Subject: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: WyoWoman Date: 23 Jan 02 - 09:26 AM A friend and I are going to record a CD of lullabyes over the next few months and I wanted to get some suggestions from you all for songs that we wouldn't have to pay royalties on. I don't know that we're actually going to try to sell the CD, but if we should, I don't want us to get sued. I'm hugely excited about this project. Our voices harmonize really well together. So, as you're thinking of suggestions, keep in mind songs that have lovely harmonies for two women. The irony is that the project is likely to be interrupted because her husband is doing the recording and they're expecting their first baby. Talk about firsthand experience. I've been trying to remember some of the songs I sang for my kids -- mostly they were just sad folk songs -- "Babe,I'm Gonna Leave You," "All My Trials" and such. Not that all lullabyes have to be about lambies and pink bows, but I'd like to have some options that won't make us both go diving for the anti-depressants, too. Thenkyew, ww |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: MMario Date: 23 Jan 02 - 09:36 AM If you want - you can use my "Uncle's Lament" - tho' I suppose you'd want to change it to "Auntie's Lament" I can send you a tape - words are in the DT or the MudCat Songbook.
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: catspaw49 Date: 23 Jan 02 - 09:57 AM "Hobo's Lullabye" was a favorite of mine and it worked well with my boys and others as did a sorta' lullabye that I like a lot, "For Baby, For Bobbie"......There are a couple of others that I can't think of at the moment too. Old age is settling in at an alarming rate......... Spaw |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Allan C. Date: 23 Jan 02 - 10:16 AM I have always liked "All Through the Night". "Scarlet Ribbons" is a favorite also but I am unsure as to the authorship. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Stewie Date: 23 Jan 02 - 10:35 AM WW, there was a previous, less specifice, thread on this - to which you contributed. --Stewie. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: katlaughing Date: 23 Jan 02 - 10:53 AM Hobo's Lullaby, as Spaw noted, only I change the words from hobo to baby; Hush, Hush, Time to be sleeping; don't know if there's a copyright on Prairie Lullaby, but it was always the fav around our house; also the Irish Lullaby. Sounds great and I wanna copy!*bg* kat |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 23 Jan 02 - 11:19 AM I want a copy too! Here are some lullabies I like:
All Through the Night The Riddle Song is perfect for two voices. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: SharonA Date: 23 Jan 02 - 11:53 AM Mockingbird ("...Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring...") I think that "For Baby (For Bobbie)" is a copyrighted song. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: GUEST, Date: 23 Jan 02 - 11:53 AM cape breton lullaby is very pretty. mg |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Louie Roy Date: 23 Jan 02 - 12:18 PM Chocolate Ice cream Cone,This song I sang to all of my five children and even today they still request it but I find it's geting harder and harder to get a 55 year old son on my lap.This song was done by Rose Maddix in 1946 and I don't know if she wrote it or not,but a couple of years ago at an outdoor Jamboree in Myrtle Creek Oregon The Oregon Old Time Fiddlers were on the stage ahead of Rose Maddix who was the headliner of this event I sang this song and after the concert was over she came and told me she really appreciated paying her this tribute and she hadn't thought of that song for years.This was her last concert she died a few weeks after that Louie Roy |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Willa Date: 23 Jan 02 - 01:17 PM Sweet and Low, Gartan mother's Lullaby,The Sun and the Moon,Hush Little Baby, Fairy Boy, Coulter's Candy, Dance to Thy Daddy |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Charcloth Date: 24 Jan 02 - 12:07 AM As a grandfather of (almost) 7 grandchildren here are some I often do for my clan All though the night Pretty little horses Castle of dromore (not a lullaby per se but) "Wild mountain thyme" Down in the valley |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: GUEST,Stavanger Bill Date: 24 Jan 02 - 04:44 AM For two female voices my suggestions would be: 1. Coorie Doon - as done by the Corries 2. Lord Gregory - as done by The Corrie Folk Trio & Paddie Bell. Good luck with the search and project. Cheers, Bill. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: WyoWoman Date: 24 Jan 02 - 08:07 AM Thanks all, these are great suggestions. I can't believe I had forgotten Prairire Lullabye! and Scarlett Ribbons. I don't know if I've heard Hobo's Lullabye, Catspaw. Is that one that's on the Trio CDs? I'd love to hear Chocolate Ice Cream Song, Louie. Know of any recordings? (And Stewie, yes, I knew that other thread was there, but it wasn't as specific and was getting pretty long, so rather than refresh it, I thought I'd troll for some more suggestions.) I'll print this out before it gets too long and see which of these I can find. ww
