Subject: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: FPM Date: 09 Aug 98 - 05:19 AM Before she hit the bigtime, Joan Baez was on an album called "Folksingers 'Round Harvard Square." Also on the album was a Harvard student whose name (I think) was Bill Woods or Wood. He went on to make an album (maybe two) with a group of other Harvard students -- lush harmonies and entertaining lyrics. All this in the early '60s. I am trying to find a copy of this album. Does anybody remember what it was called and/or know where it might be found? |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Pete Peterson Date: 09 Aug 98 - 10:12 AM I am pretty sure that the group you are looking for called themselves the Raunch Hands and recorded in the early 1960s. Bill Wood WAS a mamber & it was a bunch of Harvard undergraduates, graduate students and hangerson. But my memory cannot be totally trusted, as it believed that I had a copy of one or more Raunch Hands records, and I just looked and can't find it. Happy Hunting-- Pete Peterson |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: rich r Date: 09 Aug 98 - 11:17 PM This isn't gonna help you find your album, but Bill Wood went on to be a successful molecular biologist/virologist. When I was in graduate school at U. Wisconsin in the early 70's, he gave a seminar in the biochemistry department. The only part of the seminar I remember is the first slide which was the album cover of "Folksingers Around Harvard Square" rich r |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Ralph Butts Date: 10 Aug 98 - 07:56 AM FPM..... It's Bill Wood. Ted Aleveizos was the second guy. There's beautiful stuff on this album, and it's obviously a collector's item. I would guess the date at 1958. Great duets, my favorite is Joan and Bill doing "Kitty", which we sing at home. I have the album if you'd like me to make you a (ssshhh!) copy. ......Tiger
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: GUEST,Jasper Date: 18 Mar 04 - 11:54 AM Did Joan and Bob Dylan have a romance. How long did it last and why did they split up. And yes I am writing a book |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Stilly River Sage Date: 18 Mar 04 - 01:01 PM You need to get that info someplace else, Jasper. This is a music discussion list, not E!. |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Little Robyn Date: 18 Mar 04 - 01:53 PM I have it! It was put out in NZ by Squire records around 1964-64 under the title of The BEST of JOAN BAEZ and in smaller print it says featuring Bill Wood & Ted Alevizos. The words on the back suggest it was recorded in 1959 tho' it could have been earlier. Did FPM ever find a copy??? Robyn |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Peter T. Date: 18 Mar 04 - 02:25 PM Jasper, the book has already been written, called Positively 4th Street, goes into detail about the Baez-Dylan "Diamonds and Rust" universe. yours, Peter T. |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Amos Date: 18 Mar 04 - 03:59 PM They were holding on tight at the Newport Folk Festival of 1964. That's all I really know. :>) A |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 18 Mar 04 - 06:34 PM Yes, Bob and Joan had a very tight romantic relationship around roughly 1964 through 1965. It has been written about by Joan in her own autobiography "And A Voice To Sing With" (excellent book!). It has also been written about in the recent book "Positively Fourth Street" (well worth reading). It has also been alluded to in the following songs: By Dylan... Queen Jane Approximately She Belongs To Me Visions of Johanna and maybe...Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands (but Dylan says that one is about Sarah, his wife...well, maybe it is, and maybe he's fibbing a bit when he says that) And probably a few other Dylan songs too, but that's up for debate By Joan... Oh, Brother! Diamonds and Rust Winds of the Old Days Yo' book awready been written, man! Know'msayin'??? :-) - LH |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 18 Mar 04 - 06:44 PM The album "Very Early Joan" is a great collection, released by Vanguard. I'm sure you can find it on the Net somewhere, on Ebay if all else fails. I recommend it highly if you like Joan Baez. It has a couple of hilarious parodies of pop songs of the time, done live by Joan to an enthusiastic folk audience. She should've done a whole album of stuff like that. Her deadpan (if a little sardonic) delivery of bubble-gum songs of the day is more than funny, it's sidesplitting. - LH |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: GUEST,Shlio Date: 19 Mar 04 - 03:48 AM LH - Wasn't "Oh, Sister" about Joan too? |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: greg stephens Date: 19 Mar 04 - 04:09 AM GUEST Jasper's ingenuous little question looks like one of our regulars in disguise, I would say. Possible a JOhn from Hull foray into anonymity? |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: matai Date: 19 Mar 04 - 04:56 AM I always thought 'Diamonds and Rust' was written about her husband David...or is it one of those everyman songs? |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Backstage Manager(inactive) Date: 19 Mar 04 - 09:08 AM No, "Diamonds and Rust" was very specifically about Dylan. "Song for David," also recorded by Judy Collins, was about Joan's ex-husband, david Harris. |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Chris in Wheaton Date: 19 Mar 04 - 11:14 AM Look for Jim Rooney's book on the early exploits of the Harvard Square folkies - it is much better than 4th Street. I think the Jim Kweskin story is more interesting than Joan's puppy love days. Chris in Wheaton |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 19 Mar 04 - 11:45 AM "Oh Sister" may have been about Joan, but I think more likely about Sarah Dylan. However, I am not sure on this one. Joan once made a smart crack to Bob while touring on the Rolling Thunder Review that the song "Diamonds and Rust" was about her husband, David, but she was just playing mind games with the context in her book makes plain...the song was most definitely about her and Dylan. Bob may have later retaliated for that little jab in the song "Sarah" where he asserts that "Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands" is about Sarah, and not Joan...or maybe it really is about Sarah...but