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Lyr Req: Fireman's Polka (Ripley) verse is what?

Rincon Roy 19 Jan 05 - 01:04 AM
Jim Dixon 20 Jan 05 - 11:14 PM
Jim Dixon 22 Jan 05 - 05:21 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Fireman's Polka (Ripley) verse is what?
From: Rincon Roy
Date: 19 Jan 05 - 01:04 AM

An early version of Ripley's Fireman's Polka (for small brass band) has a short verse that begins, "Do your best for one another..." Does anyone know the rest of the verse?

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From: Jim Dixon
Date: 20 Jan 05 - 11:14 PM

Could this be what you want?

The Library of Congress American Memory Collection has a song sheet (broadside) that contains a the following song:

Composed by Mr. BOOT.

In the world I've gained my knowledge,
And for it I've had to pay,
Though I never went to college
I've heard the poets say,
Life is a mighty river,
Rolling on from day to day,
Men are vessels launch'd upon it,
Sometimes wreck'd and cast away.

CHORUS: So then do your best for one another,
Making life a pleasant dream,
Help a worn and weary brother,
Pulling hard against the stream.

Many a bright good-hearted fellow,
Many a noble minded man,
Finds himself in water shallow,
Then assist him if you can,
Some succeed at ev'ry turning,
Fortune favours ev'ry scheme
Not a friend and not a shilling,
Pulling hard against the stream.

If the wind is in your favour,
And you've weather'd every squall,
Think of those who luckless labour,
Never get fair winds at all;
Working hard, contented, willing,
Struggling through life's ocean wide,
Not a friend and not a shilling,
Pulling hard against the tide.

Don't give way to foolish sorrow,
Let this keep you in good cheer,
Brighter days may come to-morrow,
If you try to persevere,
Darkest nights will have a morning,
Though the sky be overcast,
Longest lanes must have a turning,
And the side will turn at last.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Fireman's Polka (Ripley) verse is what?
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 22 Jan 05 - 05:21 PM

An Irish entertainer named Johnny Patterson (1840 - 1889) wrote a song "urging Loyalists and Nationalists to put their differences aside" called DO YOUR BEST FOR ONE ANOTHER.

I haven't found any lyrics for this song and I don't think it's the same song I posted above.

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