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Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)

Dicho (Frank Staplin) 10 Nov 01 - 06:24 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 10 Nov 01 - 08:36 PM
Uncle Jaque 10 Nov 01 - 10:17 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 10 Nov 01 - 10:27 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 10 Nov 01 - 10:58 PM
Jerry Rasmussen 10 Nov 01 - 11:29 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 10 Nov 01 - 11:58 PM
Jerry Rasmussen 11 Nov 01 - 01:24 AM
masato sakurai 11 Nov 01 - 01:43 AM
Stewie 11 Nov 01 - 08:32 AM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 11 Nov 01 - 01:00 PM
Chocolate Pi 11 Nov 01 - 07:25 PM
Stewie 11 Nov 01 - 09:07 PM
wysiwyg 11 Nov 01 - 11:38 PM
Burke 12 Nov 01 - 05:13 PM
Uncle Jaque 12 Nov 01 - 06:26 PM
Jerry Rasmussen 12 Nov 01 - 08:49 PM
Joe Offer 12 Nov 01 - 09:20 PM
wysiwyg 12 Nov 01 - 10:53 PM
masato sakurai 12 Nov 01 - 11:04 PM
Jerry Rasmussen 13 Nov 01 - 09:19 AM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 13 Nov 01 - 05:31 PM
Uncle Jaque 13 Nov 01 - 05:51 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 13 Nov 01 - 07:23 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 20 Nov 01 - 08:35 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 20 Nov 01 - 08:47 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 20 Nov 01 - 08:53 PM
Dicho (Frank Staplin) 20 Dec 01 - 12:17 AM
wysiwyg 12 Feb 02 - 02:15 PM
GUEST,heavyone 18 Nov 06 - 07:03 PM
Azizi 18 Nov 06 - 07:28 PM
wysiwyg 19 Jan 07 - 02:30 PM
GUEST,Jim 01 Mar 07 - 01:45 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 02 Aug 07 - 10:40 PM
wysiwyg 14 Nov 07 - 06:51 PM
Tweed 15 Nov 07 - 03:55 PM
GUEST,Terrance Sentell 11 Sep 08 - 08:27 PM
Nathan in Texas 29 Apr 13 - 08:49 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 06:24 PM


What ship is this that's landed at the shore?
Oh, Glory Hallelujah!
It's the old ship of Zion, hallelujah!
It's the old ship of Zion, hallelujah!

Is the mast all sure, and the timber all sound?
Oh, Glory, hallelujah!
She's built of gospel timber, hallelujah!
She's built, etc.

What kind of men does she have on board?
Oh, Glory Hallelujah!
They're all true-hearted soldiers, hallelujah!
They're all etc.

What kind of captain does she have on board?
Oh, Glory Hallelujah!
King Jesus is the captain, Hallelujah!
King Jesus etc.

Oh, do you think she will be able to land us on the shore?
Oh, Glory Hallelujah!
I think she will be able, Hallelujah!
I think etc.

She has landed over thousands, and can land as many more,
Oh, Glory Hallelujah! etc.

Written down in 1850, this fragment from Cincinnati is one of the earliest recorded spirituals. In Dena Epstein, 1977, Spiritual Tunes and Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the Civil War, Univ. Illinois Press.
@religion @spiritual


What ship is that you're enlisted upon?
Oh, Glory hallelujah!
'Tis the old ship of Zion, hallelujah!
'Tis the old ship of Zion, hallelujah!

And who is the captain of the ship that you're on?
My Saviour is the captain, hallelujah! etc.

The above fragment from Maryland, printed 1860, was reproduced in Allen, 1867, Slave Songs of the United States.
@religion @spiritual


Don't you see that ship a-sailin',
Gwine over to the Promised Land?
I asked my Lord, shall I ever be the one,
Shall I ever be the one, shall I ever be the one,
To go sailin', sailin', sailin', sailin',
Gwine over to the Promised Land?

