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MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!

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Amos 24 May 02 - 05:52 PM
Amos 24 May 02 - 05:54 PM
Amos 26 May 02 - 12:19 AM
Áine 26 May 02 - 01:51 AM
Amos 26 May 02 - 11:16 AM
Amos 26 May 02 - 01:04 PM
Amos 27 May 02 - 11:11 AM
Amos 27 May 02 - 12:45 PM
Amos 27 May 02 - 03:24 PM
michaelr 27 May 02 - 04:38 PM
Llanfair 27 May 02 - 05:26 PM
Amos 27 May 02 - 05:46 PM
Amos 27 May 02 - 10:45 PM
katlaughing 27 May 02 - 11:01 PM
Amos 27 May 02 - 11:10 PM
michaelr 28 May 02 - 12:35 AM
Amos 28 May 02 - 01:32 AM
Callie 28 May 02 - 01:52 AM
Callie 28 May 02 - 01:53 AM
Cappuccino 28 May 02 - 12:29 PM
Amos 28 May 02 - 12:42 PM
alanabit 28 May 02 - 02:26 PM
Dharmabum 28 May 02 - 02:35 PM
Llanfair 28 May 02 - 05:39 PM
Cappuccino 28 May 02 - 06:37 PM
Jeri 28 May 02 - 07:09 PM
Amos 28 May 02 - 07:11 PM
Amos 29 May 02 - 04:26 PM
Amos 29 May 02 - 04:50 PM
Amos 29 May 02 - 04:51 PM
Amos 29 May 02 - 04:53 PM
Lonesome EJ 29 May 02 - 05:14 PM
Amos 29 May 02 - 05:19 PM
Amos 01 Jun 02 - 03:56 PM
RolyH 01 Jun 02 - 04:08 PM
Amergin 01 Jun 02 - 04:12 PM
Amos 05 Jun 02 - 07:04 PM
MMario 05 Jun 02 - 08:43 PM
Amos 05 Jun 02 - 09:37 PM
MMario 06 Jun 02 - 08:42 AM
greg stephens 06 Jun 02 - 08:45 AM
Chip2447 06 Jun 02 - 11:59 PM
Amos 07 Jun 02 - 01:20 AM
Amos 16 Jun 02 - 03:36 PM
hesperis 16 Jun 02 - 04:13 PM
alison 16 Jun 02 - 09:10 PM
Amos 17 Jun 02 - 11:22 PM
Amergin 18 Jun 02 - 12:42 AM
Homeless 18 Jun 02 - 09:36 AM
Amos 18 Jun 02 - 11:48 AM
Amos 02 Jul 02 - 05:52 PM
GUEST,IanB as guest 03 Jul 02 - 05:31 AM
Barbara Shaw 03 Jul 02 - 08:44 AM
Amos 03 Jul 02 - 11:39 AM
Art Thieme 03 Jul 02 - 02:32 PM
MMario 03 Jul 02 - 02:33 PM
hesperis 03 Jul 02 - 02:54 PM
Barbara Shaw 03 Jul 02 - 04:15 PM
hesperis 03 Jul 02 - 06:38 PM
MMario 18 Jul 02 - 02:30 PM
Amos 28 Jul 02 - 07:44 PM
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Subject: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 24 May 02 - 05:52 PM

Part V of this Grand Experiment in a world folkie voices CD for the Mudcat can be found over here.

Offers of voluntary help are popping up and people are sending in their CDs, tapes, and MP3 files (we also accept .wav and .aif readily). My office is looking like some wild bachelor professor's digs!!

Here's the schedule for producing the planet's first ALL MUDCAT SAMPLER CD:

Collection of Candidates  ---- up to end of May

Review and Prelim Selection --- May-June
Final Selection-------------------------- ------June
Initial Build- ------------------------------July
Quality Enhancement/

Normalization -------------------- -----July - August
Final Build---------------------------- ---------- August
Organize Logistics for Distrib: June--- ----- August
Final QA---------------------------- ---------------- - -- August
Release  --------------------- ---------- ---- ----------- Early September.

