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Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway

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GUEST,Claymore 02 Oct 03 - 10:50 AM
Jeri 02 Oct 03 - 11:21 AM
GUEST,Claymore 02 Oct 03 - 12:10 PM
GUEST,Claymore 03 Oct 03 - 03:27 PM
GUEST,PaulineL 04 Oct 03 - 11:53 PM
GUEST,Claymore 05 Oct 03 - 06:05 PM
Ferrara 05 Oct 03 - 06:36 PM
Jeri 05 Oct 03 - 07:44 PM
GUEST,Claymore 05 Oct 03 - 08:12 PM
Susan A-R 05 Oct 03 - 09:17 PM
PaulineL 06 Oct 03 - 03:10 AM
KathWestra 06 Oct 03 - 02:28 PM
Susan A-R 06 Oct 03 - 11:00 PM
Jeri 07 Oct 03 - 07:31 AM
Ferrara 07 Oct 03 - 08:30 PM
KathWestra 08 Oct 03 - 01:59 PM
GUEST,Claymore 08 Oct 03 - 03:16 PM
Sorcha 08 Oct 03 - 03:25 PM
Noreen 08 Oct 03 - 05:41 PM
Jeri 08 Oct 03 - 05:49 PM
Noreen 08 Oct 03 - 07:00 PM
GUEST,Claymore 09 Oct 03 - 05:12 PM
Bill D 09 Oct 03 - 05:30 PM
Jeri 09 Oct 03 - 06:12 PM
Noreen 09 Oct 03 - 06:34 PM
PaulineL 10 Oct 03 - 03:15 PM
Ferrara 10 Oct 03 - 06:54 PM
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Subject: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,Claymore
Date: 02 Oct 03 - 10:50 AM

Below is a DRAFT Set List for the Waltz Class at the 2003 FSGW Getaway. It is a complilation of tunes used from last years class with the remainder made up of waltz tunes commonly played at Contra Dances in the Washington DC area.

What I am hoping to achieve is to create a dialog amonst those musicians who are most likely to play in the Open Band during the Waltz class. As usual, the fiddlers will have the final say, but most of these tunes are commonly available, especially in the Waltz Books I, II, and III by Bill Matthiesen. Please note that several of the tenative back-up players can back up almost any waltz which has a good lead fiddler. So if some of the fiddlers feel strongly about a given waltz not mentioned, bring it on.

Once this set list has been discussed in this thread, I plan to create a number of set copies of most, if not all of the finalized waltzes. Remember that the class is now scheduled for one hour, which should occupy about 7-10 waltzes, so we are not trying to create the all time MudCat list of favorite waltzes; just a set list we can all play for about one hour at the Getaway. Thanks, Don

Waltz Set List:

Ashokan Farewell

Far Away

Fanny Power/Young Jane/Gentle Maiden

Give Me Your Hand


Judy and Jims Wedding


Midnight on the Water

Norwegian Waltz

Planxty Irwin

Rose By The Door

Sheebeg and Sheemore

Star of the County Down

Sunday River waltz

Tennesee Waltz

Two Rivers

Utpick Waltz

Valse des Jeune Filles

Waltz Across Texas

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Jeri
Date: 02 Oct 03 - 11:21 AM

"Utpick Waltz" - you mean "Ookpik" ?
I know a bunch of them, the rest I'll try to find in books or at JC's Tunefinder. I can probably sight read at waltz speed.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,Claymore
Date: 02 Oct 03 - 12:10 PM

Jeri, I used the spelling in the Waltz Book, but I have seen it both ways.

Also, If you need music for any of these, Rita has said that if I fax her the sheets, she can make them available on-line (somehow...?).

Finally, I plan to make up booklets of sheet music for the musicians, and bring them to the Getaway.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,Claymore
Date: 03 Oct 03 - 03:27 PM


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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,PaulineL
Date: 04 Oct 03 - 11:53 PM

Count me in with the waltz fiddlers! I can probably play most of the tunes by ear but I'd appreciate written copies, if possible. I like all the tunes on your set list except for Ashcan Waltz. I know it's popular, but it makes me wince so badly. Would anyone consider a substitute? Some of Kate Wolf's songs in 3/4 time, like "Carolina Pines," work really well as sweet country waltzes.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,Claymore
Date: 05 Oct 03 - 06:05 PM

Pauline, The set list is merely a list of the possible tunes we would play. Given that the class is only one hour, I expect we would get to maybe 12 -15 waltzes out of the 18 listed above. Since the Ashokan is primarily a solo piece, we may have one fiddler who really wants to do it, and that would give other memebers of the Open Band a short break. (Though if there is a waltz you really want to do as in "In the Pines", I really think we can work it out.)

