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Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?

lucky_p 16 Sep 04 - 01:51 PM
JJ 17 Sep 04 - 08:35 AM
GUEST,Constance Taylor, songwriter 12 Jan 05 - 01:07 AM
GUEST,Brucie 12 Jan 05 - 04:09 AM
GUEST,Brucie 12 Jan 05 - 04:11 AM
GUEST,Old Folkie 19 Oct 06 - 05:23 PM
GUEST,Ron Smith 26 Jan 07 - 05:39 PM
GUEST,ib48 27 Jan 07 - 09:51 AM
GUEST,WayBackWhen 14 Jun 07 - 06:31 PM
Peace 15 Jun 07 - 12:40 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 15 Jun 07 - 02:29 PM
GUEST 28 Oct 07 - 03:18 PM
Peace 28 Oct 07 - 05:44 PM
GUEST,Guest 02 Nov 07 - 05:26 PM
Richard Bridge 02 Nov 07 - 08:23 PM
GUEST,Wally Macnow 08 Nov 07 - 12:32 PM
GUEST,Marshal Rosenberg 04 Dec 07 - 02:10 AM
GUEST,JoeBT 20 Dec 07 - 02:37 PM
GUEST,Ned Treanor 01 Jan 08 - 01:06 AM
GUEST,Ken Martin 01 Feb 08 - 10:38 PM
GUEST,Peter Colket 26 Jul 08 - 02:35 PM
GUEST,Peter Neff 10 Aug 08 - 12:02 AM
GUEST 30 Aug 08 - 10:12 PM
GUEST,Tom Hayward 27 Sep 08 - 06:12 PM
GUEST,Daniel Bachman 10 Feb 09 - 12:34 AM
GUEST 08 Mar 09 - 07:59 PM
GUEST 17 Apr 09 - 01:40 PM
GUEST,Vic Clunet 27 Apr 09 - 07:59 PM
GUEST,Cory MacKinnon 23 Jun 09 - 08:15 PM
GUEST 15 Jul 09 - 01:48 AM
GUEST,Edie Tannenbaum Peterson 05 Sep 09 - 01:39 PM
GUEST,Ray Engle 15 Sep 09 - 05:16 PM
GUEST,Michael Quitt 26 Feb 10 - 11:27 PM
GUEST,Anton Mikofsky 03 Oct 10 - 10:30 PM
GUEST,Blast from the past! 26 Oct 10 - 11:54 PM
GUEST,Seonaid 09 Nov 10 - 04:30 PM
GUEST,al (killer)martinez 01 Dec 10 - 09:31 PM
maeve 01 Dec 10 - 09:55 PM
GUEST,Cory MacKinnon 14 Jan 12 - 12:19 PM
Sandy Mc Lean 14 Jan 12 - 01:26 PM
GUEST,Avidyananda 11 Mar 12 - 03:31 PM
GUEST,Shelley Colon 14 Apr 21 - 05:59 AM
Felipa 14 Apr 21 - 09:03 AM
GUEST,Pete Lunde 31 Mar 24 - 06:34 PM
Felipa 01 Apr 24 - 05:43 PM
GUEST,Elly Wininger 29 Jan 25 - 02:59 PM
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Subject: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: lucky_p
Date: 16 Sep 04 - 01:51 PM

Does anyone know what happened to Raun MacKinnon? She was an important figure in the 60's, creating quite a stir at Newport in 1965. Then, she was backup on many John Prine and (I think) Steve Goodman albums in the 70's and early 80's, then was a presence in the New York City folk circuit in the early '90's. And then she seems to have disappeared. I can't find anything about her current affairs on the Internet. Anyone know anything? Thanks.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: JJ
Date: 17 Sep 04 - 08:35 AM

Good question. I remember her singing at the Bottom of the Barrel in Atlanta around 1970. Didn't hear her. Just remember her being there.

Years later I bought one of her albums on eBay out of curiousity. (I think she only made two.) It didn't really do anything for me, so I sold it.

Her Philadelphia label was one of her problems, too funky for folk.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Constance Taylor, songwriter
Date: 12 Jan 05 - 01:07 AM

I was just wondering myself! I thought she was one of the best. Haven't heard of her for many years. I first heard her at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. I know she was going for the gold in the 80's. I thought maybe she was disappointed and gave up. I'd appreciate it if someone would let me know what happened with her. My e-mail:

(I'm on


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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Brucie
Date: 12 Jan 05 - 04:09 AM

Found this on the www at a site. The post seems to be by her.

