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Lyr Add: Annie in the Morning Rain (Harvey Andrews

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JohnHill 16 May 98 - 03:01 PM
Will 16 May 98 - 05:33 PM
BAZ 18 May 98 - 06:54 PM
johnhill 20 May 98 - 04:58 PM
Will 21 May 98 - 07:58 AM
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Subject: Harvey Andrews
From: JohnHill
Date: 16 May 98 - 03:01 PM

I can't believe that there is nothing in the DT or in this discussion group regarding Harvey Andrews. He has been one of the UK's formost singer/songwriters for over 30 years and yet here he doesn't seem to exist.

Wake up you lot... If you haven't listened to him yet its time you did.

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Subject: RE: Harvey Andrews
From: Will
Date: 16 May 98 - 05:33 PM

Uh, JH, perhaps some information about Mr. Andrews' songs and what you like about them would help us wake up.

Possibly, just possibly, more effectively than a clarion call exhortation.

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Subject: Lyr Add: ANNIE IN THE MORNING RAIN (Harvey Andrews
From: BAZ
Date: 18 May 98 - 06:54 PM

I think your right Will perhaps some examples of Harvey's work would be a better advert.

Harvey has been around a number of years, he hails from Birmingham (England) and has written some beautiful songs and tunes. He appears to be better known in Europe than in America although one of his most famous early songs Hey Sandy was about a young student who was killed by troops/police during a campus protest somewhere in America. Harvey does have his own web site at where there are sound bites as well as lyrics.
Harvey comes to Cornwall occasionaly for a break and sits in the corner of the bar heavily disguised listening to us play and sing and doesn't let on till after.

Here's a sample of one of his lyrics. This was written about a distant relative who was ' in service ' and "got into trouble" at a time when women were locked away in this country for having children out of wedlock.


Annie in the morning rain with her future planned
Did he understand?
Annie in the morning rain, suitcase in her hand
'til the morning passes and the sun breaks through
The waiting 's over and the future 's new
For Annie in the morning rain, suitcase in her hand

Annie in the morning rain, with her freedom won
Wonders what she'd done
Annie in the morning rain, wondes will he come
For the note she left them was a last goodbye
They won't believe her but she hopes they'll try
Annie in the morning rain, wonders will he come.

Picking up his coat and keys, still he can't decide
Should he go to work or drive with her by his side.

Annie in the morning rain, with her pages turned
Wonders what she's learned
Annie in the morning rain with her bridges burned
In her heart she hears him as he says " I do "
With her belly swollen and her baby due
Annie in the morning rain with her bridges burned
Annie in the morning rain with her pages turned.

Perhaps one reason Harvey hasn't found his way here is that he describes himself as a contemporary writer and singer rather than a "folk singer" but if you get a chance give him a listen.
Regards Baz

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Subject: Lyr Add: CHEEKY YOUNG LAD (Harvey Andrews)
From: johnhill
Date: 20 May 98 - 04:58 PM

This is one of my favorites from Harvey's LP "PG" (Beeswing Records)
(All songs copyright Haska Music)

Harvey Andrews

Well, a cheeky young lad took the rise out of me
So I clipped his ear, I was twenty-three
And I laughed when he ran, said that he'd tell his dad
'Cause I'd done the same when I was a boy
When cheeking grown-ups was a young lad's joy
But you never let on that you'd gone and done anything bad. (Repeat)

Then a cheeky young lad took the mick out of me
So I chased him off, I was thirty-three
And I got close enough to see the tear in his eye
And I said if you talk like that once more
I'll tell your dad and you'll get what for
But I smiled to myself the next time the laddie walked by. (Repeat)

Cheeky young lad like I used to be
Cheeky young lad Oh why can't you see
Cheeky young lad one day you'll be just like me

Then a cheeky young lad stood and swore at me
So I swore right back I was forty-three
And I could give as good as I got any day of the year
But it made me boil and it made me rage
It made me feel every year my age
And when he stood his ground well I tell you then I found fear. (Repeat)

Then a cheeky young lad came and jostled me
He just pushed right past I was fifty-three
And when I shouted "Hey" he just walked away with a sneer
And I raised my fist but I felt afraid
Of the young lad's swagger and the world we'd made
And I wish it was like it had been just yesteryear (Repeat)

Because a cheeky young lad came and battered me
Took my money and ran and I'm sixty-three
And I wish I was dead instead of being kept alive
Because a cheeky young lad is waiting for me
If ever I get to seventy-three
And the next time I don't think that I can survive
The cheeky young lad who's waiting for me to arrive
The cheeky young lad who's waiting for me to arrive

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 20-Mar-02.

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Subject: RE: Harvey Andrews
From: Will
Date: 21 May 98 - 07:58 AM

Thanks, Baz and JohnHil. That's useful information and great lyrics.

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