< P> Still a lot of logistics and other decisions to be made, but right now we are in the SEND 'EM IN NOW phase for a but longer. So don't be shy, don't postpone, don't beat yourself about the ears -- just SING IT, WRAP IT, and ship it on out!!

Peg's CD just arrived -- I am unwrapping it as I speak (don't ask!) and Mudlark's tape is in the mail, and Sandy Paton has sent a CD en route, and so has Margaret MacArthur. So we're really running like molten gold here. Thanks to all of you for all you've done so far!!

More as it happens!!

Weekend's here!!

GREAT opportunity to finally make that track for the Mudcat CD!! Well? Don't just sit there staring at the screen!! Break out that MiniDisc recorder, dang it!

Best regards,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 24 May 02 - 05:54 PM

Part V of this Grand Experiment in a world folkie voices CD for the Mudcat can be found over here.

Offers of voluntary help are popping up and people are sending in their CDs, tapes, and MP3 files (we also accept .wav and .aif readily). My office is looking like some wild bachelor professor's digs!!

Here's the schedule for producing the planet's first ALL MUDCAT SAMPLER CD:

Collection of Candidates  ---- up to end of May

Review and Prelim Selection --- May-June
Final Selection-------------------------- ------June
Initial Build- ------------------------------July
Quality Enhancement/

Normalization -------------------- -----July - August
Final Build---------------------------- ---------- August
Organize Logistics for Distrib: June--- ----- August
Final QA---------------------------- ---------------- - -- August
Release  --------------------- ---------- ---- ----------- Early September.

< P> Still a lot of logistics and other decisions to be made, but right now we are in the SEND 'EM IN NOW phase for a but longer. So don't be shy, don't postpone, don't beat yourself about the ears -- just SING IT, WRAP IT, and ship it on out!!

Peg's CD just arrived -- I am unwrapping it as I speak (don't ask!) and Mudlark's tape is in the mail, and Sandy Paton has sent a CD en route, and so has Margaret MacArthur. So we're really running like molten gold here. Thanks to all of you for all you've done so far!!

More as it happens!!

Weekend's here!!

GREAT opportunity to finally make that track for the Mudcat CD!! Well? Don't just sit there staring at the screen!! Break out that MiniDisc recorder, dang it!

Best regards,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 26 May 02 - 12:19 AM

Refresh -- Finish it this weekend!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Áine
Date: 26 May 02 - 01:51 AM

So dear BoTF -- Did you check your phone messages tonight???? Mmmmmmm -- I do hope that you were sittin' down . . . And did you check your Mydocs account???? Mmmmmmm???? One down, one to go (hehehe).

Luv ya, TGG

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 26 May 02 - 11:16 AM

Wow!! A beautiful and original song from The Gaelic Goddess is now on the CD inclusion list. You guys who have not heard her sing "Iron Pots and Wooden Spoons" have a treat in store when this CD reaches you!

Very nicely done, Áine and Layne. Way to go!!!!!

OK, gang -- if you have been woffling, take a page from Áine's book and get them songs out!

If it's good enough for a Green Goddess, it's good enough for us!! We all know it isn't easy being lime-green!! :>)

I love it!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 26 May 02 - 01:04 PM

Good news!

I think we've found a better solution than,. with manageable starting costs, better margins, less complexity, and better control over the final product.

The company that offers these services can be found at (Click here). It might be of interest to anyone who wants to get into CD production of their own stuff.

I have written the idea up to Mad Max and we'll see what he and Dick think of the whole thing.

Hey, guys -- this is so cool!! We are on track, even slightly ahead of schedule (except for you sluggards who are still woffling! :>)) and we're still having some fun! We must be doing something right with that Ole Mudcat Magic. Hey -- think there's a song there?

That Mudcat Magic has me in its spell
Mudcat Magic that you weave so well
"Wildwood Flower" 'til my thumbs turn blue
The same old witchcraft when I sing with you...

