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BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability


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GUEST,struggling 07 Jan 03 - 04:15 PM
catspaw49 07 Jan 03 - 04:21 PM
GUEST,DonMeixner 07 Jan 03 - 04:23 PM
GUEST,struggling 07 Jan 03 - 04:44 PM
NicoleC 07 Jan 03 - 04:47 PM
Liz the Squeak 07 Jan 03 - 05:09 PM
Maryrrf 07 Jan 03 - 05:19 PM
Wuzzle 07 Jan 03 - 05:36 PM
Mudlark 07 Jan 03 - 07:48 PM
SINSULL 07 Jan 03 - 07:54 PM
GUEST,Q 07 Jan 03 - 08:20 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 08 Jan 03 - 12:25 AM
Ebbie 08 Jan 03 - 01:42 AM
GUEST,struggling 08 Jan 03 - 11:23 AM
Peg 08 Jan 03 - 01:55 PM
wysiwyg 08 Jan 03 - 02:21 PM
GUEST,Q 08 Jan 03 - 02:31 PM
GUEST 08 Jan 03 - 02:56 PM
Kim C 08 Jan 03 - 03:04 PM
GUEST,struggling, but hopeful 08 Jan 03 - 03:15 PM
Kim C 08 Jan 03 - 03:20 PM
GUEST 08 Jan 03 - 03:20 PM
GUEST,struggling, but hopeful 08 Jan 03 - 03:50 PM
rock chick 08 Jan 03 - 04:42 PM
SINSULL 08 Jan 03 - 05:00 PM
GUEST,struggling, but hopeful 08 Jan 03 - 05:10 PM
Art Thieme 08 Jan 03 - 10:53 PM
Liz the Squeak 09 Jan 03 - 04:44 PM
GUEST,still hopeful 09 Jan 03 - 04:52 PM
mg 09 Jan 03 - 10:28 PM
jimmyt 09 Jan 03 - 10:44 PM
GUEST,Q 09 Jan 03 - 11:10 PM
Liz the Squeak 10 Jan 03 - 06:34 PM
GUEST,hopeful 10 Jan 03 - 06:52 PM
mouldy 11 Jan 03 - 03:49 AM
Liz the Squeak 11 Jan 03 - 03:50 AM
GUEST,doing better,now 03 Mar 03 - 11:36 PM

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Subject: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,struggling
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 04:15 PM

I've heard 20 minutes of exercise, three times per week will help a person to stay fit. I have not been able to do that, partly because of a limiting disability. Recent illness has hampered that even more.

Now, I am trying to bring myself back to some semblance of fitness. It is discouraging. How have some of you done it? Right now I can only manage 3-4 minutes on a stationery bike, then have to rest. Does this count for anything? Will it improve? Most grateful for any encouragement/suggestions/stories.


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: catspaw49
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 04:21 PM

Yes, it counts and yes it will improve. Don't give up because a few months off and you'll be right back to ground zero....been there, done that. It seems tough at first, but you'll gain strength and endurance as time passes and you'll reach your goal within a few weeks.


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,DonMeixner
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 04:23 PM

All effort improves.

The only issue is how fast it improves things for you. Not knowing the nature of the disability makes it harder to be more supportive. We have folks here who have everything from Traumatic Physical disability to Neuro-Muscular disorders and we are very glad to help. If all you need is back pattery now and then, we can do that to. You won't find a bigger bunch of friends on several continents who are more willing to help a friend in need.


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,struggling
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 04:44 PM

thank you Spaw and Don
saying too much would be embarrassing
it is chronic and may someday improve with surgery
losing weight is very helpful and there is some control there now
the exercise is the thing
the old ticker fires on about 3.5 cylinders

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: NicoleC
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 04:47 PM

Yes, it counts. Any exercise counts, but the latest exercise research shows that your 20 minutes of exercise does not have to be all at once to provide most of the benefits. So do what you can now, and let improvement come with time!

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 05:09 PM

Simple little things like walking to the other bus stop, walking to the shop rather than driving. Parking a bit farther away from work/whatever, walking the extra. Everything counts towards those '20 mins' - but don't get stuck on that figure. It depends entirely on the ability of the person. Do less if you can only manage less, more if you can manage more, but don't feel you have failed if you don't reach that 20 mins.

