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Worst Pop Song Part Two

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denise:^) 30 Sep 02 - 11:55 PM
SueB 27 Apr 04 - 02:20 PM
GUEST 27 Apr 04 - 05:23 PM
GUEST,Shlio 28 Apr 04 - 05:08 PM
LindsayInWales 29 Apr 04 - 11:44 AM
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Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
From: denise:^)
Date: 30 Sep 02 - 11:55 PM

Speaking of the Carpenters, you haven't *lived* until you've suffered through--uh, I mean, *heard,* their rendition of, "Dead Man's Curve." (No, I'm not making this up! A multi-harmonied, crisply delivered, split-second timing-ed version of "Dead Man's Curve." Enough to make you want to go drive off of it yourself!)

Let me explain--
I had a friend who was a closet Carpenters groupie, and went on a cross-country car trip with her once. She brought along a hearty supply of Carpenters albums recorded onto cassettes. Up till then, I could tolerate them in small doses. Never afterward!

BTW, she also had a thing about the Turtles' "Happy Together," and put it on the end of EACH SIDE of EACH CASSETTE. That song had never bothered me, up 'till that point--

After that trip, we never went anywhere together again...

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Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
From: SueB
Date: 27 Apr 04 - 02:20 PM

Sky Rockets in flight (?)
Afternoon Delight
Aaaaaaaaa-afternoon delight...

Dave Barry wrote a whole book, Guide to Bad Songs.
Someone has stolen my copy.

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Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Date: 27 Apr 04 - 05:23 PM

Nice suggestions.
Worst has to be from Desree "Life oh Life"
With the lyrics;
I don't want to see a ghost
Thats the thing I fear most
I'd rather have a piece of toast
and watch the evening movie.

And people wonder why I discourage kids in my class from writing rhyming poetry.


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Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
From: GUEST,Shlio
Date: 28 Apr 04 - 05:08 PM

I've scanned lots of these posts - and no one has mentioned my personal favourite bad song:

"Snoopy versus the Red Baron"

Yes, it's terrible, but I can't bring myself to truly despise a pop song about "a funny-looking dog with a big black nose".

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Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
From: LindsayInWales
Date: 29 Apr 04 - 11:44 AM

Ultimate in cheese has to be the double cd introduced by Keith Chegwin (he's on the cover wearing a yellow chicken suit) entitled "40 Clucking Awful Hits"...I bought it for my daughter a few Christmases ago just for a joke, unfortunately she didn't appreciate it and left me with now whenever we have over-indulged the throat emulsion we put it on and then moan about how awful it is!!

For me the most awful record is "Grandma We Love You" (which someone bought me on my 50th birthday when I'd just become a grandma!!!!)

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