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Barbara Shaw Date: 24 Jan 02 - 09:15 AM Ones I used to sing to my babies: Today (While the Blossoms Still Cling . . .) The Garden Song (Inch by Inch, Row by Row) I Gave My Love a Cherry
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Louie Roy Date: 24 Jan 02 - 03:07 PM Another good song for a duet is Are You Mine Louie Roy |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Willa Date: 24 Jan 02 - 03:16 PM WyoWoman, i have, or can get the lyrics to any on my list that you like. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Stewart Date: 24 Jan 02 - 05:22 PM ROUND-UP LULLABY — (a.k.a., Cowboy's Lullaby, Desert Silver Blue) S. in Seattle |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: GUEST,Dave Williams Date: 24 Jan 02 - 07:05 PM Mary mentioned Suo Gan a Welsh lullaby and a beautiful one. You can hear it as a midi (with all the limitations of that format) here: It also appears on Charlotte Church's first CD (at too fast a tempo for my taste) and is sung at the beginning of the movie "Empire of the Sun". If you're interested (it's in the public domain) e-mail me at: and I'll e-mail you English lyrics and a phonetic version of the Welsh lyrics. Dave Williams |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Matthew B. Date: 24 Jan 02 - 08:43 PM Hey, I know I'm different, but I used to rock my babies to sleep with a softly lilting rendition of Spanish Ladies |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: SINSULL Date: 24 Jan 02 - 10:19 PM "Sleep Kentucky Babe"...pretty harmonies. Politically incorrect phrases can be adjusted. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Charcloth Date: 24 Jan 02 - 10:30 PM Chocholate ice cream cone was a big hit years ago by yodeler Kenny Roberts I believe he is still alive & performing. My mother used to sing it to us but I would think it a bit fast for a lullaby |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Mudlark Date: 24 Jan 02 - 10:35 PM Wynken, Blynken and Nod is an alltime fav, as is John O' Dreams, Skye Boat Song, Pretty Little Horses. Who's Gonna shoe Your Pretty Little Foot, Shady Grove, Ash Grove (not really a lullabye per se but lulling!). Surely copyrighted, but a lovely lullabye is Close Your Eyes (James Taylor). |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: WyoWoman Date: 24 Jan 02 - 10:44 PM Well, Matthew B., some of the songs I used to sing mine involved a lot of murder ballads and tons of unrequited love, so they weren't exactly apropros either. "East Virginia" and "Black is the Color" and "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" wouldn't pass the Lullabye Approval Board, but my kids seemed soothed by them. This is so great. Once again, I'm blown away by what a generous lot the Mudcat community is. (Stewart, is that a yodel in the middle of the Roundup Lullabye?) ww |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Lyrical Lady Date: 25 Jan 02 - 01:33 AM Lullay My Liking... is a beautiful song that our choir sang at Christmas ... LL |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Susanne (skw) Date: 25 Jan 02 - 08:46 PM 'Coorie Doon' is lovely but probably copyrighted (written by the late Matt McGinn). How about 'Bonnie at Morn', recorded by Jean Redpath for 'Lowlands' (1980), 'Hushaba Ma Bairnie', recorded by Cilla Fisher for 'Songs of the Fishing' (1983) or 'Weary Life' (you have to scroll down to it), recorded by Hamish Imlach for 'Live in Hamburg' (1986). |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Susanne (skw) Date: 25 Jan 02 - 08:54 PM Another attempt: Bonnie at Morn Hushaba Ma Bairnie Weary Life (you still need to scroll down, though ...) |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: GutBucketeer Date: 25 Jan 02 - 09:18 PM Morningtown Ride and Lavender Blue were two of my kids favorites. JAB |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 25 Jan 02 - 09:54 PM Susanne, is there any place I can hear those songs? I would probably like to buy the CD's, but