Origins: Wave the Ocean, Wave the Sea |
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Subject: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: Robin2 Date: 30 Nov 03 - 10:06 PM I found this online once, but can't seem to find it again. Anyone have words? robin2 |
Subject: Lyr Add: WAVE THE OCEAN, WAVE THE SEA From: John Hardly Date: 30 Nov 03 - 10:27 PM WAVE THE OCEAN, WAVE THE SEA The prettiest girl I ever saw Stood on the banks of the Arkansas. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were green, The prettiest thing that ever I'd seen. CHORUS (after each verse): Wave the ocean. Wave the sea. Wave that pretty girl back to me. Wave the ocean and wave the sand. Wave this way and wave again. Back, turn, and swing. I courted her a many a night. We strolled the lane with hearts alight. Before I asked her for her hand, My country called me to a foreign land. It was three long years till I returned. I wasn't ready for what I learned. As I set sail on a silver tide, A fever had stolen away my bride. I'll go down to the silver strand Where waves come crashing upon the land. I'll take this ring that was for my bride And throw it into the rolling tide. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: Robin2 Date: 30 Nov 03 - 11:07 PM thanks John! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: Joe Offer Date: 30 Nov 03 - 11:37 PM Do we know anything more about this song? Is it a recent comoposition? -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: John Hardly Date: 30 Nov 03 - 11:45 PM I just know it from a Tim O'Brien CD. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: Robin2 Date: 01 Dec 03 - 12:03 AM All I know is it seems to be based on a southern square dance called by a similar name. The tune is crooked, and so is the dance "Wave the ocean, wave the sea Wave that pretty girl back to me Wave the ocean, wave the shore, Wave this time and wave no more Swing your corner Now your partner" southern squares |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: Robin2 Date: 01 Dec 03 - 12:30 AM A little more checking says the song is listed as traditional, but some of the verses are additions. Anyone else know more? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: Jim Dixon Date: 02 Dec 03 - 09:16 AM Tim & Mollie O'Brien recorded it on their album "Take Me Back," 1988. At Mollie O'Brien's website, it says "trad., additional lyrics by Tim O'Brien." A Utah bluegrass band called Lincoln Highway performs it. You can hear the complete song (very nicely done) at their website. The lyrics are nearly the same as those above, except the words "Back, turn, and swing" are omitted. They don't say where they learned it. Paul & Win Grace and Family, of Columbia, MO, have recorded it, as described in this article at The Old-Time Herald. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: GUEST,Arkie Date: 02 Dec 03 - 09:45 AM The dance calls are cetainly traditional and Tim O'Brien probably added the verses. The figure is one of the favorites of the old time dancers in this part of the Ozarks and has been for at least four generations. I've called it many a time, and it is beautiful to watch as well as a joy to dance. Our calls are: Wave the ocean, wave the sea, Wave that pretty girl back to me, Wave the ocean, wave the sand, Wave that pretty girl by the hand, Wave the ocean wave the shore, Wave this time and wave no more, Odd couple swing And join the ring |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: Robin2 Date: 02 Dec 03 - 10:52 PM Arkie, I agree, it is a wonderful dance that we also do here in Kentucky. The tune as done by Tim O'Brien doesn't really work for the dance, but it is fun to sing! Robin2 |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: GUEST,John Telling Date: 03 Mar 21 - 02:23 PM Does anyone have the tune notation for this? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: GUEST,Hootenanny Date: 17 Aug 21 - 04:21 AM I remember first hearing this song from one of Alan Lomax's albums from his 1959 trip through the south. It was sung by Neil Morris the father of Jimmy Driftwood. Accompanied on the mouth bow by Charlie Everidge. I suspect that Tim O'Brien got it from there. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wave the ocean, wave the sea From: GUEST Date: 15 Jan 25 - 03:33 PM Here's a great rendition by The Horsenecks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJrk3-wRBA0 |
Subject: RE: Origins: Wave the Ocean,Barbara A Wave the Sea From: GUEST Date: 18 Jan 25 - 02:55 AM Seeking information on origins, variations and historical context of the folk song "Barbara Allen". Interested in notable recordings or adaptations. Guest, Stop plopping unrelated research questions into whatever active thread you find at the top of the page on Mudcat. Learn to use the search features. Several of your questions have been moved and answered, but you're so lazy I think any more will be deleted. Barbara Allen origins can be found here: https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=157044 ---mudelf
Subject: RE: Origins: Wave the Ocean, Wave the Sea From: GUEST Date: 18 Jan 25 - 10:54 AM My ex-wife worked at a Tax office in Banbury - and she had one client named Mr. Bridge...and he had two daughters named Wave Bridge and Ocean Bridge....True!!! Tim Radford. |
Subject: RE: Origins: Wave the Ocean, Wave the Sea From: GUEST,Louise Wales Date: 19 Jan 25 - 11:27 AM Does anyone have the notation for the dance? |
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