I think that "your matchbook songs and your gypsy hymns" and "your mercury mouth in the missionary times" are phrases that fit the young Joan to a "T". I figure it was at least partly about her. Many songs were written about Sarah. One of the early ones is "Love Minus Zero - No Limit". - LH - LH |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Don Firth Date: 19 Mar 04 - 12:26 PM The book that Chris in Wheaton is probably refering to is Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (sub-titled, "The Illustrated Story of the Cambridge Folk Years") by Eric von Schmidt and Jim Rooney, published by University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, 1979 (Second Edition published 1994). It's a big book, 8" by 10 3/4", over 300 pages, and it contains pictures, pictures, and more pictures! It's full of history, stories, anecdotes, gossip, gags, and just about anything you can think of having to do with the Cambridge / Harvard Square folk music scene, in the words of people who were there at the time. Lots of stuff by and about big name singers when they're just getting started, plus people you may never have heard of. Absolutely fascinating book! Among other things, I learned that while I was singing at The Place Next Door in Seattle for $15.00 a night, Joan Baez was singing at the Club 47 in Cambridge for $10.00 a night. This was a few months before Bob Gibson brought her on stage with him at the 1959 Newport Folk Festival. Did I mention that the book us full of pictures? I just checked Amazon and the book is out of stock, but here are some reviews. It's worth trying to track down. Don Firth |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 19 Mar 04 - 01:45 PM Oh, lordy, lordy....GOTTA get that book! Off to Ebay I go... - LH |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: jaze Date: 19 Mar 04 - 10:54 PM LH, the song "Our Time Is Passing Us By" is also about Dylan, I'm pretty sure. I want that book,too! Let us know if you have any luck on E-bay. |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 20 Mar 04 - 12:38 AM You might also want to try a search of the main online used book dealers. I think this link will work: Baby Let Me Follow You Down |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 20 Mar 04 - 02:30 AM Hi! I'm back from the Dylan concert in Toronto, at 2:15 in the morning, and I did find a copy of the book online just now, and bought it. The internet is a wonderful thing. Marshall Macluhan's global village has arrived! Yes, jaze, "Our Time Is Passing Us By" is another great song written by Joan about her and Bob. Joan also wrote a not very good song in the early 70's called "To Bobby", urging Dylan to again ally himself with political protest. She hadn't really figured out songwriting at that point. A few years later she was writing far better material. It was Dylan who originally suggested to Joan that she COULD write songs (if she just tried), and in time she did. I highly recommend the material she recorded on such albums as "Diamonds & Rust", "Gulf Winds", "Blowin' Away", and "Honest Lullaby". - LH |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: matai Date: 20 Mar 04 - 04:50 AM And does anyone remember her album 'Blessed Are' I just loved it and most of the songs on it were hers. matai |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Stilly River Sage Date: 20 Mar 04 - 02:42 PM BookFinder lists several copies of the book. Here are three and here is one more. SRS |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: hobbitwoman Date: 20 Mar 04 - 04:51 PM "Blessed Are" was the second Joan Baez album I ever bought - I was probably 17 or 18 at the time. I recently replaced it on CD... and yes, several of the songs on it were her compositions. Also a few by Mickey Newbury and some others. Unfortunately the album notes on CDs are written in really teeny print, and my arms aren't long enough any more to read them very well!;o) I believe that all the songs on "Gulf Winds" were written by Joan. That is one of my favorite albums of hers. Annie |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 20 Mar 04 - 05:29 PM I think "Gulf Winds" is the best one of them all. Yup, I remember "Blessed Are" too. The double album she did of all Dylan songs is a real treat, recorded in the late 60's, and it has some Dylan songs he never recorded on it too....such as "Walkin' Down The Line". - LH |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: hobbitwoman Date: 20 Mar 04 - 06:48 PM I have a CD called "Any Day Now" which is all Bob Dylan songs, and "Walkin' Down the Line" is on it... is that the one you mean? It says it's two CDs in one, but it's only 64 min. long... jeesh, I've gotten spoiled! I love "Boots of Spanish Leather" and "Walls of Redwing". Annie |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 20 Mar 04 - 07:03 PM A kind thought, SRS, but do read my earlier post. It invokes the Bookfinder search routine and should remain current indefinitely; whereas your links are to results, and have already expired. |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Stilly River Sage Date: 20 Mar 04 - 07:39 PM They still appear when I click on them--but perhaps they're in my cache. I didn't put them there as durable links to last forever. But they should have gotten people to the books for a little while. The search you posted comes up with one in the UK that I didn't see in the search I ran. SRS |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: JJ Date: 21 Mar 04 - 07:26 AM Annie, a quick check on Amazon shows that the CD version of "Any Day Now" contains all the tracks on the original double LP, which I have. |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: jaze Date: 21 Mar 04 - 12:02 PM Gulf Winds is now available on cd at an affordable price since A&M released a box set of all JOan Baez recordings on their label. It used to cost at least $100 on E-bay if you were lucky to find it. I think it is a great lp also. contains soome stunning imagery in her lyrics. |
Subject: RE: A question about (very) early Joan Baez From: Don Firth Date: 21 Mar 04 - 12:53 PM I just checked Bookfinder. As of 9:45 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time, they still have four copies listed: three on one page, and one on a second page. Don Firth |
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