I'd like to hear them first. The words to "Hushaba My Bairnie" remind me a little of "Can Ye Sew Cusions?" (Daddy on the salt sea, etc.) |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Willa Date: 26 Jan 02 - 11:53 AM Mary in Ky: has the words and music for Bonnie at Morn |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 26 Jan 02 - 01:05 PM Thanks Willa. That looks like a great site. But I clicked on about 10 songs in the Scottish, Irish, Christmas, Cowboy (each) and I could only get to 2 Scottish songs, all the Irish songs, no Christmas songs, one cowboy song. It says that the site uses too much bandwidth...I wonder if it rotates which ones are availabe. I really like hearing the tunes that go with a song's words, so this one is bookmarked for sure. |
Subject: Lyr Add: OH GO TO SLEEP, MY BABY From: Dicho (Frank Staplin) Date: 26 Jan 02 - 03:31 PM OH GO TO SLEEP, MY BABY Oh go to sheep, de night's done come, Oh go to sleep my baby, You'se in my arms, you need not fear, Oh go to sleep my baby. Oh sweet baby, oh sweet baby, Oh go to sleep my baby. The birds is restin' in the trees, Oh go to sleep my baby, Dere hain't no workin' by de bees, Oh go to sleep my baby. Oh sweet baby, oh sweet baby, Oh go to sleep my baby. Thomas W. Talley, Negro Folk Rhymes, 1991, rev. ed., Univ. Tennessee. #390, p. 220, with music. @lullaby @Negro |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Willa Date: 26 Jan 02 - 04:03 PM Mary in Kentucky. You might have better luck with this Helen Rushmer website.There is an mp3 of Bonnie at Morn on Celtic Voyage. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 26 Jan 02 - 04:25 PM Those are beautiful, another site to bookmark. (I could hear Bonnie at Morn at the other site, just not many others.) I found that the first time it played there were too many stops for buffering, but then I could play it the second time without any stops. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Susanne (skw) Date: 26 Jan 02 - 05:27 PM Mary, sorry but I've no idea where to find 'Hushaba' and 'Weary Life' on the Net, and as I have them on LP / tape there is no way yet I can put them on my computer. How soon and how urgently would you want them? |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 26 Jan 02 - 05:47 PM Susanne, don't worry, I was just curious. I collect lullabies, and especially like the Scottish ones, so I'll be on the lookout for those CD's. Thanks again. |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: GUEST,Coll in VA Date: 27 Jan 02 - 02:37 PM swing low, sweet chariott (slowly) baby's boat i see the moon add to ones otherwise seen above. :) |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: GUEST, Date: 27 Jan 02 - 04:32 PM I have two for you: My father used to sing us to sleep with Tennyson's "Sweet and Low." The second, Kipling's "Seal Lullaby," I remember from high-school chorus. Here is the website for those and a few others: The music for the Kipling piece can be had at the following website:
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: pattyClink Date: 28 Jan 02 - 03:19 PM Did somebody mention "Connemara Cradle Song" already? And the thing they used in O Brother "Didn't Leave Nobody but the Baby"? |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: MMario Date: 04 Feb 02 - 08:04 PM another response |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 04 Feb 02 - 08:11 PM Ya beat me to it again Mmario (and you're making the threads load slowly!). |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Nancy King Date: 04 Feb 02 - 08:53 PM My own personal favorite lullabyes -- and it's been quite some time since I had occasion to use 'em -- were "Kumbaya" and "Buckeye Jim." The latter is in the DT (with slightly different words), but my dinosaur computer system won't support audio, so I can't tell if the tune given is the beautiful one I know, which would be great for harmony. The DT gives no source for the song, and I certainly have no idea where it came from -- might very well be public domain. Your CD project sounds terrific. Be sure to let us know when it's available! Cheers, Nancy |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: Bert Date: 04 Feb 02 - 11:25 PM Hey Wyomeluv, you're welcome to use Bathing Angel if you like. Let me know if you like it and I'll get the tune to you somehow. Bert. |