I know how you must be feeling at the moment, I too have had some dicky ticker trouble this past few months, and it's been a real effort to try and get energy to do something. I ended up putting the keyboard on the handlebars of the excercise bike and chatting on the Mudchat room (members only, but it's free and easy to join) and ended up doing more miles than I'd thought possible and was supposed to do for my programme! In fact, I ended up breaking the pedal off!

But as they say above, you will find all manner of abilities, inabilities and attitudes here, somewhere, sometime, someone is running the treadmill too.... you are not alone!!


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Maryrrf
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 05:19 PM

Yes, it helps! Just do what you can regularly and increase it slowly. Whatever you can manage it's going to be better than no excercise at all. This is provided your doctor says it's okay to excercise, which I'm assuming he did.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Wuzzle
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 05:36 PM

Hi there struggling

turn it around, dont think I only did 4 minutes, but wow look at me 4 minutes that is brillant, apply that to everything and you will be amazed, be encouraged, well one day you might make 5 -6 -7 but for now 4 minutes is pretty good too

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Mudlark
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 07:48 PM

Dear Struggling...

Exercising with chronic disability a big problem and one that I share. I agree with Wuzzle, better to peddle for 4 min. and congratulate yourself than to strive for more, then stop altogether because it precipitates more problems. Also agree that exercise has many guises...tense/release, leg raises while sitting at computer, deep breathing, and maybe the most important...the mental exercise of celebrating all that you have going for you. In many cases staying in the same place (rather than slipping down) is a huge achievement. Not as exciting as breaking thru that ribbon, maybe, but a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

Good luck and stay in touch...

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 07:54 PM

Four minutes several times a day adds up and counts. Now for the good news: according to the research, the extra weight actually improves your calcium retention because of the extra work carrying it. It had to be good for something!

Guest, I have begun my battle with exercise and weight yet again. PM me if you would like to commiserate, share successes and setbacks, or just find something to laugh about. Last time I did this, I started with 15 sweaty minutes on a treadmill that I thought would kill me and built up to an hour a day on either a tread mill or stationary bike. Inch by inch...

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Date: 07 Jan 03 - 08:20 PM

Laid up with severe back pain from injury combined with arthritis, it took several months to get a program going that fits my needs. This involved getting the right anti-inflamatory and narcotic pills to control the pain- the first step. An MRI was taken, and other tests to see just where the problems were. Next was physiotherapy and selection of proper exercises that would help, and NOT contribute to the problem. The exercise should be gradual, and as Mudlark and others suggest, don't overdo it- that will make you want to stop, and, as I said above, could be as damaging as not exercizing at all. A pain therapist evaluated the program and checked on my progress. Very important is proper evluation of the condition.
I can get around fairly well now. The exercises help strengthen muscles around the back and in my legs, and helped the gradual healing of a disc-pinched nerve pain that was part of the injury. I no longer need the narcotic (they all have side effects) which is good. Gradually, less of the anti-inflamatory is required, now I can skip days without taking it. I am able to take walks again, and am learning what I can do and cannot do.
The arthritis and osteoporosis can be checked, but not eliminated.
Again, Mudlark has the attitude I am trying to develop.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 12:25 AM

It should be 30 minutes - EVERY DAY of the week. Minimum

If you cannot "afford" to spend 02% of your living day... improving/maintaining yourself....perhaps, you have no business living much longer.


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Ebbie
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 01:42 AM

Gargoyle, go find a bucket filled with the libation of your choice. Soak your head.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,struggling
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 11:23 AM

You are all so helpful and understanding, well almost all of you. Thank you.

Gargoyle, you may be correct but one cannot start at thirty every day. I would not expect to drive a car, which was misfiring, for any length of time until it was repaired.

This is mostly a mental battle for me. Your considering the 4 minutes valid helps. Your recounting of your own experiences is inspiring.

One thing for sure I know: I will die younger than needed if I don't do this. I will be striving to add 4 minutes on the bike every other hour to my daily routine.

Thank you much

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Peg
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 01:55 PM

I started doing yoga when I sprained my ankle and could do no weight-bearing exercise. Some years later, it is part of my routine that includes aerobic exercise liek walking, jogging, hiking and cross-country skiiing.

I never attended a class or watched a video; I purchased a simple book on Hatha yoga poses (which emphasizes yoga's phsyical rather than spiritual components) called The Richard Hittelman 28-Day Yoga Plan. I am still on Day Four but occasionally add poses from later routines. They are al illustrated and explained thoroughly (cheesy 1970s photos but they do the job); it is a good half-hour routine to which I often add sit-ups and free weights.