Well, it's a start :>)

Keep 'em rolling!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 27 May 02 - 11:11 AM

Llanfair (Bron):

I have your Cd, and I don't remember whether I ever acknowledged it! It is really lovely!! Thank you. I especially like "Crazy Joan". Advise if you have strong preference for some other track, okay?

I wish I could do this for a living, I love it so much!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 27 May 02 - 12:45 PM


Love that Greenhouse sound!! I am thinking that the spritely rhythm and lilting air of "The Blacksmith" fits perfectly; advise if you have strong preferences on this. GREAT music!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 27 May 02 - 03:24 PM

Well, we just heard from Frank of Toledo who is sending in his first CD ever.

Keep rolling on!! We're gonna have a terrific product at the end of all this!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: michaelr
Date: 27 May 02 - 04:38 PM

Hi Amos, thanks for your kind words. Some people might feel that they don't need to hear yet another version of "The Blacksmith" (after all it's a rather well-worn song) but if you like it (and I know I like it) by all means go for it!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Llanfair
Date: 27 May 02 - 05:26 PM

Amos....erm....Crazy Joan? Creeping Jane? Lovely Joan?

I'm so glad you liked the CD. Any of the tracks that you choose is fine by me. My favourites are "Bleak Midwinter" and "Creeping Jane"

Cheers, Bron.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 27 May 02 - 05:46 PM

LOL!!! I was thinking of Crazy Jane and the Bishop, which as far as I know isn't even a song!! I meant "Lovely Joan", but I'll re-listen to the two you mention. Sorry for the confusion!! Loss of brain cells caused by not inhaling, you understand!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 27 May 02 - 10:45 PM

Wow -- I was just fortunate enough to receive a powerful a capella song file from Jeri, "Why We Sing". Jeri's baby, words, music and all. It's a knockout. Andf if you don't know what the song title refers to, you have missed reading one of the 'Cat's absolutely best threads ever, started by Big Mick way back when, called Why We Sing which you can read by clicking on the linked title in this sentence.

Jeri, it's beautiful. Thank you again.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: katlaughing
Date: 27 May 02 - 11:01 PM

I think I've died and gone to heaven...thanks, Amos, for the link to mixonic. That is a real find...


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 27 May 02 - 11:10 PM

Hey, you're real welcome. All part of the dance...

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: michaelr
Date: 28 May 02 - 12:35 AM

Amos - the mixonic thing looks great. I propose we go with Option 1, get our own jewel boxes and print our own inserts, and assemble them ourselves (spreading the work among five or six people). We could do it for (roughly) $3, sell it for $10 (a good deal!) which leaves $7 for Mudcat.

That is, of course, if we're agreed on CD-Rs instead of pro CDs. Are we?

And hey - at these prices, and considering the glut of material you've received, we should seriously think about a 2-CD set. I don't think the jewel cases would be much more expensive than regular ones.

Waddaya think?

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 28 May 02 - 01:32 AM

My current thought is a phased series of disks (Volumes 1 to probably 4). May be two volumes of two disks each? I'm not wanting to exclude people -- I'd rather stretch the set to include a representative cut from everyone. But I won't be able to say for sure until all the candidates are in.

Max is pondering the options as well, since he wants a quality product.

I think CDRs is our destiny unless someone knows where to get a grant for seed expenses on the pro route. Open to discussion, and further exploration of resources.

"G'night, Miisus Mulligatawny, wherever you are!"

Time to ready myself for reality once again! :>)



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Callie
Date: 28 May 02 - 01:52 AM

Are there Govt grants in the US for this kind of project? I know there are in Australia, but they are also very particular about only supporting "Australian content" (so I couldn't help out at this end because

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Callie
Date: 28 May 02 - 01:53 AM

continued ... (dunno what happened)

because the cd would have to be Aust content only. And I know that while you'll all be jumping for joy at such an idea (!) the cd will have performers from all over the Mudcat world.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Cappuccino
Date: 28 May 02 - 12:29 PM

Since we started this, old boy, we here have recorded, mastered and released our next CD!

So may I make an advance booking to submit again for the Return of the Revenge of the Son of the Mudcat Files Rides Again II, or whatever the follow-up will be called?!!!