    3:26:17 AM
Remote User:


I have just come across this site and would like to add my comments to the page. I was both an enthusiastic customer of the Second Fret and later, as one of Manny's managed acts, I performed there several times under my maiden name, Raun MacKinnon. I'm very sorry to read that Manny has passed away.

Does anyone remember Don Paulin and Audrey Bookspan and know what happened to them? I used to come down to the city as a teenager to hear them, and Carolyn Hester (whom I now see out here in California once in a while, usually at our annual Christmas party), and I remember meeting Oscar Brand at the Fret, as well as the New Lost City Ramblers, Bonnie Dobson, Judy Roderick -- there were just tons of wonderful acts whom I admired very much. I remember the first time I played the Fret professionally I opened for a group called The Catch Club -- I've wondered for a long time what happened to those guys as well!

I'm very sorry, but I have no tapes or photographs from when I performed at the Fret or I would be happy to forward them.

Thank you very much for posting this site -- it is a pleasure to read the comments and memories.

Best regards, Raun (MacKinnon) Burnham Los Angeles, California

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Brucie
Date: 12 Jan 05 - 04:11 AM

Seems her name is now Raun Burnham and she lives in LA, California. I will dig s'more.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Old Folkie
Date: 19 Oct 06 - 05:23 PM

Great question. I just had occasion to listen last night to a 1962 LP by Ms. MacKinnon on the (Chubby Checker/ Bobby Rydell) Parkway/Cameo label. I'm sure they did not afford her the promotion they gave their other rock/pop artists. Apparently she was to be their Philly-area Joan Baez. The cover of this (rare) album features a two-color portrait of the singer, who seems to have been quite lovely. The liner notes indicate she grew up in a Philadelphia suburb and was popular at a Philadelphia folk venue. Her voice is quite good, and it sounds like she was influenced by Ms. Baez, in terms of trying to acheive a pure soprano quality. Some of the songs are quite well sung, including a good performance of Leather Wing Bat. There's also a nice ballad in traditional folk style which she composed. I also happened to catch a set she performed which was broadcast circa 1967 on a NY FM station, which I taped at the time (as a folk-manic kid). She had by then moved to a very different style, much more blues oriented, and perhaps was a bit uncomfortable sounding in that style, but certainly effective; she sounds a bit like that other ultra-rare folksinger, Judy Roderick. An interesting and rich era for music! And congratulations on a fine album, Raun, wherever you are.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Ron Smith
Date: 26 Jan 07 - 05:39 PM


I don't know if you remember Danny Smith from the Atlanta area but he had played guitar for you on at least one occasion and I just wanted you to know he thought the world of you. He passed away in late 2002. His ghosts caught up to him I guess.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,ib48
Date: 27 Jan 07 - 09:51 AM

I believe RAUN moved to Bolton and lived above a hairdressers in the high street.He later played basketball for the Salford giants in Manchester

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,WayBackWhen
Date: 14 Jun 07 - 06:31 PM

What a coincidence! I've just invested in one of those all-in-one players that includes a phonograph, so I hauled out a pile of my very old favorite vinyls. As I'm typing, RAUN Is Her Name! RAUN MacKINNON! is playing in the background. I did a quick Internet search to see what she is doing now and came up with this Web site. Her voice and technique tug at me now, just as they did in the '60s when I bought this album. She wrote the words and music for all the songs and played guitar for the session. She has a masterful, clear voice and intriguing chording. Thanks for the memories...and THANKS for the music.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: Peace
Date: 15 Jun 07 - 12:40 PM

"Guardian Angel"
Written by J. Burnham and R. Burnham
Performed by Jerry Burnham and Raun Burnham
Courtesy of Sonoton Music GmbH & KoKG

That was in 2003.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 15 Jun 07 - 02:29 PM

Being a part of the discovery of Steve Goodman and John Prine by Kris Kristofferson and P. Anka in Chicago, Raun MacKinnon has a photo and some notoriety within the 800 pages of Clay Eals' new and quite extraordinary biography called STEVE GOODMAN--FACING THE MUSIC!

