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Lyr Req: At the Rainbow's End (Bob Nolan)


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02 Dec 98 - 02:12 AM
Musicman 02 Dec 98 - 05:04 AM
Musicman 03 Dec 98 - 12:33 AM
GUEST 27 Nov 11 - 11:15 AM
Jim Dixon 28 Nov 11 - 01:21 PM
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Subject: Need: Words to Going Down to the Rainbow's En
Date: 02 Dec 98 - 02:12 AM

If you can please help me, I need the words to Rainbow's End. It may be Going Down to the Rainbow's End.starts with:
    I'm tired and weary but I don't mind
    I'm going down to the Rainbow's End
    No friends, no home, just traveling alone
    Til I get to the Rainbow's End.
and it goes on.

If you can get the rest of the words, I'd be your slave forever, well, not really but I'd appreciate it.

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Subject: RE: Need: Words to Going Down to the Rainbow's En
From: Musicman
Date: 02 Dec 98 - 05:04 AM

The song is one written by Bob Nolan of the Sons of the Pioneers. I have the music in another location and will be able to send to you tomorrow night. Do you need the music and/or chords? I can supply that as well. It is a really pretty waltz. Email me at if you need more than words.

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Subject: Lyr Add: AT THE RAINBOW'S END (Bob Nolan)
From: Musicman
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 12:33 AM

I've got the words for you:

(Bob Nolan)

I've traveled this whole world over,
And now I'm going down to the rainbow's end.
From twilight till dawn a-trudgin' on and on
Till I come to the rainbow's end.

I'm weary and tired, but I don't care.
I'm going down to the rainbow's end.
I have no friends, no home, just a-trav'lin' alone
On my way to the rainbow's end.

They say there are treasures of silver and gold
That's buried down by the rainbow's end;
But the treasure I'll find will bring me real peace of mind
When I come to the rainbow's end.

For someone has waited there all alone,
So I will know at the rainbow's end
How it feels to be pressed to an angel's breast
When we meet at the rainbow's end.

The song was written about 1936 By Bob Nolan (a Canadian!), one of the founding members of the Sons of the Pioneers. This song was included in the album "The Sons of the Pioneers sing the songs of Bob Nolan"

I got the words (and music) from the Readers Digest Songbook of Canadian Songs and composers. If you need the music, let me know.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: At the Rainbow's End (Bob Nolan)
Date: 27 Nov 11 - 11:15 AM I would like to get the music, showing notes for this song.

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Subject: Lyr Add: AT THE RAINBOW'S END
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 28 Nov 11 - 01:21 PM

I heard this on Spotify, but you can also hear it at YouTube.

As sung by Hank Snow on "The Rainbow Collection" (Master Classics Records, 2011)*

Down deep in the valley of unbroken dreams,
My trail to the heaven did wend,
For I knew that the treasure I cherished was there,
Waiting down by the rainbow's end.

I dreamed that the trail was all silver and gold
That led down to the rainbow's end.
I was carefree and gay as I trudged on my way
Heading down to the rainbow's end,
Heading down to the rainbow's end.

As I travelled alone down that bright narrow way,
Drawing close to the rainbow's end,
I heard someone callin', a voice soft and low,
And it came from the rainbow's end.

Old pals that had left me to cross the divide
Were all down by the rainbow's end.
In that beautiful home, I saw God on his throne.
I had come to the rainbow's end.

There in the bright heaven an angel appeared
As I stood at the rainbow's end.
All sorrow had passed; I had found her at last
In my dream of the rainbow's end,
In my dream of the rainbow's end. (Yodel)

* A whole album of 47 songs about rainbows!

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