Subject: Lyr Add: LULLABY FOR A BREASTFED BABY From: Uncle_DaveO Date: 05 Feb 02 - 10:30 AM This is my own, from 27 years ago, one of the three most successful songs I ever wrote--not commercially, but in achieving the effect I wanted. The tune is (though I say so, that shouldn't) a haunting one. If you like the words, contact me and I'll send you a tape. Or sing it to you on Paltalk. Or both. Of course, substitute "girl" for "boy" as may be indicated. LULLABY FOR A BREASTFED BABY" Go to sleep, my little boy When your time has come, my boy When nursin' time has come, my boy Dave Oesterreich |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: GUEST,Wyo at Work Date: 05 Feb 02 - 03:21 PM Bert -- Of course I'd LOVE to hear the tune to that. It's lovely. Coll in Va -- I didn't know "I See the Moon" had a tune to it. I'll see if I can find it. I'll listen to some of these songs this evening after I'm through here at work. I need to listen on my computer here at work because mine at home is so slow it drives me crazy. (I think it's the pipe, not the 'puter.) Thanks for sharing this information with me. And absolutely, I'll let you know when it's done. I hadn't actually planned to have enough copies made to sell, but maybe I can get a price break on a few dozen. We shall see ... ww
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABYES TO RECORD From: DMcG Date: 05 Feb 02 - 03:40 PM I used to sing 'Dream Angus' (in the DT) as a lullaby to my little uns'. The youngest is now fifteen and she had a real nostalgia attack when I sang it recently! |
Subject: RE: Help: LULLABIES TO RECORD From: GUEST,Okie Red Date: 27 Jan 08 - 05:53 AM Trying desperately to find information regarding a song by the name of Chocolate Ice Cream Cone. My grandfather taught it to my father when he was a wee lad and my father taught it to me when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. However, none of us know who wrote or performed it. I promised both of my partners in confusion that I would investigate further. Also, there is another song called Emmaline. I'm not sure about the spelling but it should be close. We aren't sure who wrote that little gem either. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. |
Subject: Lyr Add: CHOC'LATE ICE CREAM CONE From: Melissa Date: 27 Jan 08 - 07:10 PM You might have some luck getting Emmaline if you open a new thread.. CHOC'LATE ICE CREAM CONE Recorded by Kenny Roberts Writer: Famous Lashua My mama said if I'd be good She'd send me to the store She said she'd bake some Gingerbread If I would sweep the floor She said if I would make the bed And watch the telephone That she would send me out to get A Choc'late Ice Cream Cone And so I did the things she said And then she made some Gingerbread Then I went out, just me alone And got my Choc'late Ice Cream Cone. While coming back I stubbed my toe Upon a big old stone Now need I tell you that I dropped My Choc'late Ice Cream Cone A little puppy came along And he took a great big lick And so I hit that mean old dog With just a little stick Then he bit me where I sit down And he chased me all over town So now I'm lost, I can't find my home And all because of that Choc'late Ice Cream Cone. TAG: And all because of that Choc'late, Choc'late, Choc'late Ice Cream Cone. |
Subject: Lyr Add: EMALINE''S GOAT / BILL GROGAN'S GOAT From: GUEST,Okie Red Date: 04 Feb 08 - 04:17 AM Thanks Mellisa! Still trying to find the author of the song Emaline. Ever heard of it? The lyrics are as follows: There was a boy named Emaline. Hung three red shirts out on the line. He had a goat in his backyard. Tied to a post and pulling hard.
Well the goat got loose from Emaline.
So he took him down to the railroad tracks.
Sing some sad songs but not goodbye. |
Subject: A song about dogs running in the night. From: GUEST,Gale Davies Date: 04 Feb 08 - 11:16 AM I cant come up with any of the lyrics. It used to play on the radio about twenty five years ago. I cant find any body that ever heard of it. |
Subject: RE: Help: Lullabies to Record From: Mrs Scarecrow Date: 04 Feb 08 - 02:02 PM I have written a song called Lullaby which is on the CD Scarecrow, It's based onthe notion of being able to choose your dreams. I had to sing harmony with myself on the Cd as if definately suits 2 women's voices. I would be more than honoured if someone else wanted to record it as long as I was credited. I'm not very computer literate but think I could attachit to an email if you want to PM me with your email address Ann Reader |
Subject: RE: Help: Lullabies to Record From: GUEST,Volgadon Date: 04 Feb 08 - 02:03 PM I checked our book of Hebrew lullabies and the lyrics for Laila, laila, are by Nathan Alterman, the music by Mordechai Ze'ira. |
Subject: RE: Help: Lullabies to Record From: GUEST,Volgadon Date: 04 Feb 08 - 02:04 PM WHOOPS wrong thread. |
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