I'm finding it a great read. With 500 photos (I think) you can't go wrong!!!

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
Date: 28 Oct 07 - 03:18 PM

im tryin to find "hold on to love" by raun mackinnon but cant find even one song by her

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: Peace
Date: 28 Oct 07 - 05:44 PM

Hold on to Love (Raun MacKinnon)
"Hold On To Love"
Music & Lyrics by Eliane Tortel
Performed by Raun MacKinnon
from movie: Dead People (1973)

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Guest
Date: 02 Nov 07 - 05:26 PM

Check out her website - think you'll like it.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: Richard Bridge
Date: 02 Nov 07 - 08:23 PM

Well done ebay researchers. No-one did this well when I was digging about the authors of "Anthem of the Rainbow".

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Wally Macnow
Date: 08 Nov 07 - 12:32 PM

"Sacrifice of the Goat" has stayed in my mind since I first heard Raun play it some 40 years ago. Anyone know of a recording that might be available?

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Marshal Rosenberg
Date: 04 Dec 07 - 02:10 AM

Hi All,

Raun's alive and well and living with her husband Jerry Burnham & various cats in LA...

A compilation of a an album Executive Produced by John Hammond with some demos has been posted on ITunes & CDBaby...

BTW, I played Percussion for her for 14 years.

Marshal Rosenberg

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
Date: 20 Dec 07 - 02:37 PM

"Sacrifice of the Goat" is on the Kapp album "RAUN is Her Name!" It shows up on EBAY periodically. BUY IT!

I think I remember hearing Raun play it in the wee hours of a Sunday morning "underground radio" show on WDAS-FM (or possibly WMMR-FM), a Philly station, in the 60's. This song is one of my favorites of all time of any genre. If I were stranded on a desert island I would want this song with me; I shudder to think of a world which loses this incredible gem of a recording!

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Ned Treanor
Date: 01 Jan 08 - 01:06 AM

Raun & Jerry gave us their own unique stylings of their own music, but were also a magnet for similar performers such as David Buskin, Robin Batteau, Liz Corrigan, Megan McDonough
& countless others @ venues such as the Speakeasy in NYC in the '80s

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Ken Martin
Date: 01 Feb 08 - 10:38 PM

I used to hear her play in the mid to late 70's at the Nite Flite Cafe on River Street in Savannah. She was incredible then, touring with just herself and a guitar player (I am not sure of his name.) She was as gracious and charming as she was talented, and I cherish the memories of her performances. The audience was alway thick with musicians and you got the sense that you were watching "the real deal", a bona fide singer/songwriter that took her craft seriously.
I am thrilled to find out that she is well and still doing what she loves.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Peter Colket
Date: 26 Jul 08 - 02:35 PM

Raun, if you see this, remember me? We were friends in our teen years, attended the first Philly Folk Festival together, along with Debbie Ansel. Looks like you've had some interesting times!!

Best regards,

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Peter Neff
Date: 10 Aug 08 - 12:02 AM

Raun and her husband Jerry are doing well and live happily in Los Angeles, California. She and Jerry perform in a local choir - Camerata of L.A...Jerry sings bass and Raun, believe it or not, sings in the tenor section.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
Date: 30 Aug 08 - 10:12 PM

I met Raun in 1964 through our mutual friend, Bob Blank and his wife Yolanda. She had a great voice, better than many who did make it.    I even took her to a recording studio in New Jersey to cut a demo,    I have often wondered what became of her.    It is unfortunate she did not get the fame as a singer she deserved.

Richard Riehle

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Tom Hayward
Date: 27 Sep 08 - 06:12 PM

Raun used to play for me in the late 60's when I owned a folk music club named "The Bistro" in Atlanta. Very talented and one of the most genuinely nice people I had the opportunity to meet during my career as a club owner. I wish her well and hope she is having a wonderful life.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Daniel Bachman
Date: 10 Feb 09 - 12:34 AM

Raun dated my dad. :O)

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
Date: 08 Mar 09 - 07:59 PM

Raun MacKinnon, who I think is the most talented person ever, is living in LA with her husband Jerry Burnham (who is a super musician in his own right). Jerry has been a mover in the Music library business. They both continue with their amazing talents, to produce great music. Wish I saw more of them but I am in Florida.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
Date: 17 Apr 09 - 01:40 PM