Thanks, Don

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Ferrara
Date: 05 Oct 03 - 06:36 PM

I'll repeat some of my comments from the Contra dance thread.... Please contribute your suggestions, as Pauline did above. That way you'll all feel that it's "your" workshop.

On the other hand, if a song isn't generally known, it may not work for the group. But if you really want to do it, and can provide the music to the rest of the group, and the others agree, go for it.

My two cents worth -- which may be worth less than that -- is that the more familiar the tunes are, the better.

Myself I'm not familiar with most of the above. But then I'm not much of an instrumentalist and because my zither prefers a-minus-diminished-retrograde tuning, I can't jam with it anyhoo.

BTW are you all aware that Dottie Hurley's "Three-Quarter Time" sing-around will have plenty of room for instrumental accompaniment? She suggested it after last year's Getaway. It's going to be a sing and jam and dance, we hope.

Oh. And see the Contra thread for my comments on getting together to practice if you want to.


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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Jeri
Date: 05 Oct 03 - 07:44 PM

Southwind. I LOVE southwind.
We've managed to not run Ashoken Farewell into the ground, or maybe we did and it's had a chance to rest.
I'm not too awful worried about faking most of these with dots, but the contra sets have me a bit worried. Will go over there.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,Claymore
Date: 05 Oct 03 - 08:12 PM

Great suggestion, Jeri. I actually do a majestic "South Wind" on the autoharp. Add some bottom from Gutbucketeer, and a tin whistle bridge, and we will own the piece...

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Susan A-R
Date: 05 Oct 03 - 09:17 PM

I know many of the waltzes, and do some nice harmonies on many of them (two fiddle work makes me smile.) Looks like fun, and it also looks like I'll be learning a few new ones. Nice mix.


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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: PaulineL
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 03:10 AM

An advantage or disadvantage for an instrumentalist playing for dance is that each tune is repeated so many times. You can play harmonies and jam or get bored. Susan and/or other folks, would you like to do some "two fiddle work" with me? Carolina Pines, something from Playford (some real pretty tunes with great harmonies possible) or a tune you suggest? Anybody want to jam with me on the Blue Danube? It's easy, fun, corny, and extremely waltz-able. I can provide sheet music if necessary.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: KathWestra
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 02:28 PM

I'll be dancing, not playing, but Bob McQuillen's Amanda and Margaret come to mind (along with just about any waltz Bob ever wrote) as lovely, lovely things to dance to. If dancers get a vote, make mind McQuillen--with an edge to the two aforementioned ladies' waltzes!

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Susan A-R
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 11:00 PM

Pauline, Sounds like fun. I find that even if I don't know a tune, I can often find a harmony. In fact, I have had to make a rule for myself (which I may break next weekend) to learn the tune before I start to play with harmony. I'd be delighted to do two fiddle stuff. It does make me smile. The grin is, in fact, pretty silly looking, or so the guys in jam session tell me.


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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Jeri
Date: 07 Oct 03 - 07:31 AM

I'm in the same boat, Susan - I'll forget learning tunes and just sail into the harmonies.

I know most of Margaret's Waltz. Don't know Amanda's. I know Carolina Pines in my head, but have never tried playing it. What key do you do it in, Pauline? G?

Ron Davies is co-leader. So far, that's 3 fiddles and a viola that we KNOW about!

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Ferrara
Date: 07 Oct 03 - 08:30 PM

Well, and Dottie Hurley may very well be there on ukelele. There will probably be musicians who want to play who don't read Mudcat, so Claymore, if you would talk to Charlie Friday night and Saturday at breakfast time and make an announcement please? Let people know it's an open band and that you have playlists etc?