All the best - Ian B

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 28 May 02 - 12:42 PM

Sure Ian! But the notion of a series was to enable us to include all representatives -- not updates from those in the earlier parts! I'm still open for replacements on the existing candidate tracks; I can't see beyond getting the first "set" out, however it will be packaged, at this point. Good on ya for forging ahead!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: alanabit
Date: 28 May 02 - 02:26 PM

I like "Creeping Jane" from Bron's album. Somehow it got stuck in my head and reverberated around it all the time I was in the UK a couple of weeks back. In the unlikely event that I make the final cut amongst all this talent on offer, I don't care whether you use my Mudcat name or my real name (on my CD).

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Dharmabum
Date: 28 May 02 - 02:35 PM

A couple of tunes headed your way Amos.

Thank you again for all the effort you're putting into this project.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Llanfair
Date: 28 May 02 - 05:39 PM

Thanks, Alanabit. I like that one, too!!!

I wouldn't be able to make a choice from your CD, they are all so good. I don't envy Amos!!!

Cheers, Bron.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Cappuccino
Date: 28 May 02 - 06:37 PM

Only joking, Amos!!!!

- Ian B

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Jeri
Date: 28 May 02 - 07:09 PM

Amos, as to the "real" CDs vs CD-Rs, it sure ain't gonna matter to what I recorded on my computer! It might matter to the folks who sent you pro recordings, though.

Hey! What about a double CD? One of each!

(Putting helmet on and diving under the coffee table.)

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 28 May 02 - 07:11 PM

Right! :>) By the Time this gets wrapped it will be "Grandson of Mudcat Sampler CD Returns", or "Mudcat Sampler CD: The Fourth Generation...". m :>)

No, it will get out, and somehow on schedule.

Good news!! Rick's package came today, as did Margaret's, and one from Mudlark!! I'm stoked!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 29 May 02 - 04:26 PM

I dunno if this will work, but the following entries are brought over from the parallel thread on the Mudcat CD Project, to avoid multiple branching of dialogues.

Subject: The Mudcat CD project.
From: Rory B
Date: 27-May-02 - 02:59 PM

Hello...just wondered how the mudcat CD project was coming along...are there lots of submissions etc? I have been busy poking a certain mudcat with a sharp stick to send in his song(s)! Will there be more than one CD? I think its a wonderful idea...can't wait to hear it!!! Huggss -Rory-

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Subject: RE: The Mudcat CD project.
From: Amos
Date: 27-May-02 - 03:06 PM

Hi, Rory:

There is a series of threads on the project which can be found at the following links:

MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!

MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....

MUDCAT CD FOUR' Petal to the Metal!

MUDCAT CD III: Keep It Rollin' Home!

Mudcat CD II: Making It Real

BS: A Mudcat CD?

Keep prodding them layabouts with that stick!! Appreciate the help!!


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Subject: RE: The Mudcat CD project.
From: Francy
Date: 27-May-02 - 03:17 PM

I have just made my first CD at the ripe old age of 66. Will be glad to send it to you Amos, for your listening and to do with,whatever you want. my email address is send me an e mail with the address as to where I send it or if possible print the address here on this thread and I'll get off my duffer.......thanks Frank of Toledo

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Subject: RE: The Mudcat CD project.
From: Art Thieme
Date: 29-May-02 - 03:12 PM

Amos, In self defense, it looks like you'd better learn how to say "NO"



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Subject: RE: The Mudcat CD project.
From: MMario
Date: 29-May-02 - 03:38 PM

He's just a lad who can't say 'NO!'
He's in a terrible jam!
Just when he should say "CD's full"
More in his mailbox get crammed!

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Subject: RE: The Mudcat CD project.
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 29-May-02 - 03:45 PM

Amos, I just sent my Gordon Lightfoot Medley to you, which includes The Edmund Fitzgerald, the Canadian Railroad Trilogy, and River of Darkness. Its 43 minutes long, but I couldn't cut any of it without sacrificing the basic integrity of the medley. I'm sure you'll like it, but if you can't use it, no big deal. I'll just drop my member ID and masquerade as a Guest and make you the target of numerous personal attacks.