I Saw Raun open for the Journeymen ( John Phillips --Scott Mackensie--and Dick Weissmann)----It was at Drexel U. in Philadaelphia in the early to mid 60"s---- thought she was great--- fabulous voice--bought her lp--the one with the songs---Little David---House Carpenter---------- Fellow Philadelphian Weissman was also on the album------it was a great night----The Match Club also appeared that night---a real highlight from the folk era--------tony gudonis

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Vic Clunet
Date: 27 Apr 09 - 07:59 PM

I first met Raun through Mac Walter in Baltimore. I had met Mac when he was 18 and going to St. Mary's college. He was, even at that age, a very competent finger-style guitarist and a small group of us used to hang around together. One day he told me he'd heard this incredible young woman named Raun MacKinnon. He said she was going to be staying at his house in Baltimore when she came down from New York to play at a local club (Patches 15 Below) and he wanted me to come hear her. I remember driving up to Mac's house in the afternoon and meeting her and later, going to the club to hear her. All I can say is she took my breath away with her program, songs and guitar playing. I have seldom seen anyone handle a big Guild guitar with such ease and her playing was such that I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Some of her early songs then were Macedonian Rag and Sacrifice of the Goat; both of which showed her mastery of the instrument and her finger-style virtuosity. I will never forget her and feel truly fortunate to have had the opportunity meet her and to see her perform.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Cory MacKinnon
Date: 23 Jun 09 - 08:15 PM

Hi I'm rauns nephew cory. she's an amazing artist and has released a new album on iTunes so pick it up now! Great topic i love my aunty to death and she's an amazing musician.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
Date: 15 Jul 09 - 01:48 AM

Thank you, Cory! I just bought what I could find of hers on iTunes, and it is superb! I used to know her and Jerry back when they were in Greenwich Village, living on 12th Street. I would kill to hear her sing "Circle of Fifths" one more time.

Deb Wunder, aka otherdeb

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Edie Tannenbaum Peterson
Date: 05 Sep 09 - 01:39 PM

I took guitar lessons from Raun in the Village in 1964-65. Please say hello to her for me. I was thinking of her and wondering what happened to her. She was an amazing lady.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Ray Engle
Date: 15 Sep 09 - 05:16 PM

Wow! I was wandering around, and chanced upon three Fast Folk Musical Magazine albums which were apparently released in the mid-80's, each one containing a track by Raun, with one track by Raun & Jerry. I was fortunate to meet Raun & Jerry at a showcase gig at the Bottom Line in NYC, back in (I believe) 1975 or so. I was standing around after my band finished our set, and I was approached by a radiantly lovely woman who said that she had really enjoyed my bass playing. I found sufficient wit to ask if she needed a bassist, and she explained that her husband Jerry was her bass player and she didn't have the heart to fire him. I have never forgotten the gracious encouragement I received from these two lovely people. I wonder if they need a bass player...

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Michael Quitt
Date: 26 Feb 10 - 11:27 PM

Raun was a regular performer at the 15 Below Coffee House in Timonium, MD and a group of us would go to hear her perform everytime she was in town. She'd usually stay with her friends, Hank and "Docky" Lingenfelder. Years later, she began bringing a bass player named "Jeremiah Burnham" with her "on tour". Now, I've read that she is Mrs. Burnham. Raun was/is? an incredible singer, guitarist, piano player and songwriter...and a genuinely nice, down to earth person. I'd heard she'd moved to CA and was involved in music publishing out there, many years ago.

Ron Smith, in an earlier post, mentioned the name,Danny Smith, an incredible guitar player, who lived in Baltimore for many years before retuning to the Atlanta area. He was the "house guitarist" at the Foghorn Coffee house. Those of us who knew him always wondered what happened to him after he left and Ron mentioned that he passed on in 2002. If anyone knows anything else about Danny, I'd love know hear about what he was up to before his death.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Anton Mikofsky
Date: 03 Oct 10 - 10:30 PM

Raun played on my TelePrompTer cable TV show in 1972 (one of several). It was great. I told the producer to save my shows since I was going out of the country for a few months -- when I come back I will make more shows and play the old ones again. But when I came back, I found out that they had wiped them!