Even if you cannot do the stretches, the deep-breathing exercises are excellent for overall health: they aid circulation, detoxification and stress reduction.

good luck!

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: wysiwyg
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 02:21 PM

A year ago I was at death's door, and I just about lived in a chair. Exercise in water turned it all around. I can share lots of details privately. If you are a Mudcat member please PM me. If you are not, please e-mail me at, and be sure to use the word Mudcat in the subject line to get past the spam filters.


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 02:31 PM

Water exercise (see WY..., above), in warm water, is strongly recommended by the Pain Clinics here. Supervised classes are held at several locations.

Specialists at the Pain Clinics here will tailor exercises to your needs, after thouough examination (inc. X-rays, MRI and Bone-density) and are well-worth the cost here - nothing except the provincial monthly charge for medical services. There is a fairly long waiting list, but your own physician can usually get you started before your pain clinic appointment comes up.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 02:56 PM

"I am still on Day Four"

I love it! Now that's the attitude! I have several yoga books I've used too over the years. I love the videos though, and have several I mix up so I don't get bored.

I too have struggled with all these issues, as have family members who are disabled. My mother has learned to do excercises while seated. The book she used is called "Get Fit While You Sit" and was given to her by her physical therapist. There is also this great yoga website I discovered called "Keyboard Yoga":

Their breathing exercises are good. When I had an ulcer, I had terrible problems with my breathing--it was difficult to bring my breathe lower than my diaphram. It was like there was a physical block there (well, there was...the ulcer). I didn't use the Keyboard Yoga breathing techniques, but some other breathing techniques I learned doing movement classes. But the breathing techniques are very useful, especially for getting through the pain while exercising. Same concept as breath techniques used for women in labor and delivery, actually. They are handy as hell.

My partner has a back injury (sounds like Guest Q). He did a pain clinic, and it was very helpful. But the thing that helped most was time. Sounds like you are on the right track Q, best of luck to you. The pain clinic did have a warm water therapy pool, but my partner didn't use it that much. He prefers stretching exercises, the bike, and weight lifting.

The main thing is, do what works best for you, not what worked best for everyone else. Chronic pain is so unique to the person. If you don't like the exercise bike (you should get a clear mind buzz from your exercising, even in the earliest stages, if you really enjoy that sort of exercise activity), find something else. But keep trying, and trying, and trying. It is an arduous journey to finding the right mix that will work for you, but all great journeys are! Also, if you prefer exercising with company, get into some exercise classes instead of trying to do it alone at home. It doesn't take any more effort when you think about it. If you love exercising in a class, then that is less effort than doing exercising you hate alone at home. And it's all about the attitude! Four minutes is impressive, and don't let anyone tell you it isn't. Those of us who've been there, know!

Best of luck & great good health to you.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Kim C
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 03:04 PM

Struggling, you are on the right track and I applaud you.

You are probably getting in 30 minutes without realizing it. You exercise, after a fashion, anyway, even when you aren't specifically "working out." Someone already mentioned things like parking farther away from the store, and so on. That counts. If you can walk around the mall, that counts too.

Others have already said, go at your own pace. Only you know what that is. Challenge yourself, sure, but don't do anything that will cause you injury.

Peg mentioned yoga, and I think that's worth trying. There are lots and lots of good beginner resources out there. Also, depending on your disability, Pilates might be helpful. Beginning Pilates is not at all strenuous, but is very good for strengthening core muscles. It's similar to yoga, but has more of an emphasis on strength training.

Also, can you dance? Dancing is good exercise that doesn't seem like exercise.

Good luck!

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,struggling, but hopeful
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 03:15 PM

Thanks to you, Guest and others. Peg I have 2 yoga tapes I really like and will revue them. Good reminder.

I was not clear enough, I think. The chronic is not pain as much as lack of energy from tricky circulation and being out of shape and overweight. A lack of oxygen has to be compensated. Going to a clinic or pool takes up too much energy and costs too much.

I have found the kind of exercise that works. I have been a deep breather for a long time. I do handweights while sitting at the computer. Recently I was unable to do any of them consisitently. I just needed to know, while starting up, that the little minutes will count for something.

So far today I have done 2 minutes on the bike every hour from 10:00AM on. This is because of the encouragement from all of you. I hope I can keep it going. Thank you!

