 1, Canton, CT, Roaring Brook Nature Center, 70 Gracey Rd., 7:30p, 860-693-0263,, $15 advance, $17 at the door.

Sat., Dec. 15, Cambridge, MA, Club Passim, 47 Palmer St., 8p, 617-492-5300 info, 617-492-7679 reservations,, $17, $15 members.

Sun., Dec. 16, Northampton, MA, Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St., 7p, 413-584-0610, tickets 413-586-8686 or 800-THE-TICK,, $14 adv., $17 at the door.

Mon., Dec. 31, Belfast, ME, New Year's by the Bay,

Thurs., Jan. 17, Lewiston, ME, Ramada Inn Ballroom, 490 Pleasant St., 7:30p, 207-782-7228,, $10 & $12, Lisa McCormick opening.

Fri., Jan. 18, Newport, NH, Newport Opera House, 20 Main St., 8p, 603-863-2412,, $12, $10 seniors and students.

Sat., Jan. 19, Rochester, NH, Rochester Opera House, 31 Wakefield St., 8p, 603-332-2211 info, 603-335-1992 tickets,

Sat., Feb. 9, Dahlonega, GA, Holly Theatre, 69 West Main St., 8p, 7 06-864-3759,, $12, $10 students, songwriting workshop 1-4p.

Sat., March 9, Londonderry, NH, Muse at the Gray Goose, 2 Young Rd., 8p, 603-437-6085,, $18, Joyce Anderson opening.

Fri., March 15, Fredonia, NY, 1891 Fredonia Opera House, Village Hall, 9 Church St., 7:30p, 716-679-0891,, Lisa McCormick opening, $8 and $10.

Sat., March 16, Pittsburgh, PA, Carnegie Lecture Hall, Schenley Park Drive entrance, 8p, 412-432-0333 or,, 412-394-3353 or, $20 advance, $22 door, $17 subscriber, $10 student rush.

Sun., March 17, Shanksville, PA, Shanksville Stonycreek High School Aud., 1325 Cornerstone Rd., 7p, 814-443-2433,,, $8, $6 students.

Sat., April 6, Deer Isle, ME, Deer Isle Auditorium, Deer Isle Elem. School, Rt. 15, 7p, 207-374-5548, $12 advance, $15 door, concert to benefit Blue Hill Society for Aid to Children.

Sat., April 27, Granby, CT, Pilgrim Covenant Church, 605 Salmon Brook St., 7:30p, 860-653-3800,, $15 advance, $20 door.

To join David's email mailing list, email name/address/phone no./e-mail address to Send requests to join David's regular mailing list to David Mallett, PO Box 94, Sebec, ME 04481.

David's website: Updated itineraries are also found on Musi-Cal,

Join David's Chat Group! INTERNET CHAT GROUP formed to discuss Mallett songs and concerts, share photos and opinions. To join, send a blank e-mail to

SPECIAL NOTE: The July-August issue of YANKEE Magazine has a special section on "Music Made in New England". David contributed an article on p. 94, "In Tune, A Native Songwriter Comes Home", and his "Inches and Miles" album was selected as one of the 3 "must have" contemporary folk albums. Look for it at your favorite newsstand, and also check out for more information on this special issue.

ALBUMS AVAILABLE: AMBITION (1999, Flying Fish), PARALLEL LIVES (1997, live, Flying Fish), IN THE FALLING DARK (1995), THIS TOWN (1993), FOR A LIFETIME (1988), VITAL SIGNS (1986, cassette only), OPEN DOORS & WINDOWS (1983), and INCHES & MILES (1978-1980 compilation). Also available: David's children's book based on his "Garden Song," INCH BY INCH, and A COLLECTION, the David Mallett Songbook. CDs are $16/postpaid, cassettes are $11/pp, INCH BY INCH is $17/pp, the songbook is $20/pp. Send a check payable to "David Mallett," to Mallett Music, PO Box 94, Sebec, ME 04481. Flying Fish/Rounder Records' website: .

Fee support in Maine is available through the Maine Touring Artists Program (207-287-2724). The New England States Touring Program offers

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