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Subject: RE: The Mudcat CD project.
From: UB Ed
Date: 29-May-02 - 03:47 PM

A quick breeze through all the posts reveals a staggering amount of material submitted. The logistics are making my head spin....

Amos, will you do an index of what was received? Not as extra work, but a first step in getting organized and selecting.


Further responses below!



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 29 May 02 - 04:50 PM


I understand.

I'll send you a release form, a Non-Disclosure agreement, and a Non-Competition form. As soon as I get those back with notarized signatures, I'll open the CD.

Oh, also a waiver foregoing your right to any expression of resentment in any medium whether public or private, explicitly or implicitly, under any name real or assumed, with an appropriate indemnification of the party of the second part (that's you, man) commiting to honor substantial penalties in the event that he acts like a part of the hindmost part. (You know what the hindmost part sounds like, don't you, LEJ?? Ya just put your lips together....)



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 29 May 02 - 04:51 PM


The short answer is yes. I have such an index being prepared and a number of people have asked about it. Probably next weekend...


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 29 May 02 - 04:53 PM


Thanks for the advice!! I am planning to say no -- perhaps circumspectly -- after the end of the month, although I may make some exceptions. (See schedule at top). I am treating the volume of submissions as a separate problem, because I am trying as much as I can to be inclusive. We shall see.



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 29 May 02 - 05:14 PM

Thanks A. I'll have my people call your people.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 29 May 02 - 05:19 PM


When a folkie want to sing to me,
I know I ought to give his tape a pass
But when someone wants to sing with me
It always kinda knocks me on my ass! Ohh!!

I'm just a guy who can't say No!
For music, that's just what I am!
Just when I oughta say, "Buzz off"
I always say, "C'mon, let's jam!!"




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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 01 Jun 02 - 03:56 PM

Hey, I got tapes, I got CDs!! I got music from Rick music from Kytrad, I gotta lovely tape from karen_k, a CD from Franky Jones. I got cuts from Khandu, and believe me that boy Khan! I got CD from DharmaBum!! CDs from Margaret MacArthur. Man, mah head is spinning at the sheert beauty of ti all! Holey Moley!!

I am not just sitting idle ion it all either. I am organizing information, working out best technique for tape==> digital within existing resources, and doing preliminary sorting on all these great cuts.


Now that May is over and the VAST majority of you have done proud by the Cat and gotten files in, I would like to make arrangements for exceptions rather than just slam the door closed arbitrarily.

If you were running a bit late, or still want to send in a file that would add to the beauty and power of the Mudcat Sampler CD Series, just email me and we'll work it out, okay?

We are now officially in the Season of "Final Selection", which means tabulating all the stuff that is in and sorting it and selecting the representative cuts and so on. A lot of this has been going on since day 1, but that's the name of the current part of this game.

Crack that whip and turn them wheels. We got miles to go before we sleep!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: RolyH
Date: 01 Jun 02 - 04:08 PM

I guess that recording of "One night as I lay in my bed" that was recorded in my bed will have to wait till another time. Damn!
Good work Amos

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amergin
Date: 01 Jun 02 - 04:12 PM

we don't want to hear those sorts of "instrumentals" Roly......

looking forward to this, Amos!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 05 Jun 02 - 07:04 PM

My apologies for the recent silence -- not for lack of interest!! The good news is I think Ihave the technical issue on transferring audio tape to digital licked.

plus I got a great tape which captured a PalTalk session (The Bubble-Wrap Session) being sung by the incomparable WyoWoman, who is a one-woman cathedral choir.

And greg_stephens' CD arrived!! I am tearing at it with my teeth. And I told you about Dharma and Frank 's submissions.

OK, guys!! Last call!! You-all got a buried decision to send something in for this CD series, unbury it now!! Ye raggle taggle dogies gotta get up the chute, now, y'hear? C'mooooooon!!! Yip! Yip!!