P.S. I do like to hear what you do and value your advice.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Kim C
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 03:20 PM

Yes! The little minutes DO count for something! And they will add up. :-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 03:20 PM

The breathing problems with overweight are about the worst, aren't they Struggling? Sucks big time. But I think you are doing great climbing on yer vehicle there every hour. Keep at it, and in a few weeks to a month's time, you'll really be making some strides.

I'm giving myself the pep talk too, BTW. I start my new weight loss regime next Monday, so I'll keep checking back in too.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,struggling, but hopeful
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 03:50 PM

You people are a lot of fun. Thank you again.

This makes sense to me: pretend you have been abandoned on a deserted island with abundant fruits, vegetables and other natural foods. Plan to eat 250-300 calories (as much raw foods as possible), 5-6 times each day. The theory is that combined with exercise will bring weight loss.

I just looked at the instrument gauge on the bike. 2 minutes burns 60 calories!

I am doing a lot better today. Maybe we can keep each other going?


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: rock chick
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 04:42 PM

Sixteen years ago I was so ill I couldn't even walk from the gate top the door; with inner strength I very slower built up my strength by aiming for a goal each week. first to get from the door to the front gate, about 12 feet, then from the gate to the end of the front wall, about another 8 feet, within 8 months I meet my surgeon on the front line of a half marathon (I was raising money for a specialist baby unit)

It takes time, so don't rush it, but take it slowly if you try to do too much you will only set yourself back and if one day you can't manage as good as the previous day don't push it, the next day you will properly amaze yourself.

I wish you well.

Goog luck

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 05:00 PM

2 minutes burns 60 calories???? Slow down! Go for length of time NOT SPEED. The longer exercise at a slower speed will increase weight loss, gradually improve stamina, and not cause a heart attack. How fast are you going?
And reduce the tension on the pedals. If you are pushing against enormous resistance, you can hurt yourself as well as shorten your time.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,struggling, but hopeful
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 05:10 PM

Not to worry Sinsull thanks. I am incapable of moving against any great resistance. It is set on the next to lowest. The gauge on the bike is what read 60 calories for the 2 minutes. It included a 10 second break in between the minutes. I have to stop for that. I will double-check it to make sure I read it correctly.

rock chick amazing yourself thanks!

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Art Thieme
Date: 08 Jan 03 - 10:53 PM

Stetching---especially of hamstrings and Achiles tendons helps my MS a goodly amount. Leg lifts and left-to-right both knee back-and-forth movements while reclined does some good too---. Staying limber can't be bad. I can walk about a block & then must collapse into a wheelchair. To keep from relying too much on the wheelchair, at home I leave it in front of the computer and walk as much as I can from room to room---sitting when it's needed. Either because of natural remission of my disease or as a result of exercising and walking some, I've seen some improvement over the last 8 years --- but could be I'm just learning to compensate for muscles that don't work well now by using other sets of muscles. Whatever, staying in motion does seem to help. Not being able to drive these days is annoying, but I've got an electric scooter that gets me out and around town. Just keep doing what you can, and don't let those who think that "you are not doing enough" get you down. All they know is what THEY want you to do and cannot hear what you are saying or what your wishes, needs and abilities are at any given moment. Feel good and go with the flow.

All the best,

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 09 Jan 03 - 04:44 PM

You sound as if you've broken the biggest barrier, the one in your head. The fact that you now sign in as 'struggling but hopeful' is a great indication and an encouragement to us all. The longest journey starts with a single step.

You wanted to know about others on the journey with you..... you asked for it!!!

I've been doing the healthy eating bit at work - the sweetie jar has been forcibly removed and replaced with tons of fruit and veggies.... so I'm with you on that.

I've tried some 'Detox' tea too... heaven only knows what effect THAT will have, but it wasn't too nasty (except it looked like wee in a white cup - must remember to use the blue cup for it) especially with a little honey in it. I'll let you know what happens, but it has all manner of things in it like dandelion, liquorice, peppermint and sage - all good for the digestion. Hopefully that will quell the 'beached whale' feelings I've got at the moment (lots of reasons, being rather tubby is only one!), and it's doing wonders for my concentration.

So there we go. One step together... what's the next one? Me getting the bike fixed I suppose... anyone got a spanner?


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,still hopeful
Date: 09 Jan 03 - 04:52 PM

Thank you, Liz, that is wonderful of you. I would be very interested in what you decide about the tea.

I have not won the mental battle, not yet anyway. Today has been bad. I did not get even a minute of sleep so emotional eating is in full swing. The calories are not too bad but climbing.

