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Lyr Req: Fiona and Shane (Anne Byrne)

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GUEST, 27 May 03 - 12:18 AM
Wolfgang 27 May 03 - 06:08 AM
GUEST, 28 May 03 - 11:11 AM
Wolfgang 28 May 03 - 01:37 PM
Wolfgang 29 May 03 - 03:47 AM
GUEST, 29 May 03 - 10:39 AM
Wolfgang 05 Jun 03 - 03:18 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: Fiona, Oh Fiona...
From: GUEST,
Date: 27 May 03 - 12:18 AM

Does anybody recognize this song? I copied the lyrics down from a record from the local library (which it no longer has) and I can only find one part of them. (The other part seems to have been long lost...)

"The swaying pines of eventide,
The blue sky up above
All voices hushed and silent now
Fiona dreams of love
Her heart isfilled with grief and fear
Her dreams they are all in vain
She listens to the west wind sigh
And dreams that it speaks to her of Shane.

Fiona, oh Fiona, the westwind whispers plain;
Fiona, oh Fiona, I bring love greetings from Shane.

Shane is betrothed to another love
He tries to be true and kind
He'll not look in Fiona's pale green eyes
His for her he just can't seem to hide..."

The music was beautiful and haunting. I think I can still remember it but it would take time to work it out as I'm still learning my Finale program. Does anyone know this song???


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Subject: RE: Lyr req: Fiona, Oh Fiona...
From: Wolfgang
Date: 27 May 03 - 06:08 AM

Yes, I do. I have it on an old vinyl, sung by Anne Byrne on her LP 'I choose the green'. There it is titled 'Fiona and Shane'. It is hauntingly beautiful!

Samantha, do you want more than this information?


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Fiona, Oh Fiona...
From: GUEST,
Date: 28 May 03 - 11:11 AM

Sorry Wolfgang,
Got busy with kid's schedules!
Yes, yes, yes, I do want more information and the rest of the lyrics if possible. Thank you! I went through my entire voluminous music library and was still unable to locate it.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Fiona, Oh Fiona...
From: Wolfgang
Date: 28 May 03 - 01:37 PM

No need to hurry, Samantha. Kids come first.

I doubt I have more information at home, but I'm confident I have lyrics to this song (of which quality I don't remember; in the worst case, my own transcription). Look here tomorrow or, perhaps, wait until Monday.


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Subject: Lyr Add: Fiona and Shane
From: Wolfgang
Date: 29 May 03 - 03:47 AM

I only have the song on a tape and the only information I have about it is the title. I'd appreciate more information about it from anyone who knows it. Is it a known legend or story?

The transcription is mine, so there might be errors in it. Where I was unsure I have put the words in parentheses. The tune is not used for any other song I know. My transcription is so close to yours, Samantha, that you may have heard the same recording. Anne Byrne is a woman with a beautiful natural soprano voice, a slight resemblance to the young Joan Baez.



The swaying pines of eventide,
The blue sky up above
All voices hushed and silent now
Fiona dreams of love

Her heart is filled with grief and fear
Her dreams they are all in vain
She listens to the westwind's sigh
And dreams that it speaks to her of Shane.

Chorus: Fiona, oh Fiona,
the westwind whispers plain;
Fiona, oh Fiona,
I bring love greetings from Shane.

Shane is betrothed to another love
He tries to be true and kind
He'll not look in Fiona's pale green eyes
His love for her he just can't seem to hide.

One day she went to the forest green
she could not longer bear to stay
in silence now she roams the woods
and the green pines sing all the way


One day he went to the forest green
in search of wild (meat) and game
a (yokel) smiling with pale green eyes
starts to speak to young Shane.

His heart remembered his love so true
he tried but he failed to explain
in silence now he roams the woods
and the westwinds speak to Shane:

Last chorus: Fiona, oh Fiona
her love was without a stain
Fiona, oh Fiona,
oh you never love another, poor Shane,
Fiona, Fiona, Fiona.

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Subject: Lyr Add: FIONA AND SHANE
From: GUEST,
Date: 29 May 03 - 10:39 AM

Dear Wolfgang,

Thank you again--I corrected the lyrics you were unsure of--I could still remember them after all this time...It's wonderful to have a complete set again! If I get time to write the arrangement I'll try and send you a copy. This will be slow going, since I'm still getting used to Finale. If anyone else knows how to contact Anne Byrne, please let me know, so we can maintain her copyright. Thank you!


The swaying pines of eventide,
The blue sky up above
All voices hushed and silent now
Fiona dreams of love

Her heart is filled with grief and fear
Her dreams they are all in vain
She listens to the westwind's sigh
And dreams that it speaks to her of Shane.

Chorus: Fiona, oh Fiona,
the westwind whispers plain;
Fiona, oh Fiona,
I bring love greetings from Shane.

Shane is betrothed to another love
He tries to be true and kind
He'll not look in Fiona's pale green eyes
His love for her he just can't seem to hide.

One day she went to the forest green
she could not longer bear to stay
in silence now she roams the woods
and the green pines sing all the way


One day he went to the forest green
in search of wild deer and game
a young girl smiling with pale green eyes
starts to speak to young Shane.

His heart remembered his love so true
he tried but he failed to explain
in silence now he roams the woods
and the westwinds speak to Shane:

Last chorus: Fiona, oh Fiona
her love was without a stain
Fiona, oh Fiona,
oh you never love another, poor Shane,
Fiona, Fiona, Fiona.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Fiona, Oh Fiona...
From: Wolfgang
Date: 05 Jun 03 - 03:18 AM

Your corrections sound good to me, Samantha, thanks for correcting my transcription.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Fiona, Oh Fiona...
Date: 22 May 16 - 04:30 AM

Anne Byrne has a beautiful voice and does a beautiful version of it. The song was written by her vousin dolores Brady back in the early sixties. Fiona and Shane are actually the names of dolores's brothers (willie Brady, another lovely and well known singer)children!!

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