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ADD Battlefield Band's 'Devil Uisge Bheath'

GUEST,Justin C. Lockman 02 Mar 05 - 11:08 PM
ET 03 Mar 05 - 04:34 AM
Noreen 03 Mar 05 - 07:59 AM
Swave N. Deboner 03 Mar 05 - 11:13 AM
ET 03 Mar 05 - 03:39 PM
Marion in Cornwall 03 Mar 05 - 04:02 PM
GUEST 17 Jun 21 - 08:58 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Battlefield Band's 'Devil Uisge Bheath'
From: GUEST,Justin C. Lockman
Date: 02 Mar 05 - 11:08 PM

I heard this song on the radio a while back. It is a really funny song, but there are a few words I just can't make out... not to mention not knowing how any of the place or clan names are spelled. So I finally bought the CD it was on (Celtic Music Live from Mountain Stage), but alas! there were no lyrics in the liner notes!!

If anyone has the lyrics, let me know!!!

Thanks all!

- Justin

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE DEVIL'S COURTSHIP (from Alan Reid)
From: ET
Date: 03 Mar 05 - 04:34 AM

They are:

(from Alan Reid)

1. I'll buy you a pennyworth o' priens
If that be the way true love begins
If ye'll gang along wi me ma dear, if ye'll gang along wi me.

2. Ye can hae your pennyworth of priens
Though that be the way true love begins
For I'll never gang wi you ma dear, I'll never gang wi you.

3. I'll buy you a braw snuff box,
Nine times opened nine times locked
If ye'll gang along wi me ma dear, if ye'll gang along wi me.

4. I don't care for your braw snuff box
Nine times opened nine times locked
For I'll never gang wi you ma dear, I'll never gang wi you.

5. I'll buy you a silken goon
Wi nine stripes up and nine stripes doon
If ye'll gang along wi me ma dear, if ye'll gang along wi me.

6. You can hae your silken goon
Wi nine stripes up and nine stripes doon
For I'll never gang wi you ma dear, I'll never gang wi you.

7. I'll buy you a nine stringed bell,
Tae call yer maid whene'er you will
If you'll gang....

8. I'll nae hae your nine stringed bell
Tae call my maid whene'er I will
For I'll never....

9. I'll gie you a kist of gold
Tae conffort you when you are old
If you'll gang....

10. These are sweet words that you say
So mount your horse and ride away
I'll gang away wi you ma dear I'll gang away wi you.

11. They'd scarcely gaun a mile
When she spied his cloven heel
I rue I cain wi you she says, I rue I cain wi you.

12 I'll grip ye hard and fast,
Gold it won your virgin heart at last
And I'll no part wi you ma dear, I'll no part wi you.

13. As they were galloping along
The cold wind carried her mournful song
I rue I cain wi you she says, I rue I cain wi you.

The song is also called The Devil's Courtship. Music and words are in Martyrs, Rogues and Worthies, an excellent book of songs and tunes from Scotland by Alan Reid (also contains Quiet Days beside the River and other fab songs. ISBN 0 9540160 0 9 from

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Battlefield Band's 'Devil Uisge Bheath'
From: Noreen
Date: 03 Mar 05 - 07:59 AM

This isn't the same song.
Another good one though, ET!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Battlefield Band's 'Devil Uisge Bheath'
From: Swave N. Deboner
Date: 03 Mar 05 - 11:13 AM


I have a BFB songbook at home. I'll check for the lyrics you're seeking. If they're in it, I'll post them.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Battlefield Band's 'Devil Uisge Bheath'
From: ET
Date: 03 Mar 05 - 03:39 PM

The Lyrics above are for the song The Devil Uisge Beatha - Page 34 of the Battlefields excellent book refered to. It also has the music (in F)- although guest spells is Bheath - not sure of the Galic difference to Beatha but maybe it is a different song?

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE DEVIL UISGE BEATHA (Alan Reid)
From: Marion in Cornwall
Date: 03 Mar 05 - 04:02 PM


Here are the words I think you are looking for. I have taken them from my copy of Alan Reids book (Martyrs, Rogues & Worthies).

Alan Reids note says "The Devil's Courtship finds him (the devil) in a familiar role of enticer... and in 'The Devil Uisge Beatha' old nick takes on the form of whiskey. The Gaelic phrase 'uisge beatha' literally means 'water of life' and was Anglicised to become the word "whisky".


Words by Alan Reid

1. He watches for the gauger man that prowls the countryside,
   He hides his liquid treasure then waits for night and rides
   Ower the Torrance burn tae Glesca where there's plenty that
                                                    will buy her
   She's that sweet forbidden devil uige beatha

2. A band o' wild marauders in the colours o' Colquhoun
   Were camped among the Campsie moors above the Lennoxtoon
   The folk below were soon tae know they were clan Gregor men
   When they came sweepin' doon the Campsie Glen

3. They scattered a' before them a' the weemin and the bairns
   They chased the fermin' workers and the fermers' fae their hames
   They gathered up the cattle and they camped aside the hill
   And there they fun' the hidden whisky still

Ch: Whiskey is a deevil jaud that burns the brains o' man
    He'll dance or stagger sing or fight
    He'll argue black and blue is white
    The fermer's wife the weeda and the weary workin' man
    They fill the air wi' curses on that devil uisge beatha

4. The Campsie men assembled then tae see what could be done
   But shepherd lads and cottars cannae match a hielan' band
   They cursed the thievin' reivers and their heathen hielan cries
   As they drank their fill aneath the evenin' skies

Ch: Whiskey is a deevil jaud that burns the brains o' man
    He'll dance or stagger sing or fight
    He'll argue black and blue is white
    The fermer's wife the weeda and the weary workin' man
    They fill the air wi' curses on that devil uisge beatha

5. Whisky is a devil jaud that burns the brains o' man
   For in the night the hielan' men fell drunk upon the grun
   The Campsie men crept up to them and slew them as they lay
   And a' was back in order by the day

6. There's stills above the Clachan there's stills aroon the fells
   There's stills aroon the countryside nae gauger man can smell
   But the one that snared the Gregor was mair valuable than ten
   Tae the hones fermers o' the Campsie Glen

Ch: Whiskey is a deevil jaud that burns the brains o' man
    He'll dance or stagger sing or fight
    He'll argue black and blue is white
    The fermer's wife the weeda and the weary workin' man
    They fill the air wi' blessins' on that devil uisge beatha

The melody of verses 4 & 5 are the same as verse 1 and verse 6 is the same as 3.

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Subject: RE: ADD Battlefield Band's 'Devil Uisge Bheath'
Date: 17 Jun 21 - 08:58 PM

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