The bike beckons but I did 10 minutes in a store pushing a cart. I am counting that. I will be happy to get some sleep and know tomorrow is another day to begin anew.

Art Thieme, thank you for the inspiration. I did flex my legs while at my computer because of your nice posting.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: mg
Date: 09 Jan 03 - 10:28 PM

please read the Metabolic Body Typing Diet or similar name. There is a long quiz you take and it will point you to which of 3 basic metabolic types you are. It might be you would be better off on the desert island with a herd of buffalo and some cows and goats. mg

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: jimmyt
Date: 09 Jan 03 - 10:44 PM

Struggling, I wish everyone on Mudcat would read this thread. It is like people grouping around someone in an accident, everyone helpful, everyone giving their best with no regard to themself. It is a real feeling of humanity.....I just got out of another thread where I was feeling sorry for myself and sort of losing faith in my fellow man , when Istopped by here..How inspirational it must be to have these strangers care about you enough to offer their courage, suggestions prayers, whatever, just folks wanting to help. I had back surgery three years ago, and after a lot of time when I put limitations on myself, got with the program, and I am happy to tell yo that I walk a fe miles every day, work out regularly, lost 28 lbs, and feel better than I have in 30 years. You have more inner strength than you know. Good luck and God bless, Now I have to go help Liz fix her bike!

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Date: 09 Jan 03 - 11:10 PM

A "Dr. Abravanel" wrote a book about metabolic body typing about 20 years ago. I have never heard of a physician here recommending it.

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 10 Jan 03 - 06:34 PM

Bike still not fixed.. Manitas has managed to rig it so that I can't actually get the wheel back onto the chain with the chain guard as well.... back to the bicycle clips!!

The Detox tea... Hmmm well..... all that liquorice and dandelion did have a nice gentle effect, so feeling less blobby. It still looked like wee though. Must try to remember to keep the wrapper so I can tell you what is in it. I can tell you that sage is supposed to be good for flatulence... it is... VERY good.

Make up your own mind whether I'm being ironic or not!

Next day, next step. You first?!


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,hopeful
Date: 10 Jan 03 - 06:52 PM

hmmmm..thank you for the information, Liz. I forgot to caution you about liquorice if you have any blood pressure issues. It not supposed to be very good in such cases.

I will probably get 4 minutes done by end of the end. Otherwise I feel today was an off day. In the interest of fairness and your kind offer of camaraderie I vow to start anew tomorrow with food and bike. I shall report and wish us both luck.

Thank you

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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: mouldy
Date: 11 Jan 03 - 03:49 AM

Hopeful, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing slowly and carefully so that your body gets used to what you are asking it to do. You should listen to your body as it will tell you what it can and can't do. When you are not used to exercise, any slight increase in your activity will be of benefit. When that stops feeling like an increase, you have benefited and then you can add a little more.

I have recently gone back to yoga class after about a 20 year layoff. I'm enjoying it, even though I can't do a lot of what I used to and have to really rein myself in from trying to be 30 again.
BUT for gentle exercise and relaxation combined I have found you can't beat Tai-Chi! It focuses the mind wonderfully, and is so gentle. I started to learn in September, and now have almost 30 seconds worth that I can do! It is definitely not a thing learned quickly - you tend to work, like yoga, to your own ability in perfecting the movements. The full "form" is about 104 movements, and I think we have learned the first 4 or 5 in 3 months! I love it!

I used to go to a gym, but I can't use a lot of the upper body machines because of my shoulders and neck, and I kept getting pain in my left arm on the treadmill (went to the hospital treadmill and had ECG at my doctor's- nothing wrong with the ticker as far as they could see). So my bike will be out of the shed when the weather warms up. It's a creaky old thing and is the same age as me (51) but it has handlebars that curve round and hold my arms in a more natural and relaxed position with my shoulders down, unlike the modern bikes. Besides, it's got a "proper" saddle! Both of us (built for comfort, not for speed) need the exercise, so that is this year's good intention. That, and lose the caffeine if possible as well as the stone that has crept on over the last year or so.

Liz, please remember the name of that tea!


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 11 Jan 03 - 03:50 AM

Go for it Hopeful.. I'm still waiting for JimmyT and his spanner........

Hope he brings a rivet extracter too.....


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Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
From: GUEST,doing better,now
Date: 03 Mar 03 - 11:36 PM

So, how are you doing now, Liz? It took me some time but I have finally developed a routine of walking. I am up to ten minutes every day. I hope you are doing well, too.

Thank you, everyone, for your support.

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