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: KathWestra
Date: 08 Oct 03 - 01:59 PM

Would be good to get a piano player or a couple of guitars to provide a strong rhythm foundation for this. It's very hard to dance to fiddles (or treble instruments) alone. Charlie making an announcement would be a good thing! Is Joel Bailes going to be there? He's a good musician AND a wonderful dancer (we should get him to lead a jitterbug/lindy/swingdance workshop sometime). KW

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,Claymore
Date: 08 Oct 03 - 03:16 PM

Kath, I have plenty of experience backing up waltzes on guitar and occasionally on banjo, lute or autoharp, and last year Gutbucketeer provided a wonderful bottom to the mix. As I mentioned above, what I am planning to do is create a notebook of sheet music for the above mentioned waltzes and if you would bring about 8-10 copies of the waltzes you have mentioned above, we will have a jam before we are scheduled to do the class, and rapidly work out the ones that sound the best. We may have some wind instruments or a hammered dulcimer or harp that would care to join in, and so we will work it all out, before the actual class.

As Rita has mentioned, I will do a series of announcements to promote the waltz and contra workshops, and if the fiddlers are happy, the rest of us will be too.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Sorcha
Date: 08 Oct 03 - 03:25 PM

I won't be there, but I love Margaret's Waltz pref. in A Maj.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Noreen
Date: 08 Oct 03 - 05:41 PM

Ooo Kath, if you're still looking for a piano player to vamp along (I'm a ceili band pianist, brought up with the Liverpool Ceili Band) I'd be delighted to have a go.

Don't want to step on anyone's toes though if there's anyone else more qualified...

Will there be a piano??

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Jeri
Date: 08 Oct 03 - 05:49 PM

YEEHAA!..oh, 'scuse me. Yes, there's usually a piano there. Used it as a pitch pipe a couple of years ago. Hmmm... The Vamp of Ramblewood.

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Noreen
Date: 08 Oct 03 - 07:00 PM

*grin* I'll pack the little black dress then...

Fallink in love again, neffer wanted toooooooo....

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: GUEST,Claymore
Date: 09 Oct 03 - 05:12 PM

Jeri, Noreen, I just came back form Ramblewood last week (doing the sound during Scottish Weekend for the Scottish Country Dance set). There was not a piano up at the main dance hall, though I seem to recall one back at the room adjacent to the dining hall. The SW folks rent a freshly tuned piano for their music.

It would be well if someone could bring an electric piano for the Getaway, and I could route it into the sound system which will be there for the concerts.

And yes it could also provide some background for the Contra Dance...

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Bill D
Date: 09 Oct 03 - 05:30 PM

last year Joel had a big electric piano there..but there 'was' also one in the, I don't know....

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Jeri
Date: 09 Oct 03 - 06:12 PM

I was thinking of the one in the gym (every year I've been going), where the contra workshop was held, although I think the electric piano was what was played. The upright one sure was good for a hot late night blues jam a couple of years ago!

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Noreen
Date: 09 Oct 03 - 06:34 PM

Sorry but I can't bring an electric piano with me from England.

But if one should appear and be in need of playing...


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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: PaulineL
Date: 10 Oct 03 - 03:15 PM

Fellow fiddlers: Jamming is one of the greatest highs for me. I, too, enjoy playing tunes I don't know by harmonizing. Sometimes my creativity is best when unhampered by knowledge of the melody. However, at least one of us should know and play the melody. I play Carolina Pines in D but I could do G as well. In fact, if given my choice, I play most tunes in D or G, fiddlers' keys. I'd love to harmonize with other fiddlers, in the waltz workshop or elsewhere. Please PM me if you're interested. (I think I know how that works.)

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Subject: RE: Waltz Set List - 2003 FSGW Getaway
From: Ferrara
Date: 10 Oct 03 - 06:54 PM

Apparently the camp must move a piano into the gym for us, because we do have one there every year (and they get it tuned....) Last year, Joel Bailes and Rick Fielding jammed for hours, Joel on piano, Rick on guitar, I don't know who else was there.

Joel is scheduled to do an hour and a half jam, around the piano, y'all come... Saturday in the gym at 4:30 until ???

I've laid out the schedule, "just" have to type it in and move it to our web page. Working on it.... WORD tables are a pain.

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