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Blast from the past!
Date: 26 Oct 10 - 11:54 PM

I first saw Raun - and fell in love with her voice and her music - at a coffeehouse on the campus of the University of NC at Greensboro in 1970. Then I had the incredible luck to run into her again at a restaurant/bar called Harrigan's in Winter Park, FL in the late 70s or early 80s. I have wondered about her since then. She never got the recognition she so richly deserved - and I admired her so much because she told me she would never sell out to the music morons! You GO, Raun! You are still beautiful and amazing!

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Seonaid
Date: 09 Nov 10 - 04:30 PM

A number of years back I volunteered to round up a few friends to sing backup on The Limeliters' "Global Carnival." On arrival I found another "backup" singer already waiting in the studio, and was surprised and delighted to find out she was Raun MacKinnon Burnham. She seemed a little flustered to discover I had been a fan of hers since hearing her first glorious recording in the 60s. It was a joy to hear her again and a privilege to work with her, however briefly.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,al (killer)martinez
Date: 01 Dec 10 - 09:31 PM

ljust came across this site by accident. for those of you who are wondering what happened to Raun, her and her husband Jerry are living in California. I am an old friend who has not seen them for many a year. Today l received a Christmas card from them, so l know that all is well with them.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: maeve
Date: 01 Dec 10 - 09:55 PM

I found this link:

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Cory MacKinnon
Date: 14 Jan 12 - 12:19 PM

UPDATE!!! Just got back from Raun's house and my dad and I recorded a video of her playing guitar. We call this guitar the Monster Truck 12-string. It belonged to Dick Rossmini and is a 1950's Martin with a luthier conversion of the neck and headstock to a 12-string.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: Sandy Mc Lean
Date: 14 Jan 12 - 01:26 PM

Raun MacKinnon

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Avidyananda
Date: 11 Mar 12 - 03:31 PM

I heard Raun play on the college folk music circuit at the newly opened Mountainlair up at WVU in 1968. As others have alluded above, she was friendly, gracious, nice. And she was generally considered the best female guitar player in folk music at that time. I saw her in a brief visit to New York in 1968 and then met her and her husband in the Village in about 1979. I wish her the best. I still have that vinyl album, "Her Name is Raun."


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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Shelley Colon
Date: 14 Apr 21 - 05:59 AM

Does anyone know how I can get a recording of Raun Mackinnon’s songs? Do you remember the titles of some of her songs. I used to go to her performances in Greenwich Village with my friend Diane Weingarten in the 1970s. Fantastic music! Miss hearing her songs and her and her husband. Also looking for Diane Weingarten. Shelley

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: Felipa
Date: 14 Apr 21 - 09:03 AM

Shelley - Raun has a channel on youtube; did you listen to the link Sany McLean posted in Jan 2012? It's a video on youtube of Raun playing her own guitar composition, Fast Train. Raun has a youtube channel. Another recording is of Raun playing and singing Someone Who Needs Me.

On her website , Raun wrote that she could be "reached as a writer, composer and publisher through ASCAP. The name of the publishing company is Wobba Wobba Music."

"You can locate my stuff on iTunes under the name Raun MacKinnon Burnham.... iTunes offers my stuff for download. The album titles are: Archived Sessions; Serenading You From My Bedroom; Earworm; Pocket Mass and Other Faith-Based Music; Five; and Odd Little Concert.
... ...

"If you like religious music, you can order the Pocket Mass CD directly from me by sending me an e-mail request to I'll reply with details.

"Odd Little Concert is my latest, released in 2019.   I just checked and found it available on iTunes. I hope you like the new work."

There is also a scction on Raun's website which gives links to videos. The blue clickable link to the website posted by Maeve in Dec 2010 still works.

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Pete Lunde
Date: 31 Mar 24 - 06:34 PM

Is she still around?

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: Felipa
Date: 01 Apr 24 - 05:43 PM

Raun McKinnon posted in Facebook in 2022
In 2021 she mentioned health issues.
Anyone have any more up to date info?

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Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Raun MacKinnon?
From: GUEST,Elly Wininger
Date: 29 Jan 25 - 02:59 PM

Sadly Raun passed away last year from ovarian cancer. She is survived by her husband Jeremiah Burnham.

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