Very best,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: MMario
Date: 05 Jun 02 - 08:43 PM

!!!which means you have 'there's a couch for us'!!!!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 05 Jun 02 - 09:37 PM

Gee MM, I'm not sure I recognize that handle -- lemme relisten to the tape. Maybe there were two Bubble Wrap sessions?


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: MMario
Date: 06 Jun 02 - 08:42 AM

possibly - but her rendition of the famous song from 'East Side Story' was fantabulous!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: greg stephens
Date: 06 Jun 02 - 08:45 AM

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Chip2447
Date: 06 Jun 02 - 11:59 PM

Amos...helluva job you're doing here. Maybe by Mudcat CD XXIX I'll have something to send you...
Tanks...I'm looking forward to this...

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 07 Jun 02 - 01:20 AM

Hell, Chip, it ain't out yet!! But when it is it will be a humbly tendered gift from the heart, as a return flow to the greatest site on the Internet -- better than SlashDot!! Better than Wired News! Better than ...gasp... TheOnion!!



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 16 Jun 02 - 03:36 PM


I have been remiss in not posting updates but I have, I think, all the files with one or two exceptions that will be candidates. If you still have one you really want included, let me know ASAP, OK?

My next task is choosing songs from the tapes and CDs which had multiple candidates on them, and transferring them all to the MP3 format on my hard disk, and assembling the sequencing for the CDs 1 to n. This task is about a third or one-half complete. Wherever someone has voiced a preference I will try to honor that and will advise if there is any problem with it.

My progress was badly slowed by a two-barrled overload of First Universe (meatspace) work which landed simulataneously from my company and my Dept of Defense project people which has seriously burned up my discretionary time for the last three weeks; then I got a demandng letter from someone I co-authored a book with asking for chapter edits and that ate up another few hours. So I have been busy on less important but more pressing stuff!

The flag is still flying on the Mudcat Sampler and you are all greatly appreciated for the cheers and support and most of all for the songs. Thanks a milllion!



If you see Big Mick, tell him he still owes me one!!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: hesperis
Date: 16 Jun 02 - 04:13 PM

Yo, Spudman! You owe Amos one! (Aside to Amos - What, a spud? Ohhhh, a SONG! Right.)

Glad to hear it's going so well.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: alison
Date: 16 Jun 02 - 09:10 PM

I have one waitng to go as soon as I can figure how to make it small enough to send



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 17 Jun 02 - 11:22 PM

Oh, Faire One, dinna fear -- my cable modem ISP will send me files of Grate Syze! I dunno what the largest I've gotten is, but I reckon it is up to 8 MB in email; and I can download larger stuff in seconds. Send away!

And thanks!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amergin
Date: 18 Jun 02 - 12:42 AM

it might not be small enough for it to go through her smtp server, though....

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Homeless
Date: 18 Jun 02 - 09:36 AM

Hey alison, I've found the best way to send large files is via Yahoo IM, or some other IM program. I had a bunch of large (>5M) files to send and fought with e-mail for a while before trying the IM. The IM file send went thru fine. Then only question then is coordinating programs and times with the receiving person.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 18 Jun 02 - 11:48 AM

Failing that you can get a reliable transfer service at for a reasonable cost.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 02 Jul 02 - 05:52 PM

Hi guys!!

Geeeze -- I cannot BELIEVE it has been two weeks since I posted on this thread. The current situationis as follows:

1. I have received (as you can tell from above) scores of wonderful songs on tapes, CDs, email, and MD disk.

2. I am slowly assembling them into a large collection of MP3s choosing one or two songs from each submitter. I have a list of all the materials submitted almost completed and when i have completed the list I will publish it.

3. My rate of progress slowed dramatically in mid-June because my discretionary time got sharply clipped with a collision with the real world or two -- see the post of 6-16 above.

4. When I have all the candidate songs selected and have the "Selection Committe"'s concensus on them I will then take steps to produce the three or more disks this will entail. See the back-stream of this and its antecedent threads for discussions of options.

5. I am still waiting for a few cuts from people who were working on them -- don't pretend you don't know who you are!! :>) .