2. She sails like she is heavy-loaded, etc.
3. King Jesus is the captain, etc.
4. The Holy Ghost is the pilot, etc.

The above, from North Carolina, is in Allen, 1867, Slave Songs of the United States.
@religion @spiritual


Come along, come along, and let us go home,
O, glory hallelujah!
Dis de old ship of Zion, Halleloo! Halleloo!
Dis de old ship of Zion, Hallelujah!

She has landed many a tousand,
She can land as many more.
O, glory Hallelujah! etc.

Do you tink she will be able,
For to take us all home?
O glory, hallelujah! etc.

You can tell 'em I'm a-coming, Halleloo! Halleloo!
You can tell 'em I'm a-coming, Hallelujah!
Come along, come along, etc.

From T. W. Higginson, 1867


Dis de good old ship o' Zion, (3 times)
An' she's makin' for de Promise Land.

She hab angels for de sailors (3 times)
An' she's makin' for de Promise Land.

An' how you know dey's angels? (3 times)
An' she's etc.

Good Lord, shall I be de one? (3 times)
An' she's etc.

Dat ship is out a-sailin', sailin', sailin',
An' she's etc.
She's a-sailin' mighty steady, steady, steady,
An' she's etc.
She'll neither reel nor totter, totter, totter,
An' she's etc.
She's a-sailin' away cold Jordan, Jordan, Jordan,
An' she's etc.
King Jesus is de captain, captain, captain,
An' she's making for de Promise Land.

From T. W. Higginson, 1867


De gospel ship is sailin', Hosann-sann.
O, Jesus is de captain, Hosann-sann.
De angels are de sailors, Hosann-sann
O, is your bundle ready? Hosann-sann.
O, have you got your ticket? Hosann-sann.

Versions 4-6 from T. W. Higginson, Negro Spirituals, Atlantic Monthly, 1867.
See Fenner, Dett and others for other early versions.


It is that old ship of Zion, (3 times)
Get on board! get on board!

It has landed many a thousand, (3 times)
Get on board! Get on board!
It has landed my old mother, etc.
It has landed my old father, etc.
Ain't no danger on this vessel, etc.
(Ain't no danger in this water, etc. variant)
She is moving very slowly, etc.
I'm so glad I got my ticket, etc.
My old mother is waiting for me, etc.
It has landed many a thousand, etc.
(Repeat 1st verse at end)

Sung by Gentry Young Bennet, Merryville, LA. In other versions, Zion "stretched," Zi-o-en. Usually sung slowly. "Git on board little children" chorus sometimes added. John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States recording Trip.
@religion @spiritual.

Putting Old Ship of Zion into DT and Forum Search will yield gospel versions.

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From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 08:36 PM


Don't ye view dat ship a come a sailin'? Hallelujah!
Don't ye view dat ship a come a sailin'? (3 times)
Don't ye view dat ship a come a sailin'? Hallelujah!

Dat ship is heavy loaded, Hallelujah!
Dat ship is havy loaded, (3 times)
Dat ship is heavy loaded, Hallelujah!

She neither reels nor totters, Hallelujah! etc.

She is loaded with bright angels, Hallelujah! etc.

Oh, how do you know dey are angels? Hallelujah! etc.

I know dem by-a de'r mournin', Hallelujah! etc.

Oh, yonder comes my Jesus, Hallelujah! etc.

Oh, how do you know it's Jesus? Hallelujah! etc.

I know him by-a His shinin', Hallelujah! etc.

Chorus: Indicated as 1st verse plus 1st line of second verse.

From Fifty Cabin and Plantation Songs, 1874, Thomas P. Fenner, Hampton Inst.
@religion @spiritual

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Uncle Jaque
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 10:17 PM

Well now; there's a song we don't hear much from these days! As a matter of fact, it's one that I have worked on for quite some time since pulling it out of "Southern Harmony" online and MIDI transcriptions. Recognizing it's potential right away, I arranged it for whistle / flute, and considered it for a fife piece. It seems that I found a few of the other versions you mention, but little if any relationship or similarity between the scores. I finally found a few of the lyrics similar to V. II above, and they fit (sort of) metricly with the music I had; I use that as the "Verse" and your "V. III" as the "Chorus"; I suspect that there were many more verses than either one of us have here, probably lost to posterity. So much do I like "Old Ship" that I recorded it on my first CD with the "Gilead" low "G" Irish flute. If I ever figure out how to "rip" an Mp3 off of an audio track, I could send it to you.

Send me an E-mail address (hopefully on a server that can handle some hefty attachments) - PM will do - and I'll see if I've got some graphics of the score/s I used for you.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 10:27 PM

Uncle Jaque, thanks for the offer. I think the graphics should go to WYSIWYG, Susan, who is overseeing the spirituals for Mudcat. I know she would like to have them. I will give you her Email in a message.
Please post your (and any other) discography to this thread.

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Subject: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION IX
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 10:58 PM


What ship is this that will take us all home?
Oh, glory, hallelujah!
And safely land us on Canaan's bright shore?
Oh, glory hallelujah!

'Tis the old ship of Zion, hallelujah!

The winds may blow and the billows may foam,
Oh, glory, hallelujah!
But she is able to land us all home.
Oh, glory, hallelujah!
She landed all who have gone before,
Oh, glory hallelujah!
And yet she is able to land still more,
Oh, glory hallelujah!
If I arrive there before you do,
Oh, glory hallelujah!
I'll tell them that you are coming up, too.
Oh, glory, hallelujah!

Sacred Harp version, tune Thomas W. Carter, 1844. From
@religion @gospel

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 11:29 PM

I sing lead on this song with a black male gospel chorus. the words basically come from a recording by the Jackson Southernaires. Leadbelly also recorded a version of this, Susan, if you want to tie together blues and gospel..

     I was standing on the banks of the river
Looking out over life's troubled seas
When I saw the old ship that was sailing
Is that the old Ship of Zion I see?

Her hull was bent and battered
From the storms of life I could see
Waves were rough, but the old ship was steady
Is that the old Ship of Zion I see?

At the stern of the ship stood the Captain
I could hear him when he called out my name
Get on board the old Ship of Zion
It will never pass this way again

As I step on board, I'll be leaving
All my troubles and heartaches behind
I'll be safe with Jesus, the Captain
Sailing out on the old Ship of Zion
Sailing out on the old Ship of Zion

The recording by the Jackson Southernaires is one of the most beautiful gospel recordings I have ever heard.

Jerry Rasmussen

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 11:58 PM

Susan wants discography, Jerry, as well as the songs. Post any good versions here.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 11 Nov 01 - 01:24 AM

I'll check the cheap cassette I learned this from. There are countless Jackson Southernaires cassettes and CD's out, but I've only seen this song on the one cut-out cassette I bought, years ago. I'm sure that it's not in print. If anyone actually wants to hear the song, I'd be happy to send it on a tape of old black gospel stuff. I'll check the Leadbelly version, too. I believe that it's on the Last Sessions boxed set of CD's that folkways/Smithsonian put out.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: masato sakurai
Date: 11 Nov 01 - 01:43 AM

It's on The Jackson Southernaires: Live and Annointed (Malaco MCD 6012)[released 1992; I hope it's still in print]. Yes, Leadbelly's version is HERE. Other recordings were made by Roberta Martin Singers, Norsalus McKissick, Bessie Griffin, Brother Joe May, Pilgrim Jubilee Singers, Marion Williams, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Pilgrim Jubilees, Sallie Martin Singers, Ernest Phipps & His Holiness Quartet.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Stewie
Date: 11 Nov 01 - 08:32 AM

Don Rigsby does an excellent solo, unaccompanied rendition of the version posted above by Jerry on Dudley Connell and Don Rigsby 'Meet Me By The Moonlight' Sugar Hill SUG-CD-3897.

The Ernest Phipps version referred to by Masato may be found on the wonderful 'Kentucky Gospel' compilation in Document's 8000 series. Bessie Griffin's lovely rendition of Thomas Dorsey's original verses, answered by the old spiritual's choruses, may be found on 'Precious Lord: Recordings of the Great Gospel Songs of Thomas A. Dorsey' Columbia/Legacy CD CK 57164. The Roberta Martin Singers' performance of Dorsey's song, led by that ensemble's magnificent baritone, Norsalus McKissick, may be found on 'Jubilation: Great Gospel Performances - Vol 1: Black Gospel' Rhino R2 70288 [it is also available on 'The Great Gospel Men' Shanachie CD 6005.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 11 Nov 01 - 01:00 PM

Thomas A. Dorsey- The cd Precious Lord has been re-issued as Sony Columbia ASINB0....297Z.
The old spiritual versions are scarce.

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE HAPPY SAILOR (from The Sacred Harp)
From: Chocolate Pi
Date: 11 Nov 01 - 07:25 PM

Very similar, also from The Sacred Harp:

Come, tell of your ship and what is her name?
Oh, tell me, happy sailor!
Come, tell of your captain and what is his name?
Oh, tell me, happy sailor!


She's the old ship of Zion, hallelu!
And her captain, Judah's Lion, hallelujah.

Say, is her keel sound, her garner well stored?
Oh, tell me, happy sailor!
And will she leave other comrades on board?
Oh, tell me, happy sailor!
She will land us safe on Canaan's bright shore,
Oh, glory, hallelujah!
We'll land with our friends, who've gone on before,
Oh, glory, hallelujah!

Sacred Harp version, tune arr B.F. White, 1859, verses 2&3 C.J. Griggs, 1911. From
@religion @gospel

Chocolate Pi

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Stewie
Date: 11 Nov 01 - 09:07 PM

Also closer to the spirituals is a 1938 recording by South Carolina group Silvertone Jubilee Quartet. It has been reissued on CD: Various Artists 'Somebody Touched Me' Nugrape CD-01.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: wysiwyg
Date: 11 Nov 01 - 11:38 PM

Yeah, that version Jerry gave is by Thomas Dorsey. I spent about three hours tracking it down the other day and found a great guy who had a lot of tunes online-- I'll post the link when I come across it again so you can hear him sing it.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Burke
Date: 12 Nov 01 - 05:13 PM

Here's your link to VII

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Uncle Jaque
Date: 12 Nov 01 - 06:26 PM

Anyone interested ; we have the melody line from "Old Ship" (or my version/ whistle arrangement thereof) on Myriad Melody Assistant as a MUS file, and I think I can convert it to a MIDI. Would u like 4 me 2 put it on the thread via that new "MID2Text" utility? The first time i tried it it apparantly worked OK - it seems to generate an ABC version as well. No luck yet on generating a workable MP3 sad 2 say.

Recently perusing one of my 1850 era books, came accross one simply called "Zion" which has a lot of potential.

Also working on "Disciple", "Greenfields", "Martyr's Death Song" (oddly, this one really steps along with a meter like a bugle call) & other pre-CW Hymns. One which seems to have "caught on" recently is "Homeward Bound", of which I have 2 score versions (same lyrics) one from an orig. 1864 Seaman's Hymnal issued by the Portland ME "Bethel" or Sailor's Mission Chapel.

Dicho: Thanx 4 the PM; has been recently replied to.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 12 Nov 01 - 08:49 PM

The Thomas Dorsey Old Ship Of Zion shares very few lines with the version done by the Jackson Southernaires, and there is a chorus to his version. I am looking t the text to his song in the New National Baptist Hymnal. I don't know where the Jackson Southernaires got their version, but it is not the Thomas Dorsey song.

Jerry Rasmussen

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 12 Nov 01 - 09:20 PM

Yes, please, Uncle Jaque - post the tune in this thread, if you can.
-Joe Offer.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: wysiwyg
Date: 12 Nov 01 - 10:53 PM

Post the Dorsey version then....


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: masato sakurai
Date: 12 Nov 01 - 11:04 PM

The Dorsey version of "Old Ship of Zion" is in Songs of Zion (no. 189), along with the traditional one (no. 131).

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Subject: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (National Baptist Hymnal
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 13 Nov 01 - 09:19 AM

It's good to see so many references to Songs of Zion. It is a great book, and a wonderful resource. It should be in everyone's library who is interested in black gospel.

The lyrics, as printed in the new National Baptist Hymnal (which is also worth having,) are:

I was lost in sin and sorrow on an isle in life's dark sea
When I saw far in the distance there a ship it seemed to be
Then I saw the Captain beckon, then he called out loud and free
"I have come my friend to save you, step on board and follow me:

CHORUS: 'Tis the old ship of Zion,
'Tis the old ship of Zion, old ship of Zion, old ship of Zion
O 'tis the old ship of old ship of Zion
O, Yes, old ship of Zion

I got up but hesitated wondering who this friend could be
Tho' the waves were wild and dashing seeming they would swallow me
Then he raised his hand toward me calm'd the wind and raging sea
With a voice so sweet and tender these words whisper'd soft to me

Then I stepped aboard the vessel thro' the straits and thro' the gorge
Many years it sail'd the waters, many souls have made the voyage
Then I recognized the captain, it was Jesus in command
'Tis the old ship of Zion and it's bound for Canaan land

Another of my favorite hymns with a similar message is Jesus Savior, Pilot Me. I've only heard the song by the Stanley Brothers, but I imagine it has been recorded by black groups as well, as it is in the Baptist hymnal.


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Subject: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 13 Nov 01 - 05:31 PM


She's a big old ship,
And she's sitting mighty low in the water
"Cause she's been on her maiden voyage
Every since the day
The blood of Calvary bought her.
She's weathered violent storms
Some passengers jumped overboard and drowned
But she's not just some Titanic
She's the church and she ain't goin' down

Sail on old ship of Zion
Brave what lurks in the cold dark night
Sail on Old ship of Zion
Till you see that beacon light
Sail on old ship of Zion
He's on board and you're not alone
Sail on till you hear the captain say
"Land's in sight, you've made it home."

This ship was launched from a hill outside Jerusalem
Caught a brand new gust of wind
When she breezed through the upper room
Rode out a storm with a jail cell song at midnight
What makes you think she's gonna sink
In some modern day typhoon?
Sail on old ship of Zion (3 times)
He's on board
I can't wait to hear the captain say
"Church, you've made it home."

Coll. of Sister Phyllis Mullings, Muskogee, Oklahoma.
A god collection of gospel songs on the site listed below:
@religious @gospel

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Subject: Tune Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION
From: Uncle Jaque
Date: 13 Nov 01 - 05:51 PM


Timebase: 192

Name: "old ship of zion"
Tempo: 120 (500000 microsec/crotchet)
TimeSig: 6/8 24 8
Key: D
0194 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 71 064 0192 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0192 0 67 064 0000 1 79 064 0192 0 79 064 0000 1 74 064 0384 0 74 064 0000 1 71 064 0288 0 71 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0192 0 69 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0384 0 67 064 0000 1 67 064 0384 0 67 064 0192 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 71 064 0192 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0192 0 67 064 0000 1 79 064 0192 0 79 064 0000 1 74 064 0384 0 74 064 0000 1 71 064 0288 0 71 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0192 0 69 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0384 0 67 064 0000 1 67 064 0384 0 67 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 76 064 0096 0 76 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 79 064 0096 0 79 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 71 064 0192 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0192 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0192 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0384 0 69 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 76 064 0096 0 76 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 79 064 0096 0 79 064 0000 1 74 064 0096 0 74 064 0000 1 76 064 0192 0 76 064 0000 1 76 064 0192 0 76 064 0000 1 71 064 0192 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0384 0 69 064 0192 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 71 064 0192 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0192 0 67 064 0000 1 79 064 0192 0 79 064 0000 1 74 064 0384 0 74 064 0000 1 71 064 0288 0 71 064 0000 1 67 064 0096 0 67 064 0000 1 69 064 0192 0 69 064 0000 1 71 064 0096 0 71 064 0000 1 69 064 0096 0 69 064 0000 1 67 064 0384 0 67 064 0000 1 67 064 0384 0 67 064

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:

T:"old ship of zion"

Now I'd post what few lyrics i have if I could find 'em... Stay tuned! I'll open a new thread for the other tunes, a few of which I recently converted to MIDI.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 13 Nov 01 - 07:23 PM

Uncle Jaque, whose version is the midi file for?

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Subject: Lyr Add: DE OLE SHIP OB ZION
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 20 Nov 01 - 08:35 PM


De day did break an' de sun did rise,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb!
An' I seen dem angels up in de skies,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.
O de ole ship ob Zion is a-gwine to sail,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.
An' she's only waitin' for de Gospel gale,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.
Yes, I'se done quit all my worldly ways,
Done quit all my worldly ways,
Yes, done quit all my worldly ways,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.

De anchor's weighed an' de sails are set,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb!
An' soon we're a-gwine to sail, don' you fret,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb!
De Keptin an' crew dey am comin' on board,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb,
De chorus am a-singin' an' praisin' de Lord.
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.
Let's stop a moment befo' we go,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.
Tro' out a plank, gib de sinners a show,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.
Gospel band am a-gwine to play,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.
As soon as de ship am a-sailin' away,
I'se gwine to lib wid de Lamb.

Composed by Sam Lucas (b. 1848) and published 1881?, in Ethiopian Jubilee and Minstrel Songs along with 19 others by various composers. From African-American Sheet Music Collection, 1850-1920, Brown University; American Memory, Library of Congress website. Whether the song was arranged for minstrelsy or for gospel use is not clear. Only the birth date of the composer is given.
@religion @gospel? @minstrel

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 20 Nov 01 - 08:47 PM

Sam Lucas was Afro-American. He formed a minstrel troupe that toured widely in the 1860s and 1870s. He was the first Afro-American to play Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom's Cabin and toured with the play Out of Bondage.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 20 Nov 01 - 08:53 PM

Sam Lucas played Uncle Tom in the 1914 silent film, Uncle Tom's Cabin. The video is available from

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
Date: 20 Dec 01 - 12:17 AM

Newman L. White, in American Negro Folk Songs, 1928 (rep. 1965) says the earliest mention of the song that he found is in: Sarah Josepha Hale, 1853, "Liberia, or Mr. Peyton's Experiment," "where it is sung by both white people and Negroes as a familiar camp-meeting song." In white songbooks, it appears in the Zion Songster, 2ed., 1827.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: OLD SHIP OF ZION (spiritual)
From: wysiwyg
Date: 12 Feb 02 - 02:15 PM

Above are indexed.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)
From: GUEST,heavyone
Date: 18 Nov 06 - 07:03 PM

I heard this beautiful old song at the beginning of a TV Show called "The Nine". I was struck with it's awesome power. I can surely see why there is so much love for it.

They used the version VII, but I could not read the credits to see who sand it. She did a beautiful job - it was heart tugging !

I have been searching for the title, lyrics, and music. Thanks so much for this effort.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)
From: Azizi
Date: 18 Nov 06 - 07:28 PM

Here's a video of "The Old Ship Of Zion" sung by Pilgrim Jubilee Singers:

Added October 22, 2006; From Mandy39
[1960's Gospel]

And here is a version of a choir singing "Peace Be Still" which is related in theme to "The Old Ship of Zion "

Shiloh Baptist Church
[Singing "Peace Be Still", Rev. James Cleveland's classic song

Added May 19, 2006; From BlessedByTheBest

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)
From: wysiwyg
Date: 19 Jan 07 - 02:30 PM

Looking for an MP3 clip of the version Jerry referenced above. Amazon has one, but it's too short to catch the tune. Jerry, can you help?


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Subject: Lyr Add: THE OLD SHIP OF ZION
From: GUEST,Jim
Date: 01 Mar 07 - 01:45 PM

The song that I knew as a child as The Old Ship of Zion went like this:

I was drifting away on life's pitiless sea,
And the angry waves threatened my ruin to be,
When away at my side, there I dimly descried,
A stately old vessel, and loudly I cried--
"Ship, a-hoy! Ship, a-hoy!"
And loudly I cried: "Ship a-hoy!"

'Twas the "old ship of Zion," thus sailing along,
All aboard her seemed joyous, I heard their sweet song;
And the Captain's kind ear, ever ready to hear,
Caught my wail of distress, as I cried out in fear--
"Ship, a-hoy! Ship, a-hoy!"
As I cried out in fear: "Ship, a-hoy!"

The good Captain commanded a boat to be low'red,
And with tender compassion, He took me on board;
And I'm happy to-day, all my sins washed away
In the blood of my Saviour; and now I can say--
"Bless the Lord! Bless the Lord!"
From my soul I can say: "Bless the Lord!"

O soul, sinking down 'neath sin's merciless wave,
The strong arm of our Captian is mighty to save;
Then trust Him today, no longer delay,
Board the old ship of Zion, and shout on your way:
"Jesus saves! Jesus saves!"
Shout and sing on your way: "Jesus saves!"

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE OLD SHIP OF ZION
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 02 Aug 07 - 10:40 PM


Oh! eb'rything's ready,-
De wind is steady,
An' de folks keep a-crowdin' to the gospel ship;
'Tis the best time to ride
On de Jordan tide-
Dar's no use o' waitin' for de 'scursion trip!

Dey's a-loosenin' de line,
An' soon she'll be gwine,
For yonder come de deck-hands to push her off de bank;
She's a-puffin'! she's a-puffin'!
An' she nebber waits for nuffin'-
Better git abode, sinners, 'fo' dey pull in de plank!

Another of the many versions of this old song. From The Century Magazine, March 1882, vol. 23 no. 5, p. 797.
No information published with the poem.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)
From: wysiwyg
Date: 14 Nov 07 - 06:51 PM

YouTube Video:

Subject: RE: African-American Spirituals Permathread
From: Tweed
Date: 14 Nov 07 - 05:44 PM

Ship of Zion

according to Daniel Slick Ballinger at the Blues Music Awards in Memphis this past May.

Enjoy your chicken skin. ;~)


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)
From: Tweed
Date: 15 Nov 07 - 03:55 PM

Thanks Wizzy, I didn't see this thread when I stuck the Slick you-tube link in the other one. What'd you think of that? Anybody manage to view it? I hesitate to post anything anymore as my replys are apparently so heavy that the pore thread is left trembling under the enormous weight momentarily and then drifts downward to be eaten by catfish and carp.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)
From: GUEST,Terrance Sentell
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 08:27 PM

I really enjoy the pilgrim jubilee singer's version of "tis the old ship of zion. I could listen this song all day...especially if something is heavy on my mind. Anyway, I tried to listen to it on YOUTUBE, but it appeared to be removed. Someone out there...PLEASE PUT IT BACK. "IT AINT NO DANGER IN GOD'S WATER", "STEP ON BOARD AND FOLLOW ME..."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Old Ship of Zion (spiritual)
From: Nathan in Texas
Date: 29 Apr 13 - 08:49 AM

Here's a video of our take on "The Old Ship of Zion" or "Ship Ahoy!" written in 1889 by Mary J. Cartwright. Lead sheet and tab for guitar, mandolin, & ukulele on site.

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