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Mando strings--WOW!

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Kaleea 04 Feb 04 - 02:22 AM
JohnInKansas 04 Feb 04 - 10:40 AM
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Subject: Mando strings--WOW!
From: Kaleea
Date: 04 Feb 04 - 02:22 AM

I found no local mando strings with "fuzzies" but did go online to "juststrings" & I ended up getting the Pyramid strings--lights. WOW! Are they ever fabulous!! I don't recall having ever heard a Mando sound like this, except for the very seriously fine Mando played by a wonderful musician --a fellow from Italy, Carlo Aonzo aka "The Maestro," who effortlessly plays Bluegrass as well as Classical with Beppe Gambetta. My old starter Mando is like a toy compared to the marvelous sound of my recent bowl back inheritance.      As near as I can find out, it's at least 50+ years old, & was not played much. There is no indication of a brand, but the bowl is curiously lined with paper on the inside, & the bowl has beautiful 25 ribs, & a carved wood pick guard, & carved piece over the base of the strings, & also a matching piece going around the tailpiece & up the sides all the way around. Tuners need replacing, as one slips a bit. That I believe my local buddies can help me with. The owner was long ago deceased, & it sat on an antique curio looking pretty as an "antique" for at least the past 40 years. I believe the original strings were on it till I changed them last week. I slowly raised the pitch & have just gotten them at "concert pitch." The sound is amazing. I'm sure having fun playing tunes.
    Many thanks to all you 'catters who advised me! Funny how many good ol' Mando playin' buddies of mine had never seen such strings, but they all agree that the new ones are incredible. I knew I could count on the Mudcat pals to help me out.
       Kaleea--who is pickin' & grinnin' in Kansas

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Subject: RE: Mando strings--WOW!
From: JohnInKansas
Date: 04 Feb 04 - 10:40 AM

Ain't Carlo GREAT!

He's about the only player I'll deliberately leave the campground pickin' to hear at Winfield.


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