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Congrats Liland (pat self's back) re G&S


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Haruo 24 Dec 01 - 03:20 AM
Mark Cohen 24 Dec 01 - 04:12 AM
Mark Cohen 24 Dec 01 - 04:16 AM
Peter Kasin 24 Dec 01 - 04:28 AM
Haruo 24 Dec 01 - 04:21 PM
katlaughing 24 Dec 01 - 04:48 PM
Haruo 24 Dec 01 - 04:58 PM
gnu 24 Dec 01 - 05:08 PM
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Subject: Congrats (pat self's back) re G&S parodies
From: Haruo
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 03:20 AM

Two of the songs from my Jonah oratorio have been archived in the Gilbert and Sullivan Parody Archive! To be precise, Bow, bow, ye Ninevitic masses (Iolanthe) and Just kill me (Mikado).

It's a nice feeling. To be appreciated.


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Subject: ADD: The Formulary Song
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 04:12 AM

Mazel tov, Liland! As an inveterate parodist (have you ever met a veterate parodist?), I feel empathetic joy at your accomplishment. And I must say, rhyming "Nineveh" was quite audacious. Nice work!

You might be interested to know that I once wrote a parody of Tom Lehrer's G&S parody "The Elements", and it was the New England Journal of Medicine! When I sent it to Tom, he wrote back, "As a lifelong apostle of plagiarism, I certainly have no objection."


All right, let's see if I remember it. (Hard for me to believe it's 25 years old...many of these names no longer exist.)


words (c) 1976 by Mark Cohen
With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan, Tom Lehrer, and the Physician's Desk Reference

There's Aldomet and Atromid and Antivert and Atarax
And Dexamyl and Donnagel and Demerol and Dulcolax
There's Tylenol and Tegretol and Riopan and Regitine
And Pertofrane and Pavabid and even Pyribenzamine
Now if you're down there's Dexedrine and Benzedrine and Elavil
And if you're up there's Librium and Valium and Vistaril
There's Thorazine and Stelazine for calming schizophrenics with
There's Seconal for sleeping and for mania there's Eskalith
There's Benadryl and Gelusil and Placidyl and Peritrate
And Decadron and Parafon and Sinequan and Sorbitrate
There's Miltown, Motrin, Medrol, Maalox, Myleran, and Miradon
And Mycostatin, Micronor, Mandelamine and Mylicon

There's Omnipen and Principen and Tegopen and Torecan
And Betapen and Versapen and Pyopen and Percodan
There's Robitussin, Garamycin, also Butazolidin
There's Furadantin, Coricidin, even Triaminicin
There's Dimetane and Dimetapp and Dymelor and Dimacol
And Diuril and Dialose and Diamox and Disoprol
There's Darvocet for headaches, when you really want to stay at home
But if the other end is sore...the one you need is Proctofoam!
I know you must be weary and this song is getting pretty grim
With all these pharmaceuticals from Actifed to Zyloprim
But just imagine what would happen if I tried to fan the flames
By starting over once again, and using all generic names!

(Like hydrochlorothiazide or phenylpropanolamine
Or propylthiouracil -- I think you see just what I mean!)

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Subject: RE: Congrats Liland (pat self's back) re G&S
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 04:16 AM

Liland, I didn't mean to steal your thunder...sorry for treading on your thread!


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Subject: RE: Congrats Liland (pat self's back) re G&S
From: Peter Kasin
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 04:28 AM

Oh my god, you guys. I'm a bigtime fan of G&S, and I LOVE these parodies. Congrats. Well done!

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Subject: RE: Congrats Liland (pat self's back) re G&S
From: Haruo
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 04:21 PM

No need to apologize, Mark! Mazel tov yourself, but now that the song is dated by the passage of research and development, is there any reason not to let me post it (with MIDI) and get yours, too, into the Parody Archives? And I must say I'm not sure on what grounds other than your say-so this counts as a parody of the Elements; "inspired by", maybe, but they both seem to me parodies of the underlying G&S. Assuming you were familiar with the Modern Major General before you wrote yours...

PM me if you can grant permission (as you did some months back re the tune of the Apple Maggot Quarantine Round).


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Subject: RE: Congrats Liland (pat self's back) re G&S
From: katlaughing
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 04:48 PM

Well done, both of you!!!

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Subject: RE: Congrats Liland (pat self's back) re G&S
From: Haruo
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 04:58 PM

Thanks, kat!


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Subject: RE: Congrats Liland (pat self's back) re G&S
From: gnu
Date: 24 Dec 01 - 05:08 PM

Dandy !!!

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