6. The sequence of steps is pretty much as outlined at the top of this thread and the top of the previous three on this topic but the schedule may have to slip a bit. I'll let you know as soon as I have my spare time back again, and this project is my top priority once the work stuff is cleared away.

Feel free to PM or e-mail me if you have any questions about it!

And let me add that there are some real humdingers in the material you have sent in and I am really impressed with all the great musicmaking in Mudcat land. Thanks again for all the energy you've shown on this project!! I am sorry for the delays but I will get it back to speed as soon as I can.

Talk to you soon,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: GUEST,IanB as guest
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 05:31 AM

'Sorry for delays' says Amos. Good heavens, man, you seem to be doing a wonderful job. You'll go down in legend and song for this one.

- Ian

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Barbara Shaw
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 08:44 AM

Amos, just curious about why you are putting everything into MP3 format. I have a copy of all my CD tracks in MP3, and notice the occasional hiccup in the sound there as well as in WAV format, when converted from CDA. Will the final CD be in MP3? Posting this here instead of email because I think it would be of general interest. (Sorry if this has already been answered previously).

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 11:39 AM


Two reasons, really -- size and convenience. I was seeking to limit the number of CDs I would have to produce in order to represent all submitters. Also, originally we were thinking of using MP3.COM for the logistics, but I think we have a better approach now.

The final CD will be in CD audio format. The program I use converts automatically.

I am open to suggestions concerning the tradeoffs between quality and number of files. Perhaps the source of the difficulty is my obsessive democraticity? :>)


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Art Thieme
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 02:32 PM

Amos, yes, great job. You are 100% more organized than I can get these days. Really a big job you've taken on.

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: MMario
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 02:33 PM

he's about 2000% more organized then I get at the best of times. I am in awe of what he is doing.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: hesperis
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 02:54 PM

mp3 format - means he doesn't have to take up his HDD with full wav or cda files.

mp3 format - means he can accept songs from people over the internet, meaning some of us without tapes or cds (yet!) can still send in something.

Now, to convert to cda, still means a full-length CD, where if you burned a CD full of mp3's we could get a LOT more songs for the money. But... not everyone can play mp3 CDs, and very few car stereos will play them. You need either a computer or one of those newfangled mp3-CD players.

Skips - if you are getting skips when you convert to mp3 or wav:
1. Make sure you have a clean CD and a clean CD drive. Dust and grease will cause skips.
2. Use a slower CD speed setting, like 8x or even 4x or 2x - sometimes if the computer reads it too fast, it'll cause skips. That read setting will be somewhere in your program. 3. If those don't work, use CDex to extract/convert the file. CDex is one of the best audio extracting (CD-ripper) software programs out there, and is very easy to use. Oh, and it's free!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Barbara Shaw
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 04:15 PM

Hesperis, my skips could be because I went from CDA to WAV and then from WAV to MP3, even though I used 4x speed.

One reason for the question about mp3 was because I could have sent files in that format had I known, thus eliminating one step for Amos. I thought people were sending in whatever format they could, and then it would all end up on a CD in CDA. No problem, whichever way it ends up. Amos has taken on a big job, and I'm looking forward to hearing the results, looking forward to hearing some of the people who are only interesting names at this point.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: hesperis
Date: 03 Jul 02 - 06:38 PM

Hmmm, that shouldn't do it.

If the wav skips, it's likely a problem with the CD-ripping itself. If the wav doesn't skip but the mp3 does, then it's either the convertor you're using, or the overall volume of the wav is too high, and you're getting "clipping", which is a little different than a skip.

Or... it could be the mp3 player, even. I notice that when I access the internet with my current player, it sometimes really slows down on playing the file. Try playing the file without any other programs running.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: MMario
Date: 18 Jul 02 - 02:30 PM

mixonic now also offers CD's online...

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VI: Flowing Like Gold!
From: Amos
Date: 28 Jul 02 - 07:44 PM

Don't miss the next chapter of this stirring mellerdrammer, which can be